• Title/Summary/Keyword: The Government Building

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Reconstruction of the Experience of Single Mothers in Poverty -The Meaning of Self-Sufficiency, Welfare Dependency, and Work- (빈곤 여성 한부모 자활 경험의 재구성 -자활, 복지의존, 일의 의미-)

  • Chong, Hye-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare
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    • v.67 no.4
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    • pp.251-277
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    • 2015
  • This qualitative study is designed for the reconstruction of the experience of single mothers in poverty based on the bottom-up approach. Welfare dependency is identified as vital help to protect their own and children's lives, through their stories telling that welfare services provided by government and community take care of them "in place of their husbands", and "raise them up by hand." What is self-sufficiency to them is more of a process-orientation through welfare dependency than a state out of it, and a way to look through building their self-esteem and working to discover their self-worth except their economic power. Restoring their potential to self-sufficiency through dealing with their psycho-social stresses and expanding services for them related to child-care(education) and occupation ability development for long-term self-sufficiency, rather than hasty focusing on welfare exit, should be built on the foundation of helping them self-sufficient. In order for the self-sufficiency program to overcome the participant's images of "subordination and stigma" and to convey the original meaning of "welfare to work", the performance and evaluation system of self-sufficiency programs that reflects the insider's perspectives on their participation motive and process, and the self-sufficiency program customized for their needs and interests should be encouraged to develop.

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A Research on the Mid- and Long-term Strategic Plan for Developing Gangwon Metropolitan Office of Education (강원도 교육문화관(도서관) 운영 활성화를 위한 중·장기 발전계획 연구)

  • Kwack, Dong-Chul;Yoon, Cheong-Ok;Kim, Yong-hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.54 no.3
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    • pp.21-39
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this research is to build a mid- and long-term strategic plan for strengthening the status of Gangwon Metropolitan Office of Education as public libraries with the main functions of education, knowledge and culture in the community and helping facilitate the local growth. The current status and needs of Gangwon Metropolitan Office of Education was analyzed with a review of literature and websites, various library statistics, and user surveys and professional focus group interviews conducted during November and December 2019. Based on this analysis, a mission, vision, objectives, strategies, and main tasks of Gangwon Metropolitan Office of Education were established, and 4 strategic goals and 16 major projects were drawn to strengthen the strategic basis of 22 libraries, build specialized collections with a focus on education, recreate user-friendly spaces, and promote services, distinguished from public libraries under the supervision of Gangwon local government. It was necessary for Gangwon Metropolitan Office of Education to enhance and strengthen all of Hardware, Software and Human-ware, equipped with well-organized library building and facilities, collection and services, and professional librarians. In this research, the direction of a mid- and long-term strategic plan was presented for its dynamic operation and sustainable development in the future.

A network approach to local water management for building collaborative water governance: the case of Jeju special self-governing province (지방자치단체의 협력적 물 거버넌스 구축을 위한 네트워크 분석: 제주특별자치도의 물관리 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Boram;Yang, Wonseok;Ahn, Jongho
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.9
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    • pp.671-680
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to explore structural properties and central actors of the local water policy system through a network approach, and to suggest practical implications for establishing collaborative water governance at the local level. Especially, this study conducts a social network analysis to empirically analyze the actors' roles and relationships of water management in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province and represent them with sociograms. In this study, the local water management network is divided into two dimensions: official work network, public-private policy network based on information-sharing and consultation. Also, the networks are divided into a whole network and two sectoral networks(water-use/water-quality). This study found some meaningful differences of structural properties and central actors not only in the official work networks and the policy networks but also in the water-use networks and the water-quality networks. Thus, public managers should diagnose and manage the relational properties among multiple stakeholders in local water sector through a network perspective. In particular, (1)co-operation between the administrative departments responsible for water-use and water-quality, and (2)information-sharing and consultation among public and private stakeholders should be improved to establish collaborative local water governance.

Improvement Plan through Investigation and Analysis of Road Signs of National Highway (일반국도 도로표지 조사 및 분석을 통한 개선방안 도출)

  • Lee, Woo-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.604-609
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    • 2019
  • A variety of complaints about road signs have occurred for various reasons, such as new road facilities, new road signs such as road name signs, and an increase in nearby important facilities. In addition, there are many road signs that are in violation of road sign regulations. The basic principles of road signs, the connectivity of guide names, the location suitability, and a consistent road sign guidance system have not implemented. To solve these problems, various errors were investigated on major road signs on eight national highways, including direction signs, distance signs, boundary signs, and route signs. In addition, we classified the errors on road signs by grade to give them maintenance priority. We also analyzed the error status of signs for each route and grade. Based on the data, the problems of the road signs were derived, and an improvement plan is discussed. Based on this research, more systematic installation and management of road signs through cooperation between the government and local governments could increase the efficiency of road signs, as well as provide safer and more convenient road sign guidance systems for road users.

