• Title/Summary/Keyword: Threshold phenomena

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Establishment and Application of a Femtosecond-laser Two-photon-polymerization Additive-manufacturing System

  • Li, Shanggeng;Zhang, Shuai;Xie, Mengmeng;Li, Jing;Li, Ning;Yin, Qiang;He, Zhibing;Zhang, Lin
    • Current Optics and Photonics
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.381-391
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    • 2022
  • Two-photon-polymerization additive-manufacturing systems feature high resolution and precision. However, there are few reports on specific methods and possible problems concerning the use of small lasers to independently build such platforms. In this paper, a femtosecond-laser two-photon-polymerization additive-manufacturing system containing an optical unit, control unit, monitoring unit, and testing unit is built using a miniature femtosecond laser, with a detailed building process and corresponding control software that is developed independently. This system has integrated functions of light-spot detection, interface searching, micro-/nanomanufacturing, and performance testing. In addition, possible problems in the processes of platform establishment, resin preparation, and actual polymerization for two-photon-polymerization additive manufacturing are explained specifically, and the causes of these problems analyzed. Moreover, the impacts of different power levels and scanning speeds on the degree of polymerization are compared, and the influence of the magnification of the object lens on the linewidth is analyzed in detail. A qualitative analysis model is established, and the concepts of the threshold broadening and focus narrowing effects are proposed, with their influences and cooperative relation discussed. Besides, a linear structure with micrometer accuracy is manufactured at the millimeter scale.

Numerical Simulations of Dynamic Response of Cased Reactive System Subject to Bullet Impact (총탄 충격이 가해진 반응 시스템의 파괴 거동에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Kim, Bohoon;Kim, Minsung;Doh, Youngdae;Kim, Changkee;Yoo, Jichang;Yoh, Jai-Ick
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.38 no.6
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    • pp.525-538
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    • 2014
  • Safety of reactive systems is one of the most important research areas in the field of weapon development. A NoGo response or at least a low-order explosion should be ensured to prevent unexpected accidents when the reactive system is impacted by high-velocity projectile. We investigated the shock-induced detonation of cased reactive systems subject to a normal projectile impact to the cylindrical surface based on two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations using the I&G chemical rate law. Two types of energetic materials, namely LX-17 and AP-based solid propellant, were considered to compare the dynamic responses of the reactive system when subjected to the threshold impact velocity. It was found that shock-to-detonation transition phenomena occurred in the cased LX-17, whereas no full reaction occurred in the propellant.

An Analysis of Emotional and Cognitive Factors on Acupuncture (침에 대한 정서와 인지요소 분석)

  • Chae, Youn-Byoung;Park, Hi-Joon;Kang, O-Seok;Lee, Jeong-Chan;Park, Kyung-Mo;Lee, Hye-Jung
    • Journal of Acupuncture Research
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.215-229
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : Placebo phenomena have been considered as a confounding factor of clinical trial. Expectancy and belief of acupuncture have not been evaluated quantitatively. The present study was performed to analyze the emotional and cognitive factor .of acupuncture and investigate whether the expectancy of acupuncture treatment is associated with the cognition of acupuncture. Methods : The expectancy and the perception of bodily sensation (PBS) of 22 participants were assessed using self-reported questionnaire. The subjects used the self assessment manikin (SAM) to rate each of the standard affective image of the international affective picture system (lAPS) and other acupuncture-related image. Based on the degree of expectancy, the high expectant (HE) and the low expectant (LE) group were classified. The thermal and pressure pain threshold was objectively evaluated using radiant-heat device and algometer. The degree of expected pain of acupuncture and the actual pain of painful stimulation was subjectively evaluated using facial pain scales (FPS). Results : Using SAlVI analysis, we identified the negative correlation between hedonic valence and arousal dimension on acupuncture-related visual cue. The degree of the PBS and general pain threshold did not show any significant difference between the HE and the LE group. The HE group rated the acupuncture images as more pleasant, more arousing, than the LE group. In addition, we also found that the higher expectancy marked the lower FPS of the expected pain of acupuncture, but not of the actual pain of painful stimulation. Conclusions : Our preliminary study identified the psychological dimensions of acupuncture-related visual cue. These findings indicate that the expectancy of acupuncture could affect the cognition of acupuncture.

