• 제목/요약/키워드: THA

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In vivo and In vitro Metabolism of Recombinant Human Epidermal Growth Factor (DWP401) in Rats (재조합 인간 상피세포성장인자(DWP401)의 흰쥐에서의 in vivo와 in vitro 대사)

  • Koh, Yeo-Wook;Nam, Kouen-Ho;Jung, Ju-Young;Park, Seung-Kook;Yu, Young-Hyo;Kim, Jae-Hwan;Han, Kun;Park, Myung-Hwan;Shim, Chang-Koo
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.381-388
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    • 1997
  • Metabolism of DWP401, recombinant juman epidermal growth factor, was examined in vivo and in vitro in rats. When $^{125}I$-labeled DWP401 was administered at a dose of 50 ${\mu}g$/kg by i.v. injection. $^{125}I$-labeled DWP401 was rapidly degraded within 30 minytes above 93%. Thin layer chromatography analysis of urine collected for 24 hr after i.v. administration of $^{125}I$-labeled DWP401 showed ohly one spot on a X-ray film which was considered as diiodo-tyrosine. This result suggests tha $^{125}I$-labeled DWP401 was completely digested into free amino acids without any specific intermediate polypeptides. About 42.1% of the administered iodine was recovered in 24 hr. For in vitro degradation study, $^{125}I$-labeled DWP401 was added to plama and tissue homogenates of rats and incubated at $37^{\circ}C$. Almost 98% of the added radioactivity recovered from the protein fraction of the liver, kidey, small intestine, stomach and spleen decreased rapidly. For examplem the recovery rates of $^{125}I$-labeled DWP401 were 58.6, 63.2, 39.9, 52.9 and 66.8% after 4hrs of incubation in respective organ homogenates.

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A Multiplier for Type k Gaussian Normal Basis (타입 k 가우시안 정규기저를 갖는 유한체의 병렬곱셈 연산기)

  • Kim, Chang-Han;Kim, Sosun;Chang, Nam-Su
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.43 no.1 s.343
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    • pp.45-58
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    • 2006
  • In H/W implementation for the finite field, the use of normal basis has several advantages, especially, the optimal normal basis is the most efficient to H/W implementation in $GF(2^m)$. In this paper, we propose a new, simpler, parallel multiplier over $GF(2^m)$ having a Gaussian normal basis of type k, which performs multiplication over $GF(2^m)$ in the extension field $GF(2^{mk})$ containing a type-I optimal normal basis. For k=2,4,6 the time and area complexity of the proposed multiplier is the same as tha of the best known Reyhani-Masoleh and Hasan multiplier

The Carcinogenic Liver Fluke Opisthorchis viverrini among Rural Community People in Northeast Thailand: a Cross-Sectional Descriptive Study using Multistage Sampling Technique

  • Kaewpitoon, Soraya J;Kaewpitoon, Natthawut;Rujirakul, Ratana;Ueng-arporn, Naporn;Matrakool, Likit;Tongtawee, Taweesak
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.17
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    • pp.7803-7807
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    • 2015
  • Opisthorchis viverrini infection is a serious public health problem in Southeast Asia especially in the northeast and north of Thailand. Therefore, a cross-sectional survey using multistage sampling was conducted from the rural communities of Surin province, Thailand, during September 2013 to July 2014. O. viverrini infection was determined using Kato's thick smear technique. Socio-demographic, information resources, and history data were collected using predesigned semi-structured questionnaires. A total of 510 participants completed interviews and had stools collected. Some 32 (6.47%) participants were infected with O. viverrini. The rate was slightly higehr in males (6.61%) than females (6.32%). High frequencies were found in the age groups 61-70 (19.4%) and 71-80 years (19.4%), those involved in agriculture (10.5%), and in primary school (10.3%). The distribution of high infection was found in Tha Tum (16.7%) and Sankha district (16.7%), followed by Samrong Thap (13.3%), Si Narong (13.33%), and Buachet district (13.33%). Chi-square testing indicated that age (61-70 and 71-80 year old), education (primary school) and occupation (agriculture), were significantly associated with O. viverrini infection (p-value<0.05). Of 72.6% participants who had past histories with stool examination, 17.0% of them had been infected with O. viverrini and 43.2% treated with praziquantel. This finding confirmed that O. viverrini is still a problem in Surin province, Thailand, and therefore, interventions are urgently required for mass treatment and health education implementation.

