• 제목/요약/키워드: Total survey

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The Impact of Care Workers' Employment Characteristics and Perception of Facility Directors' Transformational Leadership on Quality of Service (요양보호사의 고용특성과 시설장에 대한 변혁적 리더십 인식이 서비스 질에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hye Ji;Park, Sang Hee;Kim, Bum Jung
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.217-240
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of care workers' employment characteristics and perception of facility directors' transformational leadership on quality of service through a hierarchical linear model. For this aim, survey data were collected amongst 240 older adults and 200 care workers who are affiliated within 45 long-term care facilities in Seoul, and analyzed using SPSS 26.0 and HLM 8.0. As a result, one's perception of transformational leadership had a positive effect, whereas, among employment characteristics, employment type and working hours had negative effects on quality of service. Regular workers with fewer working hours and higher awareness of transformational leadership toward the director provided higher quality of service. But wage, total experience and tenure didn't meaningfully affect it. Therefore, the following suggestions were presented. First, it is necessary to reorganize incentive, salary systems and budgets, changing the status of temporary workers' hourly wage system into that of regular workers' monthly one in order to strengthen employment security with acknowledging fundamental professional values through reinforcement of expertise. Reinforcement of long-term care's publicness and establishment of base facilities are also suggested. Second, maintaining appropriate hours of work and rest including annual leave under the Labor Standards Act is needed. Also, increasing the salary of and decreasing working hours for night shift workers are required. Third, education and intervention for inspiring transformational leadership of directors and strengthening qualification standards of them are required.

Spatial Distribution of Macrozoobenthic Organisms along the Korean Coasts in Summer Season (한국 연안의 하계 대형저서동물의 공간분포)

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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2022
  • To clarify the spatial distribution pattern of macrozoobenthos in Korean coastal waters in the summer season and investigate the relationship between community structure and benthic environmental factors, field surveys on community structure and benthic environmental factors were conducted at 117 stations in August 2017. A total of 613 macrobenthic species were identified, with the mean density of 1,228 ind./m2 and the mean biomass (wet weight) of 110.9 g WW/m2. Rich biodiversity was found at stations near Wando and along the coast of the East Sea, and there is a trend that stations with greater biodiversity also showed higher mean density as well. The dominant species in all the coastal areas in Korea was Heteromastus filiformis, which were found at most of the stations during the survey. The relatively deep areas in the East Sea were dominated by Magelona johnsoni and Maldane cristata, which were the third and ninth dominant species in the study areas, respectively. Pseudopolydora kempi and Rhynchospio sp. were observed only at the station located in the Nakdong River estuary. From the cluster analysis the stations could be clustered into three station groups with more similar faunal composition. Group A was located in the eastern coast, characterized with deep water depth and low levels of sand contents, while Group B was located in the southern coast, characterized by shallow depth of water and high content of mud and organic matter. Lastly, Group C was in the western coast, demonstrating low levels of mud content and organic matters. The biodiversity of macrobenthic species in the study area showed high positive correlation coefficients with benthic environmental factors such as sorting, clay, silt, and contents of organic matter in sediments, but negatively correlated with the sand contents. Major dominant species, Theora lata and Eriopisella sechellensis, both showed negative correlation coefficients with the sand contents, but a relatively high positive correlation with the levels of organic contents.It can be concluded that the spatial distribution patterns of macrobenthic organisms in Korean coastal waters are affected by depth, sediment type, and contents of organic matters.

Cultivation of Ginseng in Baengnyeongdo, the Northernmost Island of the Yellow Sea in South Korea (서해 최북단 섬 백령도의 인삼 재배 현황)

