• Title/Summary/Keyword: Survey Study

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TACT Productivity Management for Finish Works of Residential Buildings using Productivity Achievement Ratio (PAR) (공동주택 마감공사 TACT 기법 생산성 관리 - Productivity Achievement Ratio를 활용한 생산성 관리 -)

  • Joo, Seonu;Park, Moonseo;Lee, Hyun-Soo;Lee, Kwang-Pyo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.36-48
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    • 2015
  • To complete various types of finish works with higher quality in much less time, TACT, which was mostly used for high-rise buildings, has been adapted to meet the needs for systematic schedule management in construction sites. However, the effectiveness of adapting TACT has not been shown as expected due to the different perspectives on productivity from both general contractor and subcontractors based on unforeseen conditions according to the types of site. Furthermore, not enough theoretical backgrounds, empirical data, and systematic approaches to solve the fundamental problems caused by each participants' different views on productivity has produced obstacles for establishing effective solutions. Therefore, this research aims to analyze the possible main reasons for having different point of views regarding productivity among various participants of residential building sites using TACT based on literature review, site survey, and interviews. Also, case study was conducted to propose obtainable productivity (OP) regression equation and productivity achievement ratio (PAR) with reduction factors (RFs) and actual productivity (AP) data from an actual construction site. The proposed outcome may assist general contractors converting output management with PPC to productivity management with actual data using PAR. On the other hand, subcontractors would be able to estimate theory-based maximum productivity of construction sites with TACT by using OP. The PAR will enhance the communication between general and sub-contractors for their decision making process. Finally, the main RFs derived from PAR could be used as essential keys for productivity management to increase the economical and operational effectiveness of the construction project.

The Factors for Korean Dietary Life Adaptation of Female Immigrants in Multi-cultural Families in Busan (다문화가정 결혼이주여성의 식생활적응에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Lee, Jeong-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.807-815
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    • 2012
  • This study was carried out to investigate the factors affecting the dietary adaptation of female immigrants in multi-cultural families in Busan. The survey was conducted from October 10 to November 30, 2010 using questionnaires, and the data was analyzed using the SPSS program. The subjects were mainly from China (58.8%), Vietnam (14.7%), Philippines (8.8%) and Japan (7.4%). The longer they had resided in Korea, the lower their preference they had for Korean foods. There were no significant differences in preference according to their nationality. The subjects reported that their consumption of cereals (36.7%), meats (40.0%), fish (50.8%), milk and dairy products (47.4%), vegetables (48.3%), fruits (44.8%), fat and oil (29.1%) and beverages (32.8%) were increased after immigration. They usually obtained information about Korean foods from family (26.5%) and television and internet (26.5%). Sixty four point seven percent of the females ate 'everyday' Korean foods and 30.9% ate their home country foods every day. A higher will for learning Korean foods, intake frequency and age resulted in a higher adaptation of Korean dietary life. Lower marital conflict resulted in higher adaptation. These results suggest that it would be effective to provide systematic nutrition education program for female immigrants and their families to adapt to Korean dietary life.

Sensitivity and Self-purification Function of Forest Ecosystem to Acid Precipitation(I) - Acidification of Precipitation and Transformed Vegetation Index(TVI) - (산성우(酸性雨)에 대한 산림생태계(山林生態系)의 민감도(敏感度) 및 자정기능(自淨機能)(I) - 강우(降雨)의 산성화도(酸性化度)와 식생(植生) 활력도(活力度)(TVI)를 중심(中心)으로 -)

  • Lee, Soo Wook;Chang, Kwan Soon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.83 no.4
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    • pp.460-472
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    • 1994
  • This study has been conducted to give some ideas for reasonable ecological management of Taejon city and its adjacent forest ecosystem against the effect of acid rain. Rain monitoring points to analyse its components represented 1 point in industrial area, 4 points in commercial area, 4 points in residential area, and 5 points in suburban area and forest survey was done in 7 forest sites adjacent to rain monitoring points. Transformed vegetation index(TVI) based on Landsat TM data was analysed for forest area. Taejon area was seriously contaminated by air pollutants and average concentration of anions in precipitation were 20.16mg/l for $SO_4{^{2-}}$, 3.65mg/l for $NO_3{^-}$, and 3.09mg/l for $Cl^-$. Anion in precipitation were $1.09mg/m^2/month$ for $SO_4{^{2-}}$, $0.23mg/m^2/month$ for $NO_3{^-}$, and $0.20mg/m^2/month$ for $Cl^-$. Cation in precipitation were $0.14mg/m^2/month$ for $Ca^{2+}$, $0.10mg/m^2/month$ for $NH_4{^+}$, $0.08mg/m^2/month$ for $Na^+$, $0.07mg/m^2/month$ for $K^+$, and $0.08mg/m^2/month$ for $Mg^{2+}$. The region with the highest concentration of $SO_4{^{2-}}$, $NO_3{^-}$, and $Cl^-$ in rain was industrial area. $SO_4{^{2-}}$, $NO_3{^-}$, and $Cl^-$ concentrations in industrial area were 43.08, 3.88, and 3.64ppm, respectively. Forest soil showed strongly acidic ranging pH4.16-4.94. Transformed vegetation index(TVI) were 3.11 in Dangsan, 4.00 in Kyechoksan, 4.13 in Bomunsan, 4.18 in Kabhasan, 3.34 in Bongsan, 4.13 in Sikchangsan, and 4.20 in Seongchisan. Dangsan forest located near in industrial area showed the lowest TVI.

