• Title/Summary/Keyword: Tree Extraction

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Community Structure, Species Composition and Population Status of NTFPs of Ziro Valley in Arunachal Pradesh, India

  • Bamin, Yakang;Gajurel, Padma Raj;Paul, Ashish
    • Journal of Forest and Environmental Science
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.202-225
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    • 2017
  • Non Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) has gained a lot of significance over the years as a means of income generation. Forests are playing a vital role in the supply of these products, however, due to their continuous extraction, the population of many species might have depleted. Very little information is known about community structure and population status of NTFPs. No specific studies have been made to find out the occurrence, availability of species and population status in the forests, supplying the resources. The present study has been carried out in community forests of the naturally occurring NTFPs in the temperate forest of the Ziro valley of Arunachal Pradesh. The main aim is to determine community structure, species composition and population status of NTFPs. Three forest stands viz., Nyilii, Dura and Gyachi were selected which are used by the Apatani tribe for extraction of the NTFPs. For evaluation of species composition and community characteristics, the sampling of the vegetation was done using the quadrat method. A total 137 species representing 68 families and 116 genera were recorded. Herbs represent the maximum diversity with 71 species followed by 35 shrub species and 31 tree species. The families Asteraceae and Rosaceaeae exhibited maximum representation followed by Urticaceae. The species under Fagaceae, Lauraceae, Rosaceae and Rutaceae were found to be important NTFP yielding species. Highest species richness was recorded in Nyilii having 124 species, while lowest in Dura with 102 species. Density of tree, shrub and herb ranged between 376 to $456\;individuals\;ha^{-1}$, 2848 to $3696\;individuals\;ha^{-1}$ and 31.44 to $36.64\;individuals\;m^{-2}$, respectively. The total basal area was found to be highest ($51.64m^2\;ha^{-1}$) in Dura followed by Nyilii ($25.32m^2\;ha^{-1}$) and lowest in Gyachi ($22.82m^2\;ha^{-1}$). In all the three study stands the species diversity indices showed the trend, herbs > shrubs > trees while the evenness index showed the trend as shrubs > herbs > trees. The overall species similarity index was highest (82.35%) between Dura and Gyachi. About 80% of the total recorded species showed clumped distribution while, no regular distribution was shown by any species. The three selected stands harbor about 50 important NTFP yielding species which are being used commonly by the Apatani people in their day to day life. Among the three study sites, overall diversity of NTFP was found highest in the Nyilii stand while the density of population was found better in Dura and Gyachi stands. The population of many species was found to be low due to continue harvesting without any sustainable management by the communities. All the selected forest stands have the potentiality to grow the high value NTFP yielding species and if managed properly, they can support the livelihood and economy of the local communities.

Low-pathogenic Pinewood Nematode Found in Dead Trees and Resistance of Pines Induced by Its Pre-inoculation (고사목에서 발견되는 저병원성 소나무재선충 및 이의 인공접종에 의하여 유도되는 소나무의 저항성)

  • Park, Seung-Chan;Moon, Yil-Sung;Kim, Dong-Soo
    • Korean journal of applied entomology
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    • v.53 no.2
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    • pp.141-147
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    • 2014
  • Pinewood nematode (PWN: Bursaphelenchus xylophilus) is known to kill pine tree species that are indigenous to countries where the pest was inadvertently imported, but some cultures from the extraction of dead pines do not damage trees. Experiments were conducted to examine the effect of pre-inoculation of these low-pathogenic pinewood nematode on resistance of pine trees against the pest species. The pre-inoculated pine saplings showed induced resistance which lasted for a year, and repeated inoculation of these low-pathogenic nematodes enhanced tree resistance. All nematode samples extracted from dying or dead pines that had been killed not more than three months before the extraction were pathogenic, and most of those extracted from pines that had been killed 2-3 years before were low-pathogenic. When inoculated in pine saplings, number of low-pathogenic nematodes settled, as studied two days after inoculation, was not different from that of pathogenic ones. However, as studied after 30 days of inoculation, rate of reproduction in low-pathogenic nematodes was far lower than that of pathogenic nematodes. The rate of reproduction of several nematode isolates growing on fungal mat media of Botrytis cinerea varied, but three of four low-pathogenic isolates showed same level of reproduction rates as pathogenic ones.

