• Title/Summary/Keyword: System for Children

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Comparision of PCR-RFLP, PCR-SSCP, Amplication Refractory Mutation System(ARMS) in Leu72Met Polymorphism of Ghrelin Gene (Ghrelin 유전자의 Leu72Met 다형성 분석에서 PCR-RFLP, PCR-SSCP, Amplication Refractory Mutation System(ARMS)의 비교분석)

  • Kang, Ju Sung;Kim, Se Rim;Kim, Sun Young;Joo, Chan Uhng;Cho, Soo Chul;Hwang, Pyoung Han
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.48 no.10
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    • pp.1068-1075
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    • 2005
  • Purpose : The role of ghrelin, which promotes the secretion of growth hormone, was not well known until now. Recently it was found that the mutation of ghrelin gene is related to obesity and diabetes. This study is to find the screening method that can easily and effectively detect the polymorphism of Leu72Met in ghrelin gene of obesity patients and apply it to clinical usage. Methods : We compared PCR-RFLP, PCR-SSCP and ARMS methodologies for analyzing of the polymorphism of Leu72Met in ghrelin gene of obesity children, and also studied the merits and demerits of these methodologies. Results : In this study, we were able to find out the band of peculiar allele of Leu72Met in ghrelin gene using PCR-RFLP, PCR-SSCP and ARMS analyses. The polymorphism of Leu72Met in ghrelin gene determined by all above methodologies was in complete agreement. Compared to the PCR-RFLP and PCR-SSCP, ARMS analysis is simple, inexpensive and also consume less time. It is very sensitive to analyze the polymorphism and easy to understand the results of test. Conclusion : Though PCR-RFLP, PCR-SSCP and ARMS analyses were sensitive to analyze the polymorphism of Leu72Met in ghrelin gene, ARMS analysis appears to be more efficient than PCR-RFLP and PCR-SSCP. Therefore, we conclude that ARMS analysis is suitable to analyze the polymorphism of Leu72Met in ghrelin gene for large quantity of specimens.

Curriculum Development for Hospice and Palliative Care Nurses (간호사를 위한 호스피스 완화의료 교육과정 개발)

  • Choi, Eun-Sook;Kim, Hyun-Sook;Lee, So-Woo;Yoo, Yang-Sook
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop the basic curriculum for the nurses who work at hospice and palliative care settings. Methods: Seven curricula of hospice and palliative care for the nurses in Korea and other countries were reviewed, and Education Need for hospice and palliative care was surveyed from 162 nurses by mailing the questionnaires to hospice palliative care settings. Results: 1. The curricula of hospice and palliative care for the nurses in Korea and other countries in common include 'understanding of hospice and palliative care', 'understanding of lift and death', 'pain and symptom management for person with terminal disease', 'on-the-spot study and practical training', 'management of hospice and palliative ward', 'hospice and palliative care at home', 'physical assessment', 'therapeutic communication skills', 'children's hospice', 'administration and management of hospice and palliative care', 'interdisciplinary team of hospice and palliative care', 'ethics and laws in hospice and palliative care', 'psychological, social and spiritual care', 'care of the dying', 'bereavement care', etc. 2. The scores above 3.3 were marked for 34 items in education Need Survey. The highest scores were given in the order for the items 'understanding of death and dying', 'attitude and response to death and dying', 'understanding and assessment of pain' etc. respondents marked that they have been trained for 'pain and symptom management', 'ethics and laws in hospice and palliative care', 'building the system for cooperation and publicity activities in hospice' etc. 3. The basic curriculum of hospice and palliative care for the nurses requires 78 studying hours for 17 subjects, comprising 48 hours of theory education and 30 hours of practical training. The education methods are lectures, discussions, and case studies. Conclusion: The efforts of developed basic curriculum should be evaluated after educating nurses. It is necessary to develop the standard curriculum and regularly update it based on the result of education Need Survey for actively working nurses in hospice and palliative care settings.

