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A Study on the Factors Affecting the Success of Technology Marketing (기술마케팅 성공에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 분석)

  • Hwang, Nam-Gu;Oh, Young-Ho;Kim, Kyoung-Jin
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.2358-2370
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    • 2010
  • This research aims to empirically analyze the factors that affect the success of technology marketing by Korean universities. The total of 207 universities which successfully made technology transfers from 2006 to 2008 was examined to test the nine hypotheses. For the purpose of testing the hypotheses, technology infrastructure (research costs and the number of SCIE papers), the compensation system for the patents (application and registration), the number of patents (application and registration), TLO staff (the number of people in charge of technology transfer and the job experience in industries), the compensation system for technology transfers (researchers and contributors), and attitudes of university management and industries were analyzed with structural equation methods to figure out their effects on the revenues of technology transfer. The results of this research are summarized as follows. First, technology infrastructures of universities were found to have positive effects on securing patents. As the university research costs in the field of science and technology are increases, the research capabilities are enhanced and this a larger number of researchers are conducted. Second, this research shows that compensation systems for patent application and registration in universities have motivated researchers to take out patents for the outputs of their research. Third, the number of patents universities possess was found to have a positive effect on technology transfer. An increase in the number of patents universities possess implies an increase in the diversity and excellence of the target technologies for transfer. Fourth, the number of patents universities possess turned out to have a positive effect on TLO staff. The number of experts in charge of technology transfer including technology dealers, valuation analysis and patent attorneys should be increased as target technologies for transfer increase according to the increase of patents possessed. Because the technologies are transferee from universities to businesses, businesses (job) experience of TLO staff in industries are also important. This research is meaningful because it has identified the factors affecting the results of technology transfer by employing structural equation methods. In particular, an official governmental survey data for the academic-industrial cooperation were analyzed systematically in terms of technology infrastructure, compensation systems related to patents, the number of patents, TLO staff, compensation systems for technology transfer, and attitudes of university management and industries. All these facts might could differentiate this study from the previous studies.

The Effect of Work Environment on Job Stress and Job Satisfaction of Facility Security Worker (시설경비업 종사자의 근무환경이 직무스트레스와 직무만족에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Sung-Bae
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.61
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    • pp.255-283
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    • 2019
  • This study conducted a survey of 315 facility security workers in Daejeon, South Chungcheong Province and Gyeonggi Province for about a week from August 7 to August 13, 2019 to identify the impact of work environment and job stress on job satisfaction, and finally collected 293 of the total 315 parts of the data, excluding non-response and inappropriate responses. The STATA 14.2 Statistical Package Program was used for analysis of the collected data, frequency analysis was performed to determine the distribution ratio of the subjects, and reliability analysis and correlation analysis were performed with respect to the established key variables. Next, t-test and one-way ANOVA were conducted to verify differences in work environment, task stress and task satisfaction factors according to demographic characteristics, and the results were as follows: There were differences in work environment, job stress and job satisfaction recognition depending on demographic characteristics. In detail, the factors for the work environment indicated significant differences in age, academic background, number of years of service, wages and types of service in the recognition of the work environment. Job stress factors indicated significant differences in age, education, wages and types of service in job stress recognition. In job satisfaction factors, age, academic background, number of years of service and wages (monthly benefits) showed significant differences in job satisfaction recognition. In addition, the results of multiple regression analyses to identify the working environment, job stress, and job satisfaction are as follows. The working environment has had a positive impact on job satisfaction, and the better the job environment, promotion and organizational characteristics, the higher the job satisfaction. It has been shown that job stress has had a negative impact on job satisfaction, conflict of relationship (promoting colleagues). job autonomy increases job satisfaction, and job satisfaction decreases when job requirements and job insecurity increase. In terms of the impact of work environment on job satisfaction, the higher the work promotion, job environment and organizational characteristics, the higher the job satisfaction level, the report showed. According to these studies, the better the working environment, the lower the job stress, and the lower the job stress, the higher the job satisfaction. In addition, the better the working environment, the more satisfied the job was found to be, and the empirical research result was verified that improvement of the working environment of security workers can reduce job stress and improve job satisfaction through improvement of the working environment.

