• Title/Summary/Keyword: The nature of Education

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Effect of Inquiry-based Biology Program on Pre-service Science Teachers' Perceptions on the Nature of Science and Affective Domain of Science (탐구중심 생물수업이 예비 과학교사의 과학의 본성 및 과학의 정의적 영역에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Jin;Seo, Hae-Ae
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.879-889
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to investigate the effect of inquiry-based biology program of pre-service science teachers' perceptions on the nature of science and their affective domain of science. For the study, sixty-seven pre-service science teachers were sampled from students who enrolled in the 'Biology Laboratory', Spring semester, 2011. The experimental group taught by inquiry-based experiment and control group by observation-based experiment were composed. At the beginning and end of semester, pre- and post-tests on the nature of science and affective domain of science were administered. The average scores of experimental group were higher than those of control group in the post-test of the nature of science, but there were no significant differences between both groups (p>.05). For the post-test results of both groups' affective domain of science, the experimental group showed significantly higher scores than the control group in self-efficacy in science, importance of science, and importance of science for careers (p<.01). The inquiry-based biology program did not influence pre-service science teachers' perception on the nature of science, while it was effective for positive changes on pre-service science teachers' affective domain of science.

Analyzing Science-gifted Middle School Students' Understandings of Nature of Science (NOS) (중학교 과학영재들의 과학의 본성에 대한 인식 분석)

  • Park, Eun-I;Hong, Hun-Gi
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.391-405
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    • 2011
  • The nature of science has been recognized in a great deal in the field of science education. However, only few innovative programs are offered for science-gifted students to improve their recognition of the nature of science. The current study describes and analyzes science-gifted students' understandings of the nature of science (NOS). In addition, the study looks into contradictory views among the aspects of NOS, which are fundamental data in constructing target programs on NOS for science gifted students. Data used in this study were collected from 73 middle school science-gifted students using an open-ended questionnaire, VNOS. The results of this study showed that the participants' understanding of NOS was significantly distributed on naive or transition view except for 'tentative NOS', and the results revealed inconsistent view among the aspects of NOS. This study proposes two suggestions to enhance the recognition of science-gifted on NOS of science to informed state and to have consistent perspectives with other areas. First, the role of experiment has to be changed-it should be the process in constructing scientific knowledge rather than an instrument to check scientific knowledge to transform perspective on experimental data and scientific knowledge. Second, various opportunities must be provided to science-gifted students, so they can experience the culture and community of scientists and science to gain a wider insight of science.

Improving Efficiency of Dehumidifiers via Nature-Inspired Technology (제습기의 에너지 효율증가를 위한 자연모사기술의 제안)

  • Yun, Seongjin;Song, Kyungjun;Park, Byung Kil;Kim, Wandoo;Kang, Sanghyeon;Lee, Sun Yong;Lim, Hyuneui
    • Transactions of the KSME C: Technology and Education
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.211-219
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    • 2013
  • Even though global warming and humid climate have resulted in an increase of use of dehumidifiers, they are not becoming more common because of high energy consumption. Furthermore, conventional dehumidifier technology finally reaches the limit to increase energy efficiency of water collection. As an alternative, nature-inspired technology may lead to a major breakthrough in the dehumidification performance. In order to improve the efficiency of dehumidifiers, we first analyze the energy consumption of commercial dehumidifiers and then study bioinspired water collection methods adopted by Namib beetles and grass.

What Feminist Mathematics Education tells to South Korea?

  • Kim, Rina
    • Research in Mathematical Education
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.245-259
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    • 2019
  • I examine the discussions of studies related to feminist mathematics education and the implications of mathematics education in South Korea. In particular, I attempt to answer the following questions through literature reviews on feminist mathematics: What is the epistemological background of feminist mathematics education? How is feminist mathematics education defined and implemented? What does feminist mathematics education suggest in South Korea's mathematics curriculum? From the analysis of the literatures, I found that feminist mathematics education reflects not just the rights of female's rights but also a paradigm shift in epistemology of mathematics and philosophy of mathematics education. In this regard, feminist mathematics questions the existing mathematics education related to the female students who were marginalized in the composition and delivery of mathematics. Feminist mathematics education points out that in the course of the transfer of mathematical knowledge in schools, female students understand unilateral information procedurally without understanding the concept. Mathematics educators should consider alternative curricula that reflect the views of female students regarding the nature of mathematics. Students should be able to receive equal mathematics education in a school regardless of their gender. In this case, equal mathematics education refers to education methods that are suitable for both male and female students. The existing mathematics content and its teaching methods were designed based on the learning experiences of male students, which made them relatively difficult for female students to understand.

