• Title/Summary/Keyword: Survey Study

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Monitoring of Bathymetry Changes in the Coastal Area of Dokdo, East Sea (동해 독도 연안 해저지형 변동 모니터링 연구)

  • Chang Hwan Kim;Soon Young Choi;Won Hyuck Kim;Hyun Ok Choi;Chan Hong Park;Yun Bae Kim;Jong Dae Do
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.589-601
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    • 2023
  • We compare high-resolution seabed bathymetry data and seafloor backscattering data acquired, using multi-beam, between 2018 and 2021 to understand topographic changes in the coastal area of Dokdo. The study area, conducted within a 500 m × 500 m in the southern coast between the islands where Dongdo Port is located, has been greatly affected by human activities, waves and ocean currents. The depth variations exhibit between 5 - 70 m. Irregular underwater rocks are distributed in areas with a depth of 20 m or less and 30 - 40 m. As a whole, water depth ranges similar in the east-west direction and become flatter and deeper. The bathymetry contour in 2020 tends to move south as a whole compared to 2018 and 2019. The south moving of the contours in the survey area indicates that the water depth is shallower than before. Since the area where the change in the depth occurred is mainly formed of sedimentary layers, the change in the coast of Dokdo were mainly caused by the inflow of sediments, due to the influence of wind and waves caused by these typhoons (Maysak and Haishen) in 2020. In the Talus area, which developed on the shallow coast between Dongdo and Seodo, the bathymetry changed in 2020 due to erosion or sedimentation, compared to the bathymetry in 2019 and 2018. It is inferred that the changes in the seabed environment occur as the coastal area is directly affected by the typhoons. Due to the influence of the typhoons with strong southerly winds, there was a large amount of sediment inflow, and the overall tendency of the changes was to be deposited. The contours in 2021 appears to have shifted mainly northward, compared to 2020, meaning the area has eroded more than 2020. In 2020, sediments were mainly moved northward and deposited on the coast of Dokdo by the successive typhoons. On the contrary, the coast of Dokdo was eroded as these sediments moved south again in 2021. Dokdo has been largely affected by the north wind in winter, so sediments mainly move southward. But it is understood that sediments move northward when affected by strong typhoons. Such continuous coastal change monitoring and analysis results will be used as important data for longterm conservation policies in relation to topographical changes in Dokdo.

Dietary habits and nutrient intake status of university students according to obesity risk based on body mass index and percent body fat (BMI와 체지방률을 고려한 비만위험도 판정에 따른 대학생의 식생활 및 섭취 양상 연구)

  • Chae Hong Lee;Kyung A Lee
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.56 no.6
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    • pp.714-729
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: Since the coronavirus pandemic, the number of obese people has increased, and accelerated aging has been reported, particularly among young population. Therefore, this study analyzed the dietary habits of university students according to their risk of obesity to provide data for improving their eating habits. Methods: Ninety students at Daegu Catholic University were surveyed for their eating habits and photo-enhanced meal intake. The obesity risk was categorized as normal if the body mass index (BMI) and percent body fat (PBF) were normal, at-risk if both indicated overweight or obese, obesity in BMI alone were analyzed as BMI group and those with obesity in percent body fat alone were analyzed as PBF group. Results: There were 23 (25.5%) in the normal group, 10 (11.1%) in the BMI group, 24 (26.7%) in the PBF group and 33 (36.7%) in the at-risk group. The dietary survey showed that the risk groups had lower consumption frequencies of vegetables (p < 0.05) than the normal group, had less sleep time (p < 0.05) and higher frequency of fast food consumption (p < 0.001). The intake of vegetables was significantly higher in the normal group than in the risk group (p < 0.05). In terms of the daily nutrient intake, there was no significant difference in energy intake according to the obesity risk, but the intakes of dietary fiber (p < 0.01), vitamin A (p < 0.01), vitamin C (p < 0.01) were higher in the normal group than in the risk groups. Conclusion: Therefore, it is important to consider the BMI and percent body fat together to diagnose obesity and provide nutrition education and counseling.

