• Title/Summary/Keyword: Textile patterns

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Design Development of Fashion Cultural Products using the Sari Container of Baekje’s Sabi Period Temples (백제 사비시대 사찰의 사리장엄구를 활용한 패션문화상품 디자인 개발)

  • Jeon, Hee-Kwan;Kim, Hye-Kyung
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.871-880
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    • 2015
  • Buddhist culture had a significant impact on the entire mode of Korean living after the introduction of Buddhism to Korea in the Three Kingdom Period. Baekje embraced Buddhism in 384 A.D.; subsequently, diverse artifacts have now been excavated from the temples. Various research on Korean temples are now in progress; however there is inadequate research on the relics and patterns excavated from the temples due to the focus on the temples’ architectural form. There is limited research on the development of fashion cultural products that use relics excavated from the temples. This study develops designs for fashion cultural products using Baekje Sabi Period relics; specifically, the sari container excavated from Buyeo’s Wangheungsaji, Neungsanrisaji, and Iksan’s Mireuksaji. The sari container’s original form, patterns, and writing were developed into patterns and applied to fashion products such as t-shirts, bags and scarves. Traditional multicolored paintwork exhibited on the temples, ‘dancheong’, was selected as the color for products that can symbolically express the nature of their origin. Adobe Illustrator CC and Adobe Photoshop CC were used to extract the motifs and develop the designs. Six patterns and nine fashion products were designed, accounting for a total of fifteen developed items. We hope that the fashion cultural product design expresses the distinct characteristics of Baekje’s Sabi Period and can be applied to various products and related fields.

Types and Characteristics of Women's Embroidered Handicrafts of the Joseon Dynasty (조선시대 자수 규방공예품의 유형과 특성)

  • Kwon, Su-Yeon;Jang, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the types of and figurative characteristics of in women's embroidered handicrafts of Korea. It also aims to revive Korean traditional beauty, to examine the applicability of Korean traditional design that has both modern beauty and practicality, and to develop Korean women's embroidered handicrafts. The types of women's embroidered of Korea include Jumoni (pouches), Bojagi (wrapping cloths), and other accessories made by sewing. Jumoni consisting of 55.51% of them was the most frequently used handicraft followed by Bojagi (8.66%), and other accessories (35.83%). In terms of the patterns used, animal pattern and plant pattern were used the most frequently. In addition, complex patterns using two or three patterns together(70.49) were more frequent than singular patterns (29.53%). Pictorial type of pattern arrangement (58.24%) was used the most frequently and dense type (39.76%) and sparse type (2.00%) were followed. In terms of the materials on which embroidery was used, Dahn (85.82%) was used the most frequently followed by wool (5.67%), cotton (4.26%), silk (3.55%), and Sa (0.70%). Various techniques of stitches were used such as outline stitch (40.56%), satin and running stitch (29.32%), French nut stitch (28.11%), long and short stitch (21.28%), double leaf stitch (20.88%), and so on. Among them, satin stitch (63.05%) was the most popular type of stitch techniques. Strings (23.56%), maedeup (Korean traditional knots, 8.62%), or tassels (9.77%) were also attached for the purpose of both practicality and of decoration. There were some cases that added cloissone or red-pepper shaped decorations.

The Standardization of Graded Sizes through Comparing Bodice Patterns by Draping Method and Studied Flat Pattern Method -Using Replica Body-

  • Shim, Kue-Nam
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.399-403
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    • 2004
  • Education of clothing and textiles in the university is various according to the purposes. Among that clothing construction and practice is what is needed the most in understanding the process of apparel producing, and is the basic subject of areas from apparel designs to quality management. Producing apparel starts from planning the bodice pattern according to the human body shape. Basic bodice pattern should be highly practical so that production of all items of apparel patterns can be possible. Also, a basic bodice pattern needs to be planned in the way that even beginners can use it by classifying sizes according to each body measurements. Thus in this study. bodice patterns will be produced in way of draping method subjecting university students in early 20s. standardized and classified sizes will be calculated from it and bodice pattern made by studied flat pattern method will be examined and compared so that finally suitability will be compared. As a result of examining and comparing bodice patterns made by draping method and studied flat pattern method on the model of the human body produced by plaster method, sizes were classified into 5 levels. As a result of evaluation of creation. satisfying consequence from various body shape was acquired and it is expected of the beginners who are stating from clothing construction and practice to be educated by using the result of this study.