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Fast Neutron Dosimetry in Nuclear Criticality Accidents (핵임계사고시(核臨界事故時)에 있어서 속중성자선량(速中性子線量) 측정(測定))

  • Yook, Chong-Chul;Ro, Seung-Gy
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.17-23
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    • 1977
  • The neutron dosimetrical parameters, i. e., the fission neutron spectrum-averaged cross-sections and the fluence-to-dose conversion factors have been calculated for some threshold detectors with the aid of a computer. The threshold detectors under investigation were the $^{115}In(n,\;n')^{115m}In,\;^{32}S(n,\;p)^{32}P$ and $^{27}Al(n,\;{\alpha})^{24}Na$ reactions. It is revealed that the average cross-sections($\bar{\sigma}$) for the $^{32}S(n,\;p)^{32}P$ reaction are independent of the spectral functions, namely, the Watt-Cranberg and Maxwellian forms. In the case of the $^{27}Al(n,\;{\alpha})^{24}Na$ reaction a variation of the $\bar{\sigma}$ values appears to be highly dependent on the fissioning types. It seems that both the average cross-section for the $^{115}In(n,\;n')^{11m}In$ reaction and the conversion factor are insensitive to the spectral deformation of fission neutrons. These phenomena make it applicable to use indium as a possible integral fast neutron dosimeter in nuclear criticality accidents provided that the virgin fission neutrons are completely free from the scattered neutrons.

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Detecting Nonlinearity of Hydrologic Time Series by BDS Statistic and DVS Algorithm (BDS 통계와 DVS 알고리즘을 이용한 수문시계열의 비선형성 분석)

  • Choi, Kang Soo;Kyoung, Min Soo;Kim, Soo Jun;Kim, Hung Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.29 no.2B
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    • pp.163-171
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    • 2009
  • Classical linear models have been generally used to analyze and forecast hydrologic time series. However, there is growing evidence of nonlinear structure in natural phenomena and hydrologic time series associated with their patterns and fluctuations. Therefore, the classical linear techniques for time series analysis and forecasting may not be appropriate for nonlinear processes. In recent, the BDS (Brock-Dechert-Scheinkman) statistic instead of conventional techniques has been used for detecting nonlinearity of time series. The BDS statistic was derived from the statistical properties of the correlation integral which is used to analyze chaotic system and has been effectively used for distinguishing nonlinear structure in dynamic system from random structures. DVS (Deterministic Versus Stochastic) algorithm has been used for detecting chaos and stochastic systems and for forecasting of chaotic system. This study showed the DVS algorithm can be also used for detecting nonlinearity of the time series. In this study, the stochastic and hydrologic time series are analyzed to detect their nonlinearity. The linear and nonlinear stochastic time series generated from ARMA and TAR (Threshold Auto Regressive) models, a daily streamflow at St. Johns river near Cocoa, Florida, USA and Great Salt Lake Volume (GSL) data, Utah, USA are analyzed, daily inflow series of Soyang dam and the results are compared. The results showed the BDS statistic is a powerful tool for distinguishing between linearity and nonlinearity of the time series and DVS plot can be also effectively used for distinguishing the nonlinearity of the time series.

On the Change of Extreme Weather Event using Extreme Indices (극한지수를 이용한 극한 기상사상의 변화 분석)

  • Kim, Bo Kyung;Kim, Byung Sik;Kim, Hung Soo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.1B
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    • pp.41-53
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    • 2008
  • Unprecedented weather phenomena are occurring because of climate change: extreme heavy rains, heat waves, and severe rain storms after the rainy season. Recently, the frequency of these abnormal phenomena has increased. However, regular pattern or cycles cannot be found. Analysis of annual data or annual average data, which has been established a research method of climate change, should be applied to find frequency and tendencies of extreme climate events. In this paper, extreme indicators of precipitation and temperature marked by objectivity and consistency were established to analyze data collected by 66 observatories throughout Korea operated by the Meteorological Administration. To assess the statistical significance of the data, linear regression and Kendall-Tau method were applied for statistical diagnosis. The indicators were analyzed to find tendencies. The analysis revealed that an increase of precipitation along with a decrease of the number of rainy days. A seasonal trend was also found: precipitation rate and the heavy rainfall threshold increased to a greater extent in the summer(June-August) than in the winter (September-November). In the meanwhile, a tendency of temperature increase was more prominent in the winter (December-February) than in the summer (June-August). In general, this phenomenon was more widespread in inland areas than in coastal areas. Furthermore, the number of winter frost days diminished throughout Korea. As was mentioned in the literature, the progression of climate change has influenced the increase of temperature in the winter.

Analysis of Coherent Structure of Turbulent Flows in the Rectangular Open-Channel Using LES (LES를 이용한 직사각형 개수로 난류흐름의 조직구조 분석)

  • Ban, Chaewoong;Choi, Sung-Uk
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.1435-1442
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    • 2014
  • This study presented numerical simulations of smooth-bed flows in the rectangular open-channel using the source code by OpenFOAM. For the analysis of the turbulent flow, Large Eddy Simulations were carried out and the dynamic sub-grid scale model proposed by Germano et al. (1991) is used to model the residual stress term. In order to analyze the coherent structure, the uw quadrant method proposed by Lu and Willmarth (1973) is used and the contribution rate and the fraction time of the instantaneous Reynolds stress are obtained in the Reynolds stress. The results by the present study are analyzed and compared with data from previous laboratory studies and direct numerical simulations. It is found that the contribution rate of the ejection events is larger than that of sweep events over the buffer layer in the open-channel flow over the smooth bed, however, the frequency of the sweep event is higher than that of the ejection events.