Sorghum Field Segmentation with U-Net from UAV RGB (무인기 기반 RGB 영상 활용 U-Net을 이용한 수수 재배지 분할)

  • Kisu Park;Chanseok Ryu ;Yeseong Kang;Eunri Kim;Jongchan Jeong;Jinki Park
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_1
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    • pp.521-535
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    • 2023
  • When converting rice fields into fields,sorghum (sorghum bicolor L. Moench) has excellent moisture resistance, enabling stable production along with soybeans. Therefore, it is a crop that is expected to improve the self-sufficiency rate of domestic food crops and solve the rice supply-demand imbalance problem. However, there is a lack of fundamental statistics,such as cultivation fields required for estimating yields, due to the traditional survey method, which takes a long time even with a large manpower. In this study, U-Net was applied to RGB images based on unmanned aerial vehicle to confirm the possibility of non-destructive segmentation of sorghum cultivation fields. RGB images were acquired on July 28, August 13, and August 25, 2022. On each image acquisition date, datasets were divided into 6,000 training datasets and 1,000 validation datasets with a size of 512 × 512 images. Classification models were developed based on three classes consisting of Sorghum fields(sorghum), rice and soybean fields(others), and non-agricultural fields(background), and two classes consisting of sorghum and non-sorghum (others+background). The classification accuracy of sorghum cultivation fields was higher than 0.91 in the three class-based models at all acquisition dates, but learning confusion occurred in the other classes in the August dataset. In contrast, the two-class-based model showed an accuracy of 0.95 or better in all classes, with stable learning on the August dataset. As a result, two class-based models in August will be advantageous for calculating the cultivation fields of sorghum.

Comparison of NDVI in Rice Paddy according to the Resolution of Optical Satellite Images (광학위성영상의 해상도에 따른 논지역의 정규식생지수 비교)

  • Jeong Eun;Sun-Hwa Kim;Jee-Eun Min
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_1
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    • pp.1321-1330
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    • 2023
  • Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is the most widely used remote sensing data in the agricultural field and is currently provided by most optical satellites. In particular, as high-resolution optical satellite images become available, the selection of optimal optical satellite images according to agricultural applications has become a very important issue. In this study, we aim to define the most optimal optical satellite image when monitoring NDVI in rice fields in Korea and derive the resolution-related requirements necessary for this. For this purpose, we compared and analyzed the spatial distribution and time series patterns of the Dangjin rice paddy in Korea from 2019 to 2022 using NDVI images from MOD13, Landsat-8, Sentinel-2A/B, and PlanetScope satellites, which are widely used around the world. Each data is provided with a spatial resolution of 3 m to 250 m and various periods, and the area of the spectral band used to calculate NDVI also has slight differences. As a result of the analysis, Landsat-8 showed the lowest NDVI value and had very low spatial variation. In comparison, the MOD13 NDVI image showed similar spatial distribution and time series patterns as the PlanetScope data but was affected by the area surrounding the rice field due to low spatial resolution. Sentinel-2A/B showed relatively low NDVI values due to the wide near-infrared band area, and this feature was especially noticeable in the early stages of growth. PlanetScope's NDVI provides detailed spatial variation and stable time series patterns, but considering its high purchase price, it is considered to be more useful in small field areas than in spatially uniform rice paddy. Accordingly, for rice field areas, 250 m MOD13 NDVI or 10 m Sentinel-2A/B are considered to be the most efficient, but high-resolution satellite images can be used to estimate detailed physical quantities of individual crops.

