• Title/Summary/Keyword: Training Efficiency

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A Study on the Utilization Level of Traditional Medicine by Residents - On the basis of Use of Folk Medical Techniques - (주민(住民)의 전통의술(傳統醫術) 이용도(利用度) 조사연구(調査硏究) - 민속요법(民俗療法) 이용(利用)을 중심(中心) 으로 -)

  • Kim, Jin-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.3-18
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    • 1988
  • The general objective of this research is to study behavioral pattern of health care utilization and to measure the level of utilization of the traditional medicine. The specific objective is to study utilization pattern and content of folk medicine which is the indegenous medical technology recognized part of traditional medicine. This research was under taken to generate valid information that will provide basis data for formulating general direction for health education activities and for designing service package for general population. A social survey method was employed to obtain required information for the research activities, The survey field team consisted of 20 surveyors who all participated is an intensive 2 day training course. A total of 3091 households were visited and interviewed by the field team during the period 7 September to 6 October 1987. The major findings obtained from the information collected by the field survey are as follows ; 1) General characteristics of the study households 2562 households out of 3091 households visited were selected for final data process, 80.2 of the selected households were nuclear families ; 17.4%, extended families ; others 2.4%. Only 4.3 percent of the study population in the urban households indicated "no schooling" whereas 14.2% of the rural household members falls within this category. Study population in the urban areas are more protected against diseases by the national medical insurance system than those in rural areas. In their self appraisal of living standard, those who responded with low group are 39.6% and 50.3% respectively by urban and rural households. 2) Morbidity status Period prevalence rate for all diseases during the preceding 15 days before the date of the household interview v as 243,0 per 1,000 study population. For cases with the illness duration of within 15 days, the initial points of medical entry were diversied ; 56.9%, drug stores ; 30.9%, clinics and hospitals ; 4.6% folk medicine ; 1.7% clinics of Korean oriental medicine. Among the chronic case; with illness duration of over 90 days, 34.6% of these people utilized clinics and hospitals of modern medicine ; 31.6%, drug stores ; 18.6% clinics of Korean oriental medicine ; 6.8% folk medical techniques. Noticeable is the almost ten fold increase from the mere 0.9% in the utilization of Korean oriental medicine, whereas in the utilization of folk medicine, it is short of two-fold increase. 3) Folk medicine and its utilization Households that use folk medicine for relief and care of signs and symptoms commonly encountered in daily life, number 1969 households, which accounts for 76.9% of all the study households. This rather high level use of folk medicine is not different from rural to urban areas. The order of frequency of utilizing folk medicine among the study people are : the highest 14.3% for the relief of indigestion ; 8.6% for burns ; 5.1% for common cold ; 4.7% for hiccough ; and 4.2% for hordeolum. A present various procedures of folk medicine is being used to relieve all kinds of symptoms. 192 symptoms are identified at present. The most frequently used procedures of folk medicine appear to be based either on principles of the Korean oriental medicine or of scientific knowledge. Based on these survey findings, proposals for utilizing folk medicine are as follows First, this survey's findings will be feed back to both on the job training and on the spot guidance of community health practitioners, public health nurses and other peripheral work force in the health field, who are in daily contacts with community. This feed back will assure that the health personnel carry out their health education and information activities that are based on the utilization pattern of folk medicine as found in the survey result. Second, studies will be soon implemented that are designed to measure the efficiency and potency of these procedures and to improve these procedures of folk medicine were most frequently used by the community. Third, studies will continue to systematize medicinal plants and skills of Korean oriental medicine that are easily available at minimal cost in daily life for the prevention of diseases and management of emergency cases.

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The Organization Commitment and Perception of Human Resource Management by Employment Types of School Foodservice Employees (학교급식 직원의 고용유형에 따른 인적 자원 관리 활동에 대한 인식과 조직 몰입도)

  • Lee, Ok;Cho, Minju;Chang, Hyeja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.162-171
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    • 2014
  • As the foodservice industry is labor intensive, the efficient management of human resources is an essential element for improving operational efficiency. This study was designed to investigate the performance level of human resource management in self-operated school foodservices and to examine the relationship between human resource management, organizational commitment, and productivity. Whether these factors rated differently by employment and job types was also examined. Data were collected through questionnaires distributed to 60 dieticians and 240 cooks in Seongnam and Yongin. Frequency analysis, factor analysis, the t-test and multiple regression analysis were tested using Minitab. Human resource management practices rated highly in the dimension of employee training (3.51), followed by working environment (3.39), and turnover management (3.37). In contrast, reward management (1.73) and working condition (1.56) received the lowest score. Organizational commitment scored 3.65 points, and showed that dedication (3.82) was the highest score; however, self-esteem (3.50) was the lowest score. For human resource management, there were significant differences between employment types as full time workers (3.85) rated management more highly than part-time worker (3.43). Overall productivity was fairly high, especially in high school foodservices. Only the performance appraisal had an influence on organizational commitment (${\beta}$=0.292, P<0.05). Productivity was positively correlated with human resource management (r=0.432, P<0.001) and organizational commitment (r=0.36, P<0.01). In conclusion, school foodservices need to establish objective performance standards, and increase employee morale by enhancing reward systems and working conditions. In particular, irregular employees require training with job performance standards and given a proper reward program, depending on their performance, to improve organizational commitment.

