• Title/Summary/Keyword: Technical Features

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Evaluation anisotropy in stochastic texture images using wavelet transforms for characterizing printing, coating and paper structure

  • Sung, Yong-Joo;Farnood, Ramin
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.45-53
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    • 2005
  • A novel method for evaluating the anisotropy of the deterministic features in a stochastic 2D data is introduced. The ability of the wavelet transform for the identification of the abrupt discontinuities could be used to characterize the boundary of the deterministic area in a 2D stochastic data, such as flocs in paper structure. The one-dimensional wavelet transform with a small-scale range in MD and CD could quantify the amount of the edge in both directions, depending on the intensity of each floc. The flocs that are aligned in the MD direction result in a higher value of local wavelet energy in the CD direction. Therefore, the ratio of the total wavelet energy in CD and MD directions can be used as a new anisotropy index. This index is a measure of the floc-orientation and can provide an excellent tool to obtain the orientation distribution and the major oriented angle of flocs. Various simulated images and real stochastic data such as local gloss variation of printed image and formation image, have been tested and the results show this analysis method is very reliable to measure the anisotropy of the deterministic features.

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AP224 based Feature Translation from 3D CAD through STEP Part111 (3차원 CAD에서 STEP Part111을 통한 AP224 특징형상 데이터 번역)

  • Kim, J.H.
    • Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.303-314
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    • 2006
  • The exchange of CAD (Computer Aided Design) models between different CAD systems and to downstream applications such as manufacturing has become very important to modem industry. One serious current issue is that the process cannot automatically import existing 3-D solid models in a variety of commercial CAD formats into the process without manually re-mastering the model in current standard including "SIEP AP(Application Protocol) 203 Edition 1" To fully integrate technical data from the design agency to the shop floor, design intent and validated 3D geometry of feature based parametric CAD model should be brought into the standardized processes. To overcome this limitation, AP203 Edition 2 (Ed.2) and its related STEP parts such as Part55, Part108, Part109, Part111 and Part112 are starting to be available to handle this problem. The features in Part111 are harmonized with the machining features available in AP224. This paper is focused on two mapping technologies: CAD to Part111 mapping and Pat111 to AP224 mapping including case studios and it will provide the guideline about what should be done next in the AP203 Ed.2 to AP224 mapping. The final goal of this project is to integrate technical data from CAD to AP224 based manufacturing information through AP203 Ed.2.

On low cost model-based monitoring of industrial robotic arms using standard machine vision

  • Karagiannidisa, Aris;Vosniakos, George C.
    • Advances in robotics research
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.81-99
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    • 2014
  • This paper contributes towards the development of a computer vision system for telemonitoring of industrial articulated robotic arms. The system aims to provide precision real time measurements of the joint angles by employing low cost cameras and visual markers on the body of the robot. To achieve this, a mathematical model that connects image features and joint angles was developed covering rotation of a single joint whose axis is parallel to the visual projection plane. The feature that is examined during image processing is the varying area of given circular target placed on the body of the robot, as registered by the camera during rotation of the arm. In order to distinguish between rotation directions four targets were used placed every $90^{\circ}$ and observed by two cameras at suitable angular distances. The results were deemed acceptable considering camera cost and lighting conditions of the workspace. A computational error analysis explored how deviations from the ideal camera positions affect the measurements and led to appropriate correction. The method is deemed to be extensible to multiple joint motion of a known kinematic chain.

A Tent For The Afterlife? Remarks on a Qinghai-Sichuanese Panel

  • GASPARINI, Mariachiara
    • Acta Via Serica
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.61-90
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    • 2021
  • Recent excavations in Qinghai Province, China, have disclosed textiles and artworks from Tuyuhun-Tubo (Tibetan) tombs, dated to the 7th-9th centuries, that suggest artistic and cultural exchanges along an external southern branch of the main Silk Road, between Gansu and Sichuan Provinces, across the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau toward the Himalayas. Many similar textiles, possibly from this area, have appeared lately on the art market and ended in private collections. Although these textiles, dated to the early Tibetan period, follow a popular prototype established in Central Asia in the 6th century, the technical features, colors, and other indigenous elements suggest that they were woven in workshops different from those established between Sogdiana and Gansu. The exhibition "Cultural Exchange Along the Silk Road - Masterpieces of the Tubo Period," organized by the Dunhuang Research Academy and the Pritzker Collaborative Art between July and October 2019 in Dunhuang, Gansu, was a groundbreaking event that gathered scholarly attention on early Tibetan material culture, but a relevant publication is still forthcoming. In my previous work, I briefly discussed a group of silk textiles, possibly from Qinghai or Sichuan, that I analyzed in 2014 in the China National Silk Museum in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. In light of the recent material excavated, published online, or displayed in Dunhuang, in this article, I reevaluate the data previously collected, and discuss in detail the technical and iconographic features of one of the fragments held in Hangzhou. Eventually, the piece was recognized as the ending part of a large panel, which is now in the Abegg Stiftung in Riggisberg, Switzerland.

Features and Tendencies of the Digital Marketing Use in the Activation of the International Business Activity

  • Zhygalkevych, Zhanna;Zalizniuk, Viktoriia;Smerichevskyi, Serhii;Zabashtanska, Tetiana;Zatsarynin, Serhii;Tulchynskiy, Rostislav
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2022
  • The study highlights the features and trends of digital marketing for international business. To achieve these goals, the authors used a systematic approach that allows a comprehensive approach to the object of study, as well as used general and specific methods of scientific knowledge on the application of digital marketing for international business. The dynamics of the number of users of social networks in the world is analyzed, which allowed us to conclude about the steady trend of increasing the number of users of the Internet and social networks, as well as the time spent by users on social networks. The study of the dynamics of the number of users of social networks provides increased efficiency in the use of digital marketing tools to enhance international business. The most effective digital marketing tools for international business, including artificial intelligence, conversational marketing, chatbots, personalization, video marketing, live shopping, social media stories, interactive content, omnic marketing, augmented reality and technology immersion, native advertising, green marketing and mobile commerce.