The Relationship Between Hospital Customers' Perceived Value, Attachment and Re-use Intention : Moderating Effect of Hospital Image (중소병원 이용고객의 지각된 가치, 애착, 재이용의도간 관계 연구)

  • Sin, Kyung-sook;An, Un-seok
    • Journal of Venture Innovation
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.19-37
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to find out what could be the cause of increasing the re-use intention for the continuous management of customers in terms of finding a strategic plan for the survival of Medium Sized Hospital To this end, a hypothesis for the direct effect verifying the structural relationship, a hypothesis for the mediating effect of attachment, and a hypothesis for the moderating effect on the hospital image were presented. The survey analysis results for customers who experienced the services of 5 Medium Sized Hospital in Gyeonggi-do were as follows. First, The results of analysis of the effect of Medium Sized Hospital customers' perceived value on reuse intention are as follows. all sub-factors of perceived value did not have a significant effect on reuse intention. This is significant in that it shows that the change occurred due to the involvement of attachment. Second, the results of examining the mediating effect of attachment in the relationship between the perceived value of small and medium hospital customers and their intention to reuse are as follows. Attachment to doctor's competency significantly mediated the relationship between quality value and reuse intention, emotional value and reuse intention, and social value and reuse intention. Significantly mediated the relationship between the provinces and the relationship between the price value and the intention to reuse. Third, hospital image significantly adjusted the relationship between quality value and medical technology competency. Based on the above results, it is necessary to establish a strategy of value perceived by customers as a strategy to increase the reuse intention of small and medium hospital customers. Therefore, the strategic goal setting of this value should be 'promoting attachment', and since the hospital image adjusts the perceived value and attachment of small and medium hospital customers, it is an image strategy that allows customers to appreciate their attachment to doctors and medical technology more highly. will have to establish.

Redefinition of the Concept of Fishing Vessel and Legislation Adjustment (낚시어선 개념의 재정립과 법제 정비에 관한 연구)

  • Yeong-Tae Son
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.639-652
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    • 2023
  • The fundamental background behind the introduction of the fishing vessel system is to allow petty small fishers to engage in pure fishery business activities with fishing vessels during normal times and engage in fishing vessel business only during specific periods (closed fishing season, etc.) thereby granting a qualification as an auxiliary tool for the economic activities of petty small fishers. In addition, fishing boats are allowed to engage in excursion ship activities using fishing vessels registered under the Fishing Vessels Act, the form of fishing vessels should also have a general and universal structure that is practically easy to engage in fishing activities in the field in accordance with the relevant regulations. However, most fishing vessel proprietors are currently focusing only on increasing income, and rather than building fishing vessels in a reasonable form suitable for the original purpose of general fishing vessels, they prefer an abnormal hull form equivalent to expediency, that is biased hull structure biased toward the fishing vessel business. As a result, it is causing serious problems in safety management as well as conflict [damaging relative equity in government support measures (tax-free oil supply, etc.), and depletion of livelihood-type fish stocks] with fishing vessel forces who consider the fishing vessel business only to be a part of the side job among all fishery business activities. Meanwhile, the most fundamental cause of this problem is that the current Fishing Management and Promotion Act, limits the concept of fishing vessels to fishing vessels registered under the Fishing Vessels Act, and applies survey standards accordingly. Accordingly, in this study, through analysis of the distribution status of fishing vessels, structural characteristics, operation status of fishing vessels, and the government's fishing promotion policies, etc., the relevant laws (regulations) have been reorganized to suit the current reality of the concept of fishing vessels to separate the current fishing vessel from fishing vessels and operate it as a fishing-only vessel.

Perception of USA and American influence in Korea: Psychological, Social, and Cultural Basis of Anti-American Sentiments among Students and Adults (한국 중학생, 대학생, 성인의 미국에 대한 인식: 반미감정의 심리 사회 문화적 토대 탐색)

