• Title/Summary/Keyword: The Nine Chapters

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A study on ${\ulcorner}$HuangDiNeiJing(黃帝內經)${\lrcorner}$ ${\ulcorner}$SanBuJiuHouLun(三部九候論)${\lrcorner}$ ("황제내경(黃帝內經)" 삼부구후론(三部九候論)에 대한 연구)

  • Park, Hyun-Kook;Kim, Ki-Wook
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.19 no.1 s.32
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    • pp.26-40
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    • 2006
  • It is generally understood that San Bu Jiu Hou is the pulse form at CunGuanChi(寸關尺) as in ${\ulcorner}$NanJing(難經)${\lrcorner}$. However, it is totally different in ${\ulcorner}$HuangDiNeiJing${\lrcorner}$. This only appears in tew chapters of ${\ulcorner}$SuWen(素問)${\lrcorner}$ and does not appear in ${\ulcorner}$LingShu(靈樞)${\lrcorner}$. SanBu in ${\ulcorner}$SuWen SanBuJiuHouLun${\lrcorner}$ refers to top, middle, bottom and each part is divided into 3 parts, Tian(天), Di(地), Ren(人) to form JiuHou, and through Jiu Hou, not only does it diagnose ShenZang(神臟) and XingZang(形臟), but also goes on to form a diagnostic system by fusing diagnostic skill and treatment into one. ${\ulcorner}$JiuZhenShiErYuan(九針十二原)${\lrcorner}$ discusses detailed shapes and functions of nine types of acupuncture, and the ${\ulcorner}$GuanZhen(官針)${\lrcorner}$ explains how to manipulate Jiu Zhen adequately, but there is more to it than just shape and function in techniques of acupuncture. It is because it fuses (or merges) pathology, diagnostics, treatment etc to form a single diagnosis system. ${\ulcorner}$JinFu(禁服)${\lrcorner}$ discusses about nine types of acupuncture of pulse form and effect, which are treatment means based on RenYingCunKouMaiFa(人迎寸口脈法). Various pulse daignosises exist in ${\ulcorner}$HuangDiNeiJing${\lrcorner}$, but those influence of future generations can be divided into SanBuJiuHouMaiFa(三部九候脈法) and RenYingCunKouMaiFa(人迎寸口脈法), and which medical ideologies this kind of pulse daignosis originates from should be discusssed. We will finally expolre and report the process its development into 寸尺脈(Cun Chi Mai).

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${\ll}$영추(靈樞).사기장부병형(邪氣藏府病形${\gg}$ 에 대한 연구(硏究)

  • Geum Gyeong-Su;Park Gyeong;Kim Nam-Su;Jeon Jong-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.44-73
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    • 2000
  • I examined throughout where Sa Gi Gang Boo Byung Hyung(邪氣藏府病形) was shown. It is shown in many books, such as Young Chu(靈樞), Kab Eul Kyung(甲乙經), Nan Kyung(難經), Yu Kyung(類經), etc. Sa Gi Gang Boo Byung Hyung got its name by how its contents pointed to the mechanism of getting harmed by Sa Gi(邪氣), and the forms of diseases which were led from five organs and six hollow viscera getting harmed by Sa Gi(邪氣). Sa Gi Gang Boo Byung Hyung is divided into three chapters which are divided altogether into nine sections. The first chapter is on the mechanism of Sa Gi(邪氣)' s harming the five organs and the six hollow viscera. Going into details, it discusses that Sa Gi has got two different ways which are divided into Yum Yang(陰陽) to harm the organs and the hollow viscera. Next, it discusses how faces can endure the cold that well. The second chapter is on the essences such as symptoms, face colors, shapes of pulse, and conditions on the interior part of the elbow. In the first section, it discusses how figures, colors and pulses relate together. In the second section, it discusses different diseases have different pulses and conditions on the interior part of the elbow. The third section is on forms of diseases in five organs and six hollow viscera. The third chapter is on acupuncture. The first section is about acupuncturing six channels. The second is about acupuncture points which is compared to the sea by its function. The third is about the forms of diseases with discussing symptoms and acupuncture points. The forth is about the essence of acupuncture. The ten different pulses of each five organs, and the masses of five organs in Nan Kyung(難經), and Jang Bu Mak Jin Beob(臟腑脈診法) in Eu Hak Yib Moon(醫學入門) are based on 'The six different pulses of each five organs' which is shown in the third section, second chapter. Besides, it plays an important role in study and it can play an important role as well in doctoring such as inspecting, taking pulses and so on. Thus, I found Sa Gi Gang Boo Byung Hyung worth while to study. But, Sa Gi Gang Boo Gyung Hyung was written in ancient letters and was omitted in many parts, which led successive doctors to write different explanatory notes. Thus, I researched the exact meaning through successive explanatory notes.

