• Title/Summary/Keyword: Temperature field measurement

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Review of Experimental Studies on Swirling Flow in the Circular Tube using PIV Technique

  • Chang, Tae-Hyun;Nah, Do-Baek;Kim, Sang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2009
  • The study of swirling flow is of technical and scientific interest because it has an internal recirculation field, and its tangential velocity is related to the curvature of streamline. The fluid flow for tubes and elbow of heat exchangers has been studied largely through experiments and numerical methods, but studies about swirling flow have been insufficient. Using the particle image velocimetry(PTV) method, this study found the time averaged velocity distribution with swirl and without swirl along longitude sections and the results appear to be physically reasonable. In addition, streamwise mean velocity distribution was compares with that of other. Furthermore, other experimental investigation was performed to study the characteristics of turbulent water flow in a horizontal circular tube by using liquid crystal. 2D PIV technique is employed for velocity measurement and liquid crystal is used for heat transfer experiments in water. Temperature visualization was made quantitatively by calibrating the colour of the liquid crystal versus temperature using various approaches.

Application of Holographic Interferometry and 2-D PIV for HSC Convective Flow Diagnostics (Hele-Shaw Cell 내부의 열유동 해석을 위한 홀로그래픽 간섭계와 2차원 PIV의 적용)

  • Kim, Seok;Lee, Sang-Joon
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.682-687
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    • 2003
  • The variations of temperature and velocity fields in a Hele-Shaw convection cell (HSC) were investigated using a holographic interferometry and 2-D PIV system with varying Rayleigh number. To measure quasisteady changes of temperature field, two different measurement methods of holographic interferometry; double-exposure method and real-time method, were employed. In the double-exposure method, unwanted waves can be eliminated effectively using digital image processing technique and the reconstruction images are clear, but transient flow structure cannot be reconstructed clearly. On the other hand, transient convective flow can be reconstructed well using the real-time method. However, the fringe patterns reconstructed by the real-time method contain more noises, compared with the double-exposure method. Experimental results show a steady flow pattern at low Rayleigh numbers and a time-dependent periodic flow structure at high Rayleigh numbers. The periodic flow pattern at high Rayleigh numbers obtained by the real-time holographic interferometer method is in a good agreement with the PIV results.

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Study of ALD Process using the Line Type Plasma Source (라인형 플라즈마 소스를 이용한 ALD 공정 연구)

  • Kwon, Gi Chung;Jo, Tae Hoon;Choi, Jin Woo;Song, Sae Yung;Seol, Jae Yoon;Lee, Jun Sin
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.33-35
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    • 2016
  • In this study, a new plasma source was used in the ALD process. Line type plasma sources were analyzed by electric and magnetic field simulation. And the results were compared with plasma density and electron temperature measurement results. As a result, the results of the computer simulation and the diagnosis results of plasma density and electron temperature showed similar tendency. At this time, the plasma uniformity is 95.6 %. Al2O3 thin film was coated on 6 inch Si-wafer, using this plasma source. The uniformity of the thin film was more than 98% and the thin film growth rate was 0.13 nm/cycle.

A Multi-Channel A/D Data Acquisition System (다중채널 A/D 변환 데이터획득시스템의 개발)

  • Park, Chan-Won;Lee, Min-Seob;Ban, Yun-Ho
    • Journal of Industrial Technology
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    • v.25 no.A
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    • pp.183-189
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    • 2005
  • In precision instrumentation system, an A/D conversion of signal conditioning has some problems.; offset and drift errors with environmental situation. This paper suggested a development of the Multi-Channel A/D Data Acquisition System and a method of the evaluation and the temperature compensation for the A/D converters with the specific analog and digital circuit including the software. Also, we have designed a hardware and a software filters with smart algorithm for better signal processing of the proposed system. Software approach was adopted to obtain the stable data from A/D converter. As shown in our experimental works, the proposed system is expected to be used in the industrial field where a high precision measurement is required.

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Synthesis and Photoinduced Magnetic Properties of a Mn12 Single Molecule Magnet by the cis-trans Isomerism of Azobenzene

  • George, Sheby M.;Kim, Jin-Kwon
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.30 no.5
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    • pp.1143-1146
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    • 2009
  • [Mn12O12(azoL)16(H2O)4] (1), a new Mn12 single molecule magnet containing a photochromic azobenzene ligand, has been successfully synthesized by substitution of acetate ligand of Mn12 with 6-[4-{4-hexyloxyphenyl( azo)}-phenoxy]hexanoic-1-acid. The reversible photoisomerization of the azobenzene group was confirmed by UV-visible absorption spectroscopy. The temperature and field dependence of dc susceptibility and the temperature and the frequency dependence of ac susceptibility were measured for the cis and the trans isomer of 1. The magnetization value of the cis isomer in dc measurement is higher than that of the trans isomer. The cis isomer of 1 has a slower relaxation because cis-trans photoisomerization of the azobenzene group in peripheral ligands induces changes in its structure and dipole moment.

Reinforcing Effects of Micro-Piles in a high Cut Slope (장대사면 내 억지말뚝의 억제효과 (현장 Case-Study 중심으로))

  • 정성윤;김경태;장기태;한희수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.374-381
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    • 2002
  • Several sensor systems are used to estimate the reinforceing effect of pile in hihg cut slopes, and to find a failure zone in slopes effectively. Inclinometer, extensometer and V/W sensor have shown a great potentiality to serve real time health monitoring of the slope structures. They were embedded or attached to the structures, we conducted field tests and test results have shown great solutions for sensor systems of Civil Engineering Smart Structures. This research is to seek for the relationships among the slope movement and the reinforceing effect of pile, and the strain distribution in a active zone by analyzing the data from the in-situ measurement so that the possible failure zone should be well defined based on the relationships. Also, the relationships between temperature and reinforceing effect of pile, and the strain distribution are estimated in this paper.

