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Republic of Korea Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Status and Recognition Research: Focusing on Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurs Preliminary, Student Centered Comparative Analysis on the Status and Recognition (대한민국 창업생태계 현황 및 인식 연구: 창업가, 예비창업가, 학생을 중심으로 현황 및 인식 비교 분석)

  • Kim, Sung Hoon;Nam, Jung min
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.175-183
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    • 2016
  • The government set up "national happiness, the hope of a new era of national vision under' job center of the creative economy" to achieve by national goals in the first and figure achieved through the establishment of new growth engines of the youth unemployment problem solve and national level there are a number of business start-up support. September 8, 2015 announced the Government's look at the '2016 Year of the budget, the government for new growth engines greatly promoted the venture entrepreneurship ecosystem revitalization and research and development (R & D) the business for enhanced performance in 2017. According to the direction of this study is to evaluate the current creative economy business incubator at the comparison whether the correct orientation mainly entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs preliminary recognition of student entrepreneurship ecosystem. Entrepreneurs 113 people in that way, 71 people pre-entrepreneurs, students 60, workers were founding agencies conducted an online survey of 47 people, 16 people Investors, 50 public and 11 additional persons including a total of 368 people. This study is in line with the orientation of these entrepreneurs to create economic status and recognition of the Republic of Korea entrepreneurship ecosystem, pre- entrepreneurs, students will examine the comparative analysis around. Analysis, social perception of entrepreneurship is somewhat higher than it was confirmed that the negative response of 32.2% to 36.3% of positive response. Social awareness of entrepreneurs showed a 2-fold higher response rate than the negative of response of 17.1% to 41.7% responding that positive recognition for the current start-up environment is bad, the response is good response to higher response rate than 23.5% to 41.1% It showed. The percentage of responses that better respect the entrepreneurship environment of the future Republic of Korea showed a higher response rate than the rate of 23% in response to deteriorate to 41.2%, with 52.9% awareness is the percentage that responded that the bad part about the ruthless Korea's entrepreneurship environment in China good part as response rate approximately three times greater than the 17.7% showed high response rates. Social awareness of entrepreneurs experience the presence of the founding start-up experience was confirmed that the more negative the number increases, the more the contrary the number of start-up experience increased awareness of the current and future environment of entrepreneurship was identified as a positive entrepreneurship environment. Also recognized was confirmed to change the parent of the more positive changes in the start-up of entrepreneurs doctor also positive about entrepreneurship, start-up entrepreneurs start with a doctor's motivation for founding non-economic reasons than for economic reasons has confirmed Higher. This study showed the overall level overview analysis of the status and recognition of the Republic of Korea entrepreneurship ecosystem. Future studies need to be a proposal for an existing previous studies for more precise direction to go forth to analyze the entrepreneurship ecosystem with a focus on problems and improvement of the Republic of Korea entrepreneurship ecosystem.

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User Centered Interface Design of Web-based Attention Testing Tools: Inhibition of Return(IOR) and Graphic UI (웹 기반 주의력 검사의 사용자 인터페이스 설계: 회귀억제 과제와 그래픽 UI를 중심으로)

  • Kwahk, Ji-Eun;Kwak, Ho-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.331-367
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    • 2008
  • This study aims to validate a web-based neuropsychological testing tool developed by Kwak(2007) and to suggest solutions to potential problems that can deteriorate its validity. When it targets a wider range of subjects, a web-based neuropsychological testing tool is challenged by high drop-out rates, lack of motivation, lack of interactivity with the experimenter, fear of computer, etc. As a possible solution to these threats, this study aims to redesign the user interface of a web-based attention testing tool through three phases of study. In Study 1, an extensive analysis of Kwak's(2007) attention testing tool was conducted to identify potential usability problems. The Heuristic Walkthrough(HW) method was used by three usability experts to review various design features. As a result, many problems were found throughout the tool. The findings concluded that the design of instructions, user information survey forms, task screen, results screen, etc. did not conform to the needs of users and their tasks. In Study 2, 11 guidelines for the design of web-based attention testing tools were established based on the findings from Study 1. The guidelines were used to optimize the design and organization of the tool so that it fits to the user and task needs. The resulting new design alternative was then implemented as a working prototype using the JAVA programming language. In Study 3, a comparative study was conducted to demonstrate the excellence of the new design of attention testing tool(named graphic style tool) over the existing design(named text style tool). A total of 60 subjects participated in user testing sessions where their error frequency, error patterns, and subjective satisfaction were measured through performance observation and questionnaires. Through the task performance measurement, a number of user errors in various types were observed in the existing text style tool. The questionnaire results were also in support of the new graphic style tool, users rated the new graphic style tool higher than the existing text style tool in terms of overall satisfaction, screen design, terms and system information, ease of learning, and system performance.

