• Title/Summary/Keyword: T-test analysis

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Vertical Ground Reaction Force Asymmetry in Prolonged Running

  • Ryu, Ji-Seon
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2018
  • Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the asymmetry of vertical ground reaction force (GRF) components between dominant and non-dominant legs in rested and fatigued states in prolonged running. Method: Twenty healthy men, heel strikers, were included (age: $24.00{\pm}5.0years$; height: $176.1{\pm}6.0cm$; body mass: $69.0{\pm}6.0kg$) in this study. Subjects ran on an instrumented treadmill for 130 minutes. During treadmill running, GRF data (1,000 Hz) were collected for 20 strides at five minutes (rested) and 125 minutes (fatigued) running while they were unaware of collecting data. Asymmetry indexes (ASI) were calculated to quantify the asymmetry magnitude in rested and fatigued states. Paired t-test was used to verify the differences between dominant and non-dominant legs in rested and fatigued states. In addition, one-way repeated measure analysis of variance was applied for comparison of ASI of both states. The level of significance was set at p < .05. Results: Passive force peak magnitude, loading rate, and impulse affecting the development of running injury were found significantly greater in dominant leg than in non-dominant leg at rested state (p < .05). However, passive force peak time and active force peak magnitude were found significantly different between legs in fatigued state (p < .05). To determine changes in percentage of asymmetry between legs in both states, ASI was used. ASI for all variables increased in fatigued state; however, no significant differences were found between both states. Conclusion: This study found that fatigue did not affect differences in vertical GRF between dominant and non-dominant legs and asymmetry changes.

The Comparison of Symmetry of Vertical Ground Reaction Force on Pattern of Sit to Stand in the Chronic Stroke Patients (만성뇌졸중 환자의 일어서기 자세에 따른 수직지면반발력의 대칭성의 비교)

  • Shin, Hwa-Kyung;Jung, Jin-Woo;Kim, Youn-Joung
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.253-259
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the influence of posture elements on symmetrical weight bearing during STS (sit-to-stand) in patients with chronic stroke. The subjects were patients diagnosed with stroke: a total of 24 patients (16 males and 8 females) participated in this study. All the participants performed STS tasks(3 foot postures and 2 arm postures). Two force plates (AMTI) were used to measure the peak vertical ground reaction force(Peak Fz) and the symmetrical ratio to peak vertical ground reaction force. The data were analyzed using independent t-test and 2-way repeated analysis of variance. The results of this study were as follows: 1) The peak Fz placed more weight on the paretic leg during STS and 2) The symmetrical ratio to the peak Fz showed a significant difference according to the foot and arm posture (p<.05), and had the highest AYM_GA ($0.87{\pm}0.12$). These results indicate that arm and leg postures during STS in patients with chronic stroke had the highest AYM_GA. We believe that the outcome of this study will be a reference for the prognosis of STS in patients with stroke.

Study on the factors affecting dental caries of preschool children. - Study focused on preschool children in province, Chugcheongnam-do - (학령전기 아동의 치아우식증 발생에 영향을 미치는 요인 조사 - 충남 일부지역 아동을 중심으로 -)

  • Bae, Sung-Suk;Noh, Hie-Jin
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.69-80
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to explore relationship among dft index, diet and oral health behavior, parental awareness in oral health care and social status. Methods: This study was conducted from 8 January, 2009 to 11 June, 2009 in Asan city and Seosan city in Chungnam area. 4 kindergratens, 3 preschools and 1 children language academy were randomly selected to research on dft index, diet and oral health behavior. cross-sectional study conducted among 561 valid samples out of 641 samples collected using the survey was and then followed by oral examination. Throughout the research, numerus SPSS 15.0 statistical techniques, T-test and ANOVA and Spearman correlation coefficients were used for analysis. Results: Key results of the study are as follows: Age was found to be statistically very significant to dft index(p=0.036). Age of mother, especially between 30 to 49, was found to be statistically significant to dft index rate(p=0.001). Occupation of father was also found to be statistically significant to dft index(p=0.036). High parental awareness in oral health care led to low dft index rate, which also was found to be statistically significant(p=0.036). Conclusions: In conclusion, as Spearman correlation coefficient demonstrates, occupation of father affects most on long-term healthy oral behavior followed by parental awareness in oral health care and age of mother.

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Evaluation of Influence of Individual Facial Aesthetic Subunits on the Congnition of Facial Attractiveness in Public (대중의 얼굴 매력도 인지에 미치는 개별 안면 미학단위의 영향에 대한 평가)