A Clinical Study on Allergic rhinitis (알레르기 鼻炎의 臨床的 硏究)

  • Cho Soo-hyun;Jee Seon-young
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology and Dermatology
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.173-182
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    • 2001
  • This Study is attempted in order to observe a clinical analysis from Constitution medical view point about allergic rhinitis. We studied 71 patients who had visited Dept. surgery, opthalmology & otolaryngology, col1ege of Oriental Medicine, Kyungsan University, Pohang, Korea and were treated by medications of Sasang Constitution and Constitution-Acupunture with allergic rhinitis from March 1, 2000 to February 28, 2001. The results were as follows: 1. The sex distribution was 71 males(69%), 22 femail(31%), In age distribution, the average was 29.6. The peak age was thirties(36.7%), teen-ager was 23.9%,fortiethwas15.5%,under10yearsoldwas9.9%,twentieswas7%,fiftieswas5.6%,sixtisthwas1.41%. 2. In the age of onset, thirties was 29.6%, teen-ager was 19.7%, twenties was 18.3%, under 10 years old and fortieth was 14.1%, fifties was 3.8%, sixtisth was 1.41%. 3 In monthly distribution. september was 25.8%, january was 14.1%, october was 11.3%. november and august was 8.5%, april was 7%, febuary and may were 5.6%, june, july. December were each 4.2%, In the distribution of season. the peak season was fall from september to November. 4. In the duration of the disease, 1-3 years was 26.8%, 3-5 years was 19.7%, 6 months - 1 year 16.9%, 5-10 years was 14.1%, under 6 months was 11.3%, over 10years and over 15 years were each 5.6%. 5. In the three main symptom, hydrorrhoea was 71.8%, nasal obstruction was 67.6%, sneezing was 64.8%. In others, fatique was 25.6%, headache was 14.1%, itching and cough was 11.3%, laryngopharyngeal discomfort and red eye were 4.2%,infirmitywas2.8%. 6. Patients whose families have allergic disease account for 26 cases(36.6%). 7. There was no past history in 37 cases(52.l%). In past history distribution, digestive tract disease was 12.7%, paranasal sinusitis was 8.5%, allergic dermatitis was 7%, common cold was 4.2%. otitis media, bronchitis, asthma, tonsillitis were 2.8%. 8. Sasang Constitution classification was Soyanggin in 52 cases(73.2%), Taeumgin in 12 cases(16.9%). Soumgin in 7 cases(9.9%). 9. In the duration of treatment, it was 1-2 weeks in 26 cases(36.6%), 2-4 weeks was 21.1%, under 1weeks was 14.1%, 4-6 weeks was 11.3%, 6-8 weeks was 8.5%, 8-10 weeks was 5.6%, over 10 weeks was 2.8%. 10. We had a follow-up survey the effect of treatment in the 60 cases. there was fair in 25 cases(41.7%), good in 21cases(35%), excellent in 3cases(5%)로 total rate of treatment was 81.7%. The case of no change was 16.7%, the case of poor was 1.6%.

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The Business Model & Feasibility Analysis of the Han-Ok Residential Housing Block (한옥주거단지 사업모델구상 및 타당성 분석)

