• Title/Summary/Keyword: THICKNESS

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Impact of Thickness of Sand Capping on Phosphorus Release Rate from Sediment (모래 캡핑 두께가 퇴적물 인 용출에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Woo-Hyeok;Kim, Geon-Ha
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.39 no.3 s.117
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    • pp.331-339
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    • 2006
  • This research was carried out to understand the impacts of thickness of sand capping to control phosphorus release from sediment into overlying water. As capping effectively retards release flux, phosphorus concentration in water body can be maintained if phosphorus release rate was kept under microbial degradation rate. With capping thickness increases, deaeration rate become less, while reaeration coefficient become higher. Phosphorus release rate and capping thickness were linearly correlated. The results of regression analysis indicated that phosphorus release can be controlled effectively by sand capping of least 20${\sim}$40 mm thickness.

Effect on Efficiency of the OLED depending on Thickness Variation of EIL $Cs_2CO_3$ (전자 주입층 $Cs_2CO_3$ 두께 변화에 따른 OLED의 효율에 미치는 영향)

  • Han, Hyeon-Seok;Kim, Chang-Hoon;Kang, Yong-Gil;Kim, Gwi-Yeol;Kim, Tae-Wan;Hong, Jin-Woong
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2011.07a
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    • pp.1438-1439
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    • 2011
  • In this paper, we studied effects on the efficiency, according to thickness of the electron injection layer(EIL) for improving efficiency of Organic Light Emitting Diodes(OLEDs). For the first time, after confirming the optimum thickness of the EIL material $Cs_2CO_3$, we designed OLED devices having a structure of ITO/TPD/$Alq_3/Cs_2CO_3$/Al. And we manufactured devices applying for the optimum thickness of the material in the simulation with thermal evaporating method. And we investigated how the EIL material $Cs_2CO_3$ effects on efficiency of OLEDs in the EIL. As the result, because the EIL material $Cs_2CO_3$ reduces energy potential barrier of the EIL, it facilitated the electron transfer. And, as blocking the hole transfer contributes to an increased recombination, we confirmed that the efficiency of OLEDs increased. And compared to the device without using the EIL material, the device using thickness 1.0 nm of $Cs_2CO_3$ in the EIL shows the excellent efficiency. Therefore, we confirmed that the luminance and the external quantum efficiency increase about 600% and 500% respectively.

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Characteristics of Parameters for the Distribution of fatigue Crack Growth Lives wider Constant Stress Intensity factor Control (일정 응력확대계수 제어하의 피로균열전파수명 분포의 파라메터 특성)

  • 김선진
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.54-59
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    • 2003
  • The characteristics of the parameters for the probability distribution of fatigue crack growth life, using the non-Gaussian random process simulation method is investigated. In this paper, the material resistance to fatigue crack growth is treated as a spatial random process, which varies randomly on the crack surface. Using the previous experimental data, the crack length equals the number of cycle curves that are simulated. The results are obtained for constant stress intensity factor range conditions with stress ratios of R=0.2, three specimen thickness of 6, 12 and 18mm, and the four stress intensity level. The probability distribution function of fatigue crack growth life seems to follow the 3-parameter Wiubull,, showing a slight dependence on specimen thickness and stress intensity level. The shape parameter, $\alpha$, does not show the dependency of thickness and stress intensity level, but the scale parameter, $\beta$, and location parameter, ${\gamma}$, are decreased by increasing the specimen thickness and stress intensity level. The slope for the stress intensity level is larger than the specimen thickness.

Removal Efficiency Study of Aromatic Hydrocarbons Using a High-Temperature Fiber Filter on a Laboratory Scale (실험실 규모에서 고온 섬유 여과재를 이용한 방향족 유기화합물 제거 특성 조사)

  • Lee, hak-Sung;Kang, Byung-Wook;Lee, Sang-Kwun;Han, Young-Wook;Han, Bum
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.473-477
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of removal efficiency for aromatic hydrocarbons using a high-temperature fiber filter on a laboratory scale. The main elemental compositions of a high-temperaure fiber filter are aluminium and silica, which can act as the catalysts. Benzene, toluene and o-xylene among aromatic hydrocarbons were used in this experiment. For 3cm thickness of fiber filter, these compounds were removed more than 90% at the face velocities of 3cm/sec and 5cm/sec above 45$0^{\circ}C$. For 4cm thickness of it, the removal efficiencies of these compounds were almost 90% from 40$0^{\circ}C$ at the same face velocities, suggesting that it may be due to increasing the contact time between the fiber filter and aromatic hydrocarbons. The pressure droop ranged from 22 to 48mmH2O for 3cm thickness of fiber filter. However, for 4cm thickness of it, it was about two times(41~89mm$H_2O$) higher than that for 3cm fiber thickness.

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Analysis of Threshold Voltage Roll-off for Ratio of Channel Length and Thickness in DGMOSFET (DGMOSFET에서 채널길이와 두께 비에 따른 문턱전압변화분석)

  • Jung, Hak-Kee
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.2305-2309
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, the variations of threshold voltage characteristics for ratio of channel length and thickness have been alanyzed for DG(Double Gate)MOSFET having top gate and bottom gate. Since the DGMOSFET has two gates, it has advantages that contollability of gate for current is nearly twice and SCE(Short Channel Effects) shrinks in nano devices. The channel length and thickness in MOSFET determines device size and extensively influences on SCEs. The threshold voltage roll-off, one of the SCEs, is large with decreasing channel length. The threshold voltage roll-off and drain induced barrier lowing have been analyzed with various ratio of channel length and thickness for DGMOSFET in this study.