  • Cho, Dae-Hui
    • Journal of Ginseng Culture
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    • v.4
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    • pp.128-141
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    • 2022
  • Baengnyeongdo Island, which belongs to Ongjin-gun, Incheon, is an island in the northernmost part of the West Sea in South Korea. Baengnyeong Island is the 15th largest island in Korea and covers an area of 51 km2. The Korea Ginseng Corporation (KGC) investigated the possibility of growing ginseng on Baengnyeong Island in 1996. In 1997, thanks to the support of cultivation costs from Ongjin-gun, the first ginseng seedbed was built on Baengnyeong Island. In 1999, the seedlings were transplanted to a permanent field under a contract with KGC. In 2003, the first six-year-old ginseng harvest was performed, and KGC purchased all production according to the contract. Since then, KGC has signed on to grow ginseng until 2012 and purchased six-year-old ginseng until the fall of 2016. Since 2014, the GimpoPaju Ginseng Agricultural Cooperative Association has signed a ginseng production contract. According to a survey of nine 6-year-old ginseng fields (total 5,961 units) on Baengnyeong Island, the top five with good growth had a survival rate of 42.6 to 68%, and the bottom four with poor growth had an extremely low survival rate of 11.1 to 21.3%. The four fields with low survival rates were where hot peppers were planted before ginseng cultivation. It is believed that the excess nitrogen remaining in the soil due to the treatment of compost or manure during pepper cultivation causes ginseng roots to rot. The average incidence of Alternaria blight was 8.6%. Six six-year-old ginseng gardens were low at 1.1 to 4.7%, while the other three were high at 16.7 to 20.9%. It is assumed that the reason for the low survival rate and high incidence of Alternaria blight is a rain-leaking shield. Farmers used rain-leaking shields because the precipitation on Baengnyeong Island was smaller than on land. One field showed 3% of leaves with yellowish brown spots, a symptom of physiological disturbance of the leaf, which is presumed to be due to the excessive presence of iron in the soil. To increase the production of ginseng on Baengnyeong Island, it is necessary to develop a suitable ginseng cultivation method for the island, such as strengthening the field management based on the results of a scientific study of soil, using rain-resistant shading, and installing drip irrigation facilities. I hope that ginseng will become a new driving force for the development of Baengnyeong Island, allowing ginseng products and food to thrive in the beautiful natural environment of the island.

A Study on the Relationship among Skin Care Situations, Skin Care Recognition, and Skin Care Satisfaction by Gender in Medical Skin Care Center Patients: - Focused on Females and Males in Hainan Province, China-

  • Jia, Yue;Kim, Kyeong-Ran
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.173-181
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    • 2021
  • Chinese people have increasingly high interests in skin care and trust and prefer medical institution products and equipment to treat skin problems. The purpose of this study is to examine skin types and skin care situations, skin care recognition, and skin care satisfaction by gender in medical skin care center patients from in their 10s to 50s in Hainan Province, China. The questionnaire survey consisted of general characteristics(n=8), skin care situations(n=6), skin care recognition(n=11), and skin care satisfaction(n=21). A total of 328 questionnaires were researched from December 21, 2020 to January 9, 2021 using WeChat and Wenjuanxing program. Data were analyzed by SPSSWIN 21.0. Frequency analysis was applied for general characteristics, skin care situations, skin care recognition, and skin care satisfaction and Cronbach's α was used for the reliability of skin care recognition and satisfaction. The relationship among skin care situations, skin care recognition, and skin care satisfaction was analyzed by χ2 test and t-test. As a result, the common skin types by gender was dry skin in females and oily skin in males. The highest skin trouble was melasma and pigments in females and pimple in males. The most common way to manage troubled skin was homecare in both females and males, followed by the dermatology department in females and pharmacy in males, suggesting a significant difference. The common period of skin trouble was from one year to three years and the most effective way to improve skin was good life habit, followed by laser treatment in both females and males. The most important consideration to choose a hospital was a famous franchise hospital and the most important matters in management was doctor or skin care professionalism. Skin care and treatment recognition was high in external effects for females and internal effects for males. Skin care satisfaction was high in service for females and effect for males. Skin care satisfaction was significantly higher in males than in females. In conclusion, there was a difference in skin types, skin troubles, skin problems, skin care ways, and skin care satisfaction by gender in Chinese medical skin care center patients. Therefore, this study suggests the development of various products and the need of systematic management programs.

Application of Home Economics Teaching-Learning Plan in the Clothing For Teenager's Empowerment (청소년의 임파워먼트를 위한 의생활 영역 가정과수업의 적용)

  • Oh, Kyungseon;Lee, Soo-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.169-185
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to apply the clothing teaching-learning plan from a critical science perspective developed to improve teenager's empowerment, and to examine it's effects. A total of 12 plans of 5 modules(Module A to E) developed from critical science perspective were implemented for four weeks. Second-year students (N 42) of K Middle School located in Y-si, Gyeonggi-do participated in the study in the study, and the survey results were analyzed quantitatively using t-tests. For the quality analysis, The student interview data, action reports and etc. were collected, and qualitative analysis was conducted using empowerment model as the analysis framework. The findings of study are follows. First, two hours each for modules A to D, and four hours for module E were assigned, because module E included an action project. In the action projects by for groups, students were expected to take the lead in conducting the activities such as developing promotional posters, posting opinions online, promoting videos, informing how to make recyclables, and donating to the community. Second, as a result of analyzing the pre-implementation vs post-implementation empowerment scores, a significant difference was found in social-political empowerment (t=-2.06, p<0.05). According to the analysis of student interviews and students project's reports, students were found to become aware of empowerment through the instruction. On the intrapersonal level, positive self-awareness and self-efficacy, and on the interpersonal level, smooth communication and democratic decision-making were confirmed. This study is meaningful in that regular a home economics instruction class from a critical science perspective have made a quantitative and qualitative impact on teenagers' improvement empowerment, providing opportunities to find their roles in the soceity, cooperate with others, and behave responsibly as members of society.

