• Title/Summary/Keyword: Subtraction image

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Outcomes of Non-Operative Management for Pseudarthrosis after Pedicle Subtraction Osteotomies at Minimum 5 Years Follow-Up

  • Kim, Yong-Chan;Kim, Ki-Tack;Kim, Cheung-Kue;Hwang, Il-Yeong;Jin, Woo-Young;Lenke, Lawrence G.;Cha, Jae-Ryong
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.62 no.5
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    • pp.567-576
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    • 2019
  • Objective : Minimal data exist regarding non-operative management of suspected pseudarthrosis after pedicle subtraction osteotomy (PSO). This study reports radiographic and clinical outcomes of non-operative management for post-PSO pseudarthrosis at a minimum 5 years post-detection. Methods : Nineteen consecutive patients with implant breakage indicating probable pseudarthrosis after PSO surgery (13 women/six men; mean age at surgery, 58 years) without severe pain and disability were treated with non-operative management (mean follow-up, 5.8 years; range, 5-10 years). Non-operative management included medication, intermittent brace wearing and avoidance of excessive back strain. Radiographic and clinical outcomes analysis was performed. Results : Sagittal vertical axis (SVA), proximal junctional angle, thoracic kyphosis achieved by a PSO were maintained after detection of pseudarthrosis through ultimate follow-up. Lumbar lordosis and PSO angle decreased at final follow-up. There was no significant change in Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scores and Scoliosis Research Society (SRS) total score, or subscales of pain, self-image, function, satisfaction and mental health between detection of pseudarthrosis and ultimate follow-up. SVA greater than 11 cm showed poorer ODI and SRS total score, as well as the pain, self-image, and function subscales (p<0.05). Conclusion : Non-operative management of implant failure of probable pseudarthrosis after PSO offers acceptable outcomes even at 5 years after detection of implant breakage, provided SVA is maintained. As SVA increased, outcome scores decreased in this patient population.

Enhancement of Image Quality Using Detector Filter (검출기 필터를 이용한 화질의 향상)

  • Lim, Jong-Nam;Kim, Hyung-Tae;Kim, Min-Hye;Chon, Kwon Su
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.451-456
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    • 2016
  • Radiation dose to patient is unavoidable when diagnosis is carried out using X-ray. Radiation diagnosis using dual energy X-ray was examined to verify the possibility of medical applications by SNR and image scoring. The dual energy X-ray was realized by combining together two image plates and filter of 0.5 mm thick Cu or Al. Under one X-ray exposure, contrast enhanced image was obtained using two images of image plates. The enhanced image showed higher SNR and image score compared to the first image which was the image recorded with the first image plate. The dual energy X-ray technique would be a very useful method for obtaining higher SNR image and for realizing very low dose, and could be applied to medical applications.

Visual Tracking Using Monte Carlo Sampling and Background Subtraction (확률적 표본화와 배경 차분을 이용한 비디오 객체 추적)

  • Kim, Hyun-Cheol;Paik, Joon-Ki
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.48 no.5
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2011
  • This paper presents the multi-object tracking approach using the background difference and particle filtering by monte carlo sampling. We apply particle filters based on probabilistic importance sampling to multi-object independently. We formulate the object observation model by the histogram distribution using color information and the object dynaminc model for the object motion information. Our approach does not increase computational complexity and derive stable performance. We implement the whole Bayesian maximum likelihood framework and describes robust methods coping with the real-world object tracking situation by the observation and transition model.

Motion Estimation-based Human Fall Detection for Visual Surveillance

  • Kim, Heegwang;Park, Jinho;Park, Hasil;Paik, Joonki
    • IEIE Transactions on Smart Processing and Computing
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.327-330
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    • 2016
  • Currently, the world's elderly population continues to grow at a dramatic rate. As the number of senior citizens increases, detection of someone falling has attracted increasing attention for visual surveillance systems. This paper presents a novel fall-detection algorithm using motion estimation and an integrated spatiotemporal energy map of the object region. The proposed method first extracts a human region using a background subtraction method. Next, we applied an optical flow algorithm to estimate motion vectors, and an energy map is generated by accumulating the detected human region for a certain period of time. We can then detect a fall using k-nearest neighbor (kNN) classification with the previously estimated motion information and energy map. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively detect someone falling in any direction, including at an angle parallel to the camera's optical axis.

