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Study of Elementary and Middle School Students' Consumption of Foods Cooked at High Heat (초등학생과 중학생의 고온가열조리식품 섭취실태조사 연구)

  • Lee, Joon-Kyoung;Yoon, Ki-Sun
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.685-698
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    • 2010
  • Acrolein is a highly toxic, reactive mutagenic aldehyde. Humans are exposed to acrolein vapors from overheated cooking oil, cigarette smoke, and combustion of organic products. In this study, we investigated elementary and middle school students' consumption of foods cooked at high heat, such as fried, direct fire, and indirect fire cooked foods. The subjects of this survey study were 265 fifth grade students and 396 middle school students nationwide. According to the results of the frequency test, broiled fish was the most frequently consumed, followed by fried fish, indirect cooked samgyebsal, and other fried foods, which were eaten more than three times per month. The total intake of foods cooked at high heat per child over 1 year was in the following order: Fried chicken(7.50 kg) > Samgeybsal(6.57 kg) > Broiled pork ribs(4.18 kg) > Broiled fish(4.12 kg) > Bulgogi(3.31 kg) > Fried dish(3.18 kg) > Pork cuttlet(3.17 kg) > Jeyukbockeum(3.13 kg) > Charcoal-broiled beef ribs(2.74 kg) > Roasted whole chicken(2.05 kg) > Dackochi(1.87 kg) > Tangsuyuk(1.87 kg) > Fried fish(1.83 kg) > Hamburger patties(1.21 kg) > Fried potato(1.01 kg) > Barbecue(0.95 kg) > Doughnut(0.80 kg) > Corn dog(0.66 kg) > Croquette(0.51 kg). The favorite cooking method was indirect fire cooking for beef, pork, and fish, whereas frying was preferred for chicken. The results of this study provide important data for assessment of acrolein exposure via foods cooked at high heat temperature. The results also indicate that children might be exposed to acrolein through consumption of foods cooked at high heat temperature, suggesting the need to promote education of proper food consumption behavior.

Analysis of Forest Fires during Chosun Dynasty through Historical Literature Survey (역사문헌 고찰을 통한 조선시대 산불특성 분석)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyun;Kang, Young-Ho;Kim, Kwang-Il
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.8-21
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    • 2011
  • This study surveyed historical records on outbreak and features of forest fires during Chosun Dynasty's 518 years in being and analyzed the Annals of the Chosun Dynasty; The Diaries of the Royal Secretariat, archives from Records of the Border Defense Council, The Compilation of Ministry Proposals, Posthumous Records of King Cholchong etc. Forest fires were most prevalent and extreme during King Hyunjong (14 cases) and King Sunjo (13 cases) due to strong wind, and the biggest-ever forest fire broke out in the fourth year of King Soonjo (1804) in the east coast of Korea in Kangwon province. The fire had resulted in 61 fatalities and 2,600 destroyed houses. Forest fire in the east coast of Korea, Kangwon province, in the 13th year of King Hyeonjong (1672) is recorded to have caused the highest number of deaths, 65people. The most frequent cause of forest fires during Chosun Dynasty was unidentified (42 cases), followed by accidental fire (10 cases), arson or lightning (3 cases), fire during hunting (2 cases), play with fire by children, destruction of patty fields and dry fields by fire and house fire (1 case respectively). By region, 56 % of forest fires erupted in the east coast (39 cases) and this was followed by the west sea (9 cases), Seoul and central region (8 cases) and the southern part of Korea (7 cases). By season, spring was found to be most vulnerable to forest fire as it accounted for 73 % of the total amounting to 46 cases. Behind were summer (11 cases), winter (6 cases) and autumn (0 case). Specifically, most forest fire broke out on April and May, which is the same as today. Archives and literature indicate that the person who involved in forest fire by accidental as well as arson had to be punished by banishment, expulsion from government office and public hanging. Also, officials in charge of the region that suffered forest fire were subject to reprimand. In conclusion, risk and gravity of forest fires were evident during the Chosun Dynasty as specified in historical archives and share many similarities with today's forest fires in terms of the duration and regional patterns.