Structuralization of Elective Courses in High School Home Economics(Subject Group) in Preparation for the Next Curriculum (차기 교육과정을 대비한 고등학교 가정교과(군) 선택과목의 구조화)

  • Yu, Nan Sook;Baek, Min Kyung;Ju, Sueun;Han, Ju;Park, Mi Jeong
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.129-149
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    • 2021
  • The purposes of this study were to examine the current status of the establishment of home economics-related departments in colleges and universities and the changes required in the home economics curriculum of secondary schools, and to structure the elective courses of home economics subject(group) that can be organized in the next high school curriculum. To achieve these purposes, related literature and data were analyzed, and a questionnaire survey and FGI were conducted by home economics experts. The research results are as follows. First, home economics was considered to be highly related not only to the human ecology but also to social sciences, education, engineering, and arts and physical education. The numbers of technical colleges and 4-year universities with departments related to home economics were 1,405 and 961 respectively in 2019. Therefore, it was confirmed that there is a sufficient basis for opening home economics subject(group) elective courses in high school. Second, in the secondary school home economics curriculum, the concepts of culture, relations, independence, and sustainability were emphasized based on the changing life patterns and values. It was proposed that the contents of the home economics course would be structured in a way that allows deep and high-level thinking and helps students to enjoy culture. This demand can be implemented by diversifying, specializing, and structuring the elective courses of the home economics subject(group). Third, a total of 18 elective subjects and subject outlines were structured in the fields of child/family, food/nutrition, clothing, housing, consumption/family management, and home economics integration. This study results will contribute to the establishment of the high school credit system by providing basic information for organizing the next home economics curriculum, and expanding the options for home economics subject(group) to high school students.

The Effects of Communication Competence, Clinical Competence and Experience of Handover on Self-efficacy of Handover Reporting among Nursing Students (간호대학생의 의사소통능력, 임상수행능력, 인수인계 경험이 인수인계 자기효능감에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Hyo-Sook
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.321-331
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    • 2020
  • This study was conducted to investigate communication competence, clinical competence and experience of handover which influence self-efficacy of handover among nursing students. The study design was a descriptive survey. A total of 255 students were recruited from nursing departments in G-city. Structured questionnaire was self-administrated from June to September, 2019. The collected data were analyzed using t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's coefficient and stepwise multiple regression. As results of the study, communication competence 57.3, clinical competence 69.8 and self-efficacy of handover was 33.8. Self-efficacy of handover had significant differences in gender(F=4.60, p<.001), age(F=16.72, p<.001), grade(t=-6.39, p<.001), satisfaction of clinical practice(F=3.68, p=.027), education experience about handover(t=26.44, p<.001), experience of handover(t=4.84, p<.001), fear of handover(F=16.97, p<.001), and handover importance of patient's safety(F=6.42, p=.002). Self-efficacy of handover had significant positive correlations with communication competence(r=.249, p<.001) and clinical competence(r=.426, p<.001). In multiple regression analysis, fear of handover(β=-.294, p<.001), clinical competence(β=.252, p<.001), grade(β=.191, p=.001), experience of handover(β=.185, p<.001), gender(β=.150, p=.003), and education experience about handover(β=.126, p=.017) were significant factors of self-efficacy of handover explaining 40.0%(F=29.26, p<.001) of the variables. In conclusion, to enhance self-efficacy of handover for nursing students, it is necessary to develop educational program for increasing experiences of handover, education experience about handover, and clinical competence.