Science Teacher Education in Taiwan

  • Lin, Huann-Shyang
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.1071-1081
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    • 2002
  • This article describes the status of science teacher education in Taiwan. The pre-service and in-service science teacher training system, institutes, curricula, programs, and evaluation on the institutes were briefly introduced. The differences before and after the 1996 reform of science teacher training system were compared. Finally, the attempts and efforts that have been done through the channels of research to promote science teachers' professional development were addressed. These efforts include the Case studies of exemplary science teachers' teaching performances, the development of licensure instruments for the certification of science teachers, the use of computers and distance education for supervising student teachers, the exploration of promoting science teachers' understanding about the nature of science, the exploration of promoting science teachers' pedagogical content knowledge, the exploration of promoting science teachers' ability of increasing effective student-teacher and student-student interactions, and the exploration of effective teaching strategies.

Groping the Environmental Education Method based on the Ecological Principles (생태학의 원리에 기초한 환경교육 방법의 모색)

  • 이창석;유영한
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2002
  • The progress of environmental science and technology in the developed countries has been rapid in recent years. Particularly remarkable has been the advancement of various pollutant control measures, which have brought the pollution of inorganic factors such as air and water under control. In contrast, diversity of the ecosphere, of which man is a part, is being steadily impoverished and the biological community is getting unvaryingly uniform. These phenomena were brought about by the expansion of artificial environment such as new industrial complexes, transportation facilities and urban development. Man has constructed uniform and artificial environment, believing in the premise of confrontation with nature, to such a scale that the natural environment and biological community have lost their balance. This will increasingly endanger the soundness of the biotic environment of nature, which constitutes the potential foundation both for the survival environment of man as biological entity and for the development of human civilization. In order to guarantee the soundness of man's body, intelligence and sensitivity as wholesome gene pool on the earth and for the future of man, primarily important environmental education is the understanding of how man can everlasting exist in and with the survival environment. In view of this reality, it is vitally important to create ecologically diverse and well-balanced environment with living materials, i.e., vegetation in order to secure lasting survival environment for man. This task is urgently required in highly artificial environment where non-biological materials have forced the impoverishment of the biological community. Therefore, environmental education for the future should not be totally oriented to technology as that in the past nor it is limited to the medical aspect where well-being of human is the sole object of concern. That is to say, environmental education for the future should be one that provides knowledge that human can understand his place based on the ecological concept and thereby make him to have ethical consciousness that he can control his behavior within the reasonable level for ecological niche who he is located.

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Groping the Environmental Education Method Based on the Ecological Principles (생태학의 원리에 기초한 환경교육 방법의 모색)

  • 이창석
    • Hwankyungkyoyuk
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.137-147
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    • 2002
  • The progress of environmental science and technology in the developed countries has been rapid in recent years. Particularly remarkable has been the advancement of various pollutant control measures, which have brought the pollution of inorganic factors such as air and water under control. In contrast, diversity of the ecosphere, of which man is a part, is being steadily Impoverished and the biological community is getting unvaryingly uniform. These phenomena were brought about by the expansion of artificial environment such as new industrial complexes, transportation facilities and urban development. Man has constructed uniform and artificial environment, believing in the premise of confrontation with nature, to such a scale that the natural environment and biological community have lost their balance. This will increasingly endanger the soundness of the biotic environment of nature, which constitutes the potential foundation both for the survival environment of man as biological entity and for the development of human civilization. In order to guarantee the soundness of man's body, intelligence and sensitivity as wholesome gene Pool on the earth and for the future of man, primarily important environmental education is the understanding of how man can everlasting exist in and with the survival environment. In view of this reality, it is vitally important to create ecologically diverse and well-balanced environment with living materials, i.e., vegetation in order to secure lasting survival environment for man. This task is urgently required in highly artificial environment where non-biological materials have forced the impoverishment of the biological community. Therefore, environmental education for the future should not be totally oriented to technology as that in the past nor it is limited to the medical aspect where well-being of human is the sole object of concern. That is to say, environmental education for the future should be one that provides knowledge that human can understand his place based on the ecological concept and thereby make him to have ethical consciousness that he can control his behavior within the reasonable level for ecological niche who he is located.