Classification of Apple Coloration Using Image Processing System (영상처리(映像處理) 장치(裝置)를 이용(利用)한 사과의 색택(色澤) 판정(判定))

  • Noh, S.H.;Ryu, K.H.;Kim, S.M.
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.272-280
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    • 1991
  • The aims of this study were to investigate the feasivility of analyzing a few sorting factors such as size, coloration and defect of apples with a monochrome image processing system and to find apparent properties which could be effectively used for apple sorting. The results are summarized as follows. 1. A computer program was made to analyze the projection area, coloration and defect of an apple with a monochrome image processing system. 2. The algorithm developed to compute the projedtion area of an apple was between on the proportional relation between a given reference area and the corresponding number of pixels, and the computing time was 0.74 to 0.82 second depending on the size of apple. 3. The coloration of an apple was expressed as the ratio of the gray value of a reference color to that of a given bounded area of the stem end surface (defined as coloration index), and the computing time was about 3.0 seconds with this algorithm. 4. Defect of an apple could be isolated by lowpass filtering and image subtraction but it took about 20 seconds in computing time. 5. The coloration of the Fuji apple could be classified into 3 to 4 groups by the coloration index and also, it was found that the correlation coefficient between the indices and sugar contents was 0.74. 6. The coloration index obtained from a given bounded area of the stem end side of the Fuji apple could represent the coloration of total surface with a correlation coefficient of 0.922.

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Salient Motion Information Detection Method Using Weighted Subtraction Image and Motion Vector (가중치 차 영상과 움직임 벡터를 이용한 두드러진 움직임 정보 검출 방법)

  • Kim, Sun-Woo;Ha, Tae-Ryeong;Park, Chun-Bae;Choi, Yeon-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.779-785
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    • 2007
  • Moving object detection is very important for video surveillance in modern days. In special case, we can categorize motions into two types-salient and non-salient motion. In this paper, we first calculate temporal difference image for extract moving objects and adapt to dynamic environments and next, we also propose a new algorithm to detect salient motion information in complex environment by combining temporal difference image and binary block image which is calculated by motion vector using the newest MPEG-4 and EPZS, and it is very effective to detect objects in a complex environment that many various motions are mixed.

Multiple Moving Person Tracking Based on the IMPRESARIO Simulator

  • Kim, Hyun-Deok;Jin, Tae-Seok
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.331-336
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, we propose a real-time people tracking system with multiple CCD cameras for security inside the building. To achieve this goal, we present a method for 3D walking human tracking based on the IMPRESARIO framework incorporating cascaded classifiers into hypothesis evaluation. The efficiency of adaptive selection of cascaded classifiers has been also presented. The camera is mounted from the ceiling of the laboratory so that the image data of the passing people are fully overlapped. The implemented system recognizes people movement along various directions. To track people even when their images are partially overlapped, the proposed system estimates and tracks a bounding box enclosing each person in the tracking region. The approximated convex hull of each individual in the tracking area is obtained to provide more accurate tracking information. We have shown the improvement of reliability for likelihood calculation by using cascaded classifiers. Experimental results show that the proposed method can smoothly and effectively detect and track walking humans through environments such as dense forests.

Adaptive Background Formation Using Image Processing Techniques (영상처리 기법을 이용한 적응적 배경 생성)

  • Jeong, Jongmyeon;Lee, Sejun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2013.07a
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    • pp.49-50
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    • 2013
  • 본 논문에서는 물체탐지를 위한 적응적 배경 생성 기법을 제안한다. 연속적으로 입력되는 영상들의 통계적 평균을 이용하여 배경을 생성하고 배경과 입력영상간의 차영상을 구하여 물체를 탐지한다. 탐지된 물체를 추척하여 일정시간이상 계속 정지해 있는 경우에는 그 물체영역을 배경으로 갱신하고, 이동 물체인 경우에는 배경 갱신에서 배제함으로써 지속적으로 물체를 탐지할 수 있도록 한다. 실험결과는 제안된 방법의 강건함을 보인다.

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Real-time face tracking for high-resolution intelligent surveillance system (고해상도 지능형 감시시스템을 위한 실시간 얼굴영역 추적)

  • 권오현;김상진;김영욱;백준기
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.317-320
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, we present real-time, accurate face region detection and tracking technique for an intelligent surveillance system. It is very important to obtain the high-resolution images, which enables accurate identification of an object-of-interest. Conventional surveillance or security systems, however, usually provide poor image quality because they use one or more fixed cameras and keep recording scenes without any clue. We implemented a real-time surveillance system that tracks a moving person using pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) cameras. While tracking, the region-of-interest (ROI) can be obtained by using a low-pass filter and background subtraction. Color information in the ROI is updated to extract features for optimal tracking and zooming. The experiment with real human faces showed highly acceptable results in the sense of both accuracy and computational efficiency.

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A Study on Improving the Adaptive Background Method for Outdoor CCTV Object Tracking System

  • Jung, Do-Wook;Choi, Hyung-Il
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.20 no.7
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we propose a method to solve ghosting problem. To generate adaptive background, using an exponentially decreasing number of frames, may improve object detection performance. To extract moving objects from the background by using a differential image, detection error may be caused by object rotations or environmental changes. A ghosting problem can be issue-driven when there are outdoor environmental changes and moving objects. We studied that a differential image by adaptive background may reduce the ghosting problem. In experimental results, we test that our method can solve the ghosting problem.