• Title/Summary/Keyword: Terrain Data Automation

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Automated Terrain Data Generation for Urban Flood Risk Mapping Using c-GAN and BBDM

  • Jonghyuk Lee;Sangik Lee;Byung-hun Seo;Dongsu Kim;Yejin Seo;Dongwoo Kim;Yerim Cho;Won Choi
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1294-1294
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    • 2024
  • Flood risk maps are used in urban flooding to understand the spatial extent and depth of inundation damage. To construct these maps, hydrodynamic modeling capable of simulating flood waves is necessary. Flood waves are typically fast, and inundation patterns can significantly vary depending on the terrain, making it essential to accurately represent the terrain of the flood source in flood wave analysis. Recently, methods using UAVs for terrain data construction through Structure-from-Motion or LiDAR have been utilized. These methods are crucial for UAV operations, and thus, still require a lot of time and manpower, and are limited when UAV operations are not possible. Therefore, for efficient nationwide monitoring, this study developed a model that can automatically generate terrain data by estimating depth information from a single image using c-GAN (Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks) and BBDM (Brownian Bridge Diffusion Model). The training, utilization, and validation datasets employed images from the ISPRS (2018) and directly aerial photographed image sets from five locations in the territory of the Republic of Korea. Compared to the ground truth of the test data set, it is considered sufficiently usable as terrain data for flood wave analysis, capable of generating highly accurate and precise terrain data with high reproducibility.

Automation technology for analyzing 3D point cloud data of construction sites

  • Park, Suyeul;Kim, Younggun;Choi, Yungjun;Kim, Seok
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2022.06a
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    • pp.1100-1105
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    • 2022
  • Denoising, registering, and detecting changes of 3D digital map are generally conducted by skilled technicians, which leads to inefficiency and the intervention of individual judgment. The manual post-processing for analyzing 3D point cloud data of construction sites requires a long time and sufficient resources. This study develops automation technology for analyzing 3D point cloud data for construction sites. Scanned data are automatically denoised, and the denoised data are stored in a specific storage. The stored data set is automatically registrated when the data set to be registrated is prepared. In addition, regions with non-homogeneous densities will be converted into homogeneous data. The change detection function is developed to automatically analyze the degree of terrain change occurred between time series data.

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Development of Registration Post-Processing Technology to Homogenize the Density of the Scan Data of Earthwork Sites (토공현장 스캔데이터 밀도 균일화를 위한 정합 후처리 기술 개발)

  • Kim, Yonggun;Park, Suyeul;Kim, Seok
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.42 no.5
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    • pp.689-699
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    • 2022
  • Recently, high productivity capabilities have been improved due to the application of advanced technologies in various industries, but in the construction industry, productivity improvements have been relatively low. Research on advanced technology for the construction industry is being conducted quickly to overcome the current low productivity. Among advanced technologies, 3D scan technology is widely used for creating 3D digital terrain models at construction sites. In particular, the 3D digital terrain model provides basic data for construction automation processes, such as earthwork machine guidance and control. The quality of the 3D digital terrain model has a lot of influence not only on the performance and acquisition environment of the 3D scanner, but also on the denoising, registration and merging process, which is a preprocessing process for creating a 3D digital terrain model after acquiring terrain scan data. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the terrain scan data processing performance. This study seeks to solve the problem of density inhomogeneity in terrain scan data that arises during the pre-processing step. The study suggests a 'pixel-based point cloud comparison algorithm' and verifies the performance of the algorithm using terrain scan data obtained at an actual earthwork site.

Example of Application of Drone Mapping System based on LiDAR to Highway Construction Site (드론 LiDAR에 기반한 매핑 시스템의 고속도로 건설 현장 적용 사례)

  • Seung-Min Shin;Oh-Soung Kwon;Chang-Woo Ban
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.26 no.6_3
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    • pp.1325-1332
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    • 2023
  • Recently, much research is being conducted based on point cloud data for the growth of innovations such as construction automation in the transportation field and virtual national space. This data is often measured through remote control in terrain that is difficult for humans to access using devices such as UAVs and UGVs. Drones, one of the UAVs, are mainly used to acquire point cloud data, but photogrammetry using a vision camera, which takes a lot of time to create a point cloud map, is difficult to apply in construction sites where the terrain changes periodically and surveying is difficult. In this paper, we developed a point cloud mapping system by adopting non-repetitive scanning LiDAR and attempted to confirm improvements through field application. For accuracy analysis, a point cloud map was created through a 2 minute 40 second flight and about 30 seconds of software post-processing on a terrain measuring 144.5 × 138.8 m. As a result of comparing the actual measured distance for structures with an average of 4 m, an average error of 4.3 cm was recorded, confirming that the performance was within the error range applicable to the field.

The Methods for 3D Terrain Model Automation Using 2D Plan (2차원 설계자료를 이용한 3차원 지형모델 자동화 생성 방안)

  • Lee, Hyun Jik;Park, Eun Gwan;Moon, Geun Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.87-93
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    • 2013
  • As the progress regarding spatial analysis on features such as landscape, sunlight, shadow, and direct ray using 3D simulation, it is required to research the creation of 3D terrain models crucial for 3D simulations. In this paper, we suggested the methods to create the 3D terrain model for the state after development, by transfer the 2D plan to 3D terrain model using the normal equation. Automated algorithm producing 3D terrain model from 2D plan was developed. And It is expected to be needed more studies detailed.