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On the Applications of the Genetic Decomposition of Mathematical Concepts -In the Case of $Z_n$ in Abstract Algebra- (수학적 개념의 발생적 분해의 적용에 대하여 -추상대수학에서의 $Z_n$의 경우-)

  • Park Hye Sook;Kim Suh-Ryung;Kim Wan Soon
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.44 no.4 s.111
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    • pp.547-563
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    • 2005
  • There have been many papers reporting that the axiomatic approach in Abstract Algebra is a big obstacle to overcome for the students who are not trained to think in an abstract way. Therefore an instructor must seek for ways to help students grasp mathematical concepts in Abstract Algebra and select the ones suitable for students. Mathematics faculty and students generally consider Abstract Algebra in general and quotient groups in particular to be one of the most troublesome undergraduate subjects. For, an individual's knowledge of the concept of group should include an understanding of various mathematical properties and constructions including groups consisting of undefined elements and a binary operation satisfying the axioms. Even if one begins with a very concrete group, the transition from the group to one of its quotient changes the nature of the elements and forces a student to deal with elements that are undefined. In fact, we also have found through running abstract algebra courses for several years that students have considerable difficulty in understanding the concept of quotient groups. Based on the above observation, we explore and analyze the nature of students' knowledge about $Z_n$ that is the set of congruence classes modulo n. Applying the genetic decomposition method, we propose a model to lead students to achieve the correct concept of $Z_n$.

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Residents' Attitudes toward Natural Environment and Perceptions on Recreation Forest Development (지역주민(地域住民)의 자연환경태도(自然環境態度) 수준(水準)이 휴양림(休養林) 개발(開發) 지각(知覺)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Song, Hyung Sop
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.88 no.2
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    • pp.205-212
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    • 1999
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate the influence of local residents' nature environment attitudes to recreation forest development impact perceptions and to examine application possibility of nature environment attitude to resolution information of recreation forest management conflicts. 30 items of residents' perceptions and opinions were designed from previous tourism impact studies. The new environmental paradigm(NEP) was used to measure local residents' nature environment attitudes. In October 1995, 204 questionnaires were obtained from interview survey in local residents' villages near two recreation forests. Generally most local residents perceived low economic effects and negative environment impacts for recreation forest development. Nature environment attitude levels were significant differences due to socioeconomic variables of local residents, specially high in age, education level and influenced their perceptions toward recreation forest development impacts. The results suggested that the nature environment attitudes could be provided a useful referential framework in resolution of recreation forest management conflicts.

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Moral Turn in Geography Education: Moral Concepts, Skills, Values/Virtues (지리교육에서의 도덕적 전환 -도덕적 개념, 기능, 가치/덕목-)

  • Cho, Chul-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.128-150
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    • 2013
  • This paper is to examine the interrelationship between morality (or ethics) and geography and education in terms of the moral and ethical dimension embedded moral turn in geography. Since the 1970s, the geography have morally turned with stressing realization of social relevance and justice through interest on moral issues such as the spatial inequality and human welfare in the world of difference. This moral turn in geography has formed the area of moral geography, and emphasized the ethics of care and responsibility of human and nature with warning of immoral geographies of others and nature in the world of difference with the recent trend of postmodernism. For morally careful geography teaching, it is now good time that geography educators need to think the moral turn in geography education. If geography education is willing to contribute to make a better world, it needs to reflect more morally on geography curriculum and instruction in terms of the ethics of care and responsibility.

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