• Title/Summary/Keyword: Total rainfall

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Characteristics of Particle Size Distribution and Heavy Metal Concentration in Pavement Road Runoff (포장지역 강우유출수에서의 입자성물질의 입도 분포 및 중금속 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Hai-Mi;Kim, Young-Jun;Ko, Seok-Oh
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2009
  • Objective of this study was to characterize the particle size distribution(PSD) and quantify the pollutant concentration in highway runoff. Runoff samples during two rainfall events at four road sites in Gyunggi-Do were collected and PSD and associated pollutant distribution was quantified. Also, rainfall amount, flow rate, and other pollutants in samples were analyzed. PSDs in each sample were analyzed and compared with temporal trends of other pollutants. High partial event mean concentrations(PEMC) of particulates were observed at the beginning of runoff and rapid decrease thereafter. Other pollution parameters such as turbidity, TSS, BOD, TN, and TP also have similar temporal runoff trend with the PEMC. Especially PEMC was well correlated with total suspended solids(TSS) and turbidity. Cu, Pb, Zn had high concentration both runoff and sediment. Heavy metals in sediment were strongly bound to fine particles that have the large surface area-to-volume ratios.

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Correlation between Storm Characteristics and Flood Damage (우리나라 호우특성과 홍수피해와의 상관관계)

  • Park, Doo-Ho;Ahn, Jae-Hyun;Choi, Yong-Joon
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.219-229
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    • 2011
  • In this study, Correlation analysis for relationship between storm characteristics and flood damage cost was carried out using histogram analysis. The spatial range of flood damage cost data was the whole country and 16 provinces in the Korea, and period range was 16 years, from 1994 to 2009. According to the results of this analysis, most of total flood damage cost was highest in small; middle scale rainfall events of high frequency. Based on the results of comparison among 16 provinces, the ability to prevent flood demage of metropolitan was better than that of provinces. And the storm characteristics of causing maximum flood damage cost was different from each provinces. Therefore, the construction size in flood defence measures has to be determined when flood defence measures considering the results of this study as an useful guideline.

A study on the Management of Non-point Source Using Peak Water Quality Concentration (첨두수질농도를 이용한 비점오염원 관리방안 연구)

  • Kal, Byungseok;Park, Jaebeom;Kwon, Heongak;Im, Taehyo;Lee, Jiho
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.287-295
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    • 2017
  • In this study, rainfall runoff characteristics according to peak concentration were analyzed using the water quality and flow data in the Geumho river, and the direction of nonpoint source management such as monitoring and management period by pollution source was derived. Peak Water Quality Concentration is the concept that utilizes the extreme value as the concentration of non-point pollution control standard with the highest water quality in the rainwater runoff. Using this method, the evaluation factors such as cumulative precipitation(total precipitation), peak water quality concentration, cumulative precipitation up to peak water quality concentration, time to peak water quality concentration, and EMC to peak water quality concentration were examined and long- Rainfall runoff characteristics of nonpoint sources were analyzed. The results of the analysis suggested proper monitoring and management method to manage nonpoint source.

Study on Temporal and Spatial Characteristics of Summertime Precipitation over Korean Peninsula (여름철 한반도 강수의 시·공간적 특성 연구)

  • In, So-Ra;Han, Sang-Ok;Im, Eun-Soon;Kim, Ki-Hoon;Shim, JaeKwan
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.159-171
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    • 2014
  • This study investigated the temporal and spatial characteristics of summertime (June-August) precipitation over Korean peninsula, using Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA)is Automated Synoptic Observing System (ASOS) data for the period of 1973-2010 and Automatic Weather System (AWS) data for the period of 1998-2010.The authors looked through climatological features of the summertime precipitation, then examined the degree of locality of the precipitation, and probable precipitation amount and its return period of 100 years (i.e., an extreme precipitation event). The amount of monthly total precipitation showed increasing trends for all the summer months during the investigated 38-year period. In particular, the increasing trends were more significant for the months of July and August. The increasing trend of July was seen to be more attributable to the increase of precipitation intensity than that of frequency, while the increasing trend of August was seen to be played more importantly by the increase of the precipitation frequency. The e-folding distance, which is calculated using the correlation of the precipitation at the reference station with those at all other stations, revealed that it is August that has the highest locality of hourly precipitation, indicating higher potential of localized heavy rainfall in August compared to other summer months. More localized precipitation was observed over the western parts of the Korean peninsula where terrain is relatively smooth. Using the 38-years long series of maximum daily and hourly precipitation as input for FARD2006 (Frequency Analysis of Rainfall Data Program 2006), it was revealed that precipitation events with either 360 mm $day^{-1}$ or 80 mm $h^{-1}$ can occur with the return period of 100 years over the Korean Peninsula.

