• Title/Summary/Keyword: Survey Finding

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A Survey of korean Costume Cultural Assets in Overseas -Focusing on New York Area Museum (해외에 소장된 우리나라 복식의 현황연구 I -미국 뉴욕지역 박물관을 중심으로-)

  • 윤은재;손경자
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.23
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    • pp.79-97
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study is to survey of Korean costume cultural assets in overseas museum collections. Cultural Assets represent the cultural heritage. Also costume is one of cultural assets. In 1980's the Korean government and scholars surveyed Korean cultural assets. One of their finding was that Korean objects exists some countries. Unesco delared that cultural assets illegally taken a way to foreign countries should be returned to their nations. However, few objects had been returned to korea. Today museum professional designing their exhibited and collections try to both enlighten experts and instruct and please amateur enthusiasts. Exhibitions are one of the most effective means of stimulating interest in cultural objects and ideas : they reflect prevailing cultural , intellectural and political trends. The 1893 Chicageo Exposition was the first international exhibition in which Korea has ever taken part. Overseas museum held many Asian exhibitions however Korean exhibitions have been held much less frequently than those of most other Asian countries. (China, and Japan). Some of Korean art Collection have historical and artistic valuable , most overseas museum' collection are of low value and non-informative . Several museums in United States that have Korean costume : some of these museums have highly valuable historical and contextural objects. It is my hope that the information in this paper will be of use for those interested in learning more about Korean culture.

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Analysis on the Actual Conditions for Efficient Use of Rural Closed School in Chungchungnam-do - Focused on Closed School Operators - (충청남도 농촌 폐교자원의 효율적 활용을 위한 현황분석 - 폐교 운영자를 대상으로 -)

  • Chang, Woo Seok;Jung, Nam Su;Kwon, Young Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2013
  • School closings in rural area continue to occur due to drops in population in those areas. Many studies have been done in order to effectively utilize such closed schools. However, there is a lack of studies targeting operators of the closed facilities for revitalization. Therefore, the goal of this research is understanding the real operational status of and finding solutions for the closed schools after studying the current operational status of the closed schools by conducting surveys with their operators. The survey was performed with closed-school-operators in Chungcheongnam-Do as the target; and the analysis was conducted regarding the acquisition type of the closed schools (purchase, lease), building condition, repair and construction status, annual visitors, operational days, operational fees, seasonal ups and downs, operational profits, and satisfaction of local government support. The results showed that there were differences with visitors and operational days along acquisition types as well as low operational profits and seasonal ups and downs including dissatisfaction of local government support. In this study, institutional and political improvement measurements were suggested for the effective operation of the closed facilities based on the main results.

A Study on Fitness of Middle School Girls Uniform Size in Consideration of Growth -Focusing on Jacket and Skirt- (여중생 성장을 고려한 최적 교복치수 선정 -자켓과 스커트를 중심으로-)

  • 김덕하;김인숙
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.315-326
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    • 2001
  • This study is to suggest data for setting school uniform size with the size satisfaction degree through finding out the physical body change and uniform size problems following an increase in age during middle school girl days. For this purpose, by analyzing the physical body size data of 13~15 age of girls among $\ulcorner$human body size data of the youth for product design$\lrcorner$publicized under sponsorship of National Technology Quality Institute in 1999 the physical body size change by part following an increase in age during middle school girl days was found out and the most frequent physical body size by grade was suggested. Questionnaire about uniform production status and product size at the object of uniform makers were measured directly, a school uniform wearing status and size satisfaction degree by part were at the abject of middle school girls were examined by means of questionnaire and unsatisfactory factors in uniform size were found out. Based on collected data the most optimum product size in each part by item were suggested. The method of suggesting the most optimum size suitability by item was decided based on the result of survey into corresponding title and product size by maker and that of survey into the size satisfaction degree of middle school girls by maker, and the product size of maker showing the highest size satisfaction degree was selected as the most optimum product size.