  • Choi, Sang-Hee;Song, Ki-Wook;Park, Sin-Won
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.453-461
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    • 2011
  • This study is to derive a project model based on potential demand for Korean-style houses, focusing on new town detached housing sites that LH supplies and to test validity of the derived model and to present the direction and supply methods of the projects. The existing high-class new town Korean-style housing developments that have been considered were found to have little business value due to problems in choice of location and discordance of demand, so 6 types of projects were established through the methods of changes in planned scale, combined use, and subdivision of plot of land based on the results of survey. The type that has the highest business value among the project models was block-type multifamily houses, and this can be interpreted as the increase in total construction area leading to increase inrevenues of allotment sales due to economies of scale. The feasibility of mass housing model in which small-scale Korean-style houses are combined with amenities was found to be high, and if the same project conditions as those of the block-type multifamily houses are applied, the business value of the Korean-style tenement houses was found to be high. Besides, the high-class housing models within block-type detached housing areas are typical projects that the private sector generally promotes, and the construction cost was found to be most expensive with 910 million won per house. In order to enhance the business value of the Korean-style housing development, collectivization such as choice of location, diversification of demand classes, optimization of house sizes, and combination of uses is needed. And in order to adopt Korean-style houses in the detached housing sites, the adjustments and division of the existing planned plots are needed, and the strategies to cope with new demand through supplying Korean-style housing types of sites can be suggested. Also breaking away from the existing uniform residential development methods, the development method through supplying original land that is natural land not yet developed besides basic infrastructures (main roads and water and sewage) can be considered, and as the construction of more than 1~2 stories building is impossible due to the structure of Korean-style house roof and furniture. So it can be suggested that original land in the form of hilly land is considered to be most suitable to large-scale development projects.

Origin-Destination Estimation Based on Cellular Phone's Base Station (휴대폰 기지국 정보를 이용한 O/D 추정기법 연구)

  • Kim, Si-Gon;Yu, Byeong-Seok;Gang, Seung-Pil
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2005
  • An Origin-Destination (O/D) is considered as one of the important information in route choices and trip assignments. A household interview survey is deemed to be the traditional and the most widely used method in making sample O/D and its conversion to the total O/D. Some researchers have studied to estimate dynamic O/D from the relationship between link volumes and trip assignment model. Nowadays, owing to the recent rapid spread of cellular phones. Location information of the cellular phone through the Base Station(BS) is considered as an alternative to O/D estimation. In this study, the methodology of generating BS-based O/D and the methodology of converting this O/D into an administrative district-based O/D are proposed. The information of GPS positions and cellular BS positions have acquired by establishing GPS equipment and cellular phone on taxies in Cheongju. Three weeks data are collected and used in estimating O/D by matching them on a digital map. Scatter diagram and sample correlation coefficients are used to investigate the similarity of the GPS-based O/D pattern among weeks, among days, and among times in day. The results show that there are few significant differences among weeks. But there is a difference in O/C pattern between weekday and weekend. Furthermore, there is a difference between morning peak and afternoon peak. Two methodologies are proposed to convert BS-based O/D into an administrative district-based O/D. The first one is to use the distribution pattern of GPS coordinates, the other is to use the coverage area of the BSs. To validate such converted O/D, GPS O/D is used as a true value. The statical analyses through scatter diagram, MAE and RMSE shows that there is few significant defference of pattern between the estimated BS-based O/D and GPS O/D. In the case of using only cellular information, the methodology using coverage area of the BSs is recommended for estimating O/D.

Fresh-water Algae Occurred in Paddy Rice Fields I. Regional Distribution (논발생(發生) 담수조류(淡水藻類)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) I. 지대별(地帶別) 발생분포(發生分布))

  • Lee, H.K.;Park, J.E.;Ryu, G.H.;Lee, J.O.;Park, Y.S.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.158-165
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    • 1992
  • A survey on nation-wide distribution of fresh-water algae occurring in paddy rice fields was conducted in 1991. The algae which were collected from the whole nation were classified into a total of 54 genera including 14 genera in the blue-green algae. 29 genera in the green algae, 1 genus in the stoneworts. 3 genera in the euglenoids and 7 genera in the diatoms. The green algae and diatoms occurring in plain regions were diverse in terms of the number of genera distributed, whereas there was no regional difference in diversity of the blue-green algae and the euglenoids. Among the green algae, the suspended unicellular algae such as the genera, Chlamydomonas, Pandorina and Gonium, were widespread in plain regions, but the multicellular algae such as the genera, Spirogyra, Oedogonium, Ulothrix and Hydordictyon, were major in mountainous and attitudinal regions. The filamentous green algae such as the genera. Cladophora and Rhizoclonium, were dominant in reclaimed saline fields. The blue-green algae Oscillatoria spp. and the diatoms Navicula spp. were abundant in soil flakes.

