• Title/Summary/Keyword: Summer Power

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The real nature of the West Wind in Shelley's Ode to the West Wind (셸리의 Ode to the West Wind에 나타난 서풍의 실체)

  • Jeon, Woong-Ju
    • English Language & Literature Teaching
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    • no.5
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    • pp.259-272
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    • 1999
  • The real nature of the west wind in Shelley's Ode to the West Wind is the divine providence which influences all things in this world- that is, whether they are on land, in the sky, or in the sea. The divine providence is the manifestation of something beyond the present and tangibel object. In the first stanza, the real nature of the west wind in this poem is the wild wind, the breath of Autumn's being, the unseen presence, the azure sister of the Spring, a Destroyer, a Preserver, the winged seed, a creator, a philosopher, a poet, Shelley, and the wild spirit moving everywhere. In the second stanza, the real nature of the west wind in this poem is cloud, the angel of rain and lightning, fierce Maenad, the approaching storm, the congregated might, the black rain, the fire, hail, solid atmosphere, the tremendous power of revolutionary change, and the power that influences all things in the sky. In the third stanza, the real nature of the west wind in this poem is the voice that makes the oozy woods which wear the sapless foliage of the Atlantic, and the power makes the blue Mediterranean wake from his summer dream. the fit medium of expression which Shelley's soul was seeking for, Shelley's passion, Shelley's partner, Shelley's co-worker, and a strong presence which influences in the sea. In the fourth stanza, the real nature of the west wind in this poem is the mightest presence, the power, the strength, the free presence, the uncontrollable, the wanderer over heaven, a vision, the tameless, the swift, the proud and the God who can save Shelley form the heavy weight of hours and lift Shelley as a wave a leaf, a cloud. In the fifth stanza, the real nature of the west wind in this poem is the mighty harmony, the fierce Spirit, Shelley's spirit, the impetuous spirit, incanation of this verse, spark, the trumpet of a prophecy, the Providence which can make the Winter depart and call Spring, and the prophet. To conclude, the real nature of the west wind in this poem is Shelley's accumulated insight that he visulize his impulse of revolutionary thought.

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Development of the method for optimal water supply pump operation considering disinfection performance (소독능을 고려한 송수펌프 최적운영기법 개발)

  • Hyung, Jinseok;Kim, Kibum;Seo, Jeewon;Kim, Taehyeon;Koo, Jayong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.32 no.5
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    • pp.421-434
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    • 2018
  • Water supply/intake pumps operation use 70~80% of power costs in water treatment plants. In the water treatment plant, seasonal and hourly differential electricity rates are applied, so proper pump scheduling can yield power cost savings. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to develop an optimal water supply pump scheduling scheme. An optimal operation method of water supply pumps by using genetic algorithm was developed. Also, a method to minimize power cost for water supply pump operation based on pump performance derived from the thermodynamic pump efficiency measurement method was proposed. Water level constraints to provide sufficient disinfection performance in a clearwell and reservoirs were calibrated. In addition, continuous operation time constraints were calibrated to prevent frequent pump switching. As a result of optimization, savings ratios during 7 days in winter and summer were 4.5% and 5.1%, respectively. In this study, the method for optimal water pump operation was developed to secure disinfection performance in the clearwell and to save power cost. It is expected that it will be used as a more advanced optimal water pump operation method through further studies such as water demand forecasting and efficiency according to pump combination.

The development for flooding prevention apparatus of electrical equipment using air pressure (공기압을 이용한 전기설비 침수 방지 장치 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Gi-Hyun;Jean, Hyun-Jae;Lee, Sang-Ick;Bae, Suk-Myong;Lee, Jae-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.281-284
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    • 2008
  • Inundation of substation and ground power equipment breaks out every summer season in low-lying downtown and low-lying shore by localized heavy rain, typhoon and tidal wave. In case inundation excluding the exchanging cost of equipment, it occurs a great economic and social loss owing to recovery time and events of electric shock occur by inundation electrical equipment(Pad-mounted Transformer and Switch). In case of installing the power equipment at flood danger territory, we are necessary to the product development, the product is that water does not come in the inside the power equipment. Product of pressure maintaining are established on the basic frame and sensor operates at the flooding occurrence and is maintained a shutting tightly structure and it is a method. The product which is produced the reliability of the product it confirmed a flooding yes or no from the condition which puts in the water tank and it verified. We estimate that loss cost which is caused by with flooding and the power failure will be diminished if it is addition to advances the reliability evaluation and a security of the flood protection product.