On-site Evaluation of Rainwater Harvesting Device for Securing Irrigation Water in Small Fields (소규모 밭 관개용수 확보를 위한 소류천 빗물 집수장치의 현장 평가)

  • Choi, Yonghun;Kim, Youngjin;Kim, Minyoung;Jeon, Jonggil
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 2018
  • A rainwater harvesting device was developed for runoff flow harvesting in a small stream or channel and its performance was evaluated in small fields. The rainwater harvesting device has slits on its side of cylindrical volume in 15 cm diameter and 70 cm length, which is designed to increase its water flow harvesting capacity. The maximum collectable water quantity was about 0.0022 ton/sec (130 L/min). Rainwater harvesting device were installed in two locations (P1, P2). P1 is a point for rainfall runoff flow harvesting. P2 is a point for ordinary flow harvesting. During this study, total rainfall depth was 334.5 mm. Runoff of 1,722 ton and 7,984 ton occurred in P1 and P2, and 273 ton and 125 ton were collected by this rainwater harvesting device. Harvesting efficiency was calculated as 15.85 % and 1.57 % in P1 and P2. Clogging of screen filter media in the cylinder due to soil and suspended solids has lowered the harvesting efficiency. However, it was possible to harvest 30 ton/month of rainwater harvesting and it is expected that it will help to solve short-term water shortage.

Analysis on Load of Non-point Source from Sewage Treatment Districts in Nakdong River (낙동강 유역 내 하수처리구역의 비점 배출 부하량 분석)

  • Shin, Hyun Suk;Kim, Mi Eun;Kim, Jae Moon;Jang, Jong Kyung
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.48 no.9
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    • pp.695-709
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    • 2015
  • The inflow of nonpoint pollution sources due to sustainable development and urbanization is gradually increasing and causes a diversity of water pollution. There are lots of difficulties to find a solution as the problems related to variation of hydrological and natural phenomenon. A differentiated method to estimate the nonpoint pollution sources has been proposed using rainfall and characteristics of urbanization and observed data from sewage treatment districts in the study. The types of nonpoint pollution sources on an assumption of combined sewer system have been classified as three types which are inflow of rainfall, bypass of sewage treatments, and combined sewer overflows from a river. Three types for estimation of nonpoint pollution sources applied more accurately to generate a amount of nonpoint pollution loads. This study is expecting a wide application for effective water resource management on TMDL (total maximum delivery load) unit watershed and sewage treatment districts.

Characteristics of Washed-off Pollutants and Dynamic EMCs in a Parking Lot and a Bridge during Storms (주차장 및 교량지역의 강우유출수내 비점오염물질의 특성 비교 및 동적 EMCs)

  • Kim, Lee-Hyung;Lee, Seonha
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.248-255
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    • 2005
  • Since the water quality of drinking water sources has been recognized as a big issue, the ministry of Environment in Korea is designing the total maximum daily load (TMDL) program for 4 major large rivers. The TMDL program can be successfully performed as controling the nonpoint pollutants from watershed area near the river. Of the various landuses in nonpoint pollution, parking lots and bridges are stormwater intensive landuses because of high imperviousness and high pollutant mass emissions from vehicular activities. Vehicle emissions from those areas include different pollutants such as heavy metals, oil and grease and particulates from sources such as fuels, brake pad and tire wear, etc. Especially the pollutant washed-off from the landuses are directly affecting to the river water quality. Therefore this research was conducted to understand the magnitude and nature of the stormwater emissions with the goal of quantifying stormwater pollutant concentrations and mass emission rates of pollutants from parking lot and bridges in Korea. In Kongju city areas, two monitoring sites were equipped with an automatic rainfall gages and an automatic flow meter for accumulating the useful data such as rainfall, water quality and runoff flow. This manuscripts will show the concentration changes during storm duration and EMCs to characterize the concentration profiles in different land uses. Also the first flush criteria will be suggested using dynamic EMCs. The definition of dynamic EMC is a new approach explaining the relationship of EMC and first flush effect.