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The Interpretation for Stand Structure in Natural Oak Forests (참나무 천연림(天然林)의 임분(林分) 구조(構造)에 대한 해석(解析))

  • Kim, Ji Hong;Lee, Don Koo;Kim, Zin-Suh;Lee, Kyung Joon;Hyun, Jung Oh;Hwang, Jae Woo;Kwon, Ki Won
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.82 no.3
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    • pp.235-245
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    • 1993
  • This study was carried out to understand the stand structure based on the compositional characteristics of natural deciduous forest dominated by Quercus species, which will provide with fundamental ecological and silvicultural information for effective forest management. Of two tracts selected from the Seoul National University Research Forests, one is located in Kwangju-Gun Kyunggi-Do, and the other in Kwangyang-Gun Chollanam-Do. Point-quarter sampling method w-as employed to survey woody vegetation confined to larger than 6cm in DBH. The numbers of sample points were 152 and 187, in Kwangju-Gun and Kwangyang-Gun, respectively. Comparative analysis for two forest tracts was made as follows ; 1) species composition by calculation of importance values ; 2) number of stems per hectare for major tree species ; 3) species diversity for the forests in two locations ; 4) inter-species association based on $X^2$ test. The relative dominate of Quercus speices showed 88% at Kwangju-Gun, Kyunggi-Do and 50% at Kwangy-ang-Gun. Chollanam-Do. Such high dominance occurred due to high importance values of Quercus variahilis and Q. mortgolica in both locations. Quercus serrata showed low value at Kwangju-Gun. Kyunggi-Do whereas Q. acutissirna, Q. dentata and Q. aliena did none at Kwangyang-Gun. Chollanam-Do. The species diversity and evenness in oak communities exhibited 0.82 and 0.61, respectively at Kwangju-Gun. Kyunggi-Do, while those did 1.09 and 0.73 at Kwangyang-Gun, Chollanam-Do. Therefore, it was considered that Ku-angju-Gun region was disturbed severely by human activities but Kwangyang-Gun region eras less disturbed. Frequent appearance of Carpinus and Acer species indicates increase in diversities and better development of succession at Kwangyang-Gun region.

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The Rusticity and Spirit of Scholars Found at Suwoojae, the Birth House of Garam Byungi Lee (가람(嘉藍) 이병기 생가(李秉岐 生家) 수우재(守愚齋)에서 찾는 소박함과 선비정신)

  • Kim, Jung-Sik;Rho, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Jeong-Moon;Oh, Hyun-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2010
  • This study examines the authentic meaning, location, garden layout, and structural characteristics of Suwoojae(守愚齋), the birth house of Garam Byungi Lee, which was the very epitome of the traditional house structure based on literature review, field survey, and the existing measured drawings. The followings explain how rusticity and spirit of scholars, the core concepts of Garam's poetry, were featured in structural and spacial arrangements of Suwoojae as well as its location and physical layout. 1. Suwoojae is enclosed by Cheonho mountain which fans out of Noryoung mountains in East and located on the tail of Yongwha mountain in West. It has proved to be Yangtack Myoungdang according to the Poongsoo theory, Inguljiryoungron; The energy of earth at a certain location results in the better fortune together with the energy emitted from human body. 2. Suwoojae is an official local monument which was built in 1844, late Joesoen Dynasty by Joheung Lee, Garam's grandfather. Some parts of inner-structure connect with the kitchen in the shape of called Gopae. Suwoojae consists of 4 Sarangchae, 3 Gobangchae, and a Jangdokdae behind Anchae. 3. Since inner and outer walls of Suwoojae are distinctly separate from the main structure, its look varies significantly from different angles. Suwoojae, in its entirety, discloses Garam's philosophy, ideas, and ideology on life and the universe. 4. Apricot trees, Japanese-magnolias, aromatic-trees, crape myrtle, white-magnolias, camellia-trees were planted on the left of the walls, and persimmon trees, jujube trees, plum trees, quince trees were at the inner-yard. Especially, trifoliate orange trees a natural monument of Jeonrabukdo draw substantial attention from visitors. 5. The main garden facilities are located in front of Sarangchae: A rectangle pond(14.72m in length and 3.87m in height), the surroundings of the pond and Anchae, rocks that have distinctive shapes. In general, the garden was designed to incorporate the scenery around Suwoojae as a part of its structure and contain the love for nature and aesthetic sense. 6. It seems that the natural surroundings of Suwoojae had helped form motives of Garam's poetry and assisted him in finding subject-matters and identifying the themes of his works. This is well revealed in his poem, Seungwoonjungee.

