• Title/Summary/Keyword: Tall height

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the height-wise distribution of lateral seismic forces considering the contribution of the higher modes (고차모드 효과를 고려한 층 지진하중 분배)

  • 황준호
    • Proceedings of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea Conference
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    • 1999.10a
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    • pp.273-280
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    • 1999
  • The base shear and the veritcal distribution of shears along the height of a building are two fundamental measures that define the design seismic load. But the method specified in Korean building code does not give an appropriate distribution for buildings of tall or longer period because it roughly account for the contributions of the higher modes. several methods to give a better distribution of seismic forces have been proposed. But they have not been introduced into the seismic codes yet probably because they cannot solve all the above-mentioned problems. This paper deals with the distribution of lateral seismic forces along the height of a building to account for the contribution of the higher modes. After reviewing some existing distributions in seismic codes and literatures moment-resisting frames with various stories were studied by modal analysis for a wide range of fundamental period and the stiffness ratio of the buiding. As a result of the analysis a new expression for the distribution of seismic forces is proposed and compared with those of some codes and dynamic analysis.

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Experimental and numerical investigations on seismic performance of a super tall steel tower

  • He, Minjuan;Li, Zheng;Ma, Renle;Liang, Feng
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.571-586
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    • 2014
  • This paper presents experimental and numerical study on seismic performance of a super tall steel tower structure. The steel tower, with a height of 388 meters, employs a steel space truss with spiral steel columns to serve as its main lateral load resisting system. Moreover, this space truss was surrounded by the spiral steel columns to form a steel mega system in order to support a 12-story platform building which is located from the height of 230 meters to 263 meters. A 1/40 scaled model for this tower structure was made and tested on shake table under a series of one- and two-dimensional earthquake excitations with gradually increasing acceleration amplitudes. The test model performed elastically up to the seismic excitations representing the earthquakes with a return period of 475 years, and the test model also survived with limited damages under the seismic excitations representing the earthquakes with a return period 2475 years. A finite element model for the prototype structure was further developed and verified. It was noted that the model predictions on dynamic properties and displacement responses agreed reasonably well with test results. The maximum inter-story drift of the tower structure was obtained, and the stress in the steel members was investigated. Results indicated that larger displacement responses were observed for the section from the height of 50 meters to 100 meters in the tower structure. For structural design, applicable measures should be adopted to increase the stiffness and ductility for this section in order to avoid excessive deformations, and to improve the serviceability of the prototype structure.

Effect of a through-building gap on wind-induced loading and dynamic responses of a tall building

  • To, Alex P.;Lam, K.M.;Wong, S.Y.;Xie, Z.N.
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.531-553
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    • 2012
  • Many tall buildings possess through-building gaps at middle levels of the building elevation. Some of these floors are used as sky gardens, or refuge floors, through which wind can flow with limited blockage. It has been reported in the literature that through-building gaps can be effective in reducing across-wind excitation of tall buildings. This paper systematically examines the effectiveness of two configurations of a through-building gap, at the mid-height of a tall building, in reducing the wind-induced dynamic responses of the building. The two configurations differ in the pattern of through-building opening on the gap floor, one with opening through the central portion of the floor and the other with opening on the perimeter of the floor around a central core. Wind forces and moments on the building models were measured with a high-frequency force balance from which dynamic building responses were computed. The results show that both configurations of a through-building gap are effective in reducing the across-wind excitation with the one with opening around the perimeter of the floor being significantly more effective. Wind pressures were measured on the building faces with electronic pressure scanners to help understand the generation of wind excitation loading. The data suggest that the through-building gap reduces the fluctuating across-wind forces through a disturbance of the coherence and phase-alignment of vortex excitation.

A Study on the Wind-Induced Response Characteristics of Freeform Shaped Tall Building using FSI Analysis (FSI 해석에 의한 비정형 초고층 빌딩의 풍응답 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Sung Chul;Kim, Hyo Jin;Han, Sang Eul
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.223-230
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, the wind-induced response characteristics of freeform shaped tall building is studied by using FSI analysis. The analytical models are twist shaped ones at representing type of atypical tall building, and this study focused on the relationship between twist angle and wind acceleration. Firstly, 1-way FSI analysis is performed, so maximum lateral displacement of the analytical model for 100 years return period wind speed is calculated, then the elastic modulus of a structure that satisfies the constraints condition is evaluated. And 2-way FSI analysis is carried out. so acceleration of the analytical model for the evaluated modulus of elasticity and arbitrary density is predicted through time history analysis. The basic model is a set of a square shape, height is 400m, slenderness ratio is 8, and twist model is rotated at square model from 0 to 90 degrees at intervals of 15 degrees and from 90 to 360 degrees at intervals of 90 degrees. According to the result of predicting wind acceleration by the shape of each model, the wind vibration effect of square shape model is confirmed to be sensitive more than a twist shape ones.

