• Title/Summary/Keyword: Survey Study

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The Effect of Environmental Factors on Competency and Performance of Venture Companies: The Double Mediating Effect of Venture Firm Confirmation System Benefits and Venture Firm Internal Competencies (벤처기업에 대한 환경적 요소가 역량 및 성과에 미치는 영향: 벤처기업 확인제도 혜택과 벤처기업 내부 역량의 이중매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Park, Dain;Kim, Daejin
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.241-253
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    • 2023
  • In the current rapidly changing environment, each country continues to make efforts to create jobs and strengthen technological competitiveness. In particular, support and revitalization policies for venture companies and start-ups are known to play a role in increasing national competitiveness. Companies should make appropriate replacements amid growing uncertainties in the environment in which business life is shortened and customer needs are diversified due to intensifying competition. First of all, it is important for companies to make efforts to strengthen their internal capabilities on their own. However, venture companies lack internal resources and capabilities, so support from the external environment is important enough to lead to the survival of the company(Timmons, 1994). Financial support and certification systems are being operated at the national level to strengthen the competitiveness of companies. However, financial support can lower a company's self-sustainability depending on the situation, so non-financial support such as R&D support and start-up education is considered to be helpful in the long term for venture growth(Aghion et al., 2012; Jeon & Ko, 2021). Non-financial support is divided into commercialization, facilities, space, childcare, manpower, and certification systems, and this study confirmed the benefits of the venture company confirmation system, which is a certification system. To this end, the 2021 venture company precision survey data and venture company sales data were used, and analyzed using the SPSS 26.0 package and SPSS PROCESS MACRO. As a result of the analysis, it was confirmed that the level of the management environment of venture companies has a positive effect on the benefits of the venture confirmation system or increasing the level of venture company capabilities, but it is difficult to lead to actual management performance. In addition, it was confirmed that the level of venture company competency mediates the relationship between the level of the venture company's business environment and management performance. As a result, even if the level of the venture company's business environment is positive or venture-friendly, it can be said that companies with internal capabilities to digest support from the external environment increase management performance.

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Social Class and Potential Entrepreneurs' Social Entrepreneurial Intention: Underlying Mechanisms of Communal Narcissism and Social Entrepreneurial Identity Aspiration (사회계층과 예비창업자의 사회적 창업 의도: 공동체적 나르시시즘과 사회적 창업가 정체성 열망의 심리적 효과)

  • Kawon Kim;Kristina Sooyoun Zong;Hee Chan Yoon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.123-139
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    • 2023
  • Incubating future social entrepreneurs is of increasing importance for governments and industries that aim to create positive social changes through innovative, market-based solutions. Considering the distinct and challenging nature of a social entrepreneurial career, prior research has explored various antecedents of the formation of social entrepreneurial intention. The current research aims to contribute to the literature by examining social class as a potential precursor of individuals' social entrepreneurial intention formation, with a specific focus on social entrepreneurial identity aspiration as the underlying psychological mechanism and communal narcissism as the contingent factor. Using a two-wave survey data collected among 144 potential entrepreneurs from South Korea, we tested a moderated mediation model to validate the research propositions. The findings can be summarized as follows. First, lower social class was associated with higher social entrepreneurial identity aspiration. Second, when communal narcissism was high(low), the negative relationship between social class and social entrepreneurial identity aspiration was stronger(weaker). Third, communal narcissism moderated the negative impact of social class on social entrepreneurial intention via its effect on social entrepreneurial identity aspiration. This study has significant implications on several fronts. First, we explore the motivations that drive individuals from lower-class backgrounds to participate in social entrepreneurship, going beyond the previous notion that a higher-class context promotes entrepreneurial pursuits. Second, we delve into the underlying mechanism and condition that influence the formation of social entrepreneurial intentions, highlighting the pivotal roles played by social entrepreneurial identity aspiration and communal narcissism. Our findings provide practical insights for institutions seeking to foster the involvement of prospective social entrepreneurs from lower-class backgrounds, thereby generating positive outcomes for marginalized communities.

