• Title/Summary/Keyword: Traffic-flow

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Collaboration and Node Migration Method of Multi-Agent Using Metadata of Naming-Agent (네이밍 에이전트의 메타데이터를 이용한 멀티 에이전트의 협력 및 노드 이주 기법)

  • Kim, Kwang-Jong;Lee, Yon-Sik
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.11D no.1
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we propose a collaboration method of diverse agents each others in multi-agent model and describe a node migration algorithm of Mobile-Agent (MA) using by the metadata of Naming-Agent (NA). Collaboration work of multi-agent assures stability of agent system and provides reliability of information retrieval on the distributed environment. NA, an important part of multi-agent, identifies each agents and series the unique name of each agents, and each agent references the specified object using by its name. Also, NA integrates and manages naming service by agents classification such as Client-Push-Agent (CPA), Server-Push-Agent (SPA), and System-Monitoring-Agent (SMA) based on its characteristic. And, NA provides the location list of mobile nodes to specified MA. Therefore, when MA does move through the nodes, it is needed to improve the efficiency of node migration by specified priority according to hit_count, hit_ratio, node processing and network traffic time. Therefore, in this paper, for the integrated naming service, we design Naming Agent and show the structure of metadata which constructed with fields such as hit_count, hit_ratio, total_count of documents, and so on. And, this paper presents the flow of creation and updating of metadata and the method of node migration with hit_count through the collaboration of multi-agent.

Design Proposal for Revitalization of Yangyeongsi in Daegu (대구 약령시 재활성화를 위한 디자인제안)

  • Yun, Young-Tae;Jang, Se-In
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20 no.1 s.69
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2007
  • Recent research regarding local traditions, cultural heritage, and sightseeing resources that represent local characteristics for the purpose of local promotion has been actively advanced. Yangyeongsi in Daegu, South Korea is Doing developed as a core location in order to revitalize regional culture. The unique tradition and functions of this city area have been preserved. Previous research "The Fundamental Research of Revitalization for Yangyeongsi in Daegu for the Local Promotion" undertaken by the author revealed a lack of fundamental research available to establish an understanding of how to revitalize Yangyeongsi. The research methodology designed this by, (1)a site investigation and verification of previous research (2)a deep analysis of Yangyeongsi to uncover potential improvement opportunities (3) assessment of essential elements and appropriate directions for revitalization of the traditional market (4) application of the environment design improvement process to the local design center. The design proposal is that, firstly, space assessment will De improved by the maintenance and expansion of fundamental facilities. Secondly, space application can be maximized by servicing the complex road network through a traffic flow plan. In addition, consideration for the local characteristics will promote unity and identification with the region. Lastly, revitalization and industrialization development of sightseeing resources and secure streets and event spaces will promote enjoyable experiences for visitors. Research results were submitted to the local authority and applied to the future policy plan. Continuous research on revitalization and analysis of the local characteristics are recommended in order to benefit local promotion.

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A Study on the Characteristics and Periodical Changes of Meoreum - Focused on Byeoldang (Annexe) and Pavilion Architecture - (머름의 특성과 변천에 관한 연구 - 별당과 정자건축을 중심으로 -)

  • Park, Il-Chan;Lee, Ho-Yeol
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.7-22
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    • 2011
  • This study primarily aims to illuminate the characteristics of $Meoreum$ in Korean traditional fitting system according to the respective types and its periodical changes. Using the research findings as a chronological indicator by which to estimate the construction date of the building is the secondary purpose. In this study 42 of $Byeoldang$ and pavilion architecture remaining in $Yeongnam$ district were examined through the field surveys and methods of documentary research. The research results are as follows. First, $Meoreum$, which is located below the windows or doors, provides protection against the outer wind and has the function to prevent some warm air of the room from flowing outside. Second, $Meoreum$ was recorded as $Yoeum$(了音), $Woneum$(遠音), and $Maleum$(末音) in $Yeong-geon-ui-gwe$(營建儀軌) of Joseon period. While $Yoeum$(了音) was used in $Yeong-geon-ui-gwe$(營建儀軌) of 1776 and 1856, $Woneum$(遠音) had been also used continuously since the year of 1800. The word, $Maleum$(末音) can be seen in $Lim-won-gyeong-je-ji$(林園經濟志), published in 1827. $Woneum$(遠音) and $Maleum$(末音) seem to be the $Yi-du$(吏讀) types of expression of $Meoreum$ which is being extensively used now. Third, the kinds of $Meoreum$ can be classified as $TohMeoreum$, $TongMeoreum$, $TongpanMeoreum$, and $JjaneunMeoreum$. $TongMeoreum$ and $TohMeoreum$ were mostly used at the front part of $Ondol-rooms$, the backside of main floor called $Daechung$(大廳), and at the space between $Daechung$ and rooms in the Pavilions and $Byeoldangs$(Annexes) that had been built in the early Joseon dynasty. $TohMeoreum$ was usually used at the bottom parts of windows between $Daechung$ and $Ondol-rooms$. $TongpanMeoreum$ was mainly used in the mid-Joseon period and relatively high height was the distinctive feature of $Meoreum$ at that time. $Jjaneun$ $Meoreum$, used mainly in the late Joseon dynasty, has become lower and lower gradually in height since 19th century, so people could enter the room through the windows(fittings). Such changes in $Meoreums$ types has brought about the flow of human traffic directly from $Toenmaru$, narrow wooden porch running along the outside of a room to $Ondol-rooms$.