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Importance and Specialization Plan of the Indicators by the Function of the Arboretum (수목원 기능별 지표의 중요도와 특성화방안 - 대구, 경북, 경남 수목원을 대상으로 -)

  • Kim, Yong-Soo;Ha, Sun-Gyone;Park, Chan-Yong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.98 no.4
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    • pp.370-378
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    • 2009
  • This study tries to provide the basic direction to form the arboretum with the distinct features by providing the basic data to help the differentiated strategy for each arboretum. For this purpose, the users' pattern, importance of the indicator by the function, and the stimulation and specialization importance were examined for Daegu Arboretum, Gyeongbuk Arboretum and Gyeongnam Arboretum in Gyeongsang Province. The result says, looking into the functions of arboretum, the collection function showed the highest importance in the preservation of the endangered crisis species; the display function showed the highest in the use as the nature experiencing spaces through the plant exhibition; the research function showed the highest in the study on Plant Systematics; the education function showed the highest in the protection of the native plants; and the recreational function showed the highest in the healthy recreational space. In the plan for the promotion of the arboretum showed the highest in the public education program operation such as the narration from arboretum and education for plant. Therefore, it is considered to need the system setup such as the education program, material development and specialist training in terms of the arboretum. For the specialization plan for arboretum in this study, it seem desirable to concentrate on the research and education related to the natural resources renewal, for Daegu Arboretum; to concentrate on the resort site for the protection and display of the species and the disabled visitors by utilizing the geographical traits in the mountains, for Gyeongbuk Arboretum; to create the specialization plan mainly for the tree species suitable for the warm weather and for the children.

An Analysis of Referrals, Nursing Diagnosis, and Nursing Interventions in Home Care - Wonju Christian Hospital Community Health Nursing Service - (가정간호 기록지 분석 - 원주기독병원 가정간호 보건활동을 중심으로 -)

  • Suh, Mi-Hae;Huh, Hae-Kyung
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.3
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    • pp.53-66
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    • 1996
  • Home Health Care is one part of the total health care system. It includes health care services that link the hospital to the community. While it is important for early discharge patients, home care is also important for people with chronic illnesses or handicapping conditions. In 1989 the Korean government passed a law that opened the way for formal development of home health care services beginning with education programs to certify nurses for home care, and then demonstration home care services. Part of the mandate of the demonstration projects was evaluation of home care services. This study was done in order to provide basic data that would contribute to the development of records that could be used for evaluation through a retrospective audit and to examine the care that had been given in Home Care at Wonju Christian Hospital over a twenty year period from 1974 to 1994. The purposes of the study were : to identify to characteristics of the clients who had received home care, to identify the reasons for client referrals, to identify the nursing problems of these clients, to identify the nursing care provided to these clients, and to identify differences in these areas over the twenty year period. The study was a descriptive study involving a retrospective audit of the client records. Demographic data on all clients were included : 4,171 clients from 2,564 families. Data on referrals, nursing diagnosis and nursing interventions were from even numbered records which had a patient problem list included in the record, 2,801 clients, Frequencies and ANOVA were used in the analysis. The results of the study showed that the majority of the clients were from Wonju city /county. There were more women than men related to the high number of postpartum clients(1,300). The high number of postparttum clients and newborns was also evident in the age distribution. An the number of maternal-child clients decreased over the 20 years, the mean age of the clients increased significantly. Other factors also contributed to this change ; as increasing number of clients with brain injuries or with cancer, and fewer children with burns, osteomyelitis and tuberculosis. There was a decrease in the mean number of visits and mean length of coverage, reflecting a movement towards a short term acute care model. The number of new clents dropped sharply after 1985. The reasons for this are : the development of other treatment alternatives for clients, the establishment of an active wellbaby clinic, many more options plus a decreasing number of new cases of Hansen's Disase, and insurance that allows people with burns to be kept in hospital until skin grafts are healed. Socioeconomic changes have resulted in an increase in the number of cases of cancer, stroke, head injuries following car accidents, and of diabetes. Of the 2,801 client records, 2,541(60.9%) contained a written referral but for 1,802 it contained only the medical diagnosis. The number of records with a referral requesting specific nursing care was 739(29.1%). Many family members who were identified as in need of nursing care had no written referral. Analysis of the patient problem list showed that 41.9% of the enteries were nursing diagnoses. Others incuded medical diagnosis, symptoms, and plans. The most frequently used diagnoses were alteration in nutrition, less than body requirements(115 entries), alteration in skin integrity(114), knowledge deficit(111), pain(78), self-care deficit(66), and alteration in pattern of urinary elimination(50). These are reflected in the NANDA categories for which the highest number of diagnosis was in the Exchanging pattern(446), followed by Moving(178), Feeling(136) and Knowing (115). Analysis of the frequency of interventions showed that exercise and teaching about exercise was the most frequent intervention, followed by teaching concering the need for follow-up care, checking vital signs, managing nutritional problems, managing catheters, giving emotional support, changing dressings, teaching about medication, teaching (subject not specified), teaching about diet, IM and IV medications or fluid, and skin care, in that order. Recommendations included: development of a record that would allow for efficient recording of frequently used nursing diagnoses and nursing interventions: expansion of the catchment area for Home Care at Wonju Christian Hospital ; expansion of the service to provide complication prevention, rehabilitation services, and support to increase the health maintenance /health promotion of the people being served as well as providing client dentered care ; and development of a clinical record that will allow efficient data collection from records, even though the recording is done by a variety of health care providers.