NOx Reduction Characteristics of Ship Power Generator Engine SCR Catalysts according to Cell Density Difference (선박 발전기관용 SCR 촉매의 셀 밀도차에 따른 NOx 저감 특성)

  • Kyung-Sun Lim;Myeong-Hwan Im
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.7
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    • pp.1209-1215
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    • 2022
  • The selective catalytic reduction (SCR) is known as a very efficient method to reduce nitrogen oxides (NOx) and the catalyst performs reduction from nitrogen oxides (NOx) to nitrogen (N2) and water vapor (H2O). The catalyst, which is one of the factors determining the performance of the nitrogen oxide (NOx) ruduction method, is known to increase catalyst efficiency as cell density increases. In this study, the reduction characteristics of nitrogen oxides (NOx) under various engine loads investigated. A 100CPSI(60Cell) catalysts was studied through a laboratory-sized simulating device that can simulate the exhaust gas conditions from the power generation engine installed in the training ship SEGERO. The effect of 100CPSI(60Cell) cell density was compared with that of 25.8CPSI(30Cell) cell density that already had NOx reduction data from the SCR manufacturing. The experimental catalysts were honeycomb type and its compositions and materials of V2O5-WO3-TiO2 were retained, with only change on cell density. As a result, the NOx concentration reduction rate from 100CPSI(60Cell) catalyst was 88.5%, and IMO specific NOx emission was 0.99g/kwh satisfying the IMO Tier III NOx emission requirement. The NOx concentration reduction rate from 25.8CPSI(30Cell) was 78%, and IMO specific NOx emission was 2.00g/kwh. Comparing the NOx concentration reduction rate and emission of 100CPSI(60Cell) and 25.8CPSI(30Cell) catalysts, notably, the NOx concentration reduction rate of 100CPSI(60Cell) catalyst was 10.5% higher and its IMO specific NOx emission was about twice less than that of the 25.8CPSI(30Cell) catalysts. Therefore, an efficient NOx reduction effect can be expected by increasing the cell density of catalysts. In other words, effects to production cost reduction, efficient arrangement of engine room and cargo space can be estimated from the reduced catalyst volume.

Comparison of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Models for Lettuce Leaf Width and Length Prediction (상추잎 너비와 길이 예측을 위한 합성곱 신경망 모델 비교)

  • Ji Su Song;Dong Suk Kim;Hyo Sung Kim;Eun Ji Jung;Hyun Jung Hwang;Jaesung Park
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.434-441
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    • 2023
  • Determining the size or area of a plant's leaves is an important factor in predicting plant growth and improving the productivity of indoor farms. In this study, we developed a convolutional neural network (CNN)-based model to accurately predict the length and width of lettuce leaves using photographs of the leaves. A callback function was applied to overcome data limitations and overfitting problems, and K-fold cross-validation was used to improve the generalization ability of the model. In addition, ImageDataGenerator function was used to increase the diversity of training data through data augmentation. To compare model performance, we evaluated pre-trained models such as VGG16, Resnet152, and NASNetMobile. As a result, NASNetMobile showed the highest performance, especially in width prediction, with an R_squared value of 0.9436, and RMSE of 0.5659. In length prediction, the R_squared value was 0.9537, and RMSE of 0.8713. The optimized model adopted the NASNetMobile architecture, the RMSprop optimization tool, the MSE loss functions, and the ELU activation functions. The training time of the model averaged 73 minutes per Epoch, and it took the model an average of 0.29 seconds to process a single lettuce leaf photo. In this study, we developed a CNN-based model to predict the leaf length and leaf width of plants in indoor farms, which is expected to enable rapid and accurate assessment of plant growth status by simply taking images. It is also expected to contribute to increasing the productivity and resource efficiency of farms by taking appropriate agricultural measures such as adjusting nutrient solution in real time.

