• Title/Summary/Keyword: Students Management System

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Smart Learning for National Technical Qualifications ARCS Motivation Theory is Interactive, Immersive Learning, Research Influence of Continuous use with Pleasure (국가기술자격증을 위한 스마트러닝 ARCS 동기이론이 상호작용성, 학습몰입, 즐거움을 통해 지속적 사용의도에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Park, Dong Cheul;Hwang, Chan Gyu;Kwon, Do Soon
    • Information Systems Review
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.101-132
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    • 2015
  • National technical qualifications to enhance an individual's vocational skills, the competitiveness of companies and countries have an important function to improve. Especially 'qualifications' will have a signal function to show objectively measure an individual's ability with the 'Education' The "knowledge necessary for the performance of their duties. Technology will gain knowledge about such assessment or recognition is based on certain criteria and procedures." Learning to qualify are being made through a smart learning a lot. Due to the revolution of the Internet in recent years with the development of information and communication technologies are entering into a knowledge society, the importance of information and knowledge. This contemporary smart learning education system is continuing to rapidly growing in pace with the changing time and space constraints, without teaching and learning is taking place. The purpose of this study is the ARCS motivation theory can determine a representative theory of human motivation factors and basic psychological needs dealing with the human nature of the psychological needs Interactivity and immersive learning, and to validate the empirical causality Affecting the continued use of smart learning through fun. Specifically, attention, relevance, confidence in the ARCS motivation, see their effect on the learning flow through the satisfaction we analyze empirically. Through this national technical qualifications smart learner's learning by supporting the implicit synchronization of students in learning are the degree of continued use. Therefore, to achieve the objectives of national technical qualifications and skills through a smart learning can contribute to the activation of the development and certification of course industry.

Maritime Officers' Strategies for Collision Avoidance in Crossing Situations

  • Hong, Seung Kweon
    • Journal of the Ergonomics Society of Korea
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.525-533
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    • 2017
  • Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate maritime officers' strategies to avoid the ship collision in crossing situations. Background: In a situation where there is a risk of collision between two ships, maritime officers can change the direction and speed of the own-ship to avoid the collision. They have four options to select; adjusting the speed only, the direction only, both the speed and direction at the same time and no action. Research questions were whether the strategy they are using differs according to the shipboard experience of maritime officers and the representation method of ARPA (automatic radar plotting aid) - radar graphic information. Method: Participants were 12. Six of them had more than 3 years of onboard experience, while the others were 4th grade students at Korea Maritime and Ocean University. For each participant, 32 ship encounter situations were provided with ARPA-radar information. 16 situations were presented by the north-up display and 16 situations were presented by the track-up display. Participants were asked to decide how to move the own-ship to avoid the ship collision for each case. Results: Most participants attempted to avoid the collision by adjusting the direction of the ship, representing an average of 22.4 times in 32 judgment trials (about 70%). Participants who did not have experience on board were more likely to control speed and direction at the same time than participants with onboard experience. Participants with onboard experience were more likely to control the direction of the ship only. On the other hand, although the same ARPA Information was provided to the participants, the participants in many cases made different judgments depending on the method of information representation; track-up display and north-up display. It was only 25% that the participants made the same judgment under the same collision situations. Participants with onboard experience did make the same judgment more than participants with no onboard experience. Conclusion: In marine collision situations, maritime officers tend to avoid collisions by adjusting only the direction of their ships, and this tendency is more pronounced among maritime officers with onboard experience. The effect of the method of information representation on their judgment was not significant. Application: The results of this research might help to train maritime officers for safe navigation and to design a collision avoidance support system.

The Analysis of the Appropriateness of the Content Standards of Information, Information Appliances, and Operating System in Elementary School (초등학교에서 정보, 정보기기, 운영체제 교육을 위한 내용 선정의 적합성 조사 분석)

  • Park, Namje;Shin, Soo-Bum;Kim, Chul
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.617-628
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    • 2016
  • For the education on information, information appliances and operating systems of the information curriculum in elementary schools, precedent studies on the content structure of domestic and foreign curricula and etc. were compared and analyzed, and the ways of improvement and implications were examined. In addition, the necessity to select these contents, time of education, appropriateness of the selected contents were surveyed by professionals, and as the research results, the contents for the education on information, information appliances and operating systems in elementary schools were chosen, and achievement standards were set and proposed. The paper results can be used for the development of national level of elementary information curriculum and for the cultivation of elementary school students' key educational capacities. This paper has the limit that its results cannot be generalized because its analysis was based on the outcome surveyed only by some experts. Nevertheless, it is meaningful in that it specifically tried to analyze the appropriateness of the content achievement standards of the elementary information curriculum, and through which, it offers the information necessary for the stable management of elementary information curriculum and the improvement of elementary information curriculum.