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Comparison of Health Risks according to the Obesity Types Based Upon BMI and Waist Circumference in Korean Adults: The 1998-2005 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (한국 성인에서 체질량지수와 허리둘레를 기준으로 분류한 비만 유형에 따른 특성 비교: 1998-2005 국민건강영양조사)

  • Lee, Yul-Eui;Park, Ji-Eun;Hwang, Ji-Yun;Kim, Wha-Young
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.42 no.7
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    • pp.631-638
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    • 2009
  • This study was performed to examine the health risks according to the obesity types based upon body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference (WC) cutoffs. The subjects were 8,966 adults aged 40-79 years from the 1998, 2001 and 2005 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys. The subjects were classified into 4 types of obesity groups based on BMI and WC: BMIWC (BMI 25 kg/m2 and WC 90 cm for males and 85 cm for females), WC (BMI < 25 kg/m2 and 90 cm for males and 85 cm for females), BMI (BMI 25 kg/m2 and < 90 cm for males and < 85 cm for females), normal (BMI < 25 kg/m2 and < 90 cm for males and < 85 cm for females) groups. More than half (n = 5,103) of the subjects fell into the normal group and BMIWC group accounts for 58%, followed by BMI group of 27% and WC group of 16%. Mean ages of subjects were highest in WC group and lowest in BMI group. Blood levels of total cholesterol, triglyceride, LDL-cholesterol and glucose, and blood pressures were higher and HDL-cholesterol was lower in 3 types of obesity groups (BMIWC, WC, BMI) than in the normal group. Among the 3 obesity groups, energy and fat intake was significantly higher in BMIWC than in normal group in males, however, no differences were found among the 4 groups in females. The three obesity groups had greater odds ratios for hypertension, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, hyper-LDL-cholesterolemia, hypo-HDL-cholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and metabolic syndrome compared to the normal group. Among 3 obesity groups, BMIWC group had the highest odds ratios for hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and metabolic syndrome. Especially BMIWC and WC groups showed the highest odds ratios for diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome, suggesting the potential role of abdominal obesity in diabetes mellitus and metabolic syndrome. Our data indicate that different types of obesity may show different degrees of health risks. The appropriate selection and use of obesity indexes may be effective for management of obesity as well as obesityrelated diseases.

Survey on sanitary knowledge level and degree of HACCP practice in culinary staff employed in elementary, middle, and high schools in Chungnam province (충남지역 초.중.고 학교급식 조리원의 위생지식 및 HACCP 수행도 조사)

  • Lee, Young Joong;Kim, Sun Hyo
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.47 no.4
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    • pp.300-312
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was performed to examine the sanitary knowledge level and degree of HACCP (hazard analysis critical control point) practice in school culinary staff in order to provide basic information for improving hygiene of school meals. Methods: Exactly 305 culinary staff members were selected from elementary, middle, and high schools in 14 cities and rural areas, including whole administrative districts in Chungnam province. Surveyed schools were selected by convenience sampling, and one subject was selected randomly from each school. Surveys were taken by self-administered questionnaires developed by researchers and questionnaire were distributed and collected by postal mail. Results: Sanitary education administered by school dietitians to culinary staff was more frequent and longer in elementary schools, followed by middle and high schools (p < 0.001). Sanitary knowledge level and degree of HACCP practice, except for a few CCP or CP of culinary staff, were highest in elementary schools and middle school followed by high schools (p < 0.05), respectively. School class was negatively correlated with sanitary knowledge level of culinary staff (p < 0.01), and frequency of sanitary education was positively correlated with sanitary knowledge level of culinary staff (p < 0.01). Sanitary knowledge level of culinary staff was positively correlated with degree of HACCP practice (p < 0.01). School class, daily frequency of meal service, work experience, rice washing machine, and total score of sanitary knowledge were significant variables influencing degree of HACCP practice in culinary staff. Conclusion: The above results show that the following points should be considered to improve hygiene of school meals. Sanitary education should be administered more frequently by school dietitians to culinary staff, especially to those in high schools, which showed the lowest sanitary knowledge level and degree of HACCP practice. In addition, facilities and equipment required for HACCP practice should be supported in small-sized elementary schools.