Evaluation of Mobility and Appearance According to Gusset Size of Bodice and Sleeve Pattern (겨드랑이 무의 크기에 따른 상의의 운동기능성과 외관 평가)

  • Park, Sunhee;Lee, Yejin
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.468-479
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    • 2019
  • This study used a three-dimensional-analysis method to quantitatively analyze the change of clothing appearance according to a gusset added to bodice and sleeve patterns for men in their twenties. Comparing six different patterns, the study found that patterns P1 and P2 with little gusset did not have a large difference in the strain map, and pattern P6 had no gusset in the motion of raising the arm $28^{\circ}$ to the side (M1). When the arm was raised $45^{\circ}$ to the side (M2), the P1 pattern had the smallest deformation, and only the P5 pattern had a large deformation from the neck to the armhole area. In contrast, except for in the P3 pattern, large wrinkles formed in the front and back when the arm was raised above $158^{\circ}$ (M3) from the side of the waist to the armpit. In addition, P3 had the smallest change in the hem of the bodice and sleeves. However, the appearance of P2, P3, and P5 was excellent when the arm was moved forward (M4), and the P2 and P5 patterns were the smallest at the bodice and sleeve hem. The P6 pattern showed the least fitness in terms of function. In the case of raising the arm, there was a strong correlation between gusset size and motion function, but when the motion of the arm changed, the motion function did not improved just by changing the ease size.

A Comparative Study on the Sleeve Patterns of Women's Costume of the 16th Century - Focus on the Joseon Dynasty and European Monarchy -

  • Chon, Eun-Sun
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.62-71
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    • 2008
  • Costume elements are closely related with human living environment and also play an important role in the costume patterns. The East and the West have influenced and adopted each other's culture through mutual trade, which are well reflected in costume patterns and textile patterns. These days world wide fashion shows the designs applying costume details of the East and the West, which is much affected by the orientalism. The purpose of this study is to compare the sleeve patterns which take an important part in women's costume design of the Joseon Dynasty and the European Monarchy in the 16th century. Korean women's costume showed sleeves in rectangular shape with same width and long length, together with cuffs. Later they changed to diagonal shape of getting narrower toward the wrist. Western women's costume showed sleeves with puff and slash patterns. Then they were classified into French, British and Spanish styles which were getting narrower toward the wrist. Later they adopted the shape of leg of mutton which was puffed in middle and narrower toward the wrist. I n Korea and Europe, they showed respective changes in sleeve patterns, but also similarity of getting narrower toward the wrist. The East and the West are now exchanging their culture in every aspect such as politics, economics and social matters. Costume fashion is not an exception. The characteristic designs of traditional costumes are shown on global fashion, which is influenced by the orientalism.

A Study on Development Textile Design Applied Korean Traditional Gold Foil Patterns and Modern Fabrics of Korean Traditional Gold Foil Image(II) (전통금박 및 금실자수문양을 이용한 텍스타일 디자인 제안 및 금박 이미지의 자카드 직물 개발에 관한 연구(II))

  • Lee, Youn-Soon
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.167-177
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    • 2011
  • As today the world has been globalized, each country and race has been trying its best to preserve and develop its own unique culture to have its identity. Same exertion has been added in the areas of fashion and textile such as developing traditional textile or fabrics and applying them to the materials of modem fashion. The Korean traditional gold foil is one of invaluable cultural heritages, and another means to elevate the wearer's social status, and its beauty and artistic quality is very excellent. So, in order to preserve and develop of the Korean traditional gold foil, the exertion of developing the gold foil into multi-purpose modem fashion material which is endurable and practical by using the image of Korean traditional gold foil should be done. The purposes of this study are to preserve Korean traditional gold foil, to develop Korean textile and fashion industry by utilizing Korean traditional gold foil images in modem fashion. The results are as follows: textile designs applied plant motives of Korean traditional gold foil were carried out, modem fashion materials of Korean traditional gold foil image were developed by Jacquard weave. They were to certify that those were registered on the register of the Korean of design registrations from commissioner the Korean Intellectual Property Office, and developed fabrics of Korean gold foil image were examined the utility for modern fashion materials through using them in the modem wearing, interior goods and fashion items.

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A Study on the Travel Fashion Bag Design Using the Op-Art Textile Patterns -Applying the Artwork of Victor Vasarely- (옵아트(Op-Art) 패턴의 여행용 패션가방 디자인 연구 -빅토르 바자렐리(Victor Vasarely)의 작품 응용을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Min-Hye;Park, Hye-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.371-384
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    • 2011
  • This study with 'trip' as a theme, aims to develop textile designs and fashion bags for travel which is widely applicable fitting traveler's T P O, applying Victor Vasarely's artwork. During the planning process of design, 'Whenever & Wherever's concept was set by analyzing fashion trend information in 2010-11 F/W proposed by Interfashion Planning and FCK; in addition, 'Bobos' were selected as research targets. It organized 4 images of 'Modern', 'Romantic', 'Classic' and 'Fantastic'. The motives are proposed textile design with '$Cross^2$', 'Falling Z', 'Cir-Classicism' and 'Skinny-holic' per each theme. The designs developed were printed out and into polyester canvas with a Polaris V6 DTP from dgen, Corp. Textile designs developed were applied for 'two-way' formed fashion bags for traveling with high practicality. Fashion bags for traveling consisted of big bags, tote bags, and hip sacks; a total of 12 works (4 sets per theme) were produced. This study sought practical plans for artworks by producing fashion goods through a DTP system. The results of this study can be used as guidelines for further studies and as a significant contribution to the creation of high values for exciting fashion products.