The Spatial Inequalities in Education, Seoul (교육의 공간 불평등 연구)

  • Jung, Jae-Hun;Kim, Kyung-Min
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.385-401
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    • 2014
  • This research analyses spatial and temporal characteristics of the academic performances of high school students by using all 2,065,166 SAT scores for 3 years. The spatial inequalities in Seoul are analysed by DBMS and GIS. Based on three-year raw data of Korean SAT scores, the spatial and temporal characteristics of academic performances are scrutinized: 868,029 SAT scores cases of 2000 academic year on Novemver 17, 1999, 609,258 cases in 2005 academic year on November 17, 2004 and 587,890 cases in 2009 on November 13. The result shows that there are significant spatial disparities of the level of academic performance in Seoul by Gu level, also indicating that the disparities are getting wider over the course of time. The widening disparities by Gu level means that educational spatial inequality is intensified in spite of the increasing overall trend of academic performance of Seoul. It is also notable that disparities between regions are distinctive, while those in regions are not significant and sustained constant as time flows.

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The Moderating Effects of Self-participation Regarding the Impact of Education Service Quality on Student Satisfaction - Focusing on the Major of Food Service and Culinary Arts - (대학생들의 교육서비스품질이 교육만족도에 미치는 본인참여의 조절효과 - 외식.조리전공을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jong-Ho
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.246-258
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    • 2012
  • This study aims to provide the fundamental data of an efficient grading system after identifying the mediate and moderating effects of self-participation regarding the impact of education service quality on student satisfaction. To achieve the purpose of the study, SPSS 18.0 statistic program was used to conduct the frequency, factor and correlation analysis while targeting 310 students majoring in food service and culinary arts & science in 2 and 4 year universities in Busan area. Specifically, the mediate and moderating effects of self-participation were examined in accordance with three-stage regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis, respectively. The results of analyses suggested that there was the positive correlation between student satisfaction and education service quality, and the student satisfaction was correlated with self-participation in the entire variables, except for the welfare service. The self-participation didn't have any mediate effect, since the ratio of the student satisfaction to the education service quality with self-participation turned out to be p<0.01. The self-participation had moderating effects on student satisfaction, with the $R^2$ being increased by 0.032, from 0.537 to 0.569. However, it was only partial moderating effects because the self-participation, when along with laboratory environment, was not positively effective in terms of the statistic variables.

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Development of Family Nursing Phenomena in Korea by Retrospective Method of ICNP (ICNP의 후향적 개발방법에 의한 한국가족현상)

  • Yun, Sun-Nyeong;Kim, Hyeon-Suk;Gwon, Yeong-Suk;Park, Gyeong-Min;Kim, Hwa-Jung;Lee, Ji-Hyeon;Go, Yeong-Ae;So, Ae-Yeong;Yang, Sun-Ok;Jeon, Gyeong-Ja;Lee, In-Suk;Kim, Yeom-Im;Kim, Eun-Hui
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.275-290
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    • 1999
  • The Objectives of this study were to identify family nursing phenomena at the community in Korea and to contribute to build up family domain of International Classification for Nursing Practice. The method of this study was used retrospective one among three methods to develop ICNP during the period from April 1997 to June 1999. The procedure was to choose nursing phenomena using preliminary terms(stepl) from the reports on family nursing care of the nursing students of 5 junior colleges of nursing and 5 colleges of nursing. The study group members identified 3 common family nursing phenomena with 5 characteristics related to each phenomenon. In order to consensus the appropriate characteristics of a phenomenon(step2), 17 study group members had regrouped nursing phenomena and scored its characteristics 5 times. The essential characteristics of each family phenomenon were selected above 3.5 mean score from related characteristics(step 3). Finally, 17 phenomena were named preferred terms such as following, that was selected after investigated preliminary terms(step4). Family nursing phenomena in Korea are named as Lack of family interaction in community. Social isolation. Lack of social support system in community. Disturbance in parent role, Disturbance in marital role, Dissatisfaction of sexual life, Disturbance in family communication, Inappropriate family coping, Lack of family intimacy, Inappropriate family power structure, Family violence. Unhealthy life style. Deficit of financial management skill and support. Inadequate care a sick member. Insecure safety and hygiene in neighborhood, Inadequate home-sanitation. Inadequate home-making. Family nursing phenomena in Korea were partially confirmed family architecture of ICNP, Beta version. by this study. Further study on Family nursing phenomena in Korea will be required to support evidence through literature review of nursing classifications or field studies.

