• Title/Summary/Keyword: Thoracic Artery

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Aortic Valve Replacement for Aortic Stenosis and Concomitant Coronary Artery Bypass: Long-term Outcomes and Predictors of Mortality

  • Cho, Won-Chul;Yoo, Dong-Gon;Kim, Joon-Bum;Lee, Jae-Won;Choo, Suk-Jung;Jung, Sung-Ho;Chung, Cheol-Hyun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 2011
  • Background: We evaluated the surgical results and predictors of long-term survival in patients who underwent coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) at the time of an aortic valve replacement (AVR) due to aortic stenosis. Materials and Methods: Between January 1990 and December 2009, 183 consecutive patients underwent CABG and concomitant aortic valve replacement for aortic stenosis. The mean follow-up period was $59.8{\pm}3.3$ months and follow-up was possible in 98.3% of cases. Predictors of mortality were determined by Cox regression analysis. Results: There were 5 (2.7%) in-hospital deaths. Follow-up of the in-hospital survivors documented late survival rates of 91.5%, 74.8%, and 59.6% at 1, 5, and 10 postoperative years, respectively. Age (p<0.001), a glomerular filtration rate (GFR) less than 60 mL/min (p=0.006), and left ventricular (LV) mass (p<0.001) were significant predictors of mortality in the multivariate analysis. Conclusion: The surgical results and long-term survival of aortic valve replacement with concomitant CABG in patients with aortic stenosis and coronary artery disease were acceptable. Age, a GFR less than 60 mL/min, and LV mass were significant predictors of mortality.

Off-Pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (심폐바이패스없이 시행하는 관상동맥우회술)

  • Kim, Ki-Bong;Lim, Hong-Gook;Huh, Jae-Hak;Ahn, Hyuk;Ham, Byung-Moon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 2000
  • Background: We analyzed the result of the "Off-Pump" Coronary Artery Bypass grafting (OPCAB) performed to minimize inflammatory responses to cardiopulmonary bypass and myocardial ischemia during the aortic cross-clamp period. Material and Method : The preoperative diagnosis operative procedure mortality complication and postoperative course of the 50 patients who underwent OPCAB between January 1998 and September 1998 were analyzed. There were 34 males and 16 females with mean age of 60$\pm$9 years. Preoperative clinical diagnoses were unstable angina in 31(62%) stable angina in 16(32%) and clinical diagnoses were unstable angina in 31(62%) stable angina in 16(32%) and postinfarction angina in 3(6%) patients. Preoperative angiographic diagnoses were three-vessel disease in 25(50%) two-vessel disease in 5(10%) one-vessel disease in 7(14%) and left main disease in 13(26%) patients. There were elective operation in 37 cases and urgent operation in 13 cases. Result: The mean number of grafts was 3.2$\pm$1.2 per patient. Grafts used were unilateral internal thoracic artery in 43 greater saphenous vein in 37 radial artery in 7 bilateral internal thoracic arteries in 4 and right gastroepiploic artery in 2 cases Forty sequential anastomoses were performed in 18 cases. Vessels accessed were left anterior descending artery in 48 diagonal branch in 41 obtuse marginal branch in 30 right coronary artery in 24 posterior descending artery in 9 ramus intermedius in 5 and posterolateral branch in 5 anastomoses. Predischarge coronary angiography performed in 44 patients demonstrated the patency rate of 89.5%(128/143) Operative mortality was 2%(1/150) Postoperative complications were arrhythmia in 5 graft occlusion that needed reoperation in 4. perioperative myocardial infarction in 2 femoral artery thromboembolism developed after the application of IABP in 1 postoperative transient delirium in 1 peripheral compression neuropathy in 1 case. Sixteen patients(32%) were extubated at the operating room and the other patients were extubated at the mean 13$\pm$20 hours after the operation. Mean duration of stay in intensive care unit was 49$\pm$46 hours. Thirteen patients(26%) required blood transfusions perioperatively and the amount of perioperative blood transfusion was mean 0.70$\pm$1.36 pack/patient. Conclusion: OPCAB is suggested to be the ideal technique with less postoperative complication less hospitalization time and less cost.less cost.