Policy Effects of Secondhand Smoke Exposure in Public Places in the Republic of Korea: Evidence from PM2.5 levels and Air Nicotine Concentrations

  • Park, Eun Young;Lim, Min Kyung;Yang, Wonho;Yun, E Hwa;Oh, Jin-Kyoung;Jeong, Bo Yoon;Hong, Soon Yeoul;Lee, Do-Hoon;Tamplin, Steve
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.12
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    • pp.7725-7730
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    • 2013
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure inside selected public places to provide basic data for the development and promotion of smoke-free policies. Methods: Between March and May 2009, an SHS exposure survey was conducted. $PM_{2.5}$ levels and air nicotine concentrations were measured in hospitals (n=5), government buildings (4), restaurants (10) and entertainment venues (10) in Seoul, Republic of Korea, using a common protocol. Field researchers completed an observational questionnaire to document evidence of active smoking (the smell of cigarette smoke, presence of cigarette butts and witnessing people smoking) and administered a questionnaire regarding building characteristics and smoking policy. Results: Indoor $PM_{2.5}$ levels and air nicotine concentrations were relatively higher in monitoring sites where smoking is not prohibited by law. Entertainment venues had the highest values of $PM_{2.5}$(${\mu}g/m^3$) and air nicotine concentration(${\mu}g/m^3$), which were 7.6 and 67.9 fold higher than those of hospitals, respectively, where the values were the lowest. When evidence of active smoking was present, the mean $PM_{2.5}$ level was 104.9 ${\mu}g/m^3$, i.e., more than 4-fold the level determined by the World Health Organization for 24-hr exposure (25 ${\mu}g/m^3$). Mean indoor air nicotine concentration at monitoring sites with evidence of active smoking was 59-fold higher than at sites without this evidence (2.94 ${\mu}g/m^3$ vs. 0.05 ${\mu}g/m^3$). The results were similar at all specific monitoring sites except restaurants, where mean indoor $PM_{2.5}$ levels did not differ at sites with and without active smoking evidence and indoor air nicotine concentrations were higher in sites without evidence of smoking. Conclusion: Nicotine was detected in most of our monitoring sites, including those where smoking is prohibited by law, such as hospitals, demonstrating that enforcement and compliance with current smoke-free policies in Korea is not adequate to protect against SHS exposure.

Legitimacy of Digital Social Innovation and Democracy: Case of Online Petition and Public Problem Solution Project (디지털 사회혁신의 정당성과 민주주의 발전: 온라인 청원과 공공문제 해결 사례를 중심으로)

  • Cho, Hee-Jung;Lee, Sang-Done;Lew, Seok Jin
    • Informatization Policy
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.54-72
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    • 2016
  • This article analyzes the latest cases of Digital Social Innovation such as crowdsourcing and online petitions for public trouble-shooting in oder to demonstrate that public engagement of the citizens on decision making can enhance the quality of democracy. Digital Social Innovation contributes to citizen's participation on decision making and policy implementation with taking advantage of digital technologies of crowdsourcing and online petitions. Active civic engagement for decision making literally helps to improve and democratize government policy. These series of processes not only improve quality and efficiency of policy governance by building up transparency and effectiveness of policy itself but also enhance the throughput legitimacy. With this article, I quote and analyze various practices of Digital Social Innovation which we had substantiated to demonstrate the effectiveness of civic engagement for decision making to improve and enhance democracy. The hypothesis that the Digital Social Innovation attempted in various ways is a principal factor of democratization could be verified. Moreover, the practices of Digital Social Innovation helps the civic participation in policy making in modern society. Finally, this article suggests an implication of Digital Social Innovation as part of efforts to ensure the involvement of throughput legitimacy for the development of democracy.

Recent Information on the Plagiarism Prevention (표절 방지에 관한 최근 정보)

  • Lee, Sung-Ho
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.71-76
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    • 2011
  • Due to its role in maintaining the health of scientific societies, research ethics (or integrity) is notably receiving attention by academia, governments and even individuals who are not engaged in scientific researches. In this paper, I will introduce some valuable papers dealt with plagiarism as a representative research misconduct. In general, researcher's results that will soon be published must meet the crucial scientific criteria: originality, accuracy, reproducibility, precision and research ethics. The definition of plagiarism is "appropriation of another person's ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit." Compared to fabrication and falcification, plagiarism is often considered as a minor misconduct. With intentionality, however, plagiarism can be corresponding to 'theft of intellectual product'. The context of plagiarism is not restricted to the stage of publication. It can be extended to prior stages of proposing (i.e. preparing the research proposal) and performing (executing the research), and reviewing (writing the review papers). Duplicate publication is regarded as a self-plagiarism in broad interpretation of plagiarism. To avoid dangers of plagiarism, earnest efforts from all members of scientific community are needed. First of all, researchers should keep 'transparency' and 'integrity' in their scientific works. Editorial board members and reviewers should keep fairness and well-deserved qualification. Government and research foundations must be willing to provide sufficient financial and policy support to the scientific societies; Up-graded editorial services, making good use of plagiarism detection tools, and thorough instruction on how to write a honest scientific paper will contribute to building up a healthy basis for scientific communities.