A Study on the Introduction and Application Plan of the Mobile Saturation Diving System for ROK Navy Salvage Operations (한국 해군의 해난구조작전을 위한 이동식 포화잠수체계 도입 및 활용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Yu, Ho-Hwi;Kang, Sin-Young;Lim, An
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.389-396
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    • 2015
  • This study examined how to improve the Korean Navy diving system, particularly focused on using the mobile saturation diving system. This study determined the range of navy operations, and suggested requirements of mobile saturation diving system from the analysis of previous study and current Navy Diving system. Also, this study examined the use of military strategy in terms of its technical and applicable possibility for the enhancement of current system. In addition, the study analyzed both advantages/disadvantages of importing mobile saturation diving system products and domestic development. To review measures in installing and operating such system, this study included analysis on the effectiveness of individual platform. As the result, the study suggested requirements of mobile saturation diving system to be able to be operated by more than 6 divers for more than 17 days at more than 200m depth. And the study confirmed that there are beneficial to use mobile saturation diving system and current Navy saturation diving system together. However, it is low economical efficiency to change current Navy gas diving system to Saturation diving system. To review measures in installing and operating such system, this study suggested that second ATS-II should be built to be able to install mobile saturation diving system. Also, this study generated an utilization method of the system to use it for training when peacetime, and than it should be installed on other platform to use as additional salvage strength during wartime.

Study on Developmental Strategy of National Defense & IT Convergence (국방IT융합기술의 발전전략에 관한 연구)

  • Koo, Han Lim;Kim, Seong Min;Rhee, Woo Seop
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.14 no.6_1
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    • pp.99-112
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    • 2014
  • National Defense & IT Convergence is ensuring actual force integration by developing new IT Convergence Technology for the purpose of realizing the concept of Network Centric Warfare. The Ministry of Defense has appointed National Defense & IT Convergence Center of Defense Agency for Technology and Quality as a specialized agency for the National Defense & IT Convergence development, a mission in the creative economy era and has been active in military demand inquiry and prior technology plan with the industrial-academic research institute for discovery of National Defense IT Convergence projects based on the Convergence Center. Further, it is promoting focused on the timely introduction of private IT new technology by operating the project planning team comprised of defense domain specialists and by applying the advanced planning method etc. Accordingly, for the development of National Defense & IT convergence, developmental strategy is urgently required to be utilized effectively after considering theoretically on the national IT Convergence policy enforcement and phenomenon of National Defense & IT Convergence technology and analyzing them comprehensively. This thesis promotes in phases the IT Convergence projects which are identified for the development, improves the efficiency of newly created National Defense & IT Convergence center and suggests training program of IT Convergence personnel related to the defense reforms. With such, it will achieve smart defense in advance and will also contribute largely for the realization of the immediate paradigm shift and of the creative economy.

A Study on the Effect of Automobile Port's Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: Focusing on the Pyeong-taek Automobile Port (자동차 항만의 서비스 품질요인이 고객만족 및 충성도에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구: 평택항 자동차부두를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hark-Soo;Sun, Il-Suck;Ahn, Seung-Bum
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.91-106
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to analyze the effects of service quality offered by automotive Ro-Ro terminal operators on customer satisfaction and loyalty. The results of the research can be used to understand how to enhance the service level in order to manage competitiveness of the terminal operators, finally resulting in global competitiveness of the automobile industry of Korea in both exports and imports. We carried out a survey on two groups: shippers (customers) and providers (related terminal operators and stakeholders). To identify and classify the factors into groups, we conducted Exploratory Factors Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), which showed construct validity and convergent validity. We also calculated Cronbach's alpha for reliability. Five factor groups were identified: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. We found that empathy is the most influential factor group among the five groups, and that the other groups too exhibited similar effects. Based on the results of the survey and analyses, we can conclude that empathy is most important in automotive Ro-Ro terminals. In particular, specialties, training, experiences, and loyalty of employees are crucial factors because automotive Ro-Ro terminals significantly rely on work forces, differently from other bulk terminals and container terminals. Flexible working hours and fringe benefits for work forces can increase empathy, finally resulting in productivity and efficiency. Next, well-designed work schedules are followed, based on visibility through logistics and SCM activities in automobile export and import processes with information and communication networks.

Differences between Each Requirement for Radiation Safety Regulation Levels (방사선안전규제 요건별 인식도 차이)

  • Han, Eun Ok;Cho, Dae Hyung
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.219-225
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    • 2012
  • This study makes differentiated regulations which can maximize the efficiency and convenience of radiation safety regulations by deriving evidence required to establish reasonable safety regulatory structure based on the determination of the levels of actual radiation safety regulations for radiation safety managers to perform radiation safety. We surveyed approximately 10% of radiation safety managers from domestic radiation-using organizations which was based on the Nuclear Safety Act and NUREG Vol. 1~21 of RS-G-1.9 (2005), NRC of IAEA, etc. The radiation safety managers showed the highest level of awareness on the requirements for exposure management ($3.32{\pm}0.910$), and the lowest level on the requirements for record keeping and storage of documents ($2.84{\pm}0.826$). Industrial organizations showed higher levels of awareness than medical organizations whose regulations should be more stringent on requirements of the status and management of radioactive sources, facilities, measurements, pollution control, measuring equipment, monitoring, education and training, and exposure management. This suggests that the actual regulations need to be re-evaluated because it is attributed to the regulations which are statistically significant difference of the levels of radiation safety regulations between industrial organizations and medical organizations. The process of developing regulatory requirements for each characteristic of domestic organizations needs to be done in future studies, as well as safety regulations to maximize convenience should be achieved if radiation safety regulations are conducted in consideration with the characteristics of each organization.