A study on textile design for infant and children's clothes with the motive of Jeju natural resource persimmon (제주 천연자원 감을 모티브로 한 유·아동복 텍스타일 디자인 연구)

  • Ahn, Sumin;Yi, Eunjou
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.741-756
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    • 2017
  • The natural resources of Jeju are recognized as the new regional image of that clean island. Reflecting these trends, this study is initiated to develop a textile design with the motive of persimmon, a natural resource of Jeju, and to apply it to infant's and children's clothes. Its purpose is to highlight the image of persimmon, a traditional dye, as a regional signature for Jeju. Product development procedure included, understanding the use of persimmon for fashion products, analyzing Infants' and Children's designer collections over the last three seasons (focused on 2014S/S, 2015S/S, and 2016S/S), and surveying the Children's Clothes market for persimmon dyeing in Jeju. The conclusion was that, the natural resources of Jeju are highly valuable, and should be applied to textile design and apparel products for children. Utilizing Jeju persimmon was actively studied, but, the market for the Jeju persimmon natural - dyeing products is extremely limited. Moreover, the apparel products for infants and children represent old-fashioned styles, despite their higher prices. Therefore, using the formative characteristics of persimmon for each theme was suggested for development of patterns for textile design. Pattern designs were expressed using textured textile screen-printing, embroidery and $appliqu{\acute{e}}$ for infants' and children's clothes. In this study, a total of 10 items were prepared as apparel products for infants and children. All items were designed considering mix-and-match, potential, with each other or with regular mass-market products. These results are expected to contribute to highlighting the unique image of Jeju and to help promote fashion culture products.

A Study on Marking Efficiency for One-Piece Dress Pattern (원피스 드레스 패턴 마킹의 효율성에 관한 연구)

  • 김혜경;조은정
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.97-108
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    • 2004
  • This study was conducted to examine the marking efficiency of a dress pattern in order to reduce textile loss by pattern marking. A basic one-piece dress pattern saved to the Yuka CAD System was graded with different sizes and arranged for industrial purpose to calculate the marking efficiency in different conditions. Condition of marking experiment is made it a rule to use 150cm textile width and apply 44, 55, 66 pattern size for three pieces of a dress patterns. The results of the study indicated that the marking efficiency rates of the dress pattern with a separate facing was higher than the one with a self facing. In the dress pattern with a separate facing, the separated seam at center back was appeared to have a higher marking efficiency than the extended seam. It was also found that the efficiency rate was higher in the pattern with a seam at center back when comparing with the dress pattern without a seam. When the marking with a horizontally-loaded collar was compared with a vertically-loaded collar, the efficiency rate was higher for the collar loaded horizontally, The result of the study showed that the type of facing, the location of a seam, and the direction of collar loading were the factors directly related to increasing marking efficiency. The dress patterns marked efficiently in terms of a type of facing, seam, and collar treatment can reduce fabric loss and also shorten the time needed for marking process.

Design Development of Cultural Fashion Products Based on the Baekje Local Culture (백제 지역문화기반의 패션문화상품 디자인 개발)

  • Kim, Hye-Kyung;Jeon, Hee-Kwan
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.898-905
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    • 2012
  • This paper develops fashion products that express the beauty of Baekje through an investigation of the unique characteristics of Baekje artifacts. This work can promote the Baekje region and provide cultural goods for local festivals to improve the economic competitiveness of the area. Artifacts from the Muryongwangreung in Gongju (the capital city of Baekje during the Woongjin period)were reinterpreted into a more modern form. Among the Muryongwangreung artifacts, the king and queen's gold coffin as well as chignon ornaments were used as design motifs. These artifacts were stylized into motifs and developed into patterns using Adobe Illustrator CS3 and Adobe Photoshop CS3. The patterns were subsequently applied to the designs of scarves and ties. The color was selected using the CMYK colorway from the Gongju city logo subsequently, a total of 12 designs (including 6 ties and 6 scarves) were developed. The design developed from this research can be applied to diverse products to promote the area. Using the research as a foundation, fashion product development based on the local culture can have a significant impact on the establishment of the Baekje cultural identity and the competitiveness of the region.