The Importance-Performance Analysis of Bakery Cafe Choice Attributes Perceived by Customers in Seoul (베이커리카페 선택속성의 중요도 및 수행도 분석: 서울지역을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Mi-Kyung;Jung, Jae-Chan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.456-463
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    • 2006
  • The purposes of this study were to extract choice attributes of bakery cafe customers and to conduct important- performance analysis (IPA) of choice attributes perceived by bakery cafe customers. The questionnaire was developed through literature review and focus group interview, and modified after pilot test. The questionnaires for main survey were distributed to 320 males and females aged 20 and over in Seoul. A total of 275 questionnaires were used for analysis (85.9%) and the statistical analyses were conducted using SPSS Win (12.0) for descriptive analyses, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, and correlation analyses. The main results were as follows. 'Products', 'convenience to use', 'services and price', 'interior environments' 'brand' and 'location' dimensions were extracted as choice attributes dimensions of bakery cafe customers and customers of bakery cafe regarded 'sanitation and cleanness', 'kindness of employees', 'quality of products', 'comfortable and pleasant facilities' and 'taste of bakery products' as more important than other attributes. In addition, the results of IPA showed that marketing managers of bakery cafes should focused on the dimension of 'services and price' in the reason that this dimension was low at performance although customers regarded it very important. Overall, researchers and managers of bakery cafes should understand unique choice attributes of bakery cafe customers, and make efforts to establish marketing strategies that meet bakery cafe customers' needs.

The Stakeholder's Response and Future of Mountain Community Development Program in Rep. of Korea (한국 산촌개발사업에 대한 이해관계자의 의식과 향후 발전방안)

  • Yoo, Byoung Il;Kim, So Heui;Seo, Jeong-Weon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.94 no.4 s.161
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    • pp.214-225
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    • 2005
  • The mountain village development program in Korea started in the mountain villages, the 45.9% of total land and one of the typical marginal region, from 1995 to achieve the equilibrium development of national land and the sustainable mountain development in Chapter 13 in Agenda 21, and it has been accelerated to increase the happiness and the quality of life of mountain community residents through the expansion by province and the improvement of related laws and regulations. This study has been aimed to analyze the response of main stakeholder's -mountain village residents and local government officials - on mountain villages development, and to provide the future plan as community development. The survey and interview data were collected from the mountain villages which already developed 59 villages and developing 15 villages in 2003. The mountain village development program has achieved the positive aspects as community development plan in the several fields, - the voluntary participation of residents, the establishment of self-support spirit as the democratic civilians, the development of base of income increasement, the creation of comfortable living environment, the equilibrium development with the other regions. Especially the mountain residents and local government officials both highly satisfy with the development of base of income increasement and the creation of comfortable living environment which are the main concerns to both stakeholder. However through the mountain development program, it is not satisfied to increase the maintenance of local community and the strengthening of traditional value of mountain villages. Also to improve the sustainable income improvement effects, it is necessary to develop the income items and technical extension which good for the each region. In the decentralization era, it is necessary for local government should have the more active and multilateral activities for these. With this, the introduction of methods which the mountain community people and the local government officials could co-participate in the mountain villages' development from the initial stages and the renovation of related local government organizations and the cooperatives will be much helpful to the substantiality of mountain development program. Also it is essential for the assistance of central government to establish the complex plan and the mountain villages network for all mountain area and the exchange of information, the education and training of mountain villages leader who are the core factor for the developed mountain villages maintenance, the composition of national mountain villages representatives. In case the development proposals which based on the interests of the main stakeholder's on mountain community could be positively accepted, then the possibility of the mountain village development as one of community development will be successfully improved in future.

Estimated Daily Intake of Aluminum from Platycodon grandiflorum A. De Candolle (도라지(Platycodon grandiflorum A. De Candolle) 섭취에 따른 알루미늄의 노출량 평가)

  • Kim, Sung-Dan;Ham, Hee-Jin;Jung, Ji-Hun;Lee, Eun-Soon;Lee, Hyun-Kyung;Kim, Hee-Sun;Lee, Jib-Ho;Yu, In-Sil;Jung, Kweon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.45 no.8
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    • pp.1138-1146
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    • 2016
  • This study was performed to estimate daily intakes of aluminum from Platycodon grandiflorum A. De Candolle and evaluate their potential health risks for Koreans. Estimated daily intake of aluminum was calculated, whereas the actual level of aluminum in Platycodon grandiflorum A. De Candolle was analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Food consumption amount was drawn from Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES VI-1). In analysed samples, aluminum values ranged from 0.54~564.38 mg/kg in peeled Platycodon grandiflorum A. De Candolle samples (n=53) and from 0.72~28.05 mg/kg in unpeeled ones (n=40). Statistically significant difference (P<0.001) was detected according to the type of skin. To estimate the dietary intake of Platycodon grandiflorum A. De Candolle, a total of 7,242 respondents (scenario I) were compared to 227 Platycodon grandiflorum A. De Candolle consumption subjects (scenario II). Estimated daily intake of aluminum was calculated based on point estimates. Level of safety for aluminum was evaluated by comparison with Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI), 1 mg/kg bw, set by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives. For scenario I, mean estimated daily intake of aluminum was 0.001 mg/kg bw/d. For scenario II, mean estimated daily intake of aluminum was 0.033 mg/kg bw/d, and 95th percentile estimated daily intake was 0.610 mg/kg bw/d. For scenario II, aluminum from Platycodon grandiflorum A. De Candolle had a mean weekly intake that was the 23.1% of PTWI.