  • Uichol Kim;Young-Shin Park;Nara Oh
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.139-178
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    • 2003
  • This study investigates Koreans respondents' perception of American society, American people and its influence in Korea and the world. These analyses have been conducted to provide the psychological, social and cultural basis for understanding the anti-American sentiments among Korean junior high school students, university students and adults. American influence is further divided into American influence on Korean society, on North-South Korean unification, and in the world. In addition, respondents' knowledge of the USA, their satisfaction with the current political functioning, and background information were obtained. A total of 763 respondents (171 junior high school students, 250 university students, and 342 parents of junior high school students) completed a survey questionnaire developed by the first two authors. The overall results indicate that the respondents had a negative view of the USA and its influence in Korea and the world. Majority of respondents perceive American society as being commercial, exclusionary, and ethnocentric. Some respondents perceive American society as being democratic and advanced. As for American people, they are perceive them as being selfish and at the same time independent and carefree. The trust for American society is very low. As for American influence in Korea, it is perceived it as creating dependency and less likely to be perceived as promoting progress and development. As for North-South Korean relations, respondents perceive the USA as interfering with the unification of two Koreas. Finally, respondents perceive the USA as a superpower with imperialistic and dominating tendencies and they were less like to perceive the USA as promoting democracy and justice. Significant differences across the age groups have been found with the junior high school students holding the most negative view about the USA and their parents holding the most positive view of the USA. University students had mixed views of the USA. holding both positive and negative views of the USA. Those respondents with greater dissatisfaction of the political system and with less knowledge about the USA has more negative views of the USA.

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The basis of trust in relationships: Indigenous psychological analysis of adolescents and their parents (청소년과 부모의 인간관계를 통해 본 신뢰의식: 토착심리학적 접근)

  • Uichol Kim;Young-Shin Park
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.103-137
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    • 2004
  • This study examines the basis of trust in relationships by adolescents and their parents using the indigenous psychological approach. Using the indigenous methodology, adolescents were asked the reasons why they trusted their mother, father, friends, and teachers. Parents were asked why they trusted their children, spouse and their children's teachers. A total of 1,737 participants completed an open-ended survey: 579 adolescents (274 middle school and 305 high school students) and their parents (579 fathers) and (579 mothers). The results indicate that adolescents trust their parents because of their sacrifice, followed by consanguinity (i.e., blood relationship), respect, their trust in me, dependability, and their advice and counseling. The reasons why adolescents trust their teachers is because of the academic guidance they provide, unconditional trust of teachers, their concern and care, respect for teachers, advice and counseling they provide, they are like parents, and because of their sacrifice for the students. The reasons for trusting their friends are as follows: Dependability, closeness, unconditional trust of friends, their understanding of me, and their emotional support. The reasons why parents trust their children are: Children's sincerity, honesty, consanguinity, parents' expectation and communication with the children, children's obedience, and since they are diligent in their schoolwork. The reasons for trusting one's spouse are reported to be sincerity, their sacrifice for the family, honesty, unconditional trust of a spouse, and because of mutual support. The reasons why parents trust their children's teachers are reported as follows: Unconditional trust of teachers, their sacrifice for the students, and their sincerity. There were no significant differences across the type of school and academic grades in terms of trust of parents. However, middle school students are more likely to trust their teachers, and high school students are more likely trust their friends. The male students rather than female students and those students with higher academic grades are more likely to trust their parents, friends, and teachers. For parents, there were no significant differences across age, sex, and educational status concerning the trust of their children, spouse, and children's teachers. There was a positive correlations between parents' trust of their spouse and children and their children's trust of their parents. There was also a positive correlations of mothers' trust of children's teachers and the children's trust of their teachers.

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An educational needs analysis of precautions against of safety accidents for school foodservice employees in the Jeonbuk area using Borich priority formula and the Locus for Focus Model (Borich 요구도와 The Locus for Focus Model을 이용한 전북지역 학교급식 조리종사자의 안전사고 예방관리를 위한 교육요구도 우선순위 분석)