The Effects of Corner Transistors in STI-isolated SOI MOSFETs

  • Cho, Seong-Jae;Kim, Tae-Hun;Park, Il-Han;Jeong, Yong-Sang;Lee, Jong-Duk;Shin, Hyung-Cheol;Park, Byung-Gook
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.615-618
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    • 2005
  • In this work, the effects of corner transistors in SOI MOSFETs were investigated. We fabricated SOI MOSFETs with various widths and a fixed length and characterized them. The SOI thickness was $4000{\AA}$ and the buried oxide(BOX) thickness was $4000{\AA}$. The isolation of active region was simply done by silicon etching and TEOS sidewall formation. Several undesirable characteristics have been reported for LOCOS isolation in fabrication on SOI wafers so far. Although we used an STI-like process instead of LOCOS, there were still a couple of abnormal phenomena such as kinks and double humps in drain current. Above all, we investigated the location of the parasitic transistors and found that they were at the corners of the SOI in width direction by high-resolution SEM inspection. It turned out that their characteristics are strongly dependent on the channel width. We made a contact pad through which we can control the body potential and figured out the dependency of operation on the body potential. The double humps became more prominent as the body bias went more negative until the full depletion of the channel where the threshold voltage shift did not occur any more. Through these works, we could get insights on the process that can reduce the effects of corner transistors in SOI MOSFETs, and several possible solutions are suggested at the end.

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Effects of CF4 Plasma Treatment on Characteristics of Enhancement Mode AlGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors

  • Horng, Ray-Hua;Yeh, Chih-Tung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2015.08a
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    • pp.62-62
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    • 2015
  • In this study, we study the effects of CF4 plasma treatment on the characteristics of enhancement mode (E-mode) AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs). The CF4 plasma is generated by inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching (ICP-RIE) system. The CF4 gas is decomposed into fluorine ions by ICP-RIE and then fluorine ions will effect the AlGaN/GaN interface to inhibit the electron transport of two dimension electron gas (2DEG) and increase channel resistance. The CF4 plasma method neither like the recessed type which have to utilize Cl2/BCl3 to etch semiconductor layer nor ion implantation needed high power to implant ions into semiconductor. Both of techniques will cause semiconductor damage. In the experiment, the CF4 treatment time are 0, 50, 100, 150, 200 and 250 seconds. It was found that the devices treated 100 seconds showed best electric performance. In order to prove fluorine ions existing and CF4 plasma treatment not etch epitaxial layer, the secondary ion mass spectrometer confirmed fluorine ions truly existing in the sample which treatment time 100 seconds. Moreover, transmission electron microscopy showed that the sample treated time 100 seconds did not have etch phenomena. Atomic layer deposition is used to grow Al2O3 with thickness 10, 20, 30 and 40 nm. In electrical measurement, the device that deposited 20-nm-thickness Al2O3 showed excellent current ability, the forward saturation current of 210 mA/mm, transconductance (gm) of 44.1 mS/mm and threshold voltage of 2.28 V, ION/IOFF reach to 108. As IV concerning the breakdown voltage measurement, all kinds of samples can reach to 1450 V.

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High Resolution Probabilistic Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting in Korea

  • Oh, Jai-Ho;Kim, Ok-Yeon;Yi, Han-Se;Kim, Tae-Kuk
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.74-79
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    • 2005
  • Recently, several attempts have been made to provide reasonable information on unusual severe weather phenomena such as tolerant heavy rains and very wild typhoons. Quantitative precipitation forecasts and probabilistic quantitative precipitation forecasts (QPFs and PQPFs, respectively) might be one of the most promising methodologies for early warning on the flesh floods because those diagnostic precipitation models require less computational resources than fine-mesh full-dynamics non-hydrostatic mesoscale model. The diagnostic rainfall model used in this study is the named QPM(Quantitative Precipitation Model), which calculates the rainfall by considering the effect of small-scale topography which is not treated in the mesoscale model. We examine the capability of probabilistic diagnostic rainfall model in terms of how well represented the observed several rainfall events and what is the most optimistic resolution of the mesoscale model in which diagnostic rainfall model is nested. Also, we examine the integration time to provide reasonable fine-mesh rainfall information. When we apply this QPM directly to 27 km mesh meso-scale model (called as M27-Q3), it takes about 15 min. while it takes about 87 min. to get the same resolution precipitation information with full dynamic downscaling method (called M27-9-3). The quality of precipitation forecast by M27-Q3 is quite comparable with the results of M27-9-3 with reasonable threshold value for precipitation. Based on a series of examination we may conclude that the proosed QPM has a capability to provide fine-mesh rainfall information in terms of time and accuracy compared to full dynamical fine-mesh meso-scale model.

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