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A Comparative Study on International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme(IBDP) Textbooks and Korean Textbooks by the 2015 Revised Curriculum -Focus on function from a mathematical modeling perspective- (우리나라 교과서와 International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme(IBDP) 교과서 비교·분석 -수학적 모델링의 관점에서 함수 영역을 중심으로-)

  • Park, Woo Hong;Choi-Koh, Sang Sook
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.125-148
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to compare and analyze the number and characteristics of modeling problems in chapters related to function contents in International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) mathematics textbooks and Korean high school mathematics textbooks. This study implies how the textbooks contributed to the improvement of students' modeling competency. In this study, three textbooks from IBDP and all nine textbooks from the Korean 2015 revised curriculum were selected. All the problems in textbooks were classified into real-world problems and non-real-world problems. Problems classified as real-world problems were once again divided into word problems and modeling problems according to the need to set up mathematical models. Modeling problems were further categorized into standard applications and good modeling problems depending on whether all the necessary information was included in the problem-solving process. Among the 12 textbooks, the textbook with the most modeling problems was the IBDP textbook, 'Math: Applications and Interpretation', which accounted for 50.41% of modeling problems to the total number of problems. This textbook provided learners with significantly higher modeling opportunities than other IBDP and Korean textbooks, which had 2% and 9% modeling problem ratios. In all 12 textbooks, all problems classified as modeling problems appeared as standard applications, and there were no proper modeling problems. Among the six sub-competencies of mathematical modeling, 'mathematical analysis' and 'interpretation and evaluation of results' sub-competencies appeared the most with very similar number of modeling problems, followed by the 'mathematization'. It is expected that the results of this study will help compare the number and ratio of modeling problems in each textbook and provide a better understanding of which modeling sub-competencies appear to what extent in the modeling problems.

An Investigation on the Reasoning Types of Mathematical Problems on the Content of 'Set and Statement' and 'Sequences' (수학 교과에서의 추론 유형의 문제에 관한 탐색 -집합과 명제, 수열 영역을 중심으로-)

  • Hwang, Hye Jeang;Kim, Seul Bi
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.529-552
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    • 2014
  • Recently, mathematical reasoning has been considered as one of the most important mathematical thinking abilities to be established in school mathematics. This study is to investigate the mathematical problems on the content of 'Set and Statement' and 'Sequences' in high school according to the four types of reasoning, namely Making Conjectures, Investigating Conjectures, Developing Arguments, and Evaluating Arguments. Those types of reasoning were reconstructed based on Johnson's six types of reasoning suggested in 2010. The content is dealt with in 'Mathematics II' textbook developed and published according to the mathematics curriculum revised in 2009. The subject of this study is nine types of textbooks and mathematical problems in the textbook are consisted of as two parts of 'general problem' and 'evaluation problem'. Finally, the results of this study can be summarized as follow: First, it is stated that students be establishing a logical justification activity, the highest reasoning activity through dealing with the 'Developing Arguments' type of problems affluently in both 'Set and Statement' and 'Sequence' chapters of Mathematics II textbook. Second, it is mentioned that students have an chance to investigate conjectures and develop logical arguments in 'Set and Statement' chapter of Mathematics II textbook. In particular, whereas they have an chance to investigate conjectures and also develop arguments in 'Statement', the 'Set' chapter is given only an opportunity of developing arguments. Third, students are offered on an opportunity of reasoning that can make conjectures and develop logical arguments in 'Sequences' chapter of Mathematics II textbook. Fourth, Mathematics II textbook are geared to do activities that could evaluate arguments while dealing with the problems relevant to 'mathematical process' included in 'general problem'.