Analysis of the Meaning of Reminiscence in Korean Elderly : by analysing Korean Novel Literature (노인 회상의 의미 분석연구 : 근대 이후 한국소설의 분석을 중심으로)

  • Lee Eun-Jeong
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.38-52
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    • 1998
  • The aim of this study is to analyze the meaning of Korean elders' reminiscences by analysing korean novel literature from 1930s to 1990s. The results of this study are as follows : The moaning of elders' reminiscences are the reflecting on their life, conquesting the excessive fondness the regrecting, the pursuiting of the powers, the pursuiting of the love(Jeong) and the conformation of their exsistence. Elders have tried to examine their life through reflection on their life tha? they did not live good life as son and daughter for parents and as parents for children and that they have foolishly lived, on dream that they did not come true, on their learning that they did not unsatisfied. But elders conquest the excessive fondness. They have felt their limitations of power in the conflict of human relation, the economic matter and the difficult predicament, and have finally accepted their life as it is by conquesting from their tenacity. It is dynamically found that both the reflecting on their life and conquesting of the excessive fondness. And they pursuit the powers. It means the pursuit of the vital powers, the vigorous powers and the competency, Elders have pursuited their vitality, vigor and competency through their reminiscences and have wanted to be recognized by others as a powerful being. These have dynamic and compounded aspects. Elders have pursuited the purely love (Jeong) through their reminiscence togather with their sisters and brothers. And the confirmation of their exsistence refer to through their own situation of health, condition, children, neighbourhood and doing their duty as a human. Elders have confirmed the present value of their being through the reflecting the present, past self, other men around themselves, children, neighborhood and the doing their human duty as a good men. Therefore the results of this study can offer new view on the elders' reminiscences that we have to understand them as a process as what they are, escaping from the simple logic that elders' reminiscence have a positive or a negative effects. Also, this study which have examined the natures of Korean elders' reminiscences can cast a new light on elders' nursing proper for Korean culture.

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Seismic response variation of multistory base-isolated buildings applying lead rubber bearings

  • Islam, A.B.M. Saiful;Al-Kutti, Walid A.
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.495-504
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    • 2018
  • The possibility of earthquakes in vulnerable regions indicates that efficient technique is required for seismic protection of buildings. During the recent decades, the concept is moving towards the insertion of base isolation on seismic prone buildings. So, investigation of structural behavior is a burning topic for buildings to be isolated in base level by bearing device. This study deals with the incorporation of base isolation system and focuses the changes of structural responses for different types of Lead Rubber Bearing (LRB) isolators. A number of sixteen model buildings have been simulated selecting twelve types of bearing systems as well as conventional fixed-base (FB) scheme. The superstructures of the high-rise buildings are represented by finite element assemblage adopting multi-degree of freedoms. Static and dynamic analyses are carried out for FB and base isolated (BI) buildings. The dynamic analysis in finite element package has been performed by the nonlinear time history analysis (THA) based on the site-specific seismic excitation and compared employing eminent earthquakes. The influence of the model type and the alteration in superstructure behavior of the isolated buildings have been duly assessed. The results of the 3D multistory structures show that the lateral forces, displacement, inertia and story accelerations of the superstructure of the seismic prone buildings are significantly reduced due to bearing insertion. The nonlinear dynamic analysis shows 12 to 40% lessening in base shear when LRB is incorporated leading to substantial allowance of horizontal displacement. It is revealed that the LRB isolators might be potential options to diminish the respective floor accelerations, inertia, displacements and base shear whatever the condition coincides. The isolators with lower force intercept but higher isolation period is found to be better for decreasing base shear, floor acceleration and inertia force leading to reduction of structural and non-structural damage. However, LRB with lower isolator period seems to be more effective in dropping displacement at bearing interface aimed at reducing horizontal shift of building structure.

A study on the Premarital Sexual Education Program(PSEP) (결혼준비자를 위한 성교육 프로그램 연구)

  • Jeoung, Min-Ja
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.17-35
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to develope Premarial Sexual Education Program. This program was based on survey(466 data used) for the need of PSEP. The result were as followings: 1. The need of sex education was higher(92.9%) and the participation of this PSEP was 80.4%, so this program was systemic structure. 2. Their premarital sexual values were more permissive(52.2%) than the past. But women thought tha female would be vergin(27.1%) their inter course experience rate was 33.4% and Age of experience was under 23 year olds. 3. The unmarried persns wanted that PSEP was consisted of 10 sub themes : (1) pregnancy and child-birth(mean=4.4/5) (2) contraception and family planning(m=4.3) (3) sexual morality and sexual value(m=4.2) (4) sexual healthy family (m=4.1) (5) sexual open communication(m=4.1) (6) venereal disease and coping stratiges(m=4.0) (7) sex role learning(m=3.9) (8) sexual physiology(m=3.8) (9) premarital sex and unwed mother(m=3.7) (10) adultery and society(m=3.6) 4. They want that group meeting would be every Wensday or Friday evening and the required time is two hours. The instruction methods are expected lecture, discussion or seminar and viewing video tapes. 5. So PSEP was consist of 10 sub-themes: (1) orientation and self-disclosure(test, lecture, game) (2) sexual physiology(video tape, lecture) (3) pregnancy and child birth(lecture, video tape) (4) contraceptive methods and family planning(lecture, video tape, test, discussion) (5) sex role learning(test, lecture, role-play) (6) venereal disease and coping stratiges(lecture, video tape) (7) premarital sex and incest(cause study, lecture) (8) sex morality and sex value(seminars, lecture) (9) sexual open communication(seminars) (10) sexual healthy family(lecture, seminars)

