• Title/Summary/Keyword: Symbolic expressions

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Automatic Generation of Dynamic Equations for Robotic Manipulatorsa (로보트 매니퓨레이터의 동적방정식의 자동 생성에 관한 연구)

  • 원태현;황창선
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1987.10b
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    • pp.19-22
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    • 1987
  • A program is developed for generations the dynamic equations for robotic manipulators using the symbolic language muSIMP/MATH. The muSIMP/MATH is a LISP-based computer algebra package, devoted to the manipulation of algebraic expressions including number, variables, functions, and matrix. The muSIMP/MATH can operate on IBM-PC compatibles with MS-DOS. The program is developed, on the e formalism. This is program is applicable to the manipulators of any number of degrees of freedom, maximum six degree of freedom in this program. To control robotic manipulators by using dynamic equation is required a symbolic equations. The generated dynamic equation can be applied directly to the robotic manipulators, for the generated dynamic equation is a reduced form of symbolic expression.

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A Study of Analysis on Abstract Symbolism Expression in Korean Contemporary Protestant Church Main Chapel Design - Focus on the Protestant Church was built after 2000 - (한국 현대 개신교회 대예배실 디자인의 추상적 상징성 표현 분석 연구 - 2000년 이후 건축된 개신교회를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jung-Tae;Choi, Sang-Hun
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of the study was to find out design problems of grand chapel of the Protestant church and to set analysis frame based on theoretical study on abstract symbolism and investigate cases and to give reference of abstract symbolism expression of design of the chapel. The findings were as follow: Introduction of the light was found to be the most outstanding among abstract symbolic factors, and metaphor was commonly used to express abstract symbols. First, 1) Introduction of the light was found to be the most outstanding at application of abstract symbolic factor of modern Protestant church to be the highest among pastors, office bearers, believers and non-Christians. 2) The metaphor was found to be the most noticeable among abstract symbolic expressions. Second, the findings of questionnaire survey was: The findings of questionnaire of not only abstract symbolic expression factor but also symbolic expression method was not to cognize ideas of pastor, office bearers, believers and designers often. This was because abstract symbolism was made from point of view of designers. Therefore, abstract symbolic expression factors of grand chapel of modern Protestant church, for instance, effective introduction of the light, light quoting the Bible sayings, material, color and shapes, etc should be used with metaphor and symmetry to give Christians value of symbol and to hide meaning of symbolic values to non-Christians who do not know contents of the Bible.

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Electrical Charateristics of Step-down Piezoelectric Transformer

  • Shin Hoonbum;Ahn HyungKeun;Han Deuk-Young
    • Proceedings of the KIPE Conference
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.47-51
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    • 2001
  • In this paper, we have explained electrical characteristics of a step-down Rosen type piezoelectric transformer for AC-adapter. When the electric voltage is applied to the driving piezoelectric vibrator polarized in the longitudinal direction, then output voltage is generated at the generating piezoelectric vibrator polarized in the thickness direction due to the piezoelectric effects. From the piezoelectric direct and converse effects, symbolic expressions between the electric inputs and outputs of the step-down piezoelectric transformer have derived with an equivalent circuit model. With the symbolic expressions, load and frequency characteristics have discussed through simulation. Output voltage and current from a 11-layered and a 13-layered piezoelectric transformers were measured under the various conditions of loads and frequencies. First we measured resonant frequency from impedance curve and got equivalent impedance value of the piezoelectric transformer from admittance plot. It was shown from experiments that output voltage has increased and resonant frequency has changed according to various resistor loads. Output current has decreased inversely proportional to changing of loads. Moreover, the measured values of output voltage and current are well agreed with the simulated values of the proposed equivalent circuit model.