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A Case Study on the classroom life and the identity of the Elementary Mathematics Gifted Education (초등수학 영재교육원의 교실 생활과 정체성에 대한 사례연구)

  • Lee, Hak-Ro;Ryu, Sung-Rim
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 2011
  • For this case study of gifted education, two classrooms in two locations, show life in general of the gifted educational system. And for this case study the identity of teachers and the gifted, help to activate the mathematically gifted education for these research questions, which are as followed: Firstly, how is the gifted education classroom life? Secondly, what kind of identity do the teachers and gifted students bring to mathematics, mathematics teaching and mathematics learning? Being selected in the gifted children's education center solves the research problem of characteristic and approach. Backed by the condition and the permission possibility, 2 selected classes and 2 people, which are coming and going. Gifted education classroom life, the identity of teachers and gifted students in mathematics and mathematics teaching and mathematic learning. It will be for 3 months, with various recordings and vocal instruction between teacher and students. Collected observations and interviews will be analyzed over the course of instruction. The results analyzed include, social participation, structure, and the formation of the gifted education classroom life. The organization of classes were analyzed by the classes conscious levels to collect and retain data. The classes verification levels depended on the program's first class incentive, teaching and learning levels and understanding of gifted math. A performance assessment will be applied after the final lesson and a consultation with parents and students after the final class. The six kinds of social participation structure come out of the type of the most important roles in gifted education accounts, for these types of group discussions and interactions, students must have an interaction or individual activity that students can use, such as a work product through the real materials, which release teachers and other students for that type of questions to evaluate. In order for the development of meaningful mathematical concepts to formulate, mathematical principles require problem solving among all students, which will appear in the resolution or it will be impossible to map the meaning of the instruction from which it was formed. These results show the analysis of the mathematics, mathematics teaching, mathematics learning and about the identity of the teachers and gifted. Gifted education teachers are defined by gifted math, which is more difficult and requires more differentiated learning, suitable for gifted students. Gifted was defined when higher level math was created and challenged students to deeper thinking. Gifted students think that gifted math is creative learning and they are forward or passive to one-way according to the education atmosphere.

The research for the yachting development of Korean Marina operation plans (요트 발전을 위한 한국형 마리나 운영방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong Jong-Seok;Hugh Ihl
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.28 no.10 s.96
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    • pp.899-908
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    • 2004
  • The rise of income and introduction of 5 day a week working system give korean people opportunities to enjoy their leisure time. And many korean people have much interest in oceanic sports such as yachting and also oceanic leisure equipments. With the popularization and development of the equipments, the scope of oceanic activities has been expanding in Korea just as in the advanced oceanic countries. However, The current conditions for the sports in Korea are not advanced and even worse than underdeveloped countries. In order to develop the underdeveloped resources of Korean marina, we need to customize the marina models of advanced nations to serve the specific needs and circumstances of Korea As such we have carried out a comparative analysis of how Austrailia, Newzealand, Singapore, japan and Malaysia operate their marina, reaching the following conclusions. Firstly, in marina operations, in order to protect personal property rights and to preserve the environment, we must operate membership and non-membership, profit and non-profit schemes separately, yet without regulating the dress code entering or leaving the club house. Secondly, in order to accumulate greater value added, new sporting events should be hosted each year. There is also the need for an active use of volunteers, the generation of greater interest in yacht tourism, and the simplification of CIQ procedures for foreign yachts as well as the provision of language services. Thirdly, a permanent yacht school should be established, and classes should be taught by qualified instructors. Beginners, intermediary, and advanced learner classes should be managed separately with special emphasis on the dinghy yacht program for children. Fourthly, arrival and departure at the moorings must be regulated autonomically, and there must be systematic measures for the marina to be able, in part, to compensate for loss and damages to equipment, security and surveillance after usage fees have been paid for. Fifthly, marine safety personnel must be formed in accordance with Korea's current circumstances from civilian organizations in order to be used actively in benchmarking, rescue operations, and oceanic searches at times of disaster at sea.