Risk Assessment about Heavy Metals Contamination in Agricultural Products at Abandoned Mine Area (폐광산 인근 지역에서 생산되는 농산물의 중금속 오염도 평가)

  • An, Jae-Min;Chang, Soon-Young;Hwang, Hyang-Ran;Park, Dae-Han;Lee, Bom-Nae;Kim, Saet-Byeol;Lee, Gwang-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.10-19
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    • 2020
  • BACKGROUND: This study was to carry out risk assessment of contamination of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and inorganic arsenic (I-As) in agricultural products of 25 crops from the abandoned mine areas. The 36 typical investigation sites located in Gyeongbuk provincial area were selected by considering the heavy metal levels, that had been known that the amount of the heavy metals exceeded the contamination level based on the previous survey. METHODS AND RESULTS: Cadmium, lead, and total arsenic (T-As) concentrations were determined using microwave device and ICP-MS. Inorganic arsenic was determined by HPLC-ICP-MS. The limits of quantification for heavy metals were 0.59 ㎍/kg for Cd, 0.42 ㎍/kg for Pb, 0.55 ㎍/kg for T-As, and sum of As (III) (1.74 ㎍/kg) and As (V) (2.25 ㎍/kg) for I-As, respectively. The contents of Cd, Pb, and I-As (only rice) were N.D.-0.958 mg/kg, N.D.-0.227 mg/kg, and 0.082 mg/kg, respectively, in the agricultural products. For risk assessment, dietary exposures of heavy metals through usual intake were 5.20×10-4-7.15×100 ㎍/day for Cd, 7.00×10-5-7.75×10-1 ㎍/day for Pb, and 1.17×101 ㎍/day for I-As, taking 0.01-14.37%, 0.01-2.05%, and 15.16% as risk indices, respectively. CONCLUSION: It requires to consider the critical levels of heavy metals in agricultural products due to unexpectedly high levels in a few places, while concentrations of heavy metals in the samples were relatively low in most areas.

Studies on the Processing and Management Forms of Filatures (우리나라 제사공장의 공정 관리실태에 관한 조사연구)

  • 송기언;이인전
    • Journal of Sericultural and Entomological Science
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    • no.12
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    • pp.37-45
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    • 1970
  • The processing management forms of our country's filature factories in 1969 are summarized as follows. (1) About 80% of total cocoon collection is made within 5 days involving peak day, and 10% of cocoon collection is finished until 3 days before and after the peak day, (2) About 92% of alive cocoons transported on unpaved road, and about 40% of the cocoons purchased by all factories are loaded on trucks from common selling station which is far beyond 40km, therefore a new packing system of alive cocoons to drop the damage of cocoon qualities, should be taken. (3) 22% of all factories in our. country have only low-temperature cocoon drying machine. Therefore the installment of hot-air cocoon drying machine is required urgently. (4) In view of cocoon qualities in our country, the grouping method of cocoon for reeling. taken by about 50% of the factories at percent, which classify cocoons for reeling as high group (1,2,3,4 grades) and low group(5,6 grades), will have to be replaced by the method tat classify them high group (1,2 grades) middle group (3,4 grades), low group (5,6 grades). (5) The .ratio of cocoon assorting stood about 10% in multi-ends reeling, about 15% in automatic reeling, conclusively, the ratio of cocoon assorting for automatic reeling was higher tan that for multi-ends reeling. One person's ability for a day in cocoon assorting reaches to about 80-100kg. (6) Cocoon cooking condition requires the increase of the cooking time, the pressure and temperature used to be prolonged as much as the qualities of cocoons are material cocoon ior automatic and double cocoon machines are treated uncompletely. (7) Automatic silk reeling is being performed at 1-2C lower in reeling water temperature and operated at about twice velocity. (8) The temperature and humidity of rereeling room stood at 25C, 67.2% R.H and 32.3C, 51.9% R.H of rereeling machine are showed, Average rereeling velocity is 233m/min and large reefs charged for one person are 7.5 reels and form of skein used in all factories is double skein. (9) About 73% of water sources for filature used under-earth water. About 48% of all filature factories in our country have not yet water purifying equipments. Installation of the equipment for these factories seems to be urgent, (10) Denier .balance, sizing reel, seriplane, are being used in most factories as self-inspection apparatus. (11) More than 90% of the factories use the vacum tank in rereeling process and about 20% of them use it in cocoon cooing process (12) Only 21% of the factories use chemicals in filature process. About all them use "Seracol 100" in cocoon cooking process and "Seracol 500" in rereeling process, (13) Above survey results explain each all factories show large difference in the processing management. Therefore, it is believed that intercommunication through seminar or technical exchange will contribute to the production evaluation of cocoon in our filature industry.