Prevalence and Associated Factors of Snoring in School-Aged Children (학동기 아동에서 코골이의 유병률과 관련인자)

  • Cho, Sung Jong;Kim, Eun Young;Rho, Young Il;Yang, Eun Suk;Park, Young Bong;Moon, Kyung-Rye;Lee, Chul-Gab
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.11
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    • pp.1340-1345
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : We studied the prevalence of snoring and its association with diseases, obesity and environmental factors, as well as sleep disturbance arising from snoring, in school-aged children. Methods : The survey was performed by a special questionnaire on 1,707 children at elementary schools from 1 to 30 July 2001 in Gwangju City. The prevalence of snoring, associated factors, and sleep disturbance were evaluated. Results : 266(16.5%) of the children snored at least once a week. 73(4.3%) of the children snored almost every day. Regarding the associated factors of snoring : There was a statistically significant difference between snoring and nonsnoring groups due to gender, obesity, sinusitis, tonsillar hypertrophy, bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis. Of them, male gender, tonsillar hypertrophy, and obesity were significant risk factors for development of snoring. Especially, the odds ratio increased to 1.048(CI, 1.004-1.659), 1.748(CI, 1.175-2.599), and 2.266(CI, 1.300-3.950) in children with an obesity index of 20-29%, 30-49%, ${\geq}50%$, respectively. There was a statistically significant association of snoring with decreased sleep duration, sleep talking, and drowsiness during the day as a result of sleep disturbance. Conclusion : 16.5% of school-aged children snored at least once a week. The association of snoring with tonsillar hypertrophy, obesity and gender as risk factors was demonstrated in this study.

Analysis of disease mechanism of subacute necrotizing lymphadenitis in children (소아 아급성 괴사성 림프절염의 임상적, 방사선학적, 면역조직화학적 소견)

  • Kim, Hyun Jung;Yeom, Jung Suk;Park, Ji Suk;Park, Eun Sil;Seo, Ji Hyun;Lim, Jae Young;Park, Chan Hoo;Woo, Hyang Ok;Cho, Jae Min;Lee, Jeong Hee;Youn, Hee Shang
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.51 no.11
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    • pp.1198-1204
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : The cause of subacute necrotizing lymphadenitis, a rare disease in children, has not been completely clarified. This study was aimed to investigate the disease mechanism by examining clinical, radiologic, and immunohistochemical findings in children diagnosed with subacute necrotizing lymphadenitis after an excisional biopsy. Methods : We examined 19 lymph node tissue specimens from 17 children diagnosed with subacute necrotizing lymphadenitis at Gyeongsang National University Hospital from March, 1998 to July, 2006. A retrospective survey of the medical records was performed. CT findings were analyzed. Immunohistochemical staining was done on tissues obtained by excisional biopsy from all patients. Results : The patient's age ranged from 5 to 19 years (average age :11.8 years). The main symptoms included a neck mass (17/19), pain in the mass (6/17), and fever (12/19). The palpable lymph nodes were mostly cervical in location; the maximum diameter, which was measured radiologically, was less than 3 cm in all 10 cases. The masses were pathologically divided into proliferative, necrotic, and xanthomatous types. With immunohistochemical staining the masses were divided into lesion (L), perilesion (PL), and necrosis (N). The CD8 staining was stronger than the CD4 staining for all regions in three types. The CD4 staining intensity was mainly increased in the perilesion, and CD8 was mainly increased in the lesion. Conclusion : We compared the radiologic findings, clinical symptoms, and pathology to help understand the cause of disease in patients with subacute necrotizing lymphadenitis.