Emerging New Industrial Cluster along the Cheonggyechon-ro and Its Social Capital (청계천로변 전문상가의 신산업집적체형성과 사회적 자본의 특성)

  • 남기범
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.79-96
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    • 2001
  • This paper introduces a new type of industrial cluster developed at the CBD of Seoul. Conventionally, clusters are said to be consisted of hi-tech, often If activities, manufacturing industries or artisan craft industries with increasing vertical integration and performance usually supported by venture capitals and favorable business infrastructure, not to mention governments', be it central or local, incentive plans. The study area, Cheonggyechon region has long been a traditional CBD frame of Seoul, Korea, being troubled by deterioration, traffic jams, and environmental degradation as most inner cities experience. Recently. this region has transformed to the most dynamic and productive area not by IT industries but by apparel and fashion activities. The study of the developmental trajectory and key characteristics for this kind of industrial cluster can give us insight both for the transition of inner city and for the cluster theory. This Paper firstly briefly Profiles the growth of the Cheonggyechon region over the past decade. It then shows the current spatial and business structure of the new industrial cluster, focusing on the fact that transactions costs are reduced, the creation and flow of information improves. and the local institutions are prone to be most responsive to the new cluster's specialized needs. The third section presents the key components of the customized production-distribution-shopping cluster development process, emphasizing the localized networking. social capital, spontaneous institutionalization of associational economic climate, and cultural economy based on place-specific inertia. The paper concludes with some comments about the prospects and perils of the new industrial cluster of Seoul.

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Filed Applicability Evaluations of Restoration Material for Underground Cavities Formed by Ground Subsidence (지반침하로 인한 지하공동 복구재료의 현장적용성 평가)

  • Bang, Seongtaek;Baek, Seungju
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.5-11
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    • 2020
  • Recently, ground pits that have been occurring frequently in urban areas are hindering traffic flow and causing property damages and loss of human life, acting as factors that are threatening the safety of citizens. Therefore, sunken ground must be quickly restored and provisions must be made for additional damage but current domestic detailed standards regarding ground pits and accurate definitions regarding causes and measures to be taken for reoccurrences are lacking. Restoration methods of sunken ground include backfilling by reusing sunken soil or other fill material and paving the road and while this is the most often used method, this only prevents ground from sinking temporarily and can not serve as a fundamental solution. Also, additional ground pits can occur on ground that is reinforced using this method due to faulty backfill material or faulty hardening. This study used Eco-friendly High-Strength Material (EHSM) as restoration material that can be used in the restoration of underground cavities that have occurred due to ground subsidence to analyze the engineered characteristics of modified dredging clay and test pieces made from changed ratios of EHSM and weathered granite soil were uniaxial compression tests were conducted and freezing-thawing tests were conducted to study strength properties according to environmental changes of restoration material, and after tests were concluded by each level, uniaxial compression tests and dynamic elasticity tests were conducted for intensity analysis. Also, to evaluate strength characteristics of the restored ground, dynamic plate load tests were conducted to verify the improvement effectiveness of the restored ground.

Section enlargement by reinforcement of shotcrete lining on the side wall of operating road tunnel (운영중인 도로터널의 측벽하부 숏크리트 보강에 의한 단면확대)

  • Kim, Dong-Gyou;Shin, Young-Wan;Shin, Young-Suk
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.637-652
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    • 2012
  • The protector with the shape of '${\sqcap}$' in cross section can be set up in the tunnel, which can be constructed for enlargement of cross section, to keep traffic flow in the tunnel. It is impossible to install the rockbolt in the side wall of tunnel due to a limited space between the protector and cutting surface of side wall. The objective of this study is to suggest the optimum thickness of shotcrete lining without rockbolt on the side wall and to evaluate the stability of tunnel enlarged. Numerical analysis was performed to evaluate the displacement at the center of tunnel, the convergence of tunnel, and the stress in shotcrete lining in 4-lane NATM road tunnel enlarged from 3-lane NATM road tunnel. The vertical displacement at the center of tunnel and the convergence of crown in the tunnel with rockbolt in the side wall were almost similar to those in the tunnel without rockbolt in the side wall. The convergence of bench/invert and the stress in shotcrete lining without rockbolt on the side wall were greater maximum 0.57 mm and 1,300 kN/$m^2$ than those with rockbolt in the side wall. The increased convergence and the stress in shotcrete lining can be reduced in incerasing of thickness of shotcrete lining about 20% (5 cm) of standard thickness, 25 cm, of shotcrete lining.