Natural Dyeing Characteristics of Korean Traditional Paper with Smoke Tree (Cotinus coggygria Scop) (안개나무 추출물을 이용한 한지의 천연염색 특성)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyun;Yoo, Seung-Il;Choi, Tae-Ho
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to estimate natural dyeing properties of Korean traditional paper (Hanji). We dyed the Korean traditional paper with dyestuff which extracted from wood meal of Cotinus coggygria Scop (smoke tree) using hot-water, ethanol and $K_{2}CO_{3}$ solution. As mordants, 0.5% of $AlK(SO_4)_2$, $FeCl_2$, and $CuCH_3(COO)_2$ solution were used respectively. The color of dyed Hanji mainly depended on not the methods of extraction but the kinds of mordant. The dyed Hanji mordant with $AlK(SO_4)_2$ colored vivid yellow, $FeCl_2$ colored dark olive, and $CuCH_3(COO)_2$ colored brown and/or orange. The dyed Hanji with hot-water extractive had the highest K/S value and ethanol and $K_{2}CO_{3}$ solution extractives were followed. The K/S value of dyed Hanji mordant with $AlK(SO_4)_2$ was higher than that of $FeCl_2$ and $CuCH_3(COO)_2$. The dyeing effectiveness of after-mordanting method was superior to the others but sim-mordanting method was the worst.

Efficient point cloud data processing in shipbuilding: Reformative component extraction method and registration method

  • Sun, Jingyu;Hiekata, Kazuo;Yamato, Hiroyuki;Nakagaki, Norito;Sugawara, Akiyoshi
    • Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.202-212
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    • 2014
  • To survive in the current shipbuilding industry, it is of vital importance for shipyards to have the ship components' accuracy evaluated efficiently during most of the manufacturing steps. Evaluating components' accuracy by comparing each component's point cloud data scanned by laser scanners and the ship's design data formatted in CAD cannot be processed efficiently when (1) extract components from point cloud data include irregular obstacles endogenously, or when (2) registration of the two data sets have no clear direction setting. This paper presents reformative point cloud data processing methods to solve these problems. K-d tree construction of the point cloud data fastens a neighbor searching of each point. Region growing method performed on the neighbor points of the seed point extracts the continuous part of the component, while curved surface fitting and B-spline curved line fitting at the edge of the continuous part recognize the neighbor domains of the same component divided by obstacles' shadows. The ICP (Iterative Closest Point) algorithm conducts a registration of the two sets of data after the proper registration's direction is decided by principal component analysis. By experiments conducted at the shipyard, 200 curved shell plates are extracted from the scanned point cloud data, and registrations are conducted between them and the designed CAD data using the proposed methods for an accuracy evaluation. Results show that the methods proposed in this paper support the accuracy evaluation targeted point cloud data processing efficiently in practice.

Generation of High Quality Geospatial Information Using Computer Vision Analysis of Line Type Digital Aerial Photogrammetry Camera Imagery (Line Type 디지털 항공사진측량 카메라 영상의 컴퓨터비전 해석을 통한 고품질 공간정보 생성)

  • LEE, Hyun-Jik
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2020
  • The National Geographic Information Institute of Korea takes digital aerial photograph images every two years to make and modify/renew the digital map. The cameras for aerial photogrammetry to capture these digital aerial photographs are divided into frame types and line types. Computer vision analysis of aerial photograph images was only possible for frame type. Thus, in this study, Line type aerial photograph images was intended to generate geospatial information through computer vision analysis, and forest geospatial information was created as a method for the utilization of aerial picture images. As a result, geospatial information generated by computer vision analysis of line type aerial photograph images showed that RMSE of horizontal and vertical position errors was less than quadruple that of GSD. Forest geospatial information was generated using geospatial information generated by computer vision analysis. It was confirmed that extraction of the crown of tree and calculation of tree height are possible. Through this study, it is expected that utilization of aerial photograph images will be improved.

Video retrieval method using non-parametric based motion classification (비-파라미터 기반의 움직임 분류를 통한 비디오 검색 기법)

  • Kim Nac-Woo;Choi Jong-Soo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.43 no.2 s.308
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we propose the novel video retrieval algorithm using non-parametric based motion classification in the shot-based video indexing structure. The proposed system firstly gets the key frame and motion information from each shot segmented by scene change detection method, and then extracts visual features and non-parametric based motion information from them. Finally, we construct real-time retrieval system supporting similarity comparison of these spatio-temporal features. After the normalized motion vector fields is created from MPEG compressed stream, the extraction of non-parametric based motion feature is effectively achieved by discretizing each normalized motion vectors into various angle bins, and considering a mean, a variance, and a direction of these bins. We use the edge-based spatial descriptor to extract the visual feature in key frames. Experimental evidence shows that our algorithm outperforms other video retrieval methods for image indexing and retrieval. To index the feature vectors, we use R*-tree structures.