A Need Assessment on Establishment of Oriental Health Promotion Center (한방건강증진센터 설립에 대한 인식 및 요구조사)

  • Lee, Hyang-Yeon;Kim, Kwuy-Bun;Cho, Kyoul-Ja;Shin, Hye-Sook;Kim, Kwang-Joo;Moon, Heui-Ja;Park, Shin-Ae;Kim, Yoon-Hee;Kang, Hyun-Sook
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.90-101
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    • 2000
  • The study attempts to examine the degree of cognition and demand on health promotion center of oriental nursing. It puts unique nursing intervention using traditional health promotion connected with oriental medicine to practical use for residents' health promotion and prevention of disease. With the study design of cross-sectional descriptive study, 516 residents who live in 26 Dongs, Dongdaemoon-gu were selected. The tool of study consists of 30 questions which the study team made for the degree of cognition and demand on health promotion center of oriental nursing. Cronbach's α in the degree of cognition was .8028. Collection of research data had been done from October 1 to October 30, 1999 with help of Dongdaemoon-gu office after pretest from 20 residents. Collected data were analyzed into the number and percentage in the characteristic of a subject and connected with demand on the establishment of center, the mean and the standard deviation in the degree of cognition and F-tests in the difference of the degree of cognition by characteristics. The results were as follow; 1) The characteristic of subject of this study was male 50.6%, and average age was 38.5 years old and 30-39 years old occupied the highest percentage with 31.6%. The married were 71.8%, over high school graduates was 85.6%, monthly income from 500 thousand won to 2 million won was 86.1%. 50.8% was the type living with parents, children and sibling. 2) When they were sick, the institution which residents used at first was a pharmacy(69.2%) and hospital(27.5%), but oriental medicine hospital was just 1.4%. As for subjective health condition, 82.5% answered over average, and 28.7% answered that they had chronic illness such as arthritis, chronic digestion problem, hypertension and so on. As for information collection on health, mass communication(34.9%) and medically concerned people(28.1%) occupied relatively high rate. Free health diagnosis system(36.8%) and establishment of health promotion center(31.5%) among welfare programs that residents want to enjoy were high ranked. The rate using a special institution for health was 17.8%, and among these institutions, the rate using aerobic exercises, health center(7.0%) and steamed room(5.4%) was high. Besides, other institutions such as breathing at the abdomen, finger-pressure therapy, meridian massage, foot massage, and so on were being used. 3) As the average of the degree of cognition on health promotion center of oriental medicine was 2.92, the degree of cognition was medium. The description, "health promotion center of oriental medicine is necessary for health keeping of healthy people, including people who have a problem in health" showed the highest degree of cognition(3.04, ±0.64). 4) As for the intention on using health promotion center of oriental nursing, 61.4% said "yes", "no" was just 1.4%. The services that people relatively high wanted to be served from the center were measures reducing stress(68.0%) (relaxation therapy, meditation, breathing at the abdomen and so on), acupuncture(66.5%), finger-pressure(61.6%), moxibustion(57.6%), meridian massage(44.2%), postpartum care(40.3%) and so on. 5) As for the degree of cognition on the establishment of health promotion center of oriental nursing by characteristics of subject, there was significant difference(F=4.03, p=.046) between male(3.01) and female(2.91). But there was no significant difference by age, marital status, level of educational achievement and monthly income. As the above result, cognition on the establishment of health promotion center of oriental nursing was relatively low because people were not familiar with about the health promotion center of oriental nursing yet. However once the center will be established, the degree of demand on the center will be relatively high. So positive advertisement will be necessary, and the management of useful programs will be also required in order to make people recognize the advantage when they actually will use the center. On the other hand, as the subject of the study consists of many young people of below 30, the health problem came to be low. And in the case of sampling, the study using random sampling that can represent population will be required.

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Change in Concepts and Status of Park and Green Space in Urban Planning Documents of Gyeongseong (경성부 도시계획서 상의 공원녹지 개념과 현황의 변화 양상)

  • Cho, Seho;Kim, Youngmin
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.117-132
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    • 2019
  • The study examines the significance and limits of modern park planning by analyzing major planning documents of Gyeongseong in the Japanese colonial era. Among seven selected documents from 1925 to 1940, which show the contents related with park planning, documents of 1930 and 1940 presented the official park plan of Gyeongseong. By the 1920s, the park plan was not a major concern in urban planning of Gyeongseong; however, as the planning law as enacted in 1934, the park plan legally became a part of the official master planning process in the 1930s. In 1940, the most comprehensive park plan for Gyeongseong was published. In the beginning of modern urban planning, a park was mainly perceived as a sanitation utility. From the 1920s to the 1930s, the park planning system was significantly improved including systemic classification of parks, guideline development considering spatial planning, and introduction of a concept of infra-structural green space. Despite of the improvement in the park planning, the actual quantity of the overall green spaces barely changed and there was a huge discrepancy between the planning ideal and the reality. The Gyeongseong stadium was the only facility newly built in the 1920s, and only two parks were constructed in the 1930s. The plan to build 38 new parks in the 1930, and 140 in the 1940 was barely realized. However, there were efforts to improve parks and green spaces of Gyeongseong: Such as appropriating natural forest as parks, designating royal palaces as parks, and focusing on constructing smaller scale children's parks. Even though the ideal plan could not be fully implemented due to the war time situation and tight budget, the park system of Gyeongseong provided the framework of park planning of Seoul after the independence.