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The effect of university students' participation in the entrepreneurship planning course on the enhancement of core competencies of entrepreneurship: Focusing on the case of S women's university (대학생의 창업계획 교육과정 참여가 창업가정신 핵심역량 증진에 미치는 효과: S여대 사례를 중심으로)

  • Kyun, Suna;Seo, Heejeon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.81-94
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    • 2022
  • This study analyzed the effect of the entrepreneurship planning course provided by an women's university in Seoul on the enhancement of the core competencies of entrepreneurship of university students. To this end, pre- and post-test of core entrepreneurship competency were conducted on 63 female university students (32 in experimental group, 31 in control group) and then the results were analyzed. The course in which the experimental group participated was a team-based project learning course and it required a team of three people to draw an entrepreneurship plan containing social problem solving as the final result. The course was operated for a total of 8 weeks. To measure the level of entrepreneurship core competency in the pre- and post- test, the survey tool that was developed by the Ministry of Education and Korea Entrepreneurship Foundation (2020) was used. This tool composed by 'value creation', 'challenge', 'self-directed', and 'group creativity' competencies. As analyses methods, i) covariance analysis was performed using the pretest as a covariate, and then a two-way ANOVA was performed with treatment (experimental group, control group) and time point (pre test, post test) as two independent variables. Results show while there was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in the value creation competency, it significantly contributed to the enhancement of challenge, self-directed, and collective creativity competencies. Based on these results, implications and limitations were discussed, followed by future research direction.

Comparative Analysis of Freshwater Fish Species in Civilian Control Zone in South Korea: A Comparison between Direct Survey Results and Indirect Assessment via eDNA (우리나라 민간인통제구역 내 수계 어류에 대한 비교분석: 직접조사 결과와 eDNA를 통한 간접조사 결과 비교)

  • Soon-Jae Eum;Naeyoung Kim;Min-A Seol;Ji Young Kim
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.224-235
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    • 2023
  • South Korea is the only divided nation globally, marked by a military demarcation line establishing demilitarized and civilian control zones, ensuring national security. Consequently, these areas exhibit relatively minimal ecological disruption compared to other regions. However, the threat to safety persists due to the presence of unexploded ordnances and landmines, imposing significant constraints on ecological research. To address this, we conducted a comparative study utilizing eDNA analysis as a supplementary and alternative approach within three points of the "Road of Peace" - Inje, Yanggu, and Hwacheon courses, located within the civilian control zone. Direct surveys and indirect eDNA sampling were carried out in May, July, and September of 2022. Genetic material obtained from the samples underwent amplification, library preparation, MiSeq sequencing, and subsequent ASV generation for indirect analysis. These results were then compared with the findings of direct surveys. Our findings revealed the detection of eDNA for both observed species at the Yanggu-1 point, and for two out of four species at Yanggu-2. Hwacheon-1 displayed the detection of eDNA for one out of one observed species, whereas Hwacheon-2 yielded seven out of twelve, Hwacheon-3 showed four out of six, and all one observed species at Hwacheon-4 exhibited eDNA detection. Consequently, approximately 69% of the fish species identified through direct surveys were confirmed by indirect eDNA analysis. It is necessary to verify if certain fish species, such as the continental trout and catfish, have genetic information registered in the NCBI database. Additionally, it is believed that further marker development research utilizing different genetic sequences is essential. Given the limitations imposed by the hazardous nature of the surveyed civilian control zone, eDNA analysis proves to be a suitable supplement for fish research in the area.

Macrobenthic Community Structure Along the Environmental Gradients of Ulsan Bay, Korea (울산만의 저서환경 구배에 따른 저서동물군집 구조)

  • Yoon, Sang-Pil;Jung, Rae-Hong;Kim, Youn-Jung;Kim, Seong-Gil;Choi, Min-Kyu;Lee, Won-Chan;Oh, Hyun-Taik;Hong, Sok-Jin
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.102-117
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to investigate the extent to which benthic environment of Ulsan Bay was disturbed by organic materials and trace metals from the megacity and industrial complex. Field survey for benthic environment and macroinvertebrate community was seasonally conducted from February to November 2006 at nine stations covering the inside and outside of the bay. TOC was on average 1.7% while four (As, Cu, Pb, Zn) out of seven trace metals measured exceeded the Effects Range Low (ERL) in most of the stations. Total number of species sampled was 199 and mean density was 4,578 ind./$m^2$, both of which were greatly dominated by the polychaetes. Dominant species were Aphelochaeta monilaris (22.6%), Ruditapes philippinarum (17.1%), Magelona japonica (12.2%), Lumbrineris longifolia (9.9%) and their distribution was ruled by the difference in the benthic environmental condition of each station. From the multivariate analyses, four stational groups were identified: northern part of the bay, middle and lower part of the bay, the intersection of Taewha River and Gosa stream and outside of the bay. As a result, the community heterogeneity of inner bay was much more greater than that of outer bay. SIMPER analysis showed that four groups were represented by R. philippinarum-Capitella capitata, A. monilaris-Balanoglossus carnosus, Sinocorophium sinensis-Cyathura higoensis and M. japonica-Ampharete arctica, respectively. Spatio-temporal changes of macroinvertebrate communities in Ulsan Bay were closely related to those of depth, mean grain size and organic content, and Zn was also a meaningful factor in that context.