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The Influence of Self-Efficacy in Purchasing Clothes on Consumer Satisfaction Formation Process (의복구매효능감이 소비자 만족 형성과정에 미치는 영향)

  • Ko, Sun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.281-291
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    • 2011
  • This study investigates the influence of self-efficacy in purchasing clothes in the consumer satisfaction formation process. A survey was conducted on 300 adults living in the Seoul and Gyeonggi area and 231 completed questionnaires were used for analysis. The survey questionnaires measured the respondent's self-efficacy in purchasing clothes, expectation, perceived performance, expectation confirmation, and satisfaction level. The data were analyzed by moderated regression analysis. The results are as follows. First, for apparel products, perceived performance, and expectation confirmation have a direct effect on consumer satisfaction, while expectation has no direct effect on consumer satisfaction. This finding agrees with the results reported in a previous study on consumer goods with low ambiguity in assessing products and services including sneakers, underwear, cereals, and financial services. Second, the lower the self-efficacy in purchasing clothes, then the increased effect of the expectation confirmation that influences consumer satisfaction. However, the self-efficacy in purchasing clothes did not show any moderating effect on the perceived performance affecting the consumer satisfaction. The self-efficacy in purchasing clothes seems to have a moderating effect on the consumer satisfaction formation process by affecting the ambiguity in pre-purchase product assessment and not in post-purchase product evaluation.

Attitudes and Preferences about Elderly Communal Housing-focused on developing Elderly Assisted Living in Korea- (노인공동생활주택에 대한 태도의 선호- 한국에서의 노인생활지원주택 개발 방향을 중심으로-)

  • 홍형옥
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.147-166
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    • 2001
  • The Purpose of this study was 1) to analyse the attitudes about Elderly Assisted Living (EAL) among urban Korean 2) to consider the policy implications for elderly communal housing. The research methods used were 1) social survey research with questionnaire to find attitudes and preferences about EAL among potential elderly client in Seoul, Korea 2) interpretative suggestion for appropriate policy implications to facilitate developing EAL in urban Korea. A questionnaire was used to find attitudes/preferences about EAL was adapted from the results of the review about communal housing in the UK. The survey was undertaken from September to October, 2000 in Seoul, Korea. Data was collected from 413 subjects and analysed using various statistical techniques. From the results, location should be differentiated into urban type and suburban type. The urban type would prefer around 5 stories multi-family house style with elevator and suburban type would prefer single detached house style with shared garde. The most preferred characteristics found by factor analysis were factor I named as communal facilities and environment(the items belong to factor I was neighbour environment, communal spaces and facilities, heating system, and elevator). The most important advantages of EAL were social activities and convenience. The most salient disadvantages of EAL were difficulty of family contact. The higher the occupational status and income, the lower the preference for the characteristics of EAL with a preference for finding appropriate living arrangements in present housing market. But the higher the educational level, the higher the degree of preference for the characteristics of EAL.

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An Analysis of the House Model for the Multicultural Families -Based on the Sensus for the Satisfaction and the Present Status of the Dwelling for the Multi-cultural Families in Pu-Yu Area (다문화 가정을 위한 주거모델 연구 - 부여 지역 다문화가정의 주거만족도와 주거실태를 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Chan-Yong;Kim, Jong-Hwan
    • Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2012
  • The main aim of the current research is to make the resources for the architectural planning available and usable from the investigation of the various dwelling needs in order for the multicultural family to make comfortable settlement. The members of multicultural families demand the various needs depending on their usage and identification of the dwelling space. The current research has conducted to define the solution to address the raised issue and unsatisfied factors from the dwelling that does not meet the multi-cultural families' demand, finding out from the survey/interview from the multicultural dwellers The methods to investigate is firstly to conduct the research based on the previous data with theological study, secondly, to perform the survey to the members of the multi-cultural families, and thirdly, to determine the satisfactory status and the requesting factors for the spaces by in-depth interview with selected members of multi-cultural families, using the diagram.

Merits of this Group Homes far the Elderly with Dementia Recognized by Middle and Upper Class Families, and Potential Obstacles to its Introduction in Korea (중산층 이상 가족이 인식하는 치매노인 그룹흠의 장점과 국내 도입의 문제점)

  • 김대년;권오정;최정선
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.113-128
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    • 2001
  • middle and upper class families, and examine obstacles to their introduction in Korea. Since a few large-scale facilities for the elderly with dementia have been provided for only low-income families free of charge, the necessity of group homes for middle and upper class families willing to pay for such services has become an issue recently in order to lessen the burden on families, as well as to promote the well-being of the dementia victims themselves. The survey was conducted by questionnaires collected from 577 respondents from middle and upper class families. The results of the survey were as follows: The merits of the group homes were 1)decreasing loneliness of the elderly, 2)providing active and stimulating environments allowing for participation everyday life activities, and 3)lessening the emotional and physical burden on the caring families. Potential obstacles to its introduction in Korea were 1)the difficulty of finding sites to build the group home because of the negative perception of people with disabilities and a NIMBY(Not In My Back Yard) reaction to the construction of it and 2)the economic burden on the caring family. Surprisingly, the guilt factor associated with sending the parents into group homes was not considered as a big obstacle. Referring to results of this study, it is asserted that group homes for the elderly with dementia would be embraced throughout the country if Koreans could have the chance to understand what group homes are.