Radiation Dose of Lens and Thyroid in Linac-based Radiosurgery in Humanoid Phantom (선형가속기형 방사선수술시 인형 팬텀에서 수정체 및 갑상선 선량)

  • Kim, Dae-Yong;Kim, Il-Han
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.517-529
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : Although many studies have investigated the dosimetric aspects of stereotactic radiosurgery in terms of target volume, the absorbed doses at extracranial sites: especially the lens or thyroid - which are sensitive to radiation for deterministic or stochastic effect -have infrequently been reported. The aim of this study is to evaluate what effects the parameters of radiosurgery have on the absorbed doses of the lens and thyroid in patients treated by stereotactic radiosurgery, using a systematic plan in a humanoid phantom. Materials and Methods : Six isocenters were selected and radiosurgery was planned using the stereotactic radiosurgery system which the Department of Therapeutic Radiology at Seoul National University College of Medicine developed. The experimental radiosurgery plan consisted of 6 arc planes per one isocenter, 100 degrees for each arc range and an accessory collimator diameter size of 2 cm. After 250 cGy of irradiation from each arc, the doses absorbed at the lens and thyroid were measured by thermoluminescence dosimetry. Results : The lens dose was 0.23±0.08% of the maximum dose for each isocenter when the exit beam did not pass through the lens and was 0.76±0.12% of the maximum dose for each isocenter when the exit beam passed through the lens. The thyroid dose was 0.18±0.05% of the maximum dose for each isocenter when the exit beam did not pass through the thyroid and was 0.41±0.04% of the maximum dose for each isocenter when the exit beam Passed through the thyroid. The passing of the exit beam is the most significant factor of organ dose and the absorbed dose by an arc crossing organ decides 80% of the total dose. The absorbed doses of the lens and thyroid were larger as the isocenter sites and arc planes were closer to each organ. There were no differences in the doses at the surface and 5 mm depth from the surface in the eyelid and thyroid areas. Conclusion : As the isocenter and arc plane were placed closer to the lens and thyroid, the doses increased. Whether the exit beams passed through the lens or thyroid greatly influenced the lens and thyroid dose. The surface dose of the lens and thyroid consistently represent the tissue dose. Even when the exit beam passes through the lens and thyroid, the doses are less than 1% of the maximum dose and therefore, are too low to evoke late complications, but nevertheless, we should try to minimize the thyroid dose in children, whenever possible.

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Decrease of Aflatoxin M1 Level in Raw Cow’s Milk using the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) System (HACCP 제도에 의한 우유의 아플라톡신 M1의 저감화)

  • Kim, Ki-Hwan;Nam, Myoung Soo
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.190-197
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    • 2016
  • Aflatoxin M1 can be produced in cow’s milk when cows eat contaminated produce. Milk is a major source of food for infants and for children who have a weak level of immunity, and the detection of Aflatoxin M1 for risk assessment is necessary in order to reduce the amount of it in milk. In this study, the Aflatoxin M1 level was monitored for one year in raw milk samples obtained from Chungnam Province, Korea. The milk samples were divided into three categories: 1. milk samples from a standard general farm, 2. milk samples from a HACCP controlled farm, and 3. milk samples from the supply of Aflatoxin M1 reduced fodder. The average concentrations of Aflatoxin M1 in milk were 0.023±0.005 ug/l for the standard general farm, 0.017±0.004 ug/l for the HACCP controlled farm, and 0.013±0.003 ug/l for the supply of Aflatoxin M1 reduction fodder. Milk collected from the supply of Aflatoxin M1 reduction fodder had the lowest level of Aflatoxin M1. However, when efficiency and economic aspects are considered the most effective way of reducting Aflatoxin M1, could be taking milk from the HACCP controlled farm and implementing good feed management. Institutional support from the government, careful management of dairy farming, and a strict farm sanitation program are required in order to lower the level of Aflatoxin M1 in milk.