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Equivalent Circuit Modeling of Rosen-type Multilayer Piezoelectric Transformer (Rosen형 적층 압전변압기의 등가회로 모델링)

  • Shin, Hoon-Beom;Lee, Yong-Kuk;Yu, Young-Han;Ahn, Hyung-Keun;Han, Deuk-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.1099-1105
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, the equivalent circuit model of a Rosen-type multilayer piezoelectric transformer(MPT) has been proposed based on the Mason's equivalent circuit model and the principle of single layer piezoelectric plate. From the piezoelectric direct and converse effects, the symbolic expressions between the electric inputs and outputs of the MPT have been derived from the equivalent circuit model. A simplified equivalent circuit model of the MPT whose driving part has a single input form has been proposed. The symbolic expressions of the driving part have been derived from the simplified equivalent circuit model and the model was compared with the multi-input equivalent circuit model through the simulation. In the comparisons between the simulation results and the experimental data, output voltage is 630 Vp-p in case of 11-layered MPT and 670 Vp-p for 13-layered MPT over the experiment range. As the load resistance increases, output voltage increases and saturates over $300k{\Omega}$ and the resonant frequency changes from 102 kHz to 103 kHz. The simulation and the experimental results agree well over different load resistances and frequencies.

인도네시아어 반복법의 도상성에 관한 연구

  • Jeon Tae Hyeon
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 1996.10a
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    • pp.502-509
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    • 1996
  • This paper is a survey on the characteristics of reduplication in Bahasa Indonesia(B1). B1 abound in reduplicated sound-symbolic expressions. like Japanes and Korean, as such reduplication is considered as one of the significant morphological processes in B1. Despite the huge number of these expressions in B1. scholarship has not hitherto paid much of attentions to their non-arbitrary characteristics nor has not explained their iconicity systematically so far. This study concerns about the needs to describe the iconic patterns of reduplication in the grammar of B1. Firstly, tense-iconicity could be shown in verbal reduplicatives. Secondly, idiomatic reduplicatives could be considered as the remnants of diachronic reduplicated sound-symbolid expressions. The iconicity of reduplication of B1 must be described in a distinct component of the grammar of B1. As one of the simple-structured languages in the world. B1 shows iconic patterns, being fundamentally language-specific, in the grammar. But at the moment, we do not have the formal lingustic tools necessary for describing iconicity. This problem could probably be solved by modifying formal conventions about rules and features.

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Characteristics of Semiotics in Menswear Illustrations - Focusing on Morris's theory of Semiotics - (남성 패션 일러스트레이션에 나타나는 기호학적 특성 - 모리스의 기호학을 중심으로 -)

  • Yeonghoon Kang;Jongsun Kim
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.301-313
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    • 2024
  • Fashion illustrations capture the artistic essence of fashion, going beyond simply conveying information about the clothing. Therefore, semiotic interpretations and approaches are quite essential to fully understand the meaning of fashion illustrations. However, studies on men's fashion illustrations are limited despite the significance of men's fashion in the market. This study aimed to address this gap by proposing a semiotic analysis method specifically for men's fashion illustrations by building on Morris's theory of semiotics and previous research. The study examined the visual aspects and structural meanings of these illustrations by analyzing aesthetic expressions at the syntactic level. At the semantic level, it explored the conceptual meanings tied to the representation of the human body and the symbolic meanings that reflect the cultural background of male society. At the pragmatic level, the study investigated the intended message of the author, considering both aesthetic and symbolic content values. The study confirmed that men's fashion illustrations not only convey information about clothing but they have also evolved into a form of visual art that conveys diverse meanings related to fashion, society, and culture through semiotic symbols. Men's fashion illustration has emerged as a unique domain that influences fashion consumption, shapes new lifestyles, and embodies socio-cultural interactions.