Similarity Search in Time Series Databases based on the Normalized Distance (정규 거리에 기반한 시계열 데이터베이스의 유사 검색 기법)

  • 이상준;이석호
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we propose a search method for time sequences which supports the normalized distance as a similarity measure. In many applications where the shape of the time sequence is a major consideration, the normalized distance is a more suitable similarity measure than the simple Lp distance. To support normalized distance queries, most of the previous work has the preprocessing step for vertical shifting which normalizes each sequence by its mean. The proposed method is motivated by the property of sequence for feature extraction. That is, the variation between two adjacent elements of a time sequence is invariant under vertical shifting. The extracted feature is indexed by the spatial access method such as R-tree. The proposed method can match time series of similar shape without vertical shifting and guarantees no false dismissals. The experiments are performed on real data(stock price movement) to verify the performance of the proposed method.

Building the Quality Management System for Compact Camera Module(CCM) Assembly Line (휴대용 카메라 모듈(CCM) 제조 라인에 대한 데이터마이닝 기반 품질관리시스템 구축)

  • Yu, Song-Jin;Kang, Boo-Sik;Hong, Han-Kook
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.89-101
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    • 2008
  • The most used tool for quality control is control chart in manufacturing industry. But it has limitations at current situation where most of manufacturing facilities are automated and several manufacturing processes have interdependent relationship such as CCM assembly line. To Solve problems, we propose quality management system based on data mining that are consisted of monitoring system where it monitors flows of processes at single window and feature extraction system where it predicts the yield of final product and identifies which processes have impact on the quality of final product. The quality management system uses decision tree, neural network, self-organizing map for data mining. We hope that the proposed system can help manufacturing process to produce stable quality of products and provides engineers useful information such as the predicted yield for current status, identification of causal processes for lots of abnormality.

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Automatic Construction of Reduced Dimensional Cluster-based Keyword Association Networks using LSI (LSI를 이용한 차원 축소 클러스터 기반 키워드 연관망 자동 구축 기법)

  • Yoo, Han-mook;Kim, Han-joon;Chang, Jae-young
    • Journal of KIISE
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    • v.44 no.11
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    • pp.1236-1243
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    • 2017
  • In this paper, we propose a novel way of producing keyword networks, named LSI-based ClusterTextRank, which extracts significant key words from a set of clusters with a mutual information metric, and constructs an association network using latent semantic indexing (LSI). The proposed method reduces the dimension of documents through LSI, decomposes documents into multiple clusters through k-means clustering, and expresses the words within each cluster as a maximal spanning tree graph. The significant key words are identified by evaluating their mutual information within clusters. Then, the method calculates the similarities between the extracted key words using the term-concept matrix, and the results are represented as a keyword association network. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, we used travel-related blog data and showed that the proposed method outperforms the existing TextRank algorithm by about 14% in terms of accuracy.

3D Model Retrieval Using Geometric Information (기하학 정보를 이용한 3차원 모델 검색)

  • Lee Kee-Ho;Kim Nac-Woo;Kim Tae-Yong;Choi Jong-Soo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.30 no.10C
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    • pp.1007-1016
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    • 2005
  • This paper presents a feature extraction method for shape based retrieval of 3D models. Since the feature descriptor of 3D model should be invariant to translation, rotation and scaling, it is necessary to preprocess the 3D models to represent them in a canonical coordinate system. We use the PCA(Principal Component Analysis) method to preprocess the 3D models. Also, we apply that to make a MBR(Minimum Boundary Rectangle) and a circumsphere. The proposed algorithm is as follows. We generate a circumsphere around 3D models, where radius equals 1(r=1) and locate each model in the center of the circumsphere. We produce the concentric spheres with a different radius($r_i=i/n,\;i=1,2,{\ldots},n$). After looking for meshes intersected with the concentric spheres, we compute the curvature of the meshes. We use these curvatures as the model descriptor. Experimental results numerically show the performance improvement of proposed algorithm from min. 0.1 to max. 0.6 in comparison with conventional methods by ANMRR, although our method uses .relatively small bins. This paper uses $R{^*}-tree$ as the indexing.