Body Shapes of Aged Women Applying 3D Body Scan Data (인체 형상 데이터를 이용한 실버 여성 3차원 체형 연구)

  • Kim, Soo-A;Choi, Hei-Sun
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.1099-1111
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to classify body shapes of aged women by using 3D body scan data. For the body shape analysis and classification, 3D body scan data of 270 aged women were used, and 16 main measurements consisting of a human body were used to conduct factor analysis, cluster analysis and discriminant analysis. The analysis were performed on all 'the method using the absolute value', 'the method using index of height and weight', and 'the method using index of height', and according to the classification results, the method which categorizes body shapes best in terms of their shapes was adopted. As the factor analysis result using the numerical value of height to categorize the body shapes of the aged women, factor 1 was the thickness and width for the height, factor 2 was the height of the upper part of the body for the height, factor 3 was the height of hips for the height, and factor 4 was the height of belly for the height. When the body shapes were categorized with the deducted factors as variables, they were divided into two types. Type 1 was a short and fat body shape($\blacksquare$ type) and 55.6% of the subjects were of this type. Type 2 was for the body shape whose vertical height, including weight, was long but all kinds of width and thickness were small, that is, tall and thin body shape($\blacksquare$ type), and 44.4% of the aged women were in this case.

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Systematic influence of different building spacing, height and layout on mean wind and turbulent characteristics within and over urban building arrays

  • Jiang, Dehai;Jiang, Weimei;Liu, Hongnian;Sun, Jianning
    • Wind and Structures
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.275-289
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    • 2008
  • Large eddy simulations have been performed within and over different types of urban building arrays. This paper adopted three dimensionless parameters, building frontal area density (${\lambda}_f$) the variation degree of building height (${\sigma}_h$), and the staggered degree of building range ($r_s$), to study the systematic influence of building spacing, height and layout on wind and turbulent characteristics. The following results have been achieved: (1) As ${\lambda}_f$ decrease from 0.25 to 0.18, the mean flow patterns transfer from "skimming" flow to "wake interference" flow, and as ${\lambda}_f$ decrease from 0.06 to 0.04, the mean flow patterns transfer from "wake interference" flow to "isolated roughness" flow. With increasing ${\lambda}_f$, wind velocity within arrays increases, and the vortexes in front of low buildings would break, even disappear, whereas the vortexes in front of tall buildings would strengthen and expand. Tall buildings have greater disturbance on wind than low buildings do. (2) All the wind velocity profiles and the upstream profile converge at the height of 2.5H approximately. The decay of wind velocity within the building canopy was in positive correlation with ${\lambda}_f$ and $r_s$. If the height of building arrays is variable, Macdonald's wind velocity model should be modified through introducing ${\sigma}_h$, because wind velocity decreases at the upper layers of the canopy and increases at the lower layers of the canopy. (3) The maximum of turbulence kinetic energy (TKE) always locates at 1.2 times as high as the buildings. TKE within the canopy decreases with increasing ${\lambda}_f$ and $r_s$ but the maximum of TKE are very close though ${\sigma}_h$ varies. (4) Wind velocity profile follows the logarithmic law approximately above the building canopy. The Zero-plane displacement $z_d$ heighten with increasing ${\lambda}_f$, whereas the maximum of and Roughness length $z_0$ occurs when ${\lambda}_f$ is about 0.14. $z_d$ and $z_0$ heighten linearly with ${\sigma}_h$ and $r_s$, If ${\sigma}_h$ is large enough, $z_d$ may become higher than the average height of buildings.

A Comparison of the Preference by Gender on the Height of Males & Females and the Female Body (여성의 신체부위 및 신장에 관한 성별 선호도 비교)

  • Park, Jung-Rang;Park, Sook-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.437-447
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    • 2010
  • This study compares by gender the preference about ideal female height and body parts. Data was collected through a survey of 203 males and 236 females. The results are as follows: Males and females prefer 161~165cm as the ideal female height and 176~180cm as the ideal male height. In regards to the ideal height difference between couples, both males and females prefer males to be taller, with the head of the female at the same height as the neck of the male. Males and females prefer the shorter height than the ideal height of a fashion model and Miss Korea who got the prize from the korean beauty contest. In the case of Miss Korea, there has been a demand for tall women to participate in world beauty contests. However, this study shows that young people prefer a shorter height than the society expects. Males and females think the shoulder width is ideal when it is 2 times wider than the width of a face in regards to the preference of the ideal female body parts. There is a difference between males and females in the ideal breast size. Males prefer C-cup size while females prefer B-cup size. The ideal size of waist preferred is between 60~65cm to both males and females. The ideal shape of legs preferred to both males and females is a slightly muscular shape.