Spatio-temporal Changes in Macrobenthic Community Structure and Benthic Environment at an Intensive Oyster Culturing Ground in Geoje-Hansan Bay, Korea (굴 양식장 밀집해역인 거제한산만의 저서동물군집 구조와 저서환경의 시.공간적 변동)

  • Yoon, Sang-Pil;Jung, Rae-Hong;Kim, Youn-Jung;Hong, Sok-Jin;Oh, Hyun-Taik;Lee, Won-Chan
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.213-228
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to investigate spatio-temporal changes in macrobenthic community structure and benthic environmental conditions in Geoje-Hansa Bay, which is the greatest oyster producing site in Korea. Field survey for benthic environment and macrobenthos was seasonally carried out at 15 stations covering oyster farming sites and non-farming sites from February to November, 2008. The grain size of surface sediments was dominated by very fine silt with the mean phi of about $9\;{\Phi}$ and TOC was 1.9% on average. Mean dissolved oxygen content was 8.1 mg/L and lowest in August corresponding to the 2nd degree in seawater quality criteria. Total species number was 351 and mean density was $3,675\;ind./m^2$, both of which were dominated by polychaete worms. Spatio-temporal variation in above two biological variables was great with higher values seasonally in spring and spatially in channels rather than inner bay. Dominant species were Lumbrineris longifolia (21.3%), Aphelochaeta monilaris (17.8%) and Ericthonius pugnax(6.1%), all of which are typical species of organically enriched area. From the multivariate analyses, the whole macrobenthic community was distinguished into two groups of channel and inner bay group. Spatio-temporal changes of macrobenthic community in Geoje-Hansan Bay were related to those of TOC and acid volatile sulfide (AVS). Our results showed that Geoje-Hansan Bay should be intermediately affected by organic pollution, and that such organic enrichment was more remarkable at farming stations in the inner bay.

Distribution, Preservation Characteristics of Land and River Natural Aggregates in Nonsan City, Korea (논산시 하천 및 육상 골재 자원의 부존 현황과 특성)

  • Hyun Ho Yoon;Sei Sun Hong;Min Han;Jin-Young Lee
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.57 no.2
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    • pp.143-159
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    • 2024
  • Natural aggregate is an essential resource for human activities, closely related to construction. The aggregate demand has been increasing annually, and due to the nature of the resource, it is difficult to procure from distant locations. This study identifies the distribution and characteristics of aggregate-bearing areas as part of a municipal-level aggregate resource survey conducted in Nonsan City, Korea, in 2023. Nonsan City is located approximately 35 km straight distance from the Geum River estuary and lies at the passageway of the main stream of the Geum River. The topography of Nonsan City features eastern mountainous areas and western plains, creating an east-high-west-low geomorphic setting, with 33 streams distributed across the city, including tributaries of the Geum River like Nonsan Stream, Noseong Stream, and Ganggyeong Stream. All streams originate from the highlands in the north and east, converge with Nonsan Stream, and then join the west bank of the main stream of the Geum River at the western boundary of Nonsan City. Drilling core results show shallow depths in the highlands to the north and east, deepening towards the west, reaching a maximum depth of 25 m near the main stream of the Geum River. The total reserve of land aggregates is calculated to be 246,789,000 m3, with a developable amount of 172,750,000 m3. The total reserve of river aggregates is 5,236,000 m3, with a developable amount of 3,765,000 m3. The distribution of aggregates varies according to the geomorphic, geologic, and development pattern of the river system. Reserves are scarce in mountainous areas but are abundant in regions with rivers and wide alluvial plains, although reserves appear at depths greater than 4m. The distribution of aggregate resources in Nonsan City is influenced by stream activities and sea level changes, with the tidal range of the Yellow Sea acting as an unfavorable condition for the preservation of aggregate resources.