  • Lee, J.C.
    • Journal of computational fluids engineering
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.93-102
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    • 2012
  • Once the condensation of water vapor in moist air around a thin airfoil occurs, liquid droplets nucleate. The condensation process releases heat to the surrounding gaseous components of moist air and significantly affects their thermodynamic and flow properties. As a results, variations in the aerodynamic performance of airfoils can be found. In the present work, the effects of upstream Mach number and thickness ratio of airfoil on the transonic flow of moist air around a thin airfoil are investigated by numerical analysis. The results shows that a significant condensation occurs as the upstream Mach number is increased at the fixed thickness ratio of airfoil($\epsilon$=0.12) and as the thickness ratio of airfoil is increased at the fixed upstream Mach number($M_{\infty}$=0.80). The condensate mass fraction is also increased and dispersed widely around an airfoil as the upstream Mach number and thickness ratio of airfoil are increased. The position of shock wave for moist air flow move toward the leading edge of airfoil when it is compared with the position of shock wave for dry air.

The AC, DC Dielectric Breakdown Characteristics according to Dielectric Thickness and Inner Electrode Pattern of High Voltage Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor (고압 적층 칩 캐패시터의 유전체 두께 및 내부전극 형상에 따른 AC, DC 절연 파괴 특성)

  • Yoon, Jung-Rag;Kim, Min-Kee;Lee, Seog-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.21 no.12
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    • pp.1118-1123
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    • 2008
  • High voltage multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) are classified into two classes-those for temperature compensation (class I) and high dielectric constant materials (class II). We manufactured high voltage MLCC with temperature coefficient characteristics of C0G and X7R and studied the characteristics of electric properties. Also we studied the characteristics of dielectric breakdown voltage (V) as the variation of thickness in the green sheet and how to pattern the internal electrodes. The dielectric breakdown by electric field was caused by defects in the dielectric materials and dielectric/electrode interface, so the dielectric thickness increased, the withstanding voltage per unit (E) thickness decreased. To overcome this problem, we selected the special design like as floating electrode and this design affected the increasing breakdown voltage(V) and realized the constant withstanding voltage per unit thickness(E). From these results, high voltage application of MLCCs can be expanded and the rated voltage can also be develop.

PR Coating for Electron Beam Lithography of Cylindrical Mold and Measuring Coating Thickness of It using Measuring Tip (원통금형의 전자빔 가공을 위한 PR 코팅 및 측정 팁을 이용한 두께측정)

  • Lee, Seung-Woo;Kim, Jeong-O;Suh, Jeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.29 no.10
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    • pp.1144-1148
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    • 2012
  • Process conditions for generating nano patterns handle different process according to the pattern characteristics, and different process data according to patterns in questions. To efficiently find optimal process conditions for generating nano patterns, process data by experiment is needed consideration of the pattern characteristics concerning the equipment. In particular, coating methods of a cylindrical mold differ from it of a flat plate because of viscosity of coating materials. Also the coating thickness affects nano process and pattern line width. So coating method of coating thickness for cylindrical mold is very important on nano pattern generating. In this study, a method is proposed for coating Photo Resist through the spray in order to coat cylindrical mold and measuring the thickness of coating using measuring tip considering the size of cylindrical mold because there is no method in the existing SEM. The proposed method is applied to a real printed electronics system to verify its accuracy and efficiency.

Analysis on the Friction Characteristics of Low Viscosity Engine Oils (저점도 엔진오일이 마찰특성에 미치는 영향에 관한 해석적 연구)

  • Kim, Chung-Kyun
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.249-255
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    • 2005
  • In this paper, the friction characteristic of engine bearings has been analyzed in terms of a friction loss power, a minimum film thickness and an oil film pressure. This analysis has been focused on the fuel economy improvement with a low viscosity engine oil such as SAE 0W-40, which is used for a friction loss reduction and increased for a Diesel fuel economy. The friction loss power, the minimum oil film thickness and oil film pressure distribution for plain bearings of a Diesel engine are analyzed using an AVL's EXCITE program with a conventional engine oils of SAE 5W-40 and 10W-40, and a low viscosity engine oil of SAE 0W-40. The computed results indicate that a viscosity of engine oils is closely related to the friction loss power and the decreased minimum film thickness in which is a key parameter of a load carrying capacity of an oil film pressure distribution. When the low viscosity engine oil is supplied to engine bearings, it does not affect to the formation of a minimum oil film thickness. But the friction loss power has been significantly affected by low viscosity engine oil at a low operating temperature of 0. Based on the FEM computed results, the low viscosity engine oil at a low temperature range will be an important factor for an improvement of the fuel economy improvement.

A Case of Pilomatrixoma after Split Thickness Skin Graft (식피술 후 발생한 모기질종 1례)

  • Choi, Jae Hoon;Park, Sung Gyu;Lee, Jin Hyo
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.753-756
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: Pilomatrixoma is a benign, usually asymptomatic tumor. It presents clinically as a solitary superficial subcutaneous nodule measuring between 0.5 cm and 5 cm in diameter on the head or upper extremeties and has not been reported after skin graft. The objective of this article is to report our experience in treating pilomatrixoma which occurred after split thickness skin graft on the lower extremity. Methods: A 56-year-old female was treated in August 2005 with a $0.5{\times}0.5cm$ firm subcutaneous nodule at recipient site of split thickness skin graft on the left medial thigh. The tumor was successfully removed by complete excision and histologic examination was followed. Results: The diagnosis was pilomatrixoma which was characterized by a dual population of proliferating basophilic cells and diagnostic shadow cells. Conclusion: The tumor was successfully treated by complete resection. The authors report this very rare case of pilomatrixoma which occurred at recipient site of split thickness skin graft.