Development of Performance Indicators Based on Balanced Score Card for School Food Service Facilities (균형성과표(BSC)개념을 적응한 학교급식 운영성과 측정지표 개발)

  • Kwak, Tong-Kyung;Chang, Hye-Ja;Song, Ji-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.905-919
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    • 2005
  • This study raised the necessity of developing performance indicators for measuring the management efficiency and effectiveness of school food service, and as a means of helping its implementation, a balanced score card (BSC) approach developed by Norton and Kaplan was adopted. This study established BSC in seven phases through literature: Phase 1 Defining a school food service and the scope of working activities, Phase 2 Establishing the vision of a school food service, Phase 3 Setting strategic goals, Phase 4 Identifying critical success factors (CSFs), Phase 5 Developing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), Phase 6 Extracting cause and effect relationship, and Phase 7 Completing a preliminary BSC. The preliminary BSC was fumed into a survey, which was administered to food service related people working at the Office of Education and School Food Service including 16 offices,209 dietitians, 48 school administrators both from self-operated and contract-managed, and 9 experts in areas related to school food service. They were asked questions about strategies from 4 different perspectives,12 CSFs, 39 KPls, and the cause and effect relationships among them. As a result, among the CSFs based on 4 different perspectives, all factors other than ' zero sum on profit/loss ' from the financial perspective turned out to be valid. In terms of KPIs, manufacturing cost percentages, casualty loss count/reduction rates, school foodervice participation rates, and sales goal achievement rates were found to be valid from the financial perspective, while student satisfaction index, faculty satisfaction index, leftover ratio, nutrition educational performance count, index of evaluating nutrition education, customer claim count/reduction rate, handling customer claim count/reduction rate, and parent satisfaction index were found to be valid from the customers' perspective. Besides, nutritional requirement sufficient ratio, nutritional management score, food poisoning outbreak count, employee safety accident count, sanitary inspection assessment index, meals per labor hour (productivity index), computerization ratio, operational management index, and purchase management assessment index were also found to be valid from the perspective of internal business processes. From the perspective of innovation and learning, employee turnover ratio/rate of absenteeism, annual education and training count, employee satisfaction index, human resource management assessment index, annual menu-related customer feedback, food service information index for employees and parents/schools were also found to be valid. The significance of this study is to present indices for measuring overall performance of school lunch food service operations without putting any limitation on types of school food service management, and to help correctly assess the contribution of the current types of school food service management to schools and students. (Korean J Community Nutrition 10(6) : $905\∼919$, 2005)

Comparision of Growth Characteristics and Productivity of Young Trees of a New Cultivar 'Manpungbae' Trained to Trellis Systems (신품종 '만풍배' 유목의 수형별 수체 생육특성과 생산성 비교)

  • Choi, Jang-Jeon;Choi, Jin-Ho;Han, Jeom-Hwa;Yim, Sun-Hee;Jung, Seok-Kyu;Choi, Hyun-Sug
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.393-401
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    • 2017
  • One-year old pear (Pyrus pyrifolia L.) trees of a new commercial cultivar 'Manpungbae', recently developed in South Korea, were planted in 2001 (planting year 1) and trained to four trellis systems: Y-trellis, Y-II-trellis, pergola, and vase-pergola. To evaluate training systems in the local area (southern Korea), tree growth responses were compared for each trellis system from planting years 3 to 8. For trees trained to Y-trellis and pergola systems, a high proportion of land covered by tree canopy was maintained over the study duration, with 70-80% coverage in year 8. Eight-year cumulative yield per tree was increased in the vase-pergola system with a low planting density and an additional scaffold. Compared with other systems, cummulative yield use efficiency was greatest in Y-II-trellis and pergola systems in years 5 and 8. Compared with Y-II-trellis and vase-pergola systems, the 8-year cumulative yield per hectare was two fold greater for trees trained to the Y-trellis (103 tons) and pergola systems (101 tons). Use of the pergola system improved average fruit weight and fruit soluble solid contents, as well as net income in year 8. Given that we observed reduced fruit productivity and increased labor hours (pruning and orchard work), we consider the Y-trellis and pergola systems to be less valuable trellis systems than the others evaluated.