• Title/Summary/Keyword: Team Reflexivity

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The Relationship between College Students' Team Learning Goal Orientation and Their Team Creativity: The Roles of Team Reflexivity, Team Efficacy, and Positive Group Affective Tone (대학생들의 팀 학습목표 지향성과 팀 창의성의 관계: 팀 성찰, 팀 효능감, 그리고 긍정적 집단 정서 분위기의 역할)

  • Kim, Mihee
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.159-168
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    • 2019
  • This study draws on goal orientation theory and proposes the team learning goal orientation as an antecedent of team creativity. In addition, an Input-Process-Output (IPO) model was adopted, in which the team reflexivity, team efficacy, and positive group affective tone (PGAT) are linking mechanisms in the relationship between team learning goal orientation and team creativity. Using 57 teams from three lectures of the college, hierarchical regression analysis was conducted at the team level. The results showed that the team learning goal orientation had positive associations with team creativity, team reflexivity, and team efficacy. In addition, team reflexivity and team efficacy positively predicted the team creativity. Furthermore, the relationship between team learning goal orientation and team creativity was mediated by the team reflexivity and team efficacy. In contrast to predictions, PGAT did not show significant relations with both team learning goal orientation and team creativity. In conclusion, this study integrated the team-learning goal orientation and team creativity literature and contributes to the understanding of team reflexivity as a cognitive process and team efficacy as a motivational process between the team property and team creativity. These results have practical implications for managing teams.

Methodological Assessment of Qualitative Research with Caregivers in Pediatric Disease by COREQ (Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research) Guideline (소아과 질환에서 주양육자 대상의 질적연구 논문에 대한 COREQ (Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research) 가이드라인을 이용한 방법론적 질평가)

  • Kim, Hyejin;Jeon, Chaeheun;Han, Ye ji;Cheong, Moon Joo;Kim, Hyunho;Leem, Jungtae
    • The Journal of Pediatrics of Korean Medicine
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.121-140
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    • 2018
  • Objectives This research was aimed to analyze and assess the articles of qualitative research of Pediatrics by following Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ). Methods Two researchers analyzed and assessed the reports' quality and appropriateness based on COREQ guideline. The articles that failed to achieve consensus from the two researchers, the third researcher made a final decision. Results A total of fifty-six reports which used caregivers as participants, were selected and adopted qualitative research methods were chosen. In most qualitative studies, COREQ was not implemented. Some parts of the studies were poorly described and elaborated when reviewing them based on the COREQ guidelines. In the 'Research team and reflexivity', there was lack of description about the researcher. In the 'Study design', there were no detailed descriptions on the approaches they took in recruiting their study participants. There was not enough detail reflexivity participants who refused, and where the recruitment took place. There were also no records of whether there was a pilot test or a data saturation. In 'Analysis and findings' section, there were few articles mentioning Participant checking, and the main opinion of the participants were well analyzed in all the papers, but excluding opinions of few participants. Conclusions There are still many qualitative studies that have caregivers as participants, in the field of pediatrics. However, methodological skills are insufficient. The use of the COREQ guidelines should be further implemented for more robust and methodological improvement.

Analysis of Qualitative Research Published in Nursing Journals in a Recent 10-year Period: Focused on JKAN and ANR (최근 10년간 간호학술지에 게재된 질적연구 분석: JKAN과 ANR 중심으로)

  • 장혜영;송은옥
    • Journal of Qualitative Research
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.100-112
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze reports of qualitative studies published in Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing (JKAN) and Asian Nursing Research (ANR) and to determine explicit suggestions to improve the quality of qualitative papers. Methods: A total of 106 qualitative studies published in JKAN and ANR from 2008 to 2017 was reviewed using consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ). Results: In the research team and reflexivity, there was a lack of description in relationship building with participants and for researcher assumptions. Regarding study design, pilot tests for interview guideline development and revision of a transcript for clarity were less reported than other items. For analysis and findings, descriptions of number of data coders and diverse cases were insufficient. Conclusion: We suggest that researchers consider and describe COREQ items in more detail when reporting qualitative research. Also, although COREQ are guidelines for reporting qualitative studies, they do not reflect the characteristics of all such research methodologies. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a systematic evaluation standard including questions reflecting the characteristics of each qualitative research methodology to contribute to improvement of qualitative research.

A Trend Analysis on the Qualitative Research of Dental Hygiene in Korea (2000~2023)

  • An-Na Yeo;Yang-Keum Han
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.160-170
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    • 2024
  • Background: This study aimed to analyze trends in qualitative research within the field of dental hygiene, focusing on papers published in Korean journals from 2000 to 2023. As dental hygienists play a crucial role in preventive oral health, understanding the breadth and depth of qualitative research in this field is essential for advancing practice and education. Methods: This descriptive survey research study analyzed 23 qualitative studies using the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ) as a framework. Studies were selected through a comprehensive search of Korean databases. The analysis covered research topics, participant types, methodological approaches, and adherence to COREQ domains, including "Research Team and Reflexivity," "Study Design," and "Analysis and Findings." Results: The analysis revealed that most studies employed a phenomenological methodology (36.4%). Additionally, 87.0% of the studies mentioned Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and only 8.7% utilized qualitative data analysis software. The studies primarily focused on oral care for the elderly, communication, and the experiences of dental hygienists. Furthermore, 95.7% of the studies included participant quotations, but only 56.5% checked data saturation. Conclusion: This study highlights the need for a more diverse methodological approach in dental hygiene research. Journals should also emphasize strict adherence to IRB guidelines and encourage the use of qualitative data analysis software to enhance the rigor of research. By strengthening the systematic foundation of qualitative research in dental hygiene, the field can better address clinical challenges and expand the understanding of dental hygienists' work environments.

Analysis on Reports of Qualitative Researches Published in Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing (여성건강간호학회지에 게재된 질적 연구 보고 분석)

  • Lee, Eun-Joo;Song, Ju-Eun;Kim, Myounghee;Kim, Sue;Jun, Eun-Mi;Ahn, Sukhee;Oh, Hyun-Ei;Cheon, Suk-Hee
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.321-332
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    • 2012
  • Purpose: This research was aimed to analyze the reports of qualitative researches published in Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing (KJWHN). Methods: Twenty qualitative researches using in-depth interviews or focus groups published in KJWHN during from 2002 to 2011 were selected for analysis. Selected reports were analyzed by consolidated criteria for reporting qualitative research (COREQ), which were a reporting guideline for qualitative researches, and consisted of thirty two items and three domains, i.e., (1) research team and reflexivity, (2) study design, and (3) data analysis and reporting. Results: Personal characteristics related to credentials, gender and interviewer's bias or assumption were less reported than other items in the 1st domain. In the 2nd domain, descriptions such as a presence of non-participants, pilot test for interview guide development, and transcript return to participants were less reported than other items. In the 3rd domain, items related to number of data coder, participants checking of the finding, and clarity of minor themes were less reported than other items. Conclusion: It could be concluded that COREQ is a useful guideline for reporting of qualitative studies. From these results, we suggest that full items of COREQ should be considered and described when researchers report qualitative research.