Development of a Mechanistic Reasoning Model Based on Biologist's Inquiries (생물학자의 탐구에 기반한 메커니즘 추론 모델 개발)

  • Jeong, Sunhee;Yang, Ilho
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.599-610
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze mechanistic reasoning in Fabre's inquires and to develop mechanistic reasoning model. To analyze the order of the process elements in mechanistic reasoning, 30 chapters were selected in book. Inquiries were analyzed through a framework which is based on Russ et al. (2008). The nine process elements of mechanistic reasoning that was presented in Fabre's inquires were as follows: Describing the Target Phenomenon, Identifying prior Knowledge, Identifying Properties of Objects, Identifying Setup Conditions, Identifying Activities, Conjecturing Entities, Identifying Properties of Entities, Identifying Entities, and Organization of Entities. The order of process elements of mechanistic reasoning was affected by inquiry's subject, types of question, prior knowledge and situation. Three mechanistic reasoning models based on the process elements of mechanistic reasoning were developed: Mechanistic reasoning model for Identifying Entities(MIE), Mechanistic reasoning model for Identifying Activities(MIA), and Mechanistic reasoning model for Identifying Properties of entities (MIP). Science teacher can help students to use the questions of not only "why" but also "How", "If", "What", when students identify entities or generate hypotheses. Also science teacher should be required to understand mechanistic reasoning to give students opportunities to generate diverse hypotheses. If students can't conjecture entities easily, MIA and MIP would be helpful for students.

A Study on the Meaning of 'Gyoun' and Earlier Variations of Chapter One of 'Gyoun' in The Canonical Scripture (『전경(典經)』 「교운(敎運)」편 1장에 나타난 교운의 의미와 구절의 변이 연구)

  • Ko, Nam-sik
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.36
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    • pp.153-199
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    • 2020
  • The teachings of Sangje teachings have been spread to humanity and were provided as basis for building the earthly paradise due to His having performed the Reordering Works of the Universe (Cheonjigongsa) for nine years. The work that remains will be completed year by year following the cosmic program that Sangje set for the universe. The chapters titled 'Gyoun (Progress of the Order)' in Jeon-gyeong (The Canonical Scripture) can be summarized into three parts: Viewing Gyoun, Spreading Gyoun, and Establishing the firm ground of Gyoun. Viewing Gyoun is seeing how the teachings would be transmitted from the beginning to end. The work of Gyoun was established by Sangje and promoted as the teachings of Sangje which will ultimately unfold into the realization of an earthly paradise. Spreading Gyoun is performed by disciples who received the teachings from Sangje and then the successor to whom Sangje transmitted the religious authority. Since chapter two of Gyoun is about the hagiography of Doju Jo Jeongsan, it is shown that Doju unfolded and developed Sangje's teachings. Establishing the firm ground of Gyoun is carried out to enable practitioners to understand that Dotong-gunja ('Dao-Empowered Sages,' Earthly Immortals) will be produced as a result of Sangje's Reordering Works of Heaven and Earth and that humans can perfect themselves through cultivating the Dao. In conclusion, Gyoun can be summarized as a process that started during Doju Jo Jeongsan's 50 years (1909~1958) of holy works and spreading of the teachings. Next, it was continued through the time of Dojeon who was bestowed with religious authority through Doju's last words. Dojeon, like Doju before him, spread the teachings. In later times, there will be Dotong-gunjas who transmit Sangje's teachings to the whole world. Although the above characterizations are accurate, I compared some verses from Chapter 1 of Progress of the Order (Gyoun) in The Canonical Scripture (Jeon-gyeong) of Daesoon Jinrihoe to the 6 th edition (1965) of Daesoon Jeongyeong, a key scripture from the earliest strata of Jeungsanist scriptures, and found that there were a few earlier variations of the same content. The use of words and sentences were different though in several of these verses. Also, some of the verses indicated alternative historical dates (years), and some of the verses from Chapter 1 of Progress of the Order from The Canonical Scripture do not appear anywhere in the 6th edition of Daesoon Jeong-gyeong.