Evaluation of Corn Production Based on Different Climate Scenarios

  • Twumasi, George Blay;Choi, Kyung-Sook
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.518-518
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    • 2016
  • Agriculture is the lifeblood of the economy in Ghana, employs about 42% of the population work force and accounts for 30% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Corn (maize) is the major cereal crop grown as staple food under rain fed conditions, covers over 92% of the total agricultural area, and contributes 54% of the caloric intake. Issues of hunger and food insecurity for the entire nation are associated with corn scarcity and low production. The climate changes are expected to affect corn production in Ghana. This study evaluated variations of corn yields based on different climate conditions of rain-fed area in the Dangbe East District of Ghana. AquaCrop model has been used to simulate corn growing cycles in study area for this purpose. The main goal for this study was to predict yield of corn using selected climatic parameters from 1992 to 2013 using different climate scenarios. The Model was calibrated and validated using observed field data, and the simulated grain yields matched well with observed values for the season under production giving an R squared (R2)of 0.93 and Nash-Sutcliff Error(NSE) of 0.21. Study results showed that rainfall reduction in the range of -5% to -20% would reduce the yield from 1.315ton/ha to 0.421ton/ha (-21. 3%) whereas increasing temperature from 1% to 7% would result in the maximum yield reduction of -20.6% (1.315 to 1.09 ton/ha.). On the other hand, increasing rainfall from 5-20% resulted in yield increment of 68% (1.315-2.209 ton/ha) and decreasing temperature produce 7% increase in yield ( 1.315 to 1.401ton/ha). These results provide useful information to adopt strategies by the Government of Ghana and farmers for improving national food security under climate change.

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Development of GK2A Convective Initiation Algorithm for Localized Torrential Rainfall Monitoring (국지성 집중호우 감시를 위한 천리안위성 2A호 대류운 전조 탐지 알고리즘 개발)

  • Park, Hye-In;Chung, Sung-Rae;Park, Ki-Hong;Moon, Jae-In
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.489-510
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, we propose an algorithm for detecting convective initiation (CI) using GEO-KOMPSAT-2A/advanced meteorological imager data. The algorithm identifies clouds that are likely to grow into convective clouds with radar reflectivity greater than 35 dBZ within the next two hours. This algorithm is developed using statistical and qualitative analysis of cloud characteristics, such as atmospheric instability, cloud top height, and phase, for convective clouds that occurred on the Korean Peninsula from June to September 2019. The CI algorithm consists of four steps: 1) convective cloud mask, 2) cloud object clustering and tracking, 3) interest field tests, and 4) post-processing tests to remove non-convective objects. Validation, performed using 14 CI events that occurred in the summer of 2020 in Korean Peninsula, shows a total probability of detection of 0.89, false-alarm ratio of 0.46, and mean lead-time of 39 minutes. This algorithm can be useful warnings of rapidly developing convective clouds in future by providing information about CI that is otherwise difficult to predict from radar or a numerical prediction model. This CI information will be provided in short-term forecasts to help predict severe weather events such as localized torrential rainfall and hail.

Optimization of Fractionation Conditions for Natural Organic Matter in Water by DAX-8 Resin and its Application to Environmental Samples (DAX-8 레진의 수중 자연유기물의 분획조건 최적화 및 환경시료에의 적용)

  • Lim, Hyebin;Hur, Jin;Kim, Joowon;Shin, Hyunsang
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.133-142
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    • 2022
  • Natural organic matter (NOM) is a heterogeneous mixture of organic matter with various polarities and molecular weights in an aquatic environment. This study investigated the effects of separation conditions (resin volume, organic matter, etc.) and the repeated use of the resin for the fractionation of organic components in the DAX resin fractionation method. The distribution characteristics of the organic components ((hydrophilic [Hi], hydrophobic acid [HoA], and hydrophobic neutral [HoN]) under the derived fractionation conditions were also analyzed. Constant fractionation results (i.e. HoA/Hi ratio) were obtained in the column capacity factor (i.e. the packed resin volume) in the range of 50 to 100. The resin-packed column maintained constant separation efficiency for up to two repeated uses. The above conditions were applied to wastewater and stream water samples (before and after rainfall). The results showed that the concentration of organic matter in the wastewater effluent was 2-15 times lower with an increased ratio of hydrophilicity to hydrophobicity (i.e. Ho/Hi) compared to the influent depending on the industrial wastewater classification. Particularly, HoN was found to have a high content distribution, 10.2-50.4% of the total dissolved organic matter (DOM), in the effluents. For the stream water, the content of Hi or HoN increased significantly after rainfall, suggesting a correlation with the distribution characteristics of pollutants from the stream watershed. The results provide useful data to enhance the reliability of the DAX resin fractionation and its application to environmental samples.