A Comparison of Body Types Between Korean and Mongolian Women within the 18 to 24 Age Group(Part I) (18~24세 한국과 몽골여성 체형비교(제1보))

  • Kwon, Soon-Jung;Hong, Jung-Min
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.6 no.5
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    • pp.625-633
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    • 2004
  • A comparison between the body types of Korean and Mongolian women was made and analyzed to provide a foundation for securing the Mongolian fashion market. 404 adults within the 18 to 24 age group were studied. From the results of comparing 27 items of direct anthropometric measurements, 15 items were shown to have significant differences. Mongolian women were larger in values for 13 items than were Korean women except two items, which are back waist length and arm length. From the results of comparing 25 items of index values, 19 items were shown to have significant differences. The comparison of the anatomical proportions showed that the lower half of Mongolian women's bodies were longer and their shoulder and hips were wider than those of Korean women. Based on these direct anthropometric measurements and index values, Korean and Mongolian women were categorized into 4 Types; Type 1 is average body type with tall height and longer lower half of the body. Type 2 is slimmer body type with average height. Type 3 is average body type with shorter height. Lastly, type 4 is obese body type with average height.

Studies on Seed Mixtures for Slope Revegetation of the Road (도로사면녹화를 위한 식생배합에 관한 연구)

  • 이재필;김남춘;홍성관
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.113-123
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    • 1995
  • This study was conducted to find out appropriate rates of seed mixture of both native and foreign plants in order for stabilization of early afforestation and proper vegetation on road slope. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Characteristics of germination : After seeding, 2 weeks for both Lespedeza bicolor and Lespedeza cuneata, and 4 weeks for both Arundinella hirta and Zoysia japonica were needed for vigorous germination, and 1-4 wee17s for 3 cool-season grasses were spent for gradual germination. 2. Plant height : There was no difference between Lespedeza cuneata and Lespedeza bicolor in plant height by 7 treatments. As mixture rates of cool-season grasses were lowered, plant height of Arundinella hirta became longer. Descending order of co81-season grasses for plant height was Tall fescue, Perennial ryegrass and Creeping redfescue. 3. Number of tillers : The number of tillers tended to increase in the experimental plots where competition was low. 4 Ground cover rate : Ground cover rate was the highest in Mixture IV (96.7%) and was fluctuated from 13.3% on Sept. 13 to 45% on Nev. 3 in Mixture III. Descending order of gronud cover rates in 7 treaments was Mixture IV, Mixture III. Mixture II, Mixture Ⅶ, Mixture V, Mixture Ⅵ, Mixture I, and Mixtur III when measured on Oct. 13 5. Visual assessment: High preferences were observed on Mixture IV and Ⅶ In sun the best seed mixtures were Mixture IV and Ⅶ. It meant that (1) either mixture of 70% the native plants with 30% cool-season graaes or (2) mixture of 80% the native plants with 20% cool-season glasses was best for this study.

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The dynamic response of adjacent structures with the shallow foundation of different height and distance on liquefiable saturated sand

  • Jilei Hu;Luoyan Wang;Wenxiang Shen;Fengjun Wei;Rendong Guo;Jing Wang
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.135-148
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    • 2023
  • The structure-soil-structure interaction (SSSI) effect in adjacent structures may affect the liquefaction-induced damage of shallow foundation structures. The existing studies only analysed the independent effects on the structural dynamic response but ignored the coupling effect of height difference and distance of adjacent structures (F) on liquefied foundations on the dynamic response. Therefore, this paper adopts finite element and finite difference coupled dynamic analysis method to discuss the effect of the F on the seismic response of shallow foundation structures. The results show that the effect of the short structure on the acceleration response of the tall structure can be neglected as F increases when the height difference reaches 2 times the height of the short structure. The beneficial effect of SSSI on short structures is weakened under strong seismic excitations, and the effect of the increase of F on the settlement ratio gradually decreases, which causes a larger rotation hazard. When the distance is smaller than the foundation width, the short structure will exceed the rotation critical value and cause structural damage. When the distance is larger than the foundation width, the rotation angle is within the safe range (0.02 rad).