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What Can Radiation Protection Experts Contribute to the Issue of the Treated Water Stored in the Damaged Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant?

  • Yamaguchi, Ichiro
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.24-31
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    • 2021
  • Decommissioning efforts are underway at the reactor where the accident occurred, namely the damaged Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP). However, a large amount of groundwater flowing into the site has become contaminated with radioactive substances and is stored in tanks on site, which has hampered the decommissioning work. Although the inflow of groundwater has been greatly reduced through measures such as the construction of frost walls, approximately 170 ㎥ of water treated by the Advanced Liquid Processing System (ALPS) is being stored in tanks, each day. The tanks used to store this treated water are expected to become full by around the summer of 2022. It is not easy to get people to understand the efforts of all concerned parties, and providing clear information to these concerned parties is also a challenge. Questions have also been raised regarding whether other alternatives have been fully explored in the ALPS subcommittee. Some people have commented that the answers to the questions raised regarding the biological effects of tritium transmutation are inadequate. Some suspect that the answers are too detailed and incomprehensible, and that the respondents may be manipulating the public with some malicious intent. In any case, each possible plan presents both advantages and disadvantages, depending on the people who are involved. That makes it an ethical and vexing issue that can sway decisions, as perspectives change. While the environmental release plan is scientifically safe, it may represent a painful alternative. On the other hand, a more careful and imaginative approach to the idea of continued storage in tanks or other forms of storage may reveal some troublesome hidden disadvantages. Under these circumstances, experts must be prepared to answer people's questions in a comprehensive and robust manner.

A Study on Peak Load Prediction Using TCN Deep Learning Model (TCN 딥러닝 모델을 이용한 최대전력 예측에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Jung Il
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.251-258
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    • 2023
  • It is necessary to predict peak load accurately in order to supply electric power and operate the power system stably. Especially, it is more important to predict peak load accurately in winter and summer because peak load is higher than other seasons. If peak load is predicted to be higher than actual peak load, the start-up costs of power plants would increase. It causes economic loss to the company. On the other hand, if the peak load is predicted to be lower than the actual peak load, blackout may occur due to a lack of power plants capable of generating electricity. Economic losses and blackouts can be prevented by minimizing the prediction error of the peak load. In this paper, the latest deep learning model such as TCN is used to minimize the prediction error of peak load. Even if the same deep learning model is used, there is a difference in performance depending on the hyper-parameters. So, I propose methods for optimizing hyper-parameters of TCN for predicting the peak load. Data from 2006 to 2021 were input into the model and trained, and prediction error was tested using data in 2022. It was confirmed that the performance of the deep learning model optimized by the methods proposed in this study is superior to other deep learning models.

Evaluation of Occupational Exposure to Noise and Heat stress in Coal-fired Power Plants (석탄화력발전소 작업자의 소음과 온열 스트레스에 대한 노출 평가)