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Postpartum Reproductive Tract Recovery and Prevalence of Health Problems in Dairy Cows (젖소의 분만 후 생식기의 회복 및 질병 발생 조사)

  • Jeong, Jae-Kwan;Choi, In-Soo;Kang, Hyun-Gu;Jung, Young-Hun;Hur, Tai-Young;Kim, Ill-Hwa
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.168-173
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    • 2015
  • This study estimated the degree of uterine inflammation and resumption of ovarian cyclicity in postpartum dairy cows. In addition, the prevalence of health problems during calving and the postpartum period was investigated. A total of 224 Holstein dairy cows from four dairy farms in Chungcheong Province were used for the study. Uterine discharge was scored on a 0 to 5 rank scale (metricheck score) using a metricheck instrument from 1 to 8 weeks postpartum and uterine cytology (neutrophil level) was examined at 4, 6 and 8 weeks postpartum to evaluate uterine inflammation. Resumption of ovarian cyclicity was evaluated based on progesterone analysis (1ng/mL) at 4, 6 and 8 weeks postpartum. Postpartum disorders were diagnosed by veterinarians in the research team. The metricheck score decreased linearly (p < 0.0001) from weeks 1 (3.4±0.1) to 4 (2.0±0.1) postpartum, and then remained at that level through week 8 postpartum (1.6±0.1, p > 0.05). The neutrophil levels determined by uterine cytology assays also decreased (p < 0.0001) from week 4 (22.3±1.8) to 6 (12.1±1.4) postpartum, and then remained at that level through week 8 postpartum (9.2±1.4, p > 0.05). The proportion of cows exhibiting the ovarian cyclicity increased linearly (p < 0.0001) from weeks 2 (12.1%) to 8 (74.3%) postpartum. The prevalence of dystocia and retained placenta were 20.5% and 30.4%, respectively. The prevalence of ketosis, milk fever, abomasal displacement, septicemic metritis, endometritis, subclinical endometritis, pyometra, and ovarian cysts were 18.8%, 3.6%, 4.0%, 36.2%, 29.5%, 17.0%, 4.5%, and 14.7%, respectively. The prevalence of digestive problems and mastitis were 5.4% and 9.6%, respectively. The prevalence of culling and death were 4.0% and 3.6%, respectively. The prevalence of dystocia, retained placenta, septicemic metritis, endometritis, ovarian cysts, digestive problems, mastitis, and culling differed among farms (p < 0.05 to 0.01). In conclusion, proper examinations for uterine inflammation and ovarian cyclicity during 4 to 8 weeks postpartum are useful clinical tools to maintain herd reproductive health. Dystocia, retained placenta, septicemic metritis, and endometritis were predominant disorders in dairy cows of the survey area.

Weed Flora Diversity and Composition on Upland Field of Korea (우리나라 밭작물 재배지 잡초 발생 및 분포현황)

  • Lee, In-Yong;Oh, Young-Ju;Hong, Sun-Hee;Choi, Jun-Keun;Heo, Su-Jeoung;Lee, Chae-Young;Hwang, Ki-Seon;Park, Kee-Woong;Cho, Seng-Hyun;Kwon, Oh-Do;Im, Il-Bin;Kim, Sang-Kuk;Seong, Deok-Gyeong;Chung, Young-Jae;Kim, Chang-Seok;Lee, Jeongran;Seo, Hyun-A;Jang, Hyung-Mok
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.159-175
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    • 2015
  • Surveys of weed species on upland fields were conducted in Korea to investigate the occurrence of weed flora from April to May 2014 for winter crop fields and from July to August 2014 for summer crop fields. From the nation-wide survey, 375 weed species in 50 families were identified and classified to 162 annuals, 78 biennials and 135 perennials. Based on the occurrence ratio, the most weed species belonged to Compositae (73 species). 44 and 25 weed species belonged to Poaceae and Polygonaceae, respectively, and these 183 weed species in the most five families accounted for 49% of total weed occurrence. While 287 weed species in 45 families occurred in the winter crop fields, 339 weed species in 47 families occurred in summer crop fields. The most dominant weed species in Korean upland fields were Digitaria ciliaris, followed by Portulaca oleracea, Acalypha australis, Chenopodium album, Rorippa palustris etc. 129 weed species in 25 families were considered as exotic weeds. Based on the importance analysis, the highest value was C. album followed by Amaranthus lividus, Conyza canadensis etc. This information could be useful for estimation of future weed occurrence, weed population dynamics and establishment of weed control methods in upland fields of Korea.