Electrical Properties of a Laminated Piezoelectric Transformer with the Divided Electrodes (전극 분할 적층형 압전변압기의 전기적 특성)

  • Lee, Yong-Kuk;Lee, Sang-Cheal;Hur, Doo-Oh;Han, Deuk-Young
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1995.07c
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    • pp.1140-1142
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    • 1995
  • The transformer is fabricated with two piezoelectric vibrator with the divided electrodes and adhesive insulator. We applied the electric input to the driving vibrator in parallel and connect the output voltage to the generating vibrator in series to the resistor load near its fundamental resonance frequency. Then we investigate output voltage in series twice as large as in parallal. Moreover we investigate the load characteristics at resonance frequencies under various resistor and the frequency characteristics near the resonance frequency under no load. Its equvalent circuit is derived from the Mason's model of a thickness-driven piezelectric vibrator. By its equevalent circuit, symbolic expressions for input impedances, voltage ratios, resonance frequencies, and bandwidths have been derived. The values calculated from those symbolic exprssions are shown to agree well with the measurement values.

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Art Deco Style in Postmodern furniture Design (포스트모던 가구에 나타난 아르데코의 양식적 특징에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seong-Ah
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.16 no.2 s.61
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    • pp.270-277
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    • 2007
  • Postmodern designers freely used historical motifs as symbolic expressions or ornamentations. Historical references often became a key to express their ideal against modern standardization. Among the historical references, Art Deco style was frequently appreciated by postmodern furniture designers from the 1960s throughout postmodern era. This study is Intended to explore the way of incorporating Art Deco in postmodern furniture design. Rational Italian designers in Anti-design Movement began to adapt historical motifs and Pop, and this spread out throughout to other Postmodern designers. The research explored how Art Deco and postmodern design are related and what the examples of Art Deco revival in the postmodern era we. In this sense the research mainly covered from the exhibition catalogs from the 1960s to 1990s. As a result of stylistic, symbolic, methodological analysis, Art Deco revival in postmodern era was an essential method to express anti-modern characteristics of postmodernism. In postmodern design, Art Deco was one of historical styles that surpass the limitation o( modernism, at the same time decorative style that express the postmodern ideal.

A Study on the Images of Fashion Advertisements using Mirrors (거울을 이용한 패션 광고의 이미지 연구)

  • Choi, Yoo-Jin
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.200-209
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    • 2009
  • Mirrors often appear in fashion advertisements. This study aimed to analyze meanings of the images represented in fashion advertisements using mirrors. This study analyzed the meanings of mirror image in Western art history, and also studied meanings of female representations in the paintings. Based on previous studies, this study classified mirrors' expressions in three types and analyzed their meanings. To analyze the meanings of the three types, this study researched the symbolic meanings of the mirrors in visual arts chronologically, first. And then, this study interpreted that in the context of consumption cultures and consuming ideologies in view of feminism, consumption ideology, desire theory, and fetishism. The results of this study were as follows; 1. Narcistic body expressions associated with strong and independent women, while associated submissive being overwhelmed by consumption cultures. 2. The method of revealing the female body throughout mirrors was meant to attract the attention of consumer. 3. Multiplied body images meaning was like a commodity in fashion advertisements.

Study on Anti- Lookism An analysis through Modern art and Fashion

  • So, Eunjeong;Kang, Heemyoung
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.96-108
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    • 2012
  • In modern society, humans' misdirected aspirations towards ideal beauty are discussed and criticized. This research utilizes a paradox to express the modern standard of beauty and the society's homogenization of it through plastic surgery. An empirical analysis was conducted of the artist's works that reflect anti-lookism. The works were classified as provocation, aesthetic, symbolic and paradoxical depending on the variety of the artists' approaches and expressions. Also, this part looks at anti-lookism cases in modern fashion industry that were given lascivious expressions. They characterized various types of human beauty. Anti-lookism is a movement that goes against this social trend. It seeks to awaken modern citizens from blind submission to homogenized beauty and commercialization of humans. This study intends to offer an image of ideal beauty that should appreciate and the concept of an ideal female body. The author hope that further researches are done in social, political, cultural and other levels of the society to establish anti-lookism.