  • Jiwoon Kwon;Kwang-Myong Jang;Sungho Kim;Se-Dong Kim;Miyeon Jang;Jiwon Ro;Seunghyun Park
    • Journal of Korean Society of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.464-470
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This study evaluated occupational exposures to noise and heat stress during routine non-outage works in three coal-fired power plants in the Republic of Korea. Methods: The data were collected during the summer of 2020. Full shift noise exposure of 52 workers were measured using noise dosimeters. Heat stress of 16 worksites were measured for 70 minutes using wet-bulb globe temperature monitors. Results: The noise dosimetry results revealed time-weighted averages that ranged from 47.5 to 88.9 dBA. 2 out of 52 noise measurements exceeded 85 dBA. Based on the arithmetic mean, the coal service group showed the highest level at 80.2 dBA by job tasks. Noise exposures exceeding 85 dBA were measured in the coal service and plant operator group. Heat stress index measurements ranged from 20.3℃ to 37.2℃. 1 out of 9 indices measured in coal facilities and 4 out of 7 indices measured in boiler house exceeded 1 hour TWA during moderate work. Heat stress indices measured from boiler houses were significantly higher than those measured from coal equipment. Conclusions: The results show that overexposure to noise and heat stress may be encountered during routine non-outage work activities in coal-fired power plants. Appropriate actions should be taken to reduce future health outcome from occupational exposure to noise and heat stress in the industry.

A Study on the Application of a Wind Power Generation System Using Outdoor Air on the Rooftop and Indoor Ventilation (건물 옥상외기와 실내배기를 활용한 풍력발전시스템 적용 연구)

  • Lee, Yong-Ho;Park, Jin-Chul;Hwang, Jung-Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.72-80
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    • 2014
  • This study proposed a wind power generation system utilizing outdoor air on the rooftop and indoor ventilation, which would increase according to the building height, as a way to help to save energy consumption in a building by using wind power energy of the new renewable energy sources. The study measured the distribution of air currents and power generation according to the usage factor of exhaust pipes in the kitchen and bathroom and identified the elements to consider when applying a wind power generation system to buildings in order to use outdoor air on the rooftop increasing according to the height and the indoor ventilation produced in the facility vertical shafts inside the buildings by installing a wind power generation system on the rooftop. (1) The study measured the ventilation velocity of the kitchen hood and bathroom ventilation fan by changing the zone areas by the households according to the usage factor of [${\alpha}$]=33~100%. As a result, the kitchen ventilation pipe generated the ventilation wind of 3.0m/s or more at the usage factor of [${\alpha}$] 66% or higher, and the bathroom ventilation pipe generated ventilation velocity lower than 3.0m/s, the blade velocity of the wind power generator, even after the usage factor rose to [${\alpha}$]=100%. (2) As the old bathroom ventilation pipe generated the ventilation velocity of 3.0m/s, the blade velocity of the wind power generator, even with the rising usage factor [${\alpha}$], the application of an outdoor air induction module increased the ventilation velocity by 2.9m/s at the usage factor of [${\alpha}$]=33%, 3.8m/s at the usage factor of [${\alpha}$]=66%, and 3.6m/s at the usage factor of [${\alpha}$]=100%. Thus the ventilation velocity of 3.0m/s, the blade velocity of the wind power generator, or higher was secured. (3) The findings prove that the applicability of a wind power generation system using outdoor air on the rooftop and indoor ventilation is excellent, which raises a need for various efforts to increase the possibility of its commercialization such as securing its structural stability according to momentary gusts on the rooftop and typhoons in summer and making the structure light to react to the wind directions of outdoor air on the rooftop according to the seasons.

Space Weather Effects on GEO Satellite Anomalies during 1997-2009

  • Choi, Ho-Sung;Lee, Jae-Jin;Cho, Kyung-Suk;Cho, Il-Hyun;Park, Young-Deuk
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.30.2-30.2
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    • 2010
  • Numerous operational anomalies and satellite failures have been reported since the beginnings of the "space age". Space weather effects on modern spacecraft systems have been emphasized more and more as increasing their complexity and capability. Energetic particles potentially can destroy and degrade electronic components in satellites. We analyzed the geostationary (GEO) satellite anomalies during 1997-2009 to search possible influences of space weather on the satellite anomalies like power problem, control processor problem, attitude control problem, etc. For this we use particle data from GOES and LANL satellites to investigate space weather effects on the GEO satellites' anomalies depending on Kp index, local time, seasonal variation, and high-energy electron contribution. As results, we obtained following results: (1) there is a good correlation between geomagnetic index(Kp) and anomaly occurrences of the GEO satellite; (2) especially during the solar minimum, occurrence of the satellite anomalies are related to electron flux increase due to high speed solar wind; (3) satellite anomalies occurred more preferentially in the midnight and dawn sector than noon and dusk sector; (4) and the anomalies occurred twice more in Spring and Fall than Summer and Winter; (5) the electron with the lowest energy channel (50-75keV) has the highest correlation (cc=0.758) with the anomalies. High association between the anomalies and the low energy electrons could be understand by the facts that electron fluxes in the spring and fall are stronger than those in the summer and winter, and low-energy electron flux is more concentrated in the dawn sector where the GEO satellite anomalies occurred more frequently than high-energy electron flux. While we could not identify what cause such local time dependences, our results shows that low-energy electrons (~100keV) could be main source of the satellite anomaly, which should be carefully taken into account of operating satellites.