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Comparison study on the oral health behaviors of multicultural family adolescents and native family adolescents in Korea (한국 다문화청소년과 일반청소년간의 구강건강행태 비교)

  • Bae, Jin-Soon
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the oral health behaviors of multicultural family adolescents and native family adolescents to use as the basis for the oral health care. Methods: The data included a subset of the Korean Youth Health Behavior Online Survey, self-administered, targeting 72,435 middle school and high school students in 2013. The questionnaire was composed of respondents characteristics, oral eating behavior, drinking, smoking, oral health behavior, oral symptoms. Results: 1. 35.7% of the multicultural adolescents were bad economic level and 26.5% of the multicultural adolescents perceived their oral health status to be poorer than native adolescents. 2. 51.1% of multicultural adolescents was 5 times more likely to intake milk and 15.5% of multicultural adolescents cookie intake was higher than native adolescent. 3. 29.9% of multicultural adolescents always brushed their teeth more in a week than native adolescents. 4. Bleeding gums and oral odor symptoms in multicultural adolescents were 24.6%, 28.0% higher than native adolescents. Conclusions: This finding suggests that the multicultural adolescent need health education including oral health food habit, oral health care, early dental visit for prevention, early treatment.

A Study on the Analysis of the Current and the Demand of the House for the Blind (시각장애인 주택의 실태 및 요구도 분석에 관한연구)

  • Kim, Sang-Woon;Kang, Byoung-Keun;Soong, Ki-Chang;Park, Kwang-Jae;Yun, Young-Sam;Jung, Eun-Young
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.41-52
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    • 2009
  • Increasing the old and the senile disability, it is increased that the demand of barrier-free house for the disabled, the senior, the pregnant and the young is strongly increasing recently. In this reason, this study focuses the problems of the house which is used by the Blind through the investigation of current status and tries to find out the differences between disability's demand and current design of their house. As well, through the research and analysis some cases of the residential alterations this study verifies what the demand is on each room and their need is committed correctly during the residential alterations. It is the purposes of this study finding the problems through these research and analysis. Thus this study investigates houses of the Blind and finds out their house type, scale and daily life through the statistical data and documentary survey and also, investigates current status of their house. The basic standard for the current status and the demand analysis is researched by the barrier factors which are deducted from the former study.

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A Study on Furniture Layout Characteristics According to Space Control Behavior in Housing Area - Focused on Survey of Furniture Layout in Apartment - (주거공간의 공간조절행위에 따른 가구배치특성 연구 - 아파트의 가구배치 실태조사를 중심으로 -)

  • Cheon, Hye Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Furniture Society
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.342-354
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    • 2012
  • This study aimed at acknowledging characteristics of space usage and suggesting orientation of space planning and furniture designing that meet various residents' demands correlating with residential area, furniture and family members by doing fact finding of volume of the furniture in medium/small sized apartment. The contents of the study are "experience of functional remodeling," "a number of bedrooms correlating with a number of family" and "furniture arrangement of each space and characteristics of space utilization" based on forty six cases. Followings are results of the study. 1) It was acknowledged that the function of space relating to family members largely depends on furniture arrangement correlating with age of children. It is needed that flexible planning of residential area to meets growing children and various family demands. 2) Functional remodeling requires furniture rearrangement attended with the remodeling. Thus, it is required that ideas in more simple and efficient furniture designing and consideration of construction environment embracing that ideas. 3) It can be acknowledged that the most demanding matter to enjoy satisfied and comfortable life in residential area is the matter of storage area. It is also understandable that the matter can be worse by time going by and the change of living pattern. Therefore, it is required that the consideration of enough storage area compatible with its function of the room and the planning of built-in furniture for storage.

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