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Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of Temperature Sensor Matrix Using a Flexible Printed Circuit Board for the Visualization of Temperature Field (온도장 가시화를 위한 연성회로기판을 이용한 온도센서 어레이 제작 및 성능평가)

  • Ahn, Cheol-Hee;Kim, Hyung-Hoon;Cha, Je-Myung;Kwon, Bong-Hyun;Ha, Man-Yeong;Park, Sang-Hu;Jeong, Ji-Hwan;Kim, Kui-Soon;Cho, Jong-Rae;Son, Chang-Min;Lee, Jung-Ho;Go, Jeung-Sang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Visualization
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.17-21
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    • 2010
  • This paper presents the fabrication and performance measurement of a temperature sensor array on a flexible substrate attachable to a curved surface using MEMS technology. Specifically, the fabrication uses the well-developed printed circuit board fabrication technology for complex electrode definition. The temperature sensor array are lifted off with a 10×10 matrix in a 50mm×50mm to visualize temperature distribution. Copper is used as temperature sensing material to measure the change in resistances with temperature increase. In a thermal oven with temperature control, the temperature sensor array is Characterized. The constant slope of resistance change is obtained and temperature distribution is measured from the relationship between resistance and temperature.

Algorithm for Judging Anomalies Using Sliding Window to Reproduce the Color Temperature Cycle of Natural Light (자연광의 색온도 주기 재현을 위한 슬라이딩 윈도우 기반 이상치 판정 알고리즘)

  • Jeon, Geon Woo;Oh, Seung Taek;Lim, Jae Hyun
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 2021
  • Research in the field of health lighting has continued to advance to reproduce the color temperature of natural light which periodically changes. However, most of this research could only reproduce a uniform circadian color temperature of natural light, therefore failing to realize the characteristics of the circadian cycle of color temperature difference by latitude and longitude. To reproduce the color temperature of natural light on which the characteristics of a region are reflected, the collection technology of real-time characteristics of natural light is needed. If the color temperatures which are not within a periodical pattern due to climate changes, etc., are measured, it will be difficult to judge the occurrence (presence) of the anomalies and to reproduce the circadian cycle of the color temperature of natural light. Therefore, this study proposes an algorithm for judging the anomalies in real time based on the sliding window to reproduce the color temperature of natural light. First, the natural light characteristics DB collected through the on-site measurement were analyzed, the differential values at a one-minute interval were calculated and examined, and then representative color temperature circadian patterns by solar terms were drawn. The anomalies were then detected by the application of the sliding window that calculated the deviation of the color temperature for the measured color temperature data set, which was collected through RGB sensors, while moving along the time sequence. In addition, the presence of anomalies was verified through the comparison study between the detection results and the representative circadian cycle of the color temperature by solar term. The judgment method for the anomalies from the measured color temperature of natural light was proposed for the first time, confirming that the proposed method was capable of detecting the anomalies with an average accuracy of 94.6%.

Characteization of Space Charge Distribution and Conduction Current in Dielectric material With Temperature (온도에 따른 유전체내에서의 공간전하 분포와 전도전류 특성)

  • Kim, Jin-Kyun;HwangBo, Seung;Han, Min-Koo
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1995.07c
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    • pp.1078-1080
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    • 1995
  • The pulsed electro-acoustic method was used as a nondestructive measurement technique of spare charge distribution in dielectric materials. In our work presented here, we measured simultaneously the space charge distribution and conduction current in the low-density polyethylene samples with elevated temperatures up to 80C and electric field up to 20kV/mm. In the temperature less than 50C, homocharges are mainly accumulated close to the electrodes under DC bias and after grounding. At the temperature exeeds 50C, heterocharges are accumulated near the opposite electrode under DC bias. However after grounding the upper electrode, this charges immediately disappeared. The conduction current in LDPE at 20C and 30C was reduced slowly with increasing interval of applied voltage. But as temperature increased, the conduction current tended to increase slowly with the time and the degree of increase is enlarged.

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Influence of Heat Treatment on the Structural, Electrical and Optical Properties of Aluminum-Doped Zinc Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Magnetron Sputtering

  • Jung, Sung Hee;Kong, Seon Mi;Chung, Chee Won
    • Current Photovoltaic Research
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.97-102
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    • 2013
  • Aluminum-doped zinc oxide (AZO) thin films were prepared by dc magnetron sputtering at room temperature and the effect of heat treatment on the structural, electrical and optical properties of the films were examined. As the annealing temperature and time increased, the resistivity decreased and the transmittance improved. All AZO films had c-axis oriented (002) plane of ZnO, regardless of the annealing process employed. As the annealing temperature and time increased, the crystallinity of AZO thin films increased due to the formation of a new ZnO phase in which Al was substituted for Zn. However, at the high annealing temperature of 400C, the resistivity of the films increased via separation of Zn and Al from ZnO phase due to their low melting points. X-ray diffraction, field emission scanning electron micrograph and Hall effect measurement confirmed the formation of uniformly distributed new grains of ZnO substituted with Al. The variation of Al contents in AZO films was shown to be the primary factor for the changes in resistivity and carrier concentration of the films.