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Analysis on the Use Behavioral Patterns and Use Fluctuation over the Tong-Ch′on Amusement Park (동촌유원지의 이용실태 및 변동분석)

  • 김용수;임원현
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.17-37
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    • 1987
  • The purpose of this study is to establish more rational and practical planning theory for amusement park. It analyze and consider the fluctuation of people who come and use the Tong-Ch'on amusement park. The results drawn from this reserch work are as follows; 1. The main visitors of the Tong-Ch'on amusement park are students in their twenties and thirties, and people whose incomes are below 300,000 Won a month. The purpose of visit is for a rest rather than for amusement and user prefer summer, while the user is so rare in wintertime. Those phenomena observed are somewhat different from the real purpose of a amusement park which is on purpose to make profits by offering entertainments to the users. So planner should pay attention to the three points. They are varieties, seasonable diversification and fantastic character of facilties, in the amusement park. 2. The access time of the Tong-Ch'on amusement park was 41 minutes, the use frequency was 4 times a year and resident time was 164 minutes. The relationship of the three factors are as follows; log Y(F) =1.7832-0.0277(A.T) R$^2$=0.75 Y(R. F)=31.8885+3.3217(A.T) R$^2$=0.53 Y(R. T)=224.8959-87.8309 1og(F) R$^2$=0.38 F;Use frequency(time/year) A.T;Access Time(minute) R.T;Resident Time(minute) 3. In the choice of space, there were much differences according to tole user's age, job, degree of education, companion type and purpose of use. 4. There are considerable correlation between use fluctuation and some factors. The factors are season(summer, winter) as a time, temperature, cloud amount, duration of sunshine, weather(rainy-day) as a climate and a day of the week(weekday, holiday) as a social system. The important variables are temperature, cloud amount, duration of sunshine and a day of the week(weekday, holiday) to estimate the user of amusementpark. 5. 1 can reduce the following two types of regression models. 1) log$\sub$e/ Y1 = 6.9114 + 0.l135 TEM + 0.00002 SUN -0.4068W1 + 0.4316 W3 (R$^2$= 0.94) 2) log$\sub$e/ Y2 = 7.2069 + 0.l177 TEM - 0.0990 CLO + 0.4880 W3 (R$^2$=0.95) Y; Number of User TEM; Temperature CLO; Amount of cloud SUN; Duration of Sunshine W1; Weekday W3; Holiday Those model is in order to estimate the user for management of Tong-Ch'on amusement park and use on the computation of facility sloe for reconstruction. Besides the amusement park, city park and outdoor recreation area could estimate of user through this method. But, I am not sure about the regression models because I did not apply the regression models to the other amusement park, city Park or outdoor recreation area. Therefore, I think that this problem needs to be studied on in the future.

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Complications and Carcinogenic Effects of Mustard Gas - a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis in Iran

  • Panahi, Yunes;Gholami, Nasrin;Ghojazadeh, Morteza;Moslemi, Farnaz;Naghavi-Behzad, Mohammad;Azami-Aghdash, Saber;Ghaffari, Alireza;Piri, Reza
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.16 no.17
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    • pp.7567-7573
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    • 2015
  • Background: Catastrophic effects of mustard gas as a chemical warfare agent have always been a major problem for those exposed to this agent. In this meta-analysis it was tried to evaluate carcinogenesis, ocular, cutaneous and respiratory complications of mustard gas exposure among Iranians who had been exposed to this agent during the Iran-Iraq war. Materials and Methods: In this meta-analysis, the required data were collected using keywords "mustard gas", "sulfur mustard", "cancer", "neoplasm", "respiratory complications", "ocular complications", "lung disease", "chronic complication", "eye", "skin", "cutaneous complication", "carcinogenesis" and their combination with keywords "Iran", "Iranian", "prevalence", "mortality" and their Farsi equivalent terms from the databases of SID, Iranmedex, Magiran, Pubmed, Science Direct, Google Search engine, Gray Literature and Reference of References. To determine the prevalence of each complication and perform meta-analysis, CMA: 2 (Comprehensive Meta-Analysis) software with a randomized model was used. Results: Of the 542 articles found, 7 national articles, consistent with the aims of this study were selected. Meta-analysis of seven papers revealed that cancer risk, especially cancer of the respiratory system was elevated, so that the relative risk (RR) of cancer role of mustard gas was inconsistent from 2/1 to 4 in this survey. Also prevalence of delayed skin disorders due to sulfur mustard was 94.6%, pulmonary complications 94.5% and ocular complications 89.9%. The incidence of various cancers in victims exposed to mustard gas was 1.7% worldwide where the rate was 2.2% in Iranian victims of the Iraq-Iran war. Conclusions: Based on present study the prevalence of delayed mustard gas related cutaneous, pulmonary and ocular complications is above 90% and risk of carcinogenesis is higher in comparison to worldwide statistics. This may suggest need for long-term and persistent follow-up and rehabilitation procedures for populations exposed to this agent.