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A Nutrition Intakes Survey of Pregnant Women in a Urban Area -Application of Convenient Method for the Study of Nutritionial Status- (일개 도시지역 임신부의 영양섭취에 관한 조사연구 -간이식 영양조사법 이용-)

  • Kim, In-Sook
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 1983
  • Aiming at the total 200 pregnant women including 150 ones registered with the Health Center of Chung Ku District and 50 ones registered with the Health Center of Mapo District, we have conducted a research study of the socio-medical characteristics, maternal child health, and the status of nutritional intake which has utilized the application of convenient method for the study of nutritional status, during the period of April 20 to May 25, 1983. And we have obtained the following conclusions: 1. Regarding age distribution, the pregnant women aged from 26 to 30 were most numerous, which was 54.0%. The percentage of women who experienced the first pregnancy was 12.0% and the percentage of those who experienced the second pregnancy was 37.0%, which was the highest. Regarding the weeks of pregnancy of the pregnant women, the first trimesterr was 11.5%, the second trimester 30.0%, and the third trimester 58.6%. 2. Regarding academic achievements, the pregnant women who graduated from middle schools reached 43.5%, which was the highest percentage. Regarding economic status, the pregnant women who owned their own houses were only 21.0%. And the pregnant women whose monthly income was from 300,000 won to 400,000 won were 40%, which was the most numerous. 5. The women above 15 years old who experienced the first menstruation were 84.0%. And those who experienced abortion were totally 54.4%. and 35.5% among those women experienced artificial abortion. 4. 70.5% of the pregnant women said that their health condition was excellent, 24.5% felt subjective complaints, and 5.0% specially received medical consultation for their diseases. 5. 82.0% received prenatal care, but 60.5% regularly received prenatal care. 68.0% received the education for nutrition and only 19.5% regularly received the education for nutrition. 6. Regarding the family composition, the families consisting of two generations were 47.0%, which was the most numerous. 97.5% of the preparation for meals was conducted by housewives. They said that they did not lack time for meal preparation. 7. 94.9% of the pregnant women said that they had eaten as in ordinary times during their pregnancy. 25.5% said that there were tabooed foods. Tabooed foods are chiefly pork, chicken, milk, and eggs. 68.0% don't drink milk during pregnancy, 32.5% take the intake of vitamins, and 20.5% take iron supplement. 8. The average amounts of the intake of protein, fat, and carbohydrate of a pregnant women are 49.3gm, 29.4gm, and 205.1gm respectively, which showed the phenomenon in which the amount of the intake of nutrition increased as the weeks of pregnancy increased. The average amount of the intake of salt was 14.2gm. 9. Regarding the hemoglobin value of all pregnant women, those whose hemoglobin value was less than 11.0gm were 66.5%, those whose hemoglobin value was 11 to 12 gm were 16.5%. and those whose hemoglobin value was above 12gm were 17.0%. The pregnant women whose hemoglobin value was less than 11.0gm in the first trimester of pregnancy, in the second trimester, and in the trimester were 81.8%, 62.8%, and 64.9% respectively. This shows that the phenomenon of anemia increased as the weeks of pregnancy increased 10. Regarding physical development of a pregnant woman during prenatal period, the height and weight were 156.7cm±14.1 and 51.1kg±58 respectively. When the standard increase of a prenatal weigt gain is set as 100%, the women over the range of 100% were 28.0% and the women under the range of 80% were 37.0%.