A Study on the Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Light Railroad Transit Bridges (경량전철 교량의 생애주기비용 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Du-Heon;Kim, Kyoon-Tai;An, Dong-Geun;Jun, Jin-Taek;Han, Choong-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.384-389
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    • 2006
  • The needs for Light Railroad Transit(LRT) have been increased due to the heavy traffic congestions in large cities like Seoul, Korea. Korean government is seeking the LRT system development (including planning, designing, construction, and maintenance and operations) in terms of public-private-partnership (PPP). At the private sector side, it is crucial to estimate the life cycle cost (LCC) to project the cash flow during the O&M period. Since the most construction and O&M cost of LRT project is at the bridge construction, a cost analysis model and a cost breakdown structures (CBS) on LRT bridges are discussed through in depth literature reviews. Construction and maintenance cost of bridges are collected and analyzed. LCC is analyzed by types of bridge superstructures and historical data of repair and rehabilitation (R&R) is investigated. There have been scarce number of LCC analysis on railway bridges. This research delivers a well-defined CBS and maintenance cost data, which will be a great benefit to the systematic maintenance strategy development for railroad bridges.

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Accuracy Evaluation of Non-prism Total Station for Topographic Surveying (지형측량을 위한 무 프리즘 토털스테이션 정확도 평가)

  • Seo, Dong-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.433-441
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    • 2006
  • With a development of electrical technology in recent, it is possible to measure distance without direct contact to object using laser which launched at instrument and reflect from object. Furthermore, the advent of non prism total station brought the increment of application in many fields including not only road, airport, and harbors but also measurement and monitoring of structural displacement in construction fields. In this study, therefore, to evaluate accuracy of non prism total station, accuracy was analyzed by measuring certain distance which classified by both certain materials and angle of reflection. By this method, the derived values were applied to topographical survey for the efficient applicability. According to a study, result value of non prism total station was satisfBctory regardless of material when the angle of reflection was 90 degrees. RMSE increased when the angle of reflection are gradually increased to acute angle. In result of regression analysis using certain distance which classified by both materials and angles of reflection, there is relationship between distance and angle of reflection, but material has no relevance to the result value. When carrying out general topographical survey, proper application of non prism total station will go far conducting safe and prompt survey at the dangerous site such a road which have lots of traffic flow and rock joint which have high angles of inclination.

An Analysis of influencing factors to perceived LOS of Drivers in Urban Arterial (도시부 간선도로 운전자의 인식서비스수준에 대한 영향요인분석)

  • Kim, Tae-Ho;Lee, Yong-Taeck;Ko, Jun-Ho
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.65-77
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    • 2008
  • LOS(Level of Service) concept are popularly used in many countries as the MOEs to evaluate the road construction and operation plans. However, MOEs such as travel time and delay only measure quantitative factors describing traffic flow, although qualitative factors such as scenic, comfort and reliable factors are very important for roadway drivers to define the LOS. Therefore, this paper are focusing on verifying the difference between perceived LOS and LOS in KHCM, and proving qualitative factors affecting Drivers' Perceived LOS in Urban Arterial. As a result, following outputs are obtained; (1) verifying the difference between perceived LOS(PLOS) and LOS in KHCM (2) proving that qualitative factors such as scenic and driver behavior factors affects PLOS (3) suggesting that qualitative factors should be considered in MOEs of LOS

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Shortest Path Problems of Military Vehicles Considering Traffic Flow Characteristics (교통류특성을 고려한 군화물차량군 경로선정)

  • 방현석;김건영;강경우
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2003
  • The shortest path problems(SPP) are critical issues in the military logistics such as the simulation of the War-Game. However, the existing SPP has two major drawbacks, one is its accuracy of solution and the other is for only one solution with focused on just link cost in the military transportation planning models. In addition, very few previous studies have been examined for the multi-shortest path problems without considering link capacity reflecting the military characteristics. In order to overcome these drawbacks, it is necessary to apply the multi-shortest paths algorithm reflecting un-expected military incidents. This study examines the multi-shortest paths in the real networks using Shier algorithm. The network contains both military link capacity and time-based cost. Also, the modes are defined as a platoon(group) rather than unit which is used in most of previous studies in the military logistics. To verify the algorithm applied in this study. the comparative analysis was performed with various sizes and routes of network which compares with Dijkstra algorithm. The major findings of this study are as follows ; 1) Regarding the unique characteristics of the military transportation plan, Shier algorithm, which is applied to this study, is more realistic than Dijkstra algorithm. Also, the time based concept is more applicable than the distance based model in the military logistics. 2) Based on the results from the various simulations of this study the capacity-constraint sections appeared in each scenarios. As a consequence, the alternatives are necessary such as measures for vulnerable area, improvement of vehicle(mode), and reflection of separated-marching column in the military manuals. Finally. the limits and future research directions are discussed : 1) It is very hard to compare the results found in this study. which is used in the real network and the previous studies which is used in arbitrary network. 2) In order to reflect the real military situations such as heavy tanks and heavy equipment vehicles. the other constraints such as the safety load of bridges and/or the height of tunnels should be considered for the future studies.