• Title/Summary/Keyword: Terrain Data

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Effects of Strong Wind and Ozone on Localized Tree Decline in the Tanzawa Mountains of Japan

  • Suto, Hitoshi;Hattori, Yasuo;Tanaka, Nobukazu;Kohno, Yoshihisa
    • Asian Journal of Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.81-89
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    • 2008
  • The numerical simulation of wind and ozone ($O_3$) transport in mountainous regions was performed with a computational fluid dynamics technique. A dry deposition model for $O_3$ was designed to estimate $O_3$ deposition in complex terrain, and the qualitative validity of the predicted $O_3$ concentration field was confirmed by comparison with observed data collected with passive samplers. The simulation revealed that wind velocity increases around ridge lines and peaks of mountains. The areas with strong wind corresponded well with the sites of tree decline at high altitudes, suggesting that it is an important factor in the localization of tree/forest decline. On the other hand, there is no direct relationship between forest decline and $O_3$ concentration. The $O_3$ concentration, however, tends to increase as wind velocity becomes higher, thus the $O_3$ concentration itself may be a potential secondary factor in the localized decline phenomena. While the diffusion flux of $O_3$ is not related to localized tree decline, the pattern of advection flux is related to those of high wind velocity and localized tree decline. These results suggest that strong wind with large advection flux of $O_3$ may play a key role in the promotion of tree/forest decline at high mountain ridges and peaks.

Landscape View point on the technique of GIS visibility analysis for Scenic Resources Excavation - Focused on haenam dalmasan mihwangsa (scenic sites No.59)- (명승 문화재의 경관자원 발굴을 위한 조망지점 분석 -해남 달마산 미황사 일원(명승 제59호)을 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Won-Ho;Kim, Jae-Ung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.429-439
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    • 2013
  • This study, as a purpose of viewshed anaiysis is selected for the landscape view point, View of the target Haenam Dalmasan Mihwangsa(Scenic site No.59) located in the terrain ridge. Criteria of landscape view point was built through both 3D visibility analysis by GIS and public preference. In results could be summarized as follows : Criteria of landscape view point by GIS was confirmed to be appropriate since a result of average score for 36 data calculated by 3D visibility analysis was higher than intermediate score. Futhermore, the landscape view point with higher score could be associate with higher public preference was determined. 3D visibility analysis in this study should be implemented additionally with not GIS, public preference but distance and extent of visibility research to discover, maintain and preserve objective and empirical landscape view point to public as resources of scenic sites.


  • Kang, Seo-Li;Song, Jeong-Hwan;Kim, Bum-Seung;Kim, Hyeon-Cheol;Lee, Woo-Kyung
    • Journal of Satellite, Information and Communications
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.74-79
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    • 2014
  • Conventional ScanSAR mode has been adopted in Envisat or Radarsat and played an important role to acquire wide swath SAR images for environmental surveillance. However, it suffers from the undesirable scalloping effect caused by non-homogeneity of antenna pattern while the image resolution is sacrificed. In recent years, TOPS mode has been suggested and put into use to overcome the disadvantages of the conventional scanning mode. Although TOPS mode is able to produce wide-swath SAR image in a short time interval, it demands highly complicated system design knowledge. In this paper, we present the operation principle of TOPS mode and a full SAR simulation is performed to generate TOPS SAR raw data. Azimuth antenna pattern is modified during TOPS mode operation and it is shown that the undesired scalloping effect is suppressed in the generated SAR image.