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On the Finite-world-length Effects in fast DCT Algorithms (고속DCT변환 방식의 정수형 연산에 관한 연구)

  • 전준현;고종석;김성대;김재균
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.309-324
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    • 1987
  • In recent years has been an increasing interest with respect to using the discrete cosine transform(DCT) of which performance is found close to that of the Karhumen-Loeve transform, known to be optimal in the area of digital image processing for tha purpose of the image data compression. Among most of reported algorithms aimed at lowering the coputation complexity. Chen's algorithm is is found to be most popular, Recently, Lee proposed a now algorithm of which the computational complexity is lower than that of Chen's. but its performance is significantly degraded by FWL(Finite-Word-Lenght) effects as a result of employinga a fixed-poing arithmetic. In this paper performance evaluation of these two algorithms and error analysis of FWL effect are described. Also a scaling technique which we call Up & Down-scaling is proposed to allevaiate a performance degradation due to fixed-point arithmetic. When the 16x16point 2DCT is applied on image data and a 16-bit fixed-point arithmetic is employed, both the analysis and simulation show that is colse to that of Chen's.

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BTC employing a Quad Tree Technique for Image Data Compression (QUAD TREE를 이용한 BTC에서의 영상데이타 압축)

  • 백인기;김해수;조성환;이근영
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.390-399
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    • 1988
  • A conventional BTC has the merit of real time processing and simple computation, but has the problem that its compression rate is low. In this paper, a modified BTC using the Quad Tree which is frequently used in binary image is proposed. The method results in the low compression rate by decreasing the total number of subblocks by mean of making the size of a subblock large in the small variation area of graty level and the size af a subblock small in the large variation area of gary level. For the effective transmission of bit plane, the Huffman run-lengh code for the large size of a subblock and the lookup table for tha small size of a subblock are used. The proposed BTC method show the result of coding 256 level image at the average data rate of about 0.8 bit/pixel.

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Behavior Analysis of the Treated Femur and Design of Composite Hip Prosthesis (대퇴부 거동 해석 및 복합재료 보철물 설계)

  • 임종완;하성규
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.119-130
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    • 2002
  • The nonlinear finite element program has been developed to analyze the design performance of an artificial hip prosthesis and long term behavior of a treated femur with stems made of composite material after cementless total hip arthroplasty(THA). The authors developed the three dimentional FEM models of femoral bone with designed composite stem which was taken with elliptic cross section of 816 brick elements under hip contact load and muscle farce in simulating single leg stand. Using the program, density changes, stress distributions and micromotions of the material femoral bone were evaluated by changing fiber orientation of stems for selected manufacturing method such as plate cut and bend mold. The results showed that the composite materials such as AS4/PEEK and T300/976 gave less bone resorption than the metallic material such as cobalt chrome alloy, titanium alloy and stainless steal. It was found that increasing the long term stability of the prosthesis in the femur could be obtained by selecting the appropriate ply orientation and stacking sequence of composite.

Spaciotemporal Plasticity of Intergeniculate Leaflet Using Genetically Modified Pseudorabies Virus Recombinant (유전자 조작된 Pseudorabies Virus 변종을 이용한 무릎사이작은핵의 시.공간적 가소성)

  • Kim, Jin-Sang;Park, Eun-Se;Cheon, Song-Hee;Kim, Min-Hee;Bang, Hyun-Soo;Kwon, Young-Shil;Lee, Bong-Hee;Kim, Young-Chul
    • Toxicological Research
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.411-416
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    • 2006
  • This study was carried out to investigate the spaciotemporal plasticity of intergeniculate leaflet in postnatal mongolian gerbil using genetically modified pseudorabies virus recombinant, which was a kind of excellent neurotracer with the ability to transpass the neuronal synaptic cleft. In addition, we tried to evaluate the special role of intergeniculate leaflet as a signal controler of circardian rhythm by expression of various nourotransmitters in suprachiasrnatic nucleus. The PRV-BaBlu, a genetically modified strain of PRV-Bartha with lac-Z gene, was injected into vitreous body of postnatal mongolian gerbil, and immunostained. The PRV-Bablu infected the neurons in intergeniculate leaflet of postnatal mongolian gerbil, and the degree of viral infection in postnatal period of experimental animals had tendency to increase with time consuming. This results showed that the mutant PRV-Bar-tha strain with lac-Z gene, PRV-BaBlu, was a very excellent neurotracer to localize the retinogeniculate tract with infection of neurons in intergeniculate leaflet specially.