An Operating Scheme for the Course-based Qualification System at the Four-Year University Level: Focused on the KOREATECH Case (4년제 대학 과정평가형 자격과정 운영방안: 코리아텍 사례를 중심으로)

  • Oh, Chang-Heon;Kang, Seung-Chan;Min, Dong-Kyun;Om, Kiyong
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.39-47
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    • 2016
  • Owing to increasing concern that jobseekers are wasting too much time and effort building up so-called "spec" skills to get a decent job, many companies including state-run enterprises are now hiring rookies based on their job competency rather than test scores unrelated to the job. However, universities which are mainly responsible for training professional personnel needed for various kinds of companies and factories are reluctant to adopt NCS-based educational courses. The NCS defines how much knowledge and skill are required to work in a certain industry and then evaluates them. Although the Korean government and several junior colleges have been tentatively operating the course-based qualification system at the "industrial technician" level since 2014, the results are falling far short of diverse stakeholders' expectations. Therefore, there are urgent needs to study how to develop NCS-based curriculum at the university level, and how to strengthen the linkage between work, training, and qualification.

Corona 19 Crisis and Data-State: Korean Data-State and Health Crisis Governance (코로나19 위기와 데이터 국가: 한국의 데이터 국가와 보건위기 거버넌스)

  • Jang, Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Legislative Studies
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.125-159
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    • 2020
  • Amid global pandemic of covid-19, Korean government's response has drawn wide attention among social scientists as well as medical studies. The role of Korean state and civil society has attracted particular attention among others. Yet, this paper criticizes extant studies on Korean case which focus on the extensive intervention of the strong state and subjective attitude of Korean citizens in coping with covid-19. The concept of the strong state lacks social scientific specification and subjective citizens do not match with Korean realities. This article argues that Korean state's capacity in collecting and mobilizing digital data may offer better understanding for the successful responses to the pandemic. First, Korean state is the ultimate coordinator in collecting, analyzing and applying big data about the expansion of covid-19 with its huge network of dataveillance. Also, such role has been largely based upon relevant legal framework and well prepared manuals and cooperation with civic actors and companies. In other words, Korean digital dataveillance had demonstrated its transparency and cooperative governance. Second, such dataveillance capacity has deep roots in the long-term development of Korean state's big data management. Korean state has evolved about thirty years while enhancing digital data network within governments, companies and private sectors. Third, the relationship between Korean state's dataveillance and civil society can be characterized as a state centered push model. This model demonstrates highly effective governmental responses to covid-19 crisis but fall short of building social consensus in balancing individual freedom, human rights and effective containment policies. It means communitarian solidarity among citizens has not been a major factor in Korea's successful response yet.

A Journey from Immigration to Diaspora - Focusing on Kim Chang-keol's Works After Liberation - (이민(移民)에서 이산(離散)으로의 여정 - 김창걸의 해방 후 작품을 중심으로 -)

    • 한국학연구
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    • no.54
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    • pp.75-100
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    • 2019
  • This thesis tried to find how the Manchurian Koreans who had experienced Chinese civil war, the establishment of the People's Republic of China, the Korean War and remained in the Northeast China got their identity as a Korean Chinese. Kim Chang-keol is an important writer who is regarded as a founder and pioneer of Korean Chinese literature. This is because he joined in both Korean literature of Manchuria and Korean Chinese literature in China and enabled the continuity of Korean-Chinese literature. He started from Man-sun Daily before liberation, then did literary creation in Man-sun Daily. However, in 1943, he declared that he would stop writing and broke his writing brush. It was January 1950, after the establishement of the People's Republic of China, that Kim Chang-keol restarted writing. The New Village which was awarded in Sinchoon Literary Contest of East-North Korean People's Press in 1950 showed a typical model of rural area that well developed by mutual cooperation under the leadership of the new country's new government. The following two works, The People of the Village(1951) and The Victory of the Village(1951) seem to be the novels about National Counter-revolutionary movement, but are the important works that gave a glimpse of the Korean War, the repercussions of the Korean-Chinese community in Northeast China and their perceptions of the Korean War. These two works indicated that the Korean War was to prevent the invasion of North Korea by the U. S. Army and Syngman Rhee's government, and called on Korean Chinese to join the war for the victory of North Korea's socialist revolution. In addition, for the Korean Chinese in China, this period was the time that the ideological tendency played a more important part than ethnic identity. On the other hand, People Who Know Happiness showed that the desire of the individual should be erased in front of the significance of nation building and indicated that it's possible to be realized by treating Mao Zedong as an idol. During the New China's construction period, the Korean-Chinese youth, not only the national identity but also formed a personal identity as Chinese citizen. In this way, Kim Chang-keol's Works After Liberation showed the fate of the Korean Chinese, the change and development of their identity and the diaspora living of the Korean people who are a minority and Chinese citizens.