A Low-Cost Approach for Path Programming of Terrestrial Drones on a Construction Site

  • Kim, Jeffrey;Craig, James
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2022.06a
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    • pp.319-327
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    • 2022
  • Robots for construction sites, although not deeply widespread, are finding applications in the duties of project monitoring, material movement, documentation, security, and simple repetitive construction-related tasks. A significant shortcoming in the use of robots is the complexity involved in programming and re-programming an automation routine. Robotic programming is not an expected skill set of the traditional construction industry professional. Therefore, this research seeks to deliver a low-cost approach toward re-programming that does not involve a programmer's skill set. The researchers in this study examined an approach toward programming a terrestrial-based drone so that it follows a taped path. By doing so, if an alternative path is required, programmers would not be needed to re-program any part of the automated routine. Changing the path of the drone simply requires removing the tape and placing a different path - ideally simplifying the process and quickly allowing practitioners to implement a new automated routine. Python programming scripts were used with a DJI Robomaster EP Core drone, and a terrain navigation assessment was conducted. The study examined the pass/fail rates for a series of trial run over different terrains. The analysis of this data along with video recording for each trial run allowed the researchers to conclude that the accuracy of the tape follow technique was predictable on each of the terrain surfaces. The accuracy and predictability inform a non-coding construction practitioner of the optimal placement of the taped path. This paper further presents limitations and suggestions for some possible extended research options for this study.

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Accuracy Evaluation and Terrain Model Automation of Reservoir Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle System (무인항공시스템을 활용한 저수지 지형모델 생성 및 정확도 평가)

  • Kim, Jungmeyon;Park, Sungsik;Kim, Jaehwi;Ahn, Seungwoo;Park, Sungyong;Kim, Yongseong
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.59 no.2
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2017
  • This study examines methods for creating terrain models of reservoirs and techniques for verifying the accuracy. Such methods and techniques use unmanned aerial vehicles which are capable of capturing high-resolution images repetitively, are highly economic, and capable of surveying wide areas. In addition, this study suggests methods of acquiring data for reservoir safety management, the methods which also employ the unmanned aerial vehicles. Therefore, this study helps solving problems that can arise when National Disaster Management System rebuilds a reservoir management database, such as a shortage of local government manpower. This study also contributes to providing element technology necessary for advancing the database.

Object Detection From 3D Terrain Data Gener Ated by Laser Scanner of Intelligent Excavating System(IES) (굴삭 자동화를 위한 레이저 스캐너 기반의 3차원 객체 탐지 알고리즘의 개발)

  • Yoo, Hyun-Seok;Park, Ji-Woon;Choi, Youn-Nyung;Kim, Young-Suk
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.130-141
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    • 2011
  • The intelligent excavating system(IES), the development in South Korea of which has been underway since 2006, aims for the full-scale automation of the excavation process that includes a series of tasks such as movement, excavation and loading. The core elements to ensure the quality and safety of the automated excavation equipment include 3D modeling of terrain that surrounds the excavating robot and the technology for detecting objects accurately(i.e., for detecting the location of nearby loading trucks and humans as well as of obstacles positioned on the movement paths). Therefore the purpose of this research is to ensure the quality and safety of automated excavation detecting the objects surrounding the excavating robot via a 3D laser scanning system. In this paper, an algorithm for estimating the location, height, width, and shape of objects in the 3D-realized terrain that surrounds the location of the excavator was proposed. The performance of the algorithm was verified via tests in an actual earthwork field.

The Improvement of Point Cloud Data Processing Program For Efficient Earthwork BIM Design (토공 BIM 설계 효율화를 위한 포인트 클라우드 데이터 처리 프로그램 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Heeyeon;Kim, Jeonghwan;Seo, Jongwon;Shim, Ho
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2020
  • Earthwork automation has emerged as a promising technology in the construction industry, and the application of earthwork automation technology is starting from the acquisition and processing of point cloud data of the site. Point cloud data has more than a million data due to vast extent of the construction site, and the processing time of the original point cloud data is critical because it takes tens or hundreds of hours to generate a Digital Terrain Model (DTM), and enhancement of the processing time can largely impact on the efficiency of the modeling. Currently, a benchmark program (BP) is actively used for the purpose of both point cloud data processing and BIM design as an integrated program in Korea, however, there are some aspects to be modified and refined. This study modified the BP, and developed an updated program by adopting a compile-based development environment, newly designed UI/UX, and OpenGL while maintaining existing PCD processing functions, and expended compatibility of the PCD file formats. We conducted a comparative test in terms of loading speed with different number of point cloud data, and the results showed that 92 to 99% performance increase was found in the developed program. This program can be used as a foundation for the development of a program that reduces the gap between design and construction by integrating PCD and earthwork BIM functions in the future.

A Region Based Approach to Surface Segmentation using LIDAR Data and Images

  • Moon, Ji-Young;Lee, Im-Pyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.6_1
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    • pp.575-583
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    • 2007
  • Surface segmentation aims to represent the terrain as a set of bounded and analytically defined surface patches. Many previous segmentation methods have been developed to extract planar patches from LIDAR data for building extraction. However, most of them were not fully satisfactory for more general applications in terms of the degree of automation and the quality of the segmentation results. This is mainly caused from the limited information derived from LIDAR data. The purpose of this study is thus to develop an automatic method to perform surface segmentation by combining not only LIDAR data but also images. A region-based method is proposed to generate a set of planar patches by grouping LIDAR points. The grouping criteria are based on both the coordinates of the points and the corresponding intensity values computed from the images. This method has been applied to urban data and the segmentation results are compared with the reference data acquired by manual segmentation. 76% of the test area is correctly segmented. Under-segmentation is rarely founded but over-segmentation still exists. If the over-segmentation is mitigated by merging adjacent patches with similar properties as a post-process, the proposed segmentation method can be effectively utilized for a reliable intermediate process toward automatic extraction of 3D model of the real world.