Development of Rope Winding Device for Safety Fishing Operation of Small Trap Fishing Vessel (소형 통발어선의 안전조업을 위한 로프 권양장치 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Jin;Jang, Duck-Jong;Park, Ju-Sam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2022
  • The result of a questionnaire survey conducted on fishermen using coastal fish traps shows that fall accidents during trap dropping and pulling constitute the highest proportion of accidents at 42.1 %, whereas slipping accidents on the deck or stricture accidents to the body due to the trap winding device constitute 21.1 % each. In addition, 53.2 % of all surveyed subjects responded that trap pulling is the most dangerous task, followed by fish sorting 33.8 %, and trap dropping 9.1 %. As for the main items requested by fishermen for improving the trap winding device, 36.8 % indicated a method to easily lift the trap from the water to the work deck, and 31.6 % indicated a method to overcome the rope tension and prevent slip when pulling the trap to reduce the accidents. The small trap fishing vessel winding device proposed herein can increase the winding force by strengthening the rope contact area and friction coefficient via an appropriate contact angle between the driving roller of the winding device and the rope. When the contact angles between the driving roller and the rope are 1°, 5°, 9°, 14° and 19°, the rope tension showed a difference according to each contact angle. When the contact angle is 9°, the rope tension is the highest at 392.62 kgf. Based on these experimental results, a prototype winding device is manufactured, and 25 traps are installed on a rope with a total length of 100 m at 4 m intervals in the sea, and then the rope tension is measured during trap pulling. As a result, the rope tension increases rapidly at the initial stage of trap pulling and shows the highest value of 31.89 kgf, which subsequently decreases significantly. Therefore, it is appropriate to design the winding force of a small trap fishing vessel winding device based on the maximum tension value of the rope specified at the beginning of the trap pulling operation.

Development of Summer Leaf Vegetable Crop Energy Model for Rooftop Greenhouse (옥상온실에서의 여름철 엽채류 작물에너지 교환 모델 개발)

  • Cho, Jeong-Hwa;Lee, In-Bok;Lee, Sang-Yeon;Kim, Jun-Gyu;Decano, Cristina;Choi, Young-Bae;Lee, Min-Hyung;Jeong, Hyo-Hyeog;Jeong, Deuk-Young
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.246-254
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    • 2022
  • Domestic facility agriculture grows rapidly, such as modernization and large-scale. And the production scale increases significantly compared to the area, accounting for about 60% of the total agricultural production. Greenhouses require energy input to create an appropriate environment for stable mass production throughout the year, but the energy load per unit area is large because of low insulation properties. Through the rooftop greenhouse, one of the types of urban agriculture, energy that is not discarded or utilized in the building can be used in the rooftop greenhouse. And the cooling and heating load of the building can be reduced through optimal greenhouse operation. Dynamic energy analysis for various environmental conditions should be preceded for efficient operation of rooftop greenhouses, and about 40% of the solar energy introduced in the greenhouse is energy exchange for crops, so it should be considered essential. A major analysis is needed for each sensible heat and latent heat load by leaf surface temperature and evapotranspiration, dominant in energy flow. Therefore, an experiment was conducted in a rooftop greenhouse located at the Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials to analyze the energy exchange according to the growth stage of crops. A micro-meteorological and nutrient solution environment and growth survey were conducted around the crops. Finally, a regression model of leaf temperature and evapotranspiration according to the growth stage of leafy vegetables was developed, and using this, the dynamic energy model of the rooftop greenhouse considering heat transfer between crops and the surrounding air can be analyzed.

An exploration of the relationship between crime/victim characteristics and the victim's criminal damages: Variable selection based on random forest algorithm (범죄 및 피해자 특성과 범죄피해 내용의 관계 탐색: 랜덤포레스트 알고리즘에 기초한 변인선택)

  • Han, Yuhwa;Lee, Wooyeol
    • Korean Journal of Forensic Psychology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.121-145
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    • 2022
  • The current study applied the random forest algorithm to Korean crime victim survey data collected biennially between 2010 and 2018 to explore the relationship between crime/victim characteristics and the victim's criminal damages. A total of 3,080 cases including gender, age (life cycle stage), type of crime, perpetrator acquisition, repeated victimization, psychological damage (depression, isolation, extreme fear, somatic symptoms, interpersonal problems, moving out to avoid people, suicidal impulses, suicide attempts), and emotional changes after victimization (changes in self-protection confidence, self-esteem, confidence in others, confidence in legal institutions, and respect for Korean legal system/law) were analyzed. Considering the features of data that are difficult to apply traditional statistical techniques, this study implemented random forest algorithms to predict crime and victim characteristics using the victim's criminal damages (psychological damage and emotional change) and selected good predictors using VSURF function in VSURF package for R. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the relationship between the type of crime and depression, extreme fear, somatic symptoms, and interpersonal problems, between perpetrator acquisition and somatic symptoms and interpersonal problems, and between repeated victimization and changes in respect for Korean legal system/law. Gender and life cycle stage (youth/adult/elderly) were found to be related to extreme fear and changes in self-protection confidence, respectively. However, more empirical evidence should be aggregated to explain the results as meaningful. The results of this study suggest that it is necessary to enhance the experts' knowledge and educate them on cases about the relationship between crime/victim characteristics and criminal damage. Strengthening their interview strategy and knowledge about law/rules were also needed to increase the effectiveness of the Korean victim assessment system.