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A Study on the Seropositivity of HBsAg among Biennial Health Examinees ; A Nation-wide Multicenter Survey (1998년 한국인 성인에서 혈청 HBsAg 양성률 추정을 위한 조사연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Sung;Kim, Young-Sik;Kim, Jae-Yong;Ahn, Yoon-Ok
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 2002
  • Objective : The primary objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of HBsAg-positives in the late 1990's among Korean adults. In addition, we evaluated the association of age, a residential area, a vaccination rate, a family history of chronic liver diseases and a past history of acute liver disease with the seropositivity of HBsAg, and estimated the prevalence of chronic HBV infection by follow-up for 6 month or more. Methods : A total of 10 areas, six metropolitan and four small cities, were selected. In each cities, one health screening center was selected for recruitment of study subjects. The study subjects were enrolled from a general health examination program that is provided by medical insurance companies. Questionnaires on various risk factors were administered to the study subjects. Sera was drawn and tested for HBsAg by radioimmunoassay. HBeAg and ALT were also tested for those of HBsAg positive. The HBsAg positives was retest for HBsAg 6 months later Results : Among the study subjects (n= 1816), the seroprevalence of HBsAg was 5.5% (95% CI=4.5%-6.6%), 7.4% in men (95% CI=5.8-9.4) and 3.6% in women (95% CI=2.5-5.0). A past history of acute liver disease and a family history of chronic liver diseases was shown to be risk factors for HBsAg positivity. Among the 31 HBsAg-positives, negative seroconversion rate was estimated to be 3.2%, Thus, prevalence of chronic HBV infection was estimated to be 5.3% (95% CI=3.7-6.6). Conclusion : In this study, the HBsAg seroprevalence rate was lower than that of the other studies in 1980's, particularly in young adult and women. Considering the public health importance of liver cancer and chronic liver diseases, the further effort is needed to prevent and reduce the HBV infection.

Isolation and Morphological Identification of Fresh Water Green Algae from Organic Farming Habitats in Korea (유기농업 생태계로부터 담수 녹조류 분리 및 형태적 동정)

  • Kim, Min-Jeong;Shim, Chang-Ki;Kim, Yong-Ki;Hong, Sung-Jun;Park, Jong-Ho;Han, Eun-Jung;Jee, Hyeong-Jin;Yun, Jong-Chul;Kim, Suk-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.743-760
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    • 2014
  • This study aimed to isolate and identify freshwater algae from the organic agricultural ecosystems and investigate its biological characteristics to study the possibility of utilizing a biomass freshwater algae in organic farming. In the survey area, average water temperature was 12.428.2C and the pH ranges were from 6.1 to 8.5. The solid culture method is more suitable than liquid culture method for isolation of freshwater algae with lower contamination level and higher isolation frequency. A total of 115 strains were isolated from six freshwater algae habitats in nine regions in Korea. BGMM (BG11 Modified Medium) amended with NaNO3 and KNO3 as a nitrogen, and Na2CO3 as carbon source was designed to isolate and culture freshwater algae. Absorbance of freshwater algae culture has increased dramatically to four days and decreased after eight days after inoculation. CHK008 of the seven isolates showed the highest absorbance in seven days after culturing in BGMM. The optimal pH of BGMM for culturing freshwater algae was pH 6-7. As light intensity increased, growth of freshwater algae increased. Among the five kinds of carbon sources, glucose and galactose promoted good growth of freshwater algae in BGMM. The colony color of purified 16 green algae isolates showed a separation of green, dark and light green, and of them, eleven algae strains showed a strong fluorescent light under fluorescence microscopy. Cell size of the green algae showed a wide range of variation depending on the species. General morphology of the green algae strains was spherical. Chlamydomonas sp. was elliptical, and Chlorella sorokiniana was ellipsoidal and cylindrical. All strains of the green algae except for Chlamydomonas sp. did not have flagella. One isolate of Chlamydomonas sp. and five isolates of C. sorokiniana secreted mucus. Sixteen isolates of 16 green algae were identified as two family and six species, Chlorella vulgalis, C. sorokiniana, C. pyrenoidosa, C. kessleri, C. emersonii, and Chlamydomonas sp. based on their morphological characteristics.