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An Analysis on the Color Trend of Street Fashion in Dalian, China(paper no.1) - Focused on 2010 Summer -

  • Kim, Eun-Sil;Bae, Soo-Jeong
    • Journal of Fashion Business
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.51-66
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of the traditional color sentiment on the contemporary clothing color by studying the pictures of street fashion of Dalian in China, in view of the clothing color of women in their 20-30 years of age having highest purchasing power, along with traditional Chinese color. The clothing color is various in frequency depending on the items in street fashion. Due to the seasonal impact of summer, the most frequent item was one-piece dress with the Multi of various color patterns, followed by White, Black, PB, R and B category. In the top color, the White was most prevalent color due to the seasonal factor, followed by Black, Grey, Multi, R, Y, RP category. Achromatic color is more dominant with the ratio of 7:3, comparing with its counterpart, which consists of R and Y category of V, B, P, VP tone. In the bottom color, Dp tone of PB shows most high frequency, followed by Black. This results illustrate that Chinese women prefer blue jeans and to be looked as slimmer by using of the dark colors. In the accessories, colors of bags and shoes show different results. The bag colors show the high frequency of Dk tone, YR category, and the chromatic colors are little bit dominant than achromatic ones with the ratio of 5.3:4.7. On the contrary, the shoes colors show the highest frequency in Black, the achromatic colors are more dominant than chromatic ones with the ratio of 6.6:3.4. These results somewhat diverge from the international color trend. Color trend in Dalian street fashion in which the high frequency of V tone is observed through all the colors of the items followed by P, VP, Lgr tone in sequence. In the light of Chinese traditional color preference, this result denotes that the traditional color preferences of red, yellow are still affecting the contemporary color choices of clothing in Chinese women. The high incidence of PB category in the bottom and one-piece dress does not seem to have its origin form traditional Chinese color sentiment.

Analysis of Indoor Air & thermal environment with Hybrid Ventilation system during summer (하계 공동주택 하이브리드 환기시스템 적용에 따른 실내공기 및 열 환경 평가)

  • Kim, Sang-Jin;Kim, Eun-Soo;Kim, Tae-Yeon;Leigh, Seung-Bok
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.387-392
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    • 2006
  • The recent on indoor air problem has led to many studies on the methods and effects of ventilation for better indoor air quality. Although natural ventilation is the most effective and energy-saving method in residental housings, the small size of openable window has been a problem in high-rise residential buildings to ventilate only through natural ventilation. Consequently, the installation of mechanical ventilation system has been a requirement in residential buildings, and has caused other problems such as increase of energy consumption and SBS. Hybrid ventilation which uses forces of both natural and mechanical power has been introduced to solve the problem of increase in energy consumption with natural ventilation. In this paper, two types of hybrid ventilation systems in residential building were introduced. One type was with natural ventilation through vent grille in the window, and another type was with natural ventilation through ceiling duct while both types used mechanical ventilation system with the outlets. The indoor temperature distribution and pollution density distribution in summer while operating the ceiling air conditioner were analyzed through CFD simulation. In this paper, the optimal location of diffusers to achieve thermal comfort would be proposed.

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