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Dual Grafting of Left Internal Thoracic Artery and Saphenous Vein to Left Anterior Descending Artery (좌내흉동맥편과 복재정맥편을 좌전하행지에 동시에 문합한 관상동맥 우회로술의 임상적 결과)

  • 최종범;양현웅;한재오;최순호
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.8
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    • pp.709-714
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    • 1999
  • Background: When internal thoracic artery (ITA) and saphenous vein graft are anastomosed to the same coronary artery, the patency rate of the internal thoracic artery graft with relatively narrow diameter may be decreased owing to competition of pressure and flow rate. We evaluate the clinical outcome and the patency of the ITA graft in patients undergoing dual grafting to the same coronary artery. Material and Method: In 14 patients with the ITA graft having relatively low flow, the ITA and saphenous vein graft were anastomosed to the same coronary artery. During the mean follow-up period of 33.5 months, coronary angiography was performed in 6 patients who complained of recurrent angina, needed confirmation of graft flow, or showed postoperative Q wave. Result: In all 6 patients, the ITA and saphenous vein grafts were patent without stenosis or obstruction. Two patients showed good flow in both grafts, 2 showed competitive flow in the ITA graft, and the remaining 2 showed poor flow in the ITA graft. Conclusion: Early operative closure When saphenous vein grafting was added to the same coronary artery that the internal thoracic artery was anastomosed to, the perfusion to the coronary artery was satisfied and the dual grafting did not affect the short-term and mid-term patency rate of the ITA.

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Hybrid Endovascular Operation for Aorto-Iliac Artery Aneurysm - A case report - (대-장골동맥류의 하이브리드(Hybrid) 치료 - 1예 보고 -)

  • Lee, Jae Wook;Won, Yong-Soon;Shin, Hwa-Kyun;Her, Keun;Kim, Dong-Hyun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.42 no.1
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    • pp.111-114
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    • 2009
  • Aorto-iliac artery aneurysms are very rare and the natural course of this disease is not well known. However, the risk of rupture is high and the mortality rate after rupture is extremely high. Preserving the pelvic circulation is important for the treatment of aorto-iliac artery aneurysms. We report here on a case of a patient suffering with aorto-iliac artery aneurysms, and these were treated by a hybrid endovascular operation that combined an open bypass of both iliac vessels with endovascular repair.

Surgical Management of a Coronary-Bronchial Artery Fistula Combined with Myocardial Ischemia Revealed by 13N-Ammonia Positron Emission Tomography

  • Choi, Hang Jun;Kim, Hwan Wook;Kim, Do Yeon;Choi, Kuk Bin;Jo, Keon Hyon
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.50 no.3
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    • pp.220-223
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    • 2017
  • A 71-year-old male with known bronchiectasis and atrial fibrillation was admitted to Seoul St. Mary's Hospital with recurrent transient ischemic attack. R adiofrequency ablation was performed to resolve the patient's atrial fibrillation, but failed. However, a fistula between the left circumflex artery and the bilateral bronchial arteries was found on computed tomography. Fistula ligation and a left-side maze operation were planned due to his recurrent symptom of dizziness, and these procedures were successfully performed. After the operation, the fistula was completely divided and no recurrence of atrial fibrillation took place. A coronary-bronchial artery fistula is a rare anomaly, and can be safely treated by surgical repair.