A Study on the Collection and Marketing Structure of Sap Water of Acer mono (고로쇠나무 수액(樹液)의 채취(採取)와 유통구조(流通構造)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • An, Jong Man;Kang, Hag Mo;Kim, Jun Sun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.87 no.3
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    • pp.391-403
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    • 1998
  • The study was carried out to devise a proper measure to increase the income of mountain villagers by producing sap water of Acer mono, and to make the most of sap water as local specialty to contribute to the local economy of mountain villages. All the processes from collecting to marketing of sap water of Acer mono was investigated. The survey was done from mid-January to mid-February in the 3 major sap water collecting regions, Toji-myon Kurey-gun(Piagol area of Mt. Chiri), Okryong-myon Kwangyang city(Mt. Baekun), and Jookhack-ri Sunchon(Mt. Chokey). A total of 90 householders who collect sap water, to say again, 30 householders in each region, were interviewed personally to make up questionnaires. The habitual or general practices about collecting sap water, the selling price, the sales process, labor power to collect and carry down, carrying distance and facilities, sales income and side income, and family income were investigated and examined. Spots of collecting sap water were not concentrated but scattered all over the collecting area. Collecting method, collecting amount, sales process, and selling price varied with the village and region. Sap water was collected by tapping or boring method, the latter of which was widely used in lots of regions except in Sunchon. Although the amount of sap production per family varied with region, the average amount was about 1,350 liters. Of all the sap water collected, 44% was consumed by drinking of on-the-spot visitors and 36% was sold by order, etc. Sap water was sold at the price varying from 10,000 won to 60,000 won per 18 liters. The average selling price was 41,000 won, but selling prices of 43,000 won and 45,000 wan amounted to 38% and 25%, respectively.

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Moderating Effect of Health Motivation, Health Concern and Food Involvement on the Relationship between Consumption Value and Purchasing Intentions of Healthy Functional Food (건강기능식품 소비가치와 구매의도의 관계에 대한 건강동기, 건강염려, 식품몰입의 조절효과)

  • Cha, Myeong-Hwa;Kim, Yoo-Kyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.37 no.11
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    • pp.1435-1442
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the influence of consumption value on healthy functional food choice. Also, this study explored the role of health motivation, health concern, and food involvement as a moderating variable in the relationship between consumption value and healthy functional food choice. A total of 281 responses were collected using on-site survey (response rate 96.0%) from college students in Daegu, Gyeoungbuk Province. The questionnaire contained questions on consumption value, health motivation, health concern, food involvement, and purchasing intention of healthy functional food. The respondents rated the items using a 5-point scale from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). According to the confirmatory factor analysis, item evaluating using factor loading resulted in the retention of 25 consumption value items loading on seven factors, four health motivation items loading one factor, six health concern items loading on one factor, and four food involvement items loading on one factor with an internal consistency. Results of stepwise regression found that social value-I, emotional, functional, epistemic, and conditional values among consumption value determined the purchasing intention of healthy functional food. Results of hierarchical regression showed that health concern had a positive effect on the relationship between social value-I and purchasing intention of healthy functional food.

Case Study of Menu Satisfaction Index in Business & Industry Food Service (산업체급식 메뉴 만족도 조사도구의 활용에 대한 사례연구)

  • Lee, Hae-Young;Ahn, Sun-Jung;Yang, Il-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.37 no.11
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    • pp.1443-1451
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    • 2008
  • This study was performed to develop menu satisfaction index in Business & Industry (B&I) food service and to survey customer's menu satisfaction using the index. The menu satisfaction index included 16 items with Likert 5 point. Cronbach's alpha to assess the internal reliability of the developed scales was 0.8917, which indicated highly reliable. Construct validity was assessed by principal components analysis and then four factors explaining 65.964% of the total variance were found. Among the 15 items of menu satisfaction, the average scores of all items were above 3.0 out of 5. As a result of analysis on menu satisfaction factors, 'propriety of food temperature' (3.52 out of 5) was the highest consideration followed by 'sufficiency of format' (3.46), 'excellence in food' (3.35) and 'well-being orientation' (3.31). It could be said that customer's perception on the menu quality was very positive. Four factors were correlated with overall menu satisfaction positively. Especially, 'excellence in food', and 'well-being orientation' and 'sufficiency of format' affected significantly on overall menu satisfaction. It concluded that customers were satisfied with portion size, temperature, price but their needs for taste and health/nutrition-related service would be increased. The menu satisfaction developed in this study should be applied to other B & I food service operation by type.