  • Hyang Jin Lee ;Sun A Choi ;Jeong Ok Rho
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.56 no.5
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    • pp.554-572
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study was to analyze the priorities for educational content regarding precautions to be taken to prevent safety accidents for employees in school foodservice using the Borich priority formula and the Locus for Focus model. Methods: A survey was conducted in February 2019 on 194 employees in elementary school and 122 employees in middle- and high school foodservice in the Jeonbuk area. Demographic characteristics, status of safety accidents, safety education, and their importance and performance levels were assessed using a self-administered questionnaire. The priorities for the educational content on precautions to prevent safety accidents were based on a 3-step analysis method, including the paired sample t-test, Borich priority formula, and the Locus for Focus Model. Results: The average perceived importance of the precautions to be taken against safety accidents of employees in elementary-, middle-, and high schools was higher compared to the average performance of the employees (p < 0.001). The top priority for elementary school employees was caution against falls during the cleaning of the gas hood and the trench in the kitchen. In addition, 'awareness of chemical signs' was added as one of the top priorities of middle- and high school employees. The second highest priority items were 'do stretching', 'safely adjusting workbench height', 'keeping the right attitude', 'using assistive devices when moving heavy things', and 'checking the material safety data sheet', which were the same for all elementary, middle- and high school employees. Conclusion: Thus, to improve the educational preparedness of employees in the area of safety precautions, eight safety/accident prevention items should be included in the safety education program.

The Impact of Entrepreneurship Education on Entrepreneurial Intentions and Entrepreneurial Behavior of Continuing Education Enrolled Students in University: Focusing on the Mediating Effect of Self-efficacy (창업교육이 성인학습자의 창업의지와 창업행동에 미치는 영향: 자기효능감 매개효과를 중심으로)

  • Yu, So Young;Yang, Young Seok;Kim, Myung Seuk
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.107-124
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    • 2023
  • As getting in 4th Industrial Revolution Times, Continuing Education Enrolled Students(CEES) trying to find loophole for jepordized current life and need job transfer have surged their interest significantly on starting new business to bring up their post career after retirement through self-improvement. Government and university have actively initiated diverse policies of promoting startup for CEES in kicking off entrepreneurship courses and programs. However, relevant main policy, 'The 2nd University Startup Education Five-Year Plan (draft)' have too chiefly focused on theoretical start-up education rather than practical courses, causing the problem of inappropriate support for implementing real startup and business (Ministry of Education, 2018). This study is brought to empirically investigate the effect of self-efficacy as perspective of the impact of entrepreneurship education on entrepreneurial intention and behavior to come up with problem of poor entrepreneurial environment and entrepreneurship education to CEES. As to empirical research, this paper deliver on-line survey to CEES from September to October 2022, collect 207 effective feedbacks, In order to verify the reliability of the scale, the Cronbach's Alpha Coefficient (Cronbach's α) was calculated, analyzed, and measured. For hypothesis test, this paper utilize the multiple regression analysis statistical analysis method and use the SPSS 22.0 statistical processing program. Empirical results show, first, it was found that self-efficacy had a significant effect on start-up education. Second, start-up education had a significant effect on the intention to start a business of adult learners. Third, start-up education had a significant effect on the start-up behavior of adult learners. Fourth, self-efficacy had a significant effect on the intention of adult learners to start a business. Fifth, self-efficacy had a significant effect on the start-up behavior of adult learners. Sixth, self-efficacy had a mediating effect in the relationship between entrepreneurship education and adult learners' intention to start a business. Seventh, self-efficacy had a complete mediating effect in the relationship between start-up education and adult learners' start-up behavior. This paper is brought three significant implications. First, main consideration developing entrepreneurship education tools for CEES need to falls on defining potential needs of CEES as segmenting as to coming up with diversity of CEES's characteristics such as gender, age, experience, education, and occupation. Second, as to design specific entrepreneurship education program, both practical training program of utilizing CEES's career field experience benchmarking best practice startup and venture cases from domestic and global, and professional startup program of CEES initiating directly startup from ideation to develop business plan with pitching and discussing. Third, entrepreneurship education for CEES should be designed to incubate self-efficacy to enhance entrepreneurial intention of implementing entrepreneurial behavior as a real, eventually leading solid support system of self-improvement for CEES' Retirement life planning.

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