  • Lee, Ho-Bin;Lee, Soo-Hyang;Kim, Ji-Soo;Rhee, Seung-Chul
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.361-368
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: Authors tried to analyze the influence of individual facial aesthetic subunits on the cognition of facial attractiveness in public and suggest a mathematical model which explain the facial attractiveness. Methods: Independent facial aesthetic subunits are extracted from facial photographs from three women (11 frontal and 7 lateral aesthetic subunits). Each facial subunits of three women are rated in terms of relative rank by 164 peoples (68 man and 96 woman, average age was 32.4, and ranged ${\pm}$ 9.8 years). $x^2$-test and categorical regression analysis were performed. Results: There was no difference in the aesthetic preference in terms of ages or sexes in large. Beautification of individual aesthetic subunits can predict the overall facial attractiveness up to 42.1% in frontal face (Adjusted $R^2$=0.421, F=6.39, p=0.000 < 0.05) and 22.7% in lateral face (Adjusted $R^2$=0.227, F=4.42, p=0.000 < 0.05). Aesthetic appearance of eyes (p=0.001), upper face (p=0.034) in frontal face and midface (p=0.000) in lateral face are statistically important factors in the cognition of facial attractiveness. Conclusion: Authors experimently proved that harmony and balance among facial aesthetic subunits are the most important factors, in embarking on facial aesthetic plastic surgery, for better enhancement of facial attractiveness.

A Myometric and Electromyographic Analysis of Hip Abductor Musculature in Healthy Right-Handed Persons (고관절 외전시 중둔근의 근력 및 활동전위 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Kwon Hyuk-Cheol
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.35-46
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    • 1990
  • The right hip adbuctor musculature has been reported to demonstrate 'stretch weakness' attributable to chronic elongation imposed by standing posture common to right-handed healthy persons. Kendall and associates have described the concept of 'stretch weakness'. The purpose of this study was to assess isometric hip abduction torque and surface electro-myographic activity (using MYOMED 432) in a sample of 40 healthy right-handed persons (20 male, 20 female), all of whom agreed to participate in the study, and compare side difference in the hip abductor musculature. In order to assure the statistical significance of the results, the paired t-test was applied at the .05 level of significance. The results were as follows : 1. The difference in apparent leg length of right and left legs was significant at the .05 leve1. 2. There was a significant difference between right and left pelvic height (standing position) at the .005 level measurements, and scapula height at the .05 level. 3. Power measurements and action potentials of right hip adbuctor were greater than the left hip adbuctor regardless of the range of joint motion (inner range, outer range). 4. The difference in muscle power and action potentials according to inner or outer range of both hip abductor were significant at the .05 level. 5. In supine during active left hip abduction, the appearance of action potentials in the right hip abductors is indicative of contra-lateral effect (p<.005). These results suggest : In healthy right-handed persons. the apparent leg length on the right is longer than on the left, and pelvic height is elevated on the right side. Muscle torque and muscle action potentials of the right hip adbuctor art higher than those of the hip abductor in the lengthened position. Therefore, the results in this study are contrary to Kendall's. This type of study should be carried out in many physical therapy departments.

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The Influence of Unstable Shoes on Kinematics and Kinetics of the Lower limb Joints during Sit-to-stand task

  • Kim, Yun-Jin;Park, Ji-Won
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.14-21
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    • 2016
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate examine how the kinematics and kinetics of lower limb joints were changed depending on the unstable shoes (US) during sit-to-stand task (SitTS). Methods: Nineteen healthy females were participated in this study. The subjects performed sit-to-stand task with US and barefoot. The experiment was repeated three times for each tasks with conditions. The kinematics and kinetics of lower limb joint were measured and analyzed using a 3-D motion analysis system. A paired t-test was utilised performed for to identificationy of changes in mean of angle, force, and moment between both the two conditions. Results: The results of this study showed kinematic differences in lower limb joints during SitTS based on the US. The hip, knee, and ankle angle showed statistically significant differences during SitTS. At the initial of SitTS, Tthe force and moment of the hip flexor, hip extensor, knee flexor, knee extensor, ankle flexor, and ankle extensor showed statistically significant differences. At the terminal of SitTS, Tthe force and moment of the hip flexor, hip extensor, knee flexor, knee extensor, ankle flexor, and ankle extensor showed statistically significant differences. At the maximum of SitTS, Tthe moment of the hip extensor showed statistically significant differences. The force and moment of the ankle flexor, extensor moment showed statistically significant differences. Conclusion: Therefore, Wwearing US is considered to influence on the lower limb joints kinematics and kinetics during SitTS movements, and thus suggests the possibility that of reducing the risks of pain, and osteoarthritis caused by changes in the loading of lower limb joints.

Evaluation of the in vitro biological activity of selected 35 chemicals (35종의 특정 화학성분들의 in vitro 활성 평가)

  • Shin, Han-Jae;Sohn, Hyung-Ok;Park, Chul-Hoon;Lee, Hyeong-Seok;Min, Young-Keun;Hyun, Hak-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.30-40
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    • 2007
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the contribution of various smoke constituents to the toxicological activity of total particulate matter(TPM) or the gas/vapor phase(GVP). These components included phenol compounds, aromatic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, heterocyclic amines, and carbonyl compounds. The mutagenic and cytotoxic potencies were assessed using the Salmonella mutagenicity assay with S. typimurium TA98 strain and the neutral red uptake cytotoxicity assay(NRU) with BALB/c 3T3 fibroblast cells, respectively. The Salmonella mutagenicity test showed that heterocyclic amines exhibited significantly higher levels of toxicity compared to other smoke constituents. Among them, 2-amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline(MeIQ) was shown the most mutagenic compound with a specific mutagenicity of $7.9{\times}10^5\;revertants/{\mu}g$. An analysis of the possible contribution revealed that MeIQ account for only 0.85% of the 2R4F-TPM mutagenicity in TA98. NRU data demonstrated that high cytotoxic activity was obtained for hydroquinone, formaldehyde, and acrolein. Based on the results of the present study, the contribution of acrolein to the cytotoxicity of the GVP fraction was calculated as 61%. Thus, a large proportion of the cytotoxic activity of this complex mixture, cigarette smoke gas phase, can be attributed to the acrolein.