Surgical Treatment of MDR Pulmonary Tuberculosis (다제내성 폐결핵의 수술적 치료)

  • Seo, Young-Jun;Park, Hoon;Park, Chang-Kwon;Keum, Dong-Yoon;Yoo, Young-Sun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.36 no.11
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    • pp.839-845
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    • 2003
  • Background: Even today when chemotherapy has been established as a treatment for tuberculosis and the prevalence of tuberculosis is gradually decreasing, multi-drug resistance tuberculosis still results in poor treatment performance and lowered survival periods. This research sought to analyze the surgery of multi-drug resistance tuberculosis, and determine the usefulness and danger of surgery in connection with this disease. Material and Method: Starting from February 1990 to February 2002, retrospective surveys were conducted targeted at 21 cases involving 20 patients who underwent surgery due to multi-drug resistance tuberculosis. The survey included 14 males cases and 6 females cases with the age averaging 42.8±12.1 years. 10.3±7.6 years on average passed after patients were initially diagnosed with tuberculosis. 13 patients (65%) tested positive in the pre-operative sputum AFB test, and all showed resistance against an average of 3.5 anti-tuberculosis agents including INH and RFP. Pre-operative radiologic examinations revealed cavitary lesions in 15 patients (75%), and three patients had lesions in the both lung fields, with the major lesions existing in the unilateral area. 13 patients (75%) failed negative conversion with medical treatment, while two patients (10%) with recurrent hemoptysis and five patients (25%) with lesions involving high recurrence-rate received the operation. Operations included nine cases (40%) of pneumonectomy, nine cases (45%) of lobectomy, and three cases of lobectomy with segmentectomy. The average follow-up period of patients stood at 23 months. Result: There was no post-operative death, and found were a total of eleven cases involving complications were found: three cases of long-term air leakage, three cases of bleeding requiring re-operation, two cases of empyemas due to broncho-pleural fistula, and one case of atelectasis, wound infection and chest wall fistula each. Eleven cases (85%) of negative conversion were completed immediately after the operation, and two cases failed negative conversion. Eleven months after the operation, the disease recurred in one case of negative conversion patients, and the patient was cured by completion pneumonectomy. Conclusion: If patients' lung function was sufficient and appropriate resection was possible, multi-drug resistance tuberculosis could achieve high-rate negative conversion and cure using combination of surgical and medical treatment, and also there were not many serious complications.

Studies on Dairy Farming Status, Reproductive Efficiencies and Disorders in New Zealand (II) A Survey on Reproductive Efficiencies and Disorders in Palmerston North Area (뉴질랜드 (Palmerston North) 의 낙농 현황과 번식 및 번식장해에 관한 연구 (II) Palmerston North 지역의 낙농 번식현 황과 번식장해에 관한 조사)

  • 김중계;맥도날드
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 2000
  • Eighty dairy farms (38 farms responded) in Palmerston North area of New Zealand were questioned by mail questionnaire on: 1) general characteristics, 2) milk yield and feed supplementary, 3) reproductive efficiencies (12 questions) and 4) reproductive disorders (12 questions) from February to July, 1998. Among those 4 items, the reproductive efficiencies (3) and disorders (4), various diseases and culling rates were surveyed and analyzed for Korean dairy farmers (especially in Cheju island) and compared with New Zealand. The results are as follows: 1. Fifteen farms in 38 dairy farms relied entirely on artificial insemination, the rest of 23 dairy farms (60.5%) raised 5∼6 bulls to increase conception rate. The dairy farmers in Palmerston North used artificial insemination from Oct 4th to Dec 10th for 42.8 days, and then used bulls from that point to coming Jan 10th for 41.4 days. The submission rate within 3, 6 and 10 weeks following the initiation of AI season was 84.7, 93.9 and 97.9% respectively. 2. The average age of heifers at the first estrus, pregnancy and calving was 11.0, 18.0 and 24.7 months respectively, and an average 1.4 estrus cycles were required for conception. The intervals of estrus recurrence and the following conception after calving were 38 and 68 days respectively. 3. Among inseminated cows, calving, abortion and empty cow was 90.9, 1.6 and 7.4% respectively. Calving rate decreased according to increasing farm size, while the number of empty cows decreased. 4. Stillbirth, retained placenta and delivery abnormalities were 5.3, 3.7 and 5.5% respectively, not different depend on herd size. 5. The incidence of milk fever, grass tetany, and ketosis was 3.6, 3.0 and 1.0%, respectively. The delivery abnormality and mastitis treated with medicine were 3.1 and 6.7%, but decreased according to farm size. Lameness was 8.6% on average, but over 10% in farms which has more than 400 milking cows. 6. Among the culled cows (15.5% of the total), those culled due to an old age, lameness and other diseases were 2.9, 1.8 and 4.3% respectively and those culled due to low milk production, reproductive abnormality reduced with farm size. 7. Compared with the data collected in Korea, the reproductive efficiency was better, and lameness, metabolic problem and culling rate were higher in New Zealand