A study on the landslide detection method using wireless sensor network (WSN) and the establishment of threshold for issuing alarm (무선센서 네트워크를 이용한 산사태 감지방법 및 경로발령 관리 기준치 설정 연구)

  • Kim, Hyung-Woo;Kim, Goo-Soo;Chang, Sung-Bong
    • 한국정보통신설비학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.08a
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    • pp.262-267
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    • 2008
  • Recently, landslides frequently occur on natural slope and/or man-made cut slope during periods of intense rainfall. With a rapidly increasing population on or near steep terrain, landslides have become one of the most significant natural hazards. Thus, it is necessary to protect people from landslides and to minimize the damage of houses, roads and other facilities. To accomplish this goal, many landslide monitoring systems have been developed throughout the world. In this paper, a simple landslide detection system that enables people to escape the endangered area is introduced. The system is focused on the debris flows which happen frequently during periods of intense rainfall. The system is based on the wireless sensor network (WSN) that is composed of wireless sensor nodes, gateway, and remote server system. Wireless sensor nodes and gateway are deployed by commercially available Microstrain G-Link products. Five wireless sensor nodes and one gateway are installed at the test slope for detecting ground movement. The acceleration and inclination data of test slope can be obtained, which provides a potential to detect landslide. In addition, thresholds to determine whether the test slope is stable or not are suggested by a series of numerical simulations, using geotechnical analysis software package. It is obtained that the alarm should be issued if the x-direction displacement of sensor node is greater than 20mili-meters and the inclination of sensor node is greater than 3 degrees. It is expected that the landslide detection method using wireless senor network can provide early warning where landslides are prone to occur.

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Vertical Accuracy Assessment of SRTM Ver 3.0 and ASTER GDEM Ver 2 over Korea (한국에서의 SRTM(Ver 3.0)과 ASTER(Ver 2) 전 세계 수치표고모델 정확도 분석)

  • Park, Junku;Kim, Jungsub;Lee, Giha;Yang, Jae E.
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.120-128
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    • 2017
  • The aim of this study is to analyze the accuracy of SRTM Ver 3.0 and ASTER GDEM Ver 2 over Korea. To enable this, accuracy analysis was performed by using precise DEM which was made with multiple aerial image matching and national base map benchmark. The result of this study identified both SRTM and ASTER have different features. The height of the SRTM was found to be higher (3.8 m on average) at lower elevation and lower (8.4 m on average) at higher elevation. In contrast, the ASTER was found to be lower than the actual height at both lower and higher elevation (2.92 m, 4.51 m on average). The cause of this height bias according to the elevation is due to the differences in data acquisition and processing methods of DEM. It was identified however that both SRTM and ASTER were within allowable limits of error. In addition, RMSE of the SRTM was smaller than the ASTER in comparison to benchmark, and also the bias trend both at higher and lower terrain were similar to the precise DEM which was made with multiple aerial image matching. Therefore, the reliability of SRTM can be considered to be higher.

Construction of Exchange Table of Earth Quantity for Forest Road Plan (임도설계용(林道設計用) 토량환산표(土量換算表)의 제작(製作))

  • Ma, Sang Kyu
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.76 no.4
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    • pp.348-356
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    • 1987
  • A new simple method to estimate the earth quantity which is basic data for making the plan of mountain forest road is tried to develop as one of ways to reduce time cost of plan making. The zero-line surveying method, the concept of 2/3 road width in cut-away part and of same quantity between cut-away and fill-up earth which are the backgrounds to develop this method is introduced and explaned also it's theoritical propriety. Under the precondition which have to apply above concepts for constructing the mountain forest road the exchange table for estimating the earth quantity is made like table 3 and 4 through being calculated by a trigonometric function. Table 3 can be used to estimate the earth quantity on the cut-away road-width according to slope of terrain and different road-width, and table 4 can be applied to calculate the quantity of cut-away earth when to know the road-width of cut-away. When using these tables the performance of field surveying and office work for road plan will be highly increased.

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A GIS-Based Method for Bicycle Route Network Determination Using AHP Analysis in Busan (GIS기반의 계층분석기법(AHP)을 활용한 부산시 자전거도로망 선정에 관한 연구)

  • Son, Eugene;Hwang, In-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.182-190
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    • 2009
  • To solve the problems of traffic congestion, air pollution and energy derived from increased car consumption, people are in recognition of the importance of green mode, bicycle. Bicycle use rate in Busan is lower due to the terrain and limited public transportation accessibility. Therefore, geographical conditions and use activation should be initially considered in the bicycle route planning. We calculated a weight using AHP(Analytic Hierarchy Process), make a database using GIS tool and deduced the routes applying calculated weight in this study. The result of this study, We could get reliable data as inspecting consistency of the research. Routes are deducted in the place where using demand is higher than arbitrarily chosen routes. Therefore, the route planning through AHP is expected to be utilized in area-specialty-reflected route planning or bicycle road alternatives testing.