Off-pump Reoperative Coronary Artery Bypass by Thoracotomy and Laparotomy -A case report - (개흉술과 복부 절개술을 통한 심폐바이패스를 이용하지 않은 관상동맥 재수술 - 1예 보고 -)

  • Kim Jeong-Won;Hahm Shee-Young;Je Hyoung-Gon;Cho Won-Chul;Song Meong-Gun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.9 s.266
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    • pp.710-713
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    • 2006
  • The incidence of reoperative coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) has increased because of the rise in the number of patients who have undergone initial CABG. In addition, recent technological advances have resulted in widespread application of off pump coronary artery bypass (OPCAB). We report a case of redo OPCAB through thoracotomy and small laparotomy in 76-year-old man with recurrent unstable angina.

Recurrent True Brachial Artery Aneurysm

  • Ko, Seong-Min;Han, Il-Yong;Cho, Kwang-Hyun;Lee, Yang-Haeng;Park, Kyung-Taek;Kang, Mee-Sun
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.364-367
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    • 2011
  • True aneurysm of the brachial artery is a rare disease entity. The mechanism of aneurysm formation is considered to be compression of the arterial wall, producing contusion of the media and subsequent weakness of the wall and fusiform dilatation. It can be caused by arteriosclerotic, congenital, and metabolic disorders, and can be associated with diseases such as Kawasaki's disease. Doppler ultrasonography, computed tomography, arteriography, and selective upper extremity angiography may be performed for establishing the diagnosis of aneurysm. The best therapeutic option is operative repair, and it should be performed without any delay, in order to prevent upper extremity ischemic or thrombotic sequelae. Here, we report a case of recurrent brachial artery aneurysm with review of the literature.

Descending Thoracic Aorta to Bilateral Femoral Artery Bypass in a Hostile Abdomen

  • Lee, Hong-Kyu;Kim, Kun-Il;Lee, Won-Yong;Kim, Hyoung-Soo;Lee, Hee-Sung;Cho, Sung-Woo
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.257-259
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    • 2012
  • Descending thoracic aorta to femoral artery bypass has been used as a remedial operation after aortic or axillofemoral graft failure or graft infection and other intra-abdominal pathologies not amenable to standard aortofemoral revascularization. It can avoid abdomen approach and has been known as a durable procedure with excellent long-term patency. We reported descending thoracic aorta to femoral artery bypass grafting for primary revascularization in a 55-year-old male with hostile abdominal conditions.

Conduits for Coronary Bypass: Arteries Other Than the Internal Thoracic Artery's

  • Barner, Hendrick B.
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.165-177
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    • 2013
  • This is the third in a series on coronary artery bypass which reviews three alternative arterial conduits. The radial artery has become the most widely used of the three and accumulating experience demonstrates better patency at 10 years versus saphenous vein. Drawbacks are a long incision on the forearm, the propensity for spasm and persistent sensory disturbance in about 10%. The first is answered by endoscopic harvest which may yield a shorter conduit but reduces sensory nerve injury. Spasm is managed pharmacologically and by less harvest trauma. The gastroepiploic artery is used in situ and free and although the abdominal cavity is entered complications are minimal and patency compares favorably with the radial artery. Use of the inferior epigastric artery remains minimal and its similar length often requires composite use but limited patency data are supportive. Other arteries have had rare use and this is unlikely to change because the three presented here have significant advantages and acceptance.

Surgical Treatment of Bilateral Coronary to Pulmonary Artery Fistulae with a Saccular Aneurysm - A case report - (동맥류를 동반한 양측성 관상동맥-폐동맥루의 외과적 교정 - 1예 보고 -)

  • Kim, Sang-Ik;Kim, Byung-Hun;Noh, Jeong-Sup
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.40 no.12
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    • pp.851-854
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    • 2007
  • A 76-year-old woman with a history of chest pain and palpitation, was diagnosed with bilateral coronary to pulmonary artery fistulae with a concomitant saccular aneurysm, which is quite rare. Suture closure of the fistular vessels around the pulmonary artery root, the removal of a saccular aneurysm, and the transpulmonary closure of coronary to pulmonary artery fistulae were performed. The patient was well at 4 months after surgery.