Incongruence Between Housing Affordability and Residential Environment Quality of Young Renters Living Independently in Non-Seoul Metropolitan Area (비수도권 지역에 독립 거주 중인 미혼 청년 가구의 월세 부담 및 거주성 비교 분석)

  • Hyunjeong Lee;Sangjun Nam
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2024
  • This research explores the household and housing characteristics of young renters aged between 19 and 34 living independently in rental housing of non-Seoul Metropolitan Area (non-SMA) and to determine the factors of their housing affordability and residential environment qualities in two districts of non-SMA - metropolises and non-metropolises. Using the 2020 Korean Housing Survey (KHS), this study identified 1,191 unmarried young renters, and most were single adults in mid-twenties who were salaried workers with a bachelor's degree or higher. Also, many lived in single-room occupancy of non-APT housing for less than 2 years and rarely relied on social services. The findings showed that the distinction of local housing market between metropolises and non-metropolises forced the former to spend more housing expense (tenancy deposit and rental fees) than the latter. With regard to housing affordability indices (Schwabe index, housing expense ratio and rent to income ratio), most were housing cost-burdened and nearly one quarter were severely rent-burdened. The regression analysis indicated that housing affordability in both districts was positively affected by income increase and social services, and housing satisfaction in non-metropolises was added to its determinants. Further, residential environment qualities were largely divided into two groups of livelihood and urban infrastructure, and the two factors influenced residential assessment in both districts. Since young renters interdependently living had suffered with housing affordability, both income growth and housing assistance are critically required to enable them not just to reduce the burden but to ensure livability.

Privacy Intrusion Intention on SNS: From Perspective of Intruders (SNS상에서 프라이버시 침해의도: 가해자 관점으로)

  • Eden Lee;Sanghui Kim;DongBack Seo
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.17-39
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    • 2018
  • SNS enables people to easily connect and communicate with each other. People share information, including personal information, through SNS. Users are concerned about their privacies, but they unconsciously or consciously disclose their personal information on SNS to interact with others. The privacy of a self-disclosed person can be intruded by others. A person can write, fabricate, or distribute a story using the disclosed information of another even without obtaining consent from the information owner. Many studies focused on privacy intrusion, especially from the perspective of a victim. However, only a few studies examined privacy intrusion from the perspective of an intruder on SNS. This study focuses on the intention of privacy intrusion from the perspective of an intruder on SNS and the factors that affect intention. Privacy intrusion intentions are categorized into two types. The first type is intrusion of privacy by writing one's personal information without obtaining consent from the information owner;, whereas the other type pertains to intrusion of privacy by distributing one's personal information without obtaining consent from the information owner. A research model is developed based on motivation theory to identify how these factors affect these two types of privacy intrusion intentions on SNS. From the perspective of motivation theory, we draw one extrinsic motivational factor (response cost) and four intrinsic motivational factors, namely, perceived enjoyment, experience of being intruded on privacy, experience of invading someone's privacy, and punishment behavior. After analyzing 202survey data, we conclude that different factors affect these two types of privacy intrusion intention. However, no relationship was found between the two types of privacy intrusion intentions. One of the most interesting findings is that the experience of privacy intrusion is the most significant factor related to the two types of privacy intrusion intentions. The findings contribute to the literature on privacy by suggesting two types of privacy intrusion intentions on SNS and identifying their antecedents from the perspective of an intruder. Practitioners can also use the findings to develop SNS applications that can improve protection of user privacies and legitimize proper regulations relevant to online privacy.

Effect of K University Dental Hygiene Department students' participation in overseas clinical practice on satisfaction with practice, major, and intention to work abroad (K 대학교 치위생학과 학생의 해외임상실습참여가 임상실습만족도, 전공만족도 및 해외취업의사에 미치는 영향)

  • Min-Sun Lee;Ma I Choi
    • Journal of Korean Dental Hygiene Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2023
  • Background: This study analyzed the differences in practice satisfaction, major, and willingness to work abroad among dental hygiene department students at K University in Gangwon-do based on their participation in international practicums. Methods: A survey was conducted on a total of 215 students through convenience sampling of dental hygiene students, and the final 214 responses were analyzed. General characteristics were examined. Major satisfaction and grades were measured on a 5-point Likert scale. And satisfaction with practice, intention to participate in international practicums, and employment were investigated by papers. Descriptive statistical analysis was performed on general characteristics using SPSS software (version 26.0). Due to the convenience sample, nonparametric analysis was used to determine satisfaction with practice and major according to general characteristics using the Mann-whitney U and Kruskal-wallis test. An independent samples t-test was conducted to determine the difference between practice satisfaction and major satisfaction depending on participation in international practicums, and Fisher's exact test was conducted to determine practice satisfaction, willingness to participate in overseas internships, and employment. Results: Concerning future participation in international clinical practicums, 66.7% of students who had previously participated in overseas training expressed willingness to engage again. 40.9% of those who had not participated showed no intention of participating, and there was a significant difference (p<0.05). Additionally, 76.2% of the participants expressed interest in overseas employment, with this difference also being statistically significant (p<0.05). Conclusion: It was confirmed that students' satisfaction with practice and major increased through participation in international practicums, and that they had a positive intention to work abroad and participate in overseas internship programs in the future.