Development and Effectiveness of the Primary Hospice Education Program for Nurses (간호사를 위한 호스피스 기초 교육 프로그램 및 효과)

  • In, Sook-Jin
    • 한국호스피스완화의료학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.07a
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    • pp.100-102
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    • 2004
  • Under the current medical system, a terminal patient and his/her family who are neglected inevitably face various aspects of crises including not only physical, but also psychological, social, economic, spiritual and legal problems. Nurses often look after many terminal patents with these types of complicated problems. Therefore, educating the nurses who will take care of such patents would greatly reduce stress so the patents end could their lives in peace and without losing their dignity. This research is a quasi experimental study of nonequivalent control group. A pretest-posttest design where a basic education program is developed for nurses, who frequently treat terminal patents, to understand the importance of the role of hospice and to apply their understandings to treat terminal lancer patents. A sample of the nurses were taken from those who were working in general wards at two general hospitals in Seoul during October, 2003December 2003. The study was composed of 46 experimental group and 43 control group. A basic hospice education program was developed by taking emphasized and overlapping parts from advanced practice hospice nurses education course, short-term education course, an extensive literature survey and by consulting three professionals as well. With the group of 5 professors with vast experiences in oncolgy, 5 nursing administrator, 3 nursing practitioner, the tentative first version of the program was developed and reviewed. Afterwards, by utilizing person to person interviews with 2 head nurses experienced with terminal patients, 1 nurse in charge of hospice, 1 nurse on the contents of the program, and a person to person rating on the educating medium by a nurse were performed. The final version of a basic education program was developed after the second revision. The hospice basic education program consists of introduction to hospice, hospice and commucation, management of pain for terminal cancer patients, physical management for terminal cancer patients, socio-psycological caring of terminal cancer patients and management of death and separation. Total education time was four hours organized into 50 minutes of instruction and 10 minutes of break. Powerpoint(R) software was used as the education medium. As research tools, "Knowledge on Hospice" was developed by the author after receiving a review from one expert. "Attitude of Hospice Nursing" was revised Kim(2001)'s attitude measuring tool which was based on Wang(1998), Kwon(1989), Park and Sung(1991)'s tool. "Liability on nursing terminal patients" was used as developed by Zarits(1980) and Mongomory(1985) translated by Lee(1985). For collecting data, preliminary investigation prior to 1 week of the hospice basic education program and post-investigations after 1 week and 4 weeks of the education were carried out for the nurses at a general ward who understood and agreed on the purpose of the program. Collected data were analyzed throughout t-test, x2test, Manova test and Bonferroni correction in SAS(R) program. The summary of the investigation is as follows: Hypothesis 1: "Educated experimental group would possess more knowledge on hospice compared to the un-educated control group" was supported after 1 (F=12.14, p=.00) and 4 (F=5.3, p=.02) weeks of education. Hypothesis 2: "Educated experimental group would take a positive attitude toward hospice nursing compared to the un-educated control group" was supported after 1(F=3.92, p=.05) and 4(F=5.05, p=.02) weeks of education. Hypothesis 3: "Educated experimental poop would feel less liability compared to the un-educated control group in nursing terminal cancer patients' was rejected. In this study, it was found that knowledge on hospice was significantly important. By applying hospice basic education programs to nurses, the education program helped nurses to take a positive attitude toward terminal patients. It was, however, seen that the education program had no effect on alleviating liability in nursing terminal patients. Therefore, it is expected that this educational program would help hospices and nurses at general wards to understand the concept and the role of hospice so that terminal patents, now neglected under current medical system, would be able to end their lives in peace.

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