Phylogenetic relationships of Iranian Allium species using the matK (cpDNA gene) region

  • Zarei, Hemadollah;Fakheri, Barat Ali;Naghavi, Mohammad Reza;Mahdinezhad, Nafiseh
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 2020
  • Allium L. is one of the largest genera of the Amaryllidaceae family, with more than 920 species including many economically important species used as vegetables, spices, medicines, or ornamental plants. Currently, DNA barcoding tools are being successfully used for the molecular taxonomy of Allium. A total of 46 Allium species were collected from their native areas, and DNA was extracted using the IBRC DNA extraction kit. We used specific primers to PCR amplify matK. DNA sequences were edited and aligned for homology, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed using the neighbor-joining method. The results show thymine (38.5%) was the most frequent and guanine (13.9%) the least frequent nucleotide. The matK regions of the populations were quite highly conserved, and the amount of C and CT was calculated at 0.162 and 0.26, respectively. Analysis of the nucleotide substitution showed C-T (26.22%) and A-G (8.08%) to have the highest and lowest percent, respectively. The natural selection process dN/dS was 1.16, and the naturality test results were -1.5 for Tajima's D and -1.19 for Fu's Fs. The NJ dendrogram generated three distinct clades: the first contained Allium austroiranicum and A. ampeloprasum; the second contained A. iranshahrii, A. bisotunense, and A. cf assadi; and the third contained A. rubellum and other species. In this study, we tested the utility of the matK region as a DNA barcode for discriminating Allium. species.

End-mill Modeling and Manufacturing Methodology via Cutting simulation (Cutting simulation을 이용한 End-milling cutter의 모델링 및 제작에 관한 연구)

  • Kim J.H.;Park S.J.;Kim J.H.;Park J.W.;Ko T.J.;Kim H.S.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2005.10a
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    • pp.456-463
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    • 2005
  • This paper describes a design process of end-milling cutters: solid model of the designed cutter is constructed along with computation of cutter geometry, and the wheel geometry as well as wheel positioning data fur fabricating end-mills with required cutter geometry is calculated. In the process, the main idea is to use the cutting simulation method by which the machined shape of an end-milling cutter is obtained via Boolean operation between a given grinding wheel and a cylindrical workpiece (raw stock). Major design parameters of a cutter such as rake angle, inner radius can be verified by interrogating the section profile of its solid model. We studied relations between various dimensional parameters and proposed an iterative approach to obtain the required geometry of a grinding wheel and the CL data fer machining an end-milling cutter satisfying the design parameters. This research has been implemented on a commercial CAD system by use of the API function programming, and is currently used by a tool maker in Korea. It can eliminate producing a physical prototype during the design stage, and it can be used fur virtual cutting test and analysis as well.

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A Study of the Peripheral Neuropathy among the Workers Exposed to Carbon Disulfide (이황화탄소에 폭로된 근로자들의 말초신경병증에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Dae-Seong;Kim, Soon-Duck;Cha, Chul-Whan
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.26 no.2 s.42
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    • pp.282-292
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    • 1993
  • Neurotoxicity in the workplace may occur with exposure to scores of chemicals. Although large acute outbreaks of the occupational neurological disease are rare, the incidence of occupational neurotoxicity in its subtler aspects is unknown. A working knowledge of both the major occupational neurotoxic solvents and the tools used by cliniical neurologists and neurotoxicologists to evaluate neurotoxicity in working populations is a necessity fur the occupational physician. To investigate the effects of carbon disulfide($CS_2$) on the peripheral nerve system using the nervous conduction study, 105 male workers working in the spinning room of a viscose rayon factory were examined and compared with a sex and age matched, unexposed 105 male controls using t-test analysis. 72.4% of $CS_2$-exposed workers complained of neurological symptoms, and the abnormal cases in nerve conduction study were 48.6%. The abnormal cases of nerve conduction study increased in number according as the age and duration of exposure increased. In this study, asymptomatic workers were confirmed to have subclinical neuropathy by nerve conduction study. Also as there were abnormal cases even in its duration of exposure below 4 years, nerve conduction study turned out to be ways of discovering of early peripheral neuropathy. In nerve conduction study, the amplitude, velocity, F-wave latency and H-reflex of the motor and sensory nerves in both upper and lower extremities were significant different between $CS_2$-exposed workers and the controls. From the pathological viewpoint, both segmental and axonal degenerations were assumed in this study.

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