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Characteristics of Airborne Lidar Data and Ground Points Separation in Forested Area (산림지역에서의 항공 Lidar 자료의 특성 및 지면점 분리)

  • Yoon, Jong-Suk;Lee, Kyu-Sung;Shin, Jung-Il;Woo, Choong-Shik
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.533-542
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    • 2006
  • Lidar point clouds provide three dimensional information of terrain surface and have a great advantage to generate precise digital elevation model (DEM), particularly over forested area where some laser signals are transmitted to vegetation canopy and reflected from the bare ground. This study initially investigates the characteristics of lidar-derived height information as related to vertical structure of forest stands. Then, we propose a new filtering method to separate ground points from Lidar point clouds, which is a prerequisite process both to generate DEM surface and to extract biophysical information of forest stands. Laser points clouds over the forest stands in central Korea show that the vertical distribution of laser points greatly varies by the stand characteristics. Based on the characteristics, the proposed filtering method processes first and last returns simultaneously without setting any threshold value. The ground points separated by the proposed method are used to generate digital elevation model, furthermore, the result provides the possibilities to extract other biophysical characteristics of forest.

Case Study Research in Earthwork Site Digitization for Smart Construction (스마트 건설을 위한 토공현장 디지털화 적용성 검증)

  • Park, Jae-woo;Kim, Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.529-536
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    • 2019
  • Recently, various efforts have been tried in the construction industry to improve productivity by applying the fourth industrial revolution technology. Among the various technologies, researches for the automation and digitization of earthworks are being carried out steadily. As the interest in the benefits of digitalization of the earthwork field has increased, there have been more cases of technology development and application for digitalization of the earthwork field. However, there is not enough case study to present the analysis results of application cases. The purpose of this study is to verify the feasibility of applying the digitization technology of the earthwork in actual worksite. In order to digitize the worksite terrain, it is required the process of field measurement, measurement data registration, earthwork information input, and analysis cell generation. Particularly, it is possible to achieve information-enabled digitization rather than digitalizing only the shape through the input of the earthwork information and the analysis cell generation. By using the digital information of the earthwork field, it is possible to visually recognize the change of the earthwork field, so that it is expected to enhance the worker 's understanding and to be highly applicable to the management work. It is expected that the digital technology of earthwork site will be able to know the precise amount of volume change of the earthwork numerically, and it will be highly applicable to construction management.

Classification of Wind Sector in Pohang Region Using Similarity of Time-Series Wind Vectors (시계열 풍속벡터의 유사성을 이용한 포항지역 바람권역 분류)

  • Kim, Hyun-Goo;Kim, Jinsol;Kang, Yong-Heack;Park, Hyeong-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.36 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2016
  • The local wind systems in the Pohang region were categorized into wind sectors. Still, thorough knowledge of wind resource assessment, wind environment analysis, and atmospheric environmental impact assessment was required since the region has outstanding wind resources, it is located on the path of typhoon, and it has large-scale atmospheric pollution sources. To overcome the resolution limitation of meteorological dataset and problems of categorization criteria of the preceding studies, the high-resolution wind resource map of the Korea Institute of Energy Research was used as time-series meteorological data; the 2-step method of determining the clustering coefficient through hierarchical clustering analysis and subsequently categorizing the wind sectors through non-hierarchical K-means clustering analysis was adopted. The similarity of normalized time-series wind vector was proposed as the Euclidean distance. The meteor-statistical characteristics of the mean vector wind distribution and meteorological variables of each wind sector were compared. The comparison confirmed significant differences among wind sectors according to the terrain elevation, mean wind speed, Weibull shape parameter, etc.