A Study on Influence of Corporate Factor and ITO Range Factor on Outsourcing Performance -Moderating Effect of Supplier Suitability

  • YI, Seon-Gyu
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.111-117
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzes the relative importance of the introducing factors for the critical success factors in the implementation stage of the lifecycle of ERP system using Delphi technique and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). In the 1st layer of the hierarchy, technical factor is evaluated as the most important factor among organizational, technical, and supplier factors. In the 2nd layer, choosing a proper ERP package is evaluated as the most important factor within 15 factors followed by process-oriented approach, technical suitability, minimized customization, integration and association of system with trading parter, association with legacy systems, and support and involvement of top management. As a result of this analysis enterprise should choose an ERP package that is suitable to its business environment, and make the best use of(take full advantage of) best practice that ERP package provides to optimize the existing business procedure or process(to approach the existing business procedure or process). This study also shows the range of customization of the features provided by the ERP package should be minimized.

An Analysis of the Importance of the Success Factors in Implementation Stage of ERP System

  • YI, Seon-Gyu;Kim, Jong-Ju
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.165-171
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzes the relative importance of the introducing factors for the critical success factors in the implementation stage of the lifecycle of ERP system using Delphi technique and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). In the 1st layer of the hierarchy, technical factor is evaluated as the most important factor among organizational, technical, and supplier factors. In the 2nd layer, choosing a proper ERP package is evaluated as the most important factor within 15 factors followed by process-oriented approach, technical suitability, minimized customization, integration and association of system with trading parter, association with legacy systems, and support and involvement of top management. As a result of this analysis enterprise should choose an ERP package that is suitable to its business environment, and make the best use of(take full advantage of) best practice that ERP package provides to optimize the existing business procedure or process(to approach the existing business procedure or process). This study also shows the range of customization of the features provided by the ERP package should be minimized.

Combining smart materials for enhancing intelligent systems: initial studies, success cases and research trends

  • Diaz Lantada, A.;Lafont Morgado, P.;Munoz-Guijosa, J.M.;Munoz Sanz, J.L.;Echavarri Otero, J.;Chacon Tanarro, E.;De la Guerra Ochoa, E.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.517-539
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    • 2014
  • The combined use of smart materials, complementing each others' characteristics and resulting in devices with optimised features, is providing new solutions in many industries. The use of ingenious combinations of smart materials has led to improvements in actuation speed and force, signal-to-noise ratio, sensor precision and unique capabilities such as self-sensing self-healing systems and energy autonomy. This may all give rise to a revival for numerous families of smart materials, for which application proposals had already reached a stationary situation. It may also provide the boost needed for the definitive industrial success of many others. This study focuses on reviewing the proposals, preliminary studies and success cases related to combining smart materials to obtain multifunctional, improved systems. It also examines the most outstanding applications and fields for the combined use of these smart materials. We will also discuss related study areas which warrant further research for the development of novel approaches for demanding applications.

A Hybrid Soft Computing Technique for Software Fault Prediction based on Optimal Feature Extraction and Classification

  • Balaram, A.;Vasundra, S.
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.5
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    • pp.348-358
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    • 2022
  • Software fault prediction is a method to compute fault in the software sections using software properties which helps to evaluate the quality of software in terms of cost and effort. Recently, several software fault detection techniques have been proposed to classifying faulty or non-faulty. However, for such a person, and most studies have shown the power of predictive errors in their own databases, the performance of the software is not consistent. In this paper, we propose a hybrid soft computing technique for SFP based on optimal feature extraction and classification (HST-SFP). First, we introduce the bat induced butterfly optimization (BBO) algorithm for optimal feature selection among multiple features which compute the most optimal features and remove unnecessary features. Second, we develop a layered recurrent neural network (L-RNN) based classifier for predict the software faults based on their features which enhance the detection accuracy. Finally, the proposed HST-SFP technique has the more effectiveness in some sophisticated technical terms that outperform databases of probability of detection, accuracy, probability of false alarms, precision, ROC, F measure and AUC.

Development of an Operation Model for Technical Proposal-Based Tender of Public Construction Projects (공공건설공사의 기술제안형 입찰 운영모델 개발)

  • Yu, Il-Han;Kim, Kyung-Rai
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.136-145
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    • 2008
  • Recently the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Korea launched two new project delivery systems called "Best Value Contract (Design-Bid-Build)" and "Bridging Contract (Design-Build)" in October of 2007 by revising enforcement ordinances of "Act on Contracts to Which the State is a Party". These project delivery systems require the bidders to submit technical proposal adjusted to the project characteristics and objectives for selecting the contractor by evaluating technical proposals. This research aimed to suggest guideline to effectively operate the project delivery systems described above. To reach the goal of the research, the framework of the operation model was developed, which includes the four categories: the standard bidding process, the technical proposal requirements, the technical proposal evaluation criteria, and the award methods. The contents of the four categories above were fulfilled throughout conferring with the advisory experts. In particular, the award methods, which are the important decision-making factor in the perspective of the owner, consist of four types: Low Bid-Fully Qualified, Weighted Criteria, Adjusted Bid, and Adjusted Score. The quantitative features and application criteria of these four types of award methods were suggested throughout the simulation using the virtual case.