A Study of the Living Culture of Transnational Married Women and of Children's Outdoor Plays in their Hometown : Jilin Province - Jian in China (이주여성 출신 지역 생활문화와 아동놀이에 관한 연구 : 중국 길림성 집안시를 중심으로)

  • Song, Soon
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to understand the living culture of transnational married women and to analyze the out door play of children in their hometown. The data was collected through observation from 27th June to 7th July 2008 in Jian, Jilin Province China. The children's play and lifestyles were observed, and data pertaining to the culture of the people were collected by a teacher and staff. We also visited the residents for housing information. The results are given below. 1. They dressed in Korean clothes on festive days and the boys put on a hood. They had eating habits which included cooking for themselves or buying semi-manufactured goods but did not use, instant food. The housing habits involved a combination of cooking and heating by Korean floor heating system(Ondol). They utilized outdoor space to grow vegetables. Those with a fulltime job(teacher) preferred to live in an apartment but an apartment was too expensive. Public utility charges and traffic expenses were cheap. 2. The main festive days are the lunar New Year's Day and Chuseok. The children returned home and enjoyed the festive day with their parents. The language used are Korean language and Chinese. Some Korean words and phrases in Jian Joseonjok have different meanings as compared to how they are used in Korea. A capping ceremony did not to celebrate becoming an adult from an adolescent. Couples performed a wedding ceremony at a wedding hall attended by their parents and invited relatives from both families. The relatives gave the couple a wedding gift. They did not go on a wedding trip as it was not affordable but instead spent their wedding night at a hotel in this culture. When someone dies, they bury the body after cremation. They perform a memorial service for three years on the birthday of the departed. They have a banquet on the 60th birthdays with their relatives and neighbours and are typically presented with a carp for longevity. 3. They understand capitalism and therefore send their children to school to improve their social position. The Korean and Chinese languages are required subjects in school. The students choose a second language(English or Russian). They prefer English class but at the time of this study an English class was not offered at the school in Jian Joseonjok. Therefore the children entered a Chinese school. 4. The children play outdoor games such as Y$\acute{a}$o J$\grave{i}\bar{a}$(要家), X$\grave{i}$ang g$\grave{i}$(象棋), T$\grave{i}\grave{a}$o p$\acute{i}$ j$\grave{i}$n(r)(跳皮節), D$\grave{o}$uch ing g$\grave{u}$n 凍冷根, B$\bar{e}$i B$\bar{e}$i 背背, and soccer. They play games according to the season.

A narrative research on the job and the job-related learning of a mechanical engineer - an exemplary study on the characteristic of job-related learning of engineer in work place and it's implication on engineering education (기계설계분야 중견 엔지니어의 일과 학습에 관한 내러티브 연구 - 엔지니어의 직무관련 학습의 맥락과 공학교육에 대한 시사점 찾기)

  • Lim, Se-Yung
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.1-26
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    • 2013
  • This study inquired following research questions by a narrative research method : What was the job of an engineer in mechanical design field? How did he fulfill his job-related learning in his workplace? What were the context and the characteristic of the job-related learning in the workplace? And some implications of the job-related learning on engineering education were discussed. We identified that the research participant's career as a mechanical engineer has developed through three stages. At first, he engaged on conceptual design of a semi-conductor test machine through self-initiated learning from basic to whole system of the machine. At second stage, he leaded a design group for the concrete design of a ball type semi-conductor test machine. In this stage he learned the meaning of cooperation and cooperative learning. At third stage, he initiated to found an entrepreneur company that was specified to design a semi-conductor test machine. He became CEO of the company. He learned the R & D policy making through contacts with global company, visiting exhibition in abroad. Eventually his main task as a mechanical engineer was the problem solving in the process of machine design. He had experienced and learned through his works : project management, independent fulfilling of tasks, functional analysis and reverse engineering, conceptualizing and test, cohesive cooperation, dialogue and discussion, mediation of conflict, human relationship, leadership. The implication of the narrative analysis on engineering education is, proposed, to give the students more chances to experience and to learn such activities.