College Students' Attitude toward Body Weight Control, Health-related Lifestyle and Dietary Behavior by Self-perception on Body Image and Obesity Index (대학생의 체형인식과 비만도에 따른 체중조절 태도, 건강관련 생활습관 및 식행동)

  • Chin, Jeong-Hee;Chang, Kyung-Ja
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.1559-1565
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    • 2005
  • The Purpose of this study was to investigate college students' attitude toward body weight control, health-related lifestyle and dietary behavior by their perception on body image and obesity index. The subjects were 871 nation- wide college students (330 male and 541 female students) participating in a nutritional education program via internet- A cross-sectional survey was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire via internet. The data were analyzed by a SPSS 10.0 program. Height and weight (p < 0.05), and the distribution of obesity index (p < 0.001) showed significant differences between male and female college students. As for self perception on body image, the necessity of body weight control and the experience of efforts to change the body weight, there were significant differences between male and female college students (p < 0.001). There were significant differences among groups by obesity index in the hours of exercise (p < 0.01), drinking (p < 0.01) and smoking (P < 0.001). As for methods of body weight control, all the groups by obesity index thought that program of body weight control by diet company is the most desirable method. Therefore, we must recognize that it is hard to correct health problems resulting from wrong lifestyle and dietary behavior fixed during college life and prepare a system for college students to obtain correct lifestyle and dietary behavior.

Characteristics of Surface Flow on the Forest Fire Sites by Using Rainfall Simulator (인공강우장치를 이용한 산불발생지의 지표유출 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Heon Ho;Joo, Jae duk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.95 no.3
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    • pp.350-357
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    • 2006
  • For the purpose of this study, the characteristics of surface flow through the survey of rainfall intensity and degree of slope on fire sites by using rainfall simulator was examined and analysed. And also the relationship between the amount of surface flow and rainfall intensity, degree of slope and elapsed year after forest fire occurrence influencing on the surface flow were analysed. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The amount of surface flow by year of occurrence of forest fire was increased 2,2 to 3,2 times as rainfall intensity was increased by 30 mm/hr, and 1.5 to 1.9 times as degree of slope was increased by $10^{\circ}$, 2, Even though ground vegetation in forest fire sites was recovered more than 80%, the amount of surface flow in initial rainfall was relatively much and it seemed that vegetation didn't play substantial roles in reducing runoff. 3, The amount of surface flow by rainfall intensity and degree of slope in accordance with elapsed years after forest fire was reduced 22,3% to 41,8% in three years after fire as compared to the first year of fire occurrence. The amount of surface flow were significantly differentiated by rainfall intensity and degree of slope in the first year of fire occurrence and the difference were gradually reduced afterwards. 4. In the analysis on influences of each factors on the amount of surface flow on forest fire sites, the amount of surface flow was significant differences in major impacts of each rainfall intensity, degree of slope and elapsed year after fire and interaction of rainfall intensity ${\times}$ degree of slope and rainfall intensity ${\times}$ elapsed year after fire, but no differences were observed in interaction of degree of slope ${\times}$ elapsed year after tire and rainfall intensity ${\times}$ degree of slope ${\times}$ elapsed year after tire. Rainfall intensity was the most affecting factor on the amount of surface flow and followed by degree of slope and elapsed year after fire.

Association of Depression with Atypical Features and Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Adults (한국 성인에서 비전형 양상 우울증과 대사증후군과의 연관성)

  • Lee, Chung-Yeol;Jung, Do-Un;Kim, Sung-Jin;Kang, Je-Wook;Moon, Jung-Joon;Jeon, Dong-Wook;Kim, You-Na;Shin, Dong-Jin;Nam, Sang-Hun
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.90-100
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    • 2019
  • Objectives : This study aimed to investigate the association between depression with atypical features and metabolic syndromes in Korean adults using the 2016 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) data. Methods : We used the 2016 KNHANES data to enroll 277 participants with a score of 10 or higher on Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Depression with atypical features was diagnosed when at least two of the following criteria were met : 1) sleeping more than 10 hours a day ; 2) weight gain of more than 3 kg in a year ; and 3) fatigue/anergia. Depression was divided into two groups based on the presence/absence of atypical features. Physical and mental health, and risk of metabolic syndrome were compared between the groups. Results : Among the 277 participants, 91 had depression with atypical features. We identified significant differences in age, sex, income, and education between the two groups. After adjusting for these variables, depression with atypical features had lower EuroQol-5D index scores (p<0.001) and higher prevalence of metabolic syndromes (p=0.035) compared to the depression without atypical features. Depression with atypical features had higher odds ratio (OR) in association with metabolic syndromes after adjusting for confounding variables (OR=1.923 ; 95% confidence interval : 1.069-3.460). Conclusions : Depression with atypical features increases the risk of metabolic syndromes and lowers the quality of life.