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Relationship between Damage by Herbivore and Leaf Production of Oaks in the Burnt Area of the East Coastal Region, Korea (동해안의 산불피해지역에서 참나무 잎 생산량과 초식 피해의 관계)

  • Lee, Kyoung Sin;Hong, Bo Ram;Lee, Kyu Song
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.206-216
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    • 2018
  • We analyzed the effects of spatio-temporal variation in the leaf production of oaks on the density and species richness of herbivores, as well as the consumption by herbivores in the east coastal region of Korea, which is an area that has been damaged by forest fires. The main herbivore that feeds on oak leaves was moth larvae. In mid-August the insect larvae showed the highest density and species richness. Approximately 60.5% of total plant-eating insect larvae were present from August to September 2011. Oak leaf production was at its peak from July to August, and the peak damage caused by herbivores was from August to September. Depending on the investigation timing and site of the survey, oak leaf production, larval densities, and species richness showed large variations. The average production of oak leaves between July and August was estimated to be 0.96tonha1. The production of oak leaves during this period also showed spatial variations ranging from 0.34 to 1.89tonha1. In August, the consumption of oak leaves by the herbivores showed spatial variations ranging from 0.15 to 1.51tonha1. Where oak leaves had a higher yield, they tended to increase in density and species richness of the herbivores. As the production of oak leaves increased, so did the overall consumption and consumption rate by the herbivores. This means that the production of oak leaves is highly related to time and space, and there is a concentration response in which the new individuals gather. Research into the spatio-temporal heterogeneity of the food sources and their effects on the higher levels of the food web can help us quantitatively understand and evaluate the structure and functions of the burnt ecosystem that is caused by forest fires.

Characteristic of Seasonal Dynamics of Planktonic Ciliates at Four Major Ports (Busan, Ulsan, Gwangyang and Incheon), Korea (한국의 4개 주요항만(부산, 울산, 광양, 인천)에 분포하는 섬모충 플랑크톤의 계절동태 특성)

  • Yang, Seung-Woo;Lee, Joon-Baek;Kim, Young-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.217-231
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    • 2018
  • Planktonic ciliates play an important role in the food web of marine ecosystem as well as a bio-indicator for invasive species from ballast waters or from changing flow of ocean currents due to climate changes. This study was carried out to find some evidences for introduction of such invasive species using ciliate plankton in four major international ports of Korea. We surveyed the seasonal species composition of planktonic ciliate to find out the evidence for the invasive species at Busan, Ulsan, Gwangyang and Incheon ports from February 2007 to November 2008. A total of 45 ciliates species, belonging to 15 genera, were identified during the study period: 33 species occurred at Busan, 31 at Gwangyang, 30 at Ulsan, 18 at Incheon. The abundance of naked ciliates ranged from 566 to 65,151cellsL1 and that of tintinnids 10 to 5,973cellsL1. Based on vector species of ciliates reported from Coos Bay in Oregon, 13 vector species of tinitinnids were identified as follows, Eutintinnus lususundae, E. tubulosus, Favella ehrenbergii, F. taraikaensis, Helicostomella subulata, Stenosemella nivalis, Tintinnopsis ampla, T. beroidea, T. cylindrica, T. directa, T. lohmanni, T. radix, T. rapa. All vector species occurred at Gwangyang port. Most tintinnids were mainly neritic species throughout the survey, while warm water species occurred only in short period at Busan, Ulsan and Gwangyang ports that might be affected seasonally by Tsushima warm current.