• Title/Summary/Keyword: Students Management System

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A Study on the Method of Assigning Students to the High Schools by the Allied Entrance Examination. -Especially on the System of an Assignment for the Pre-Application and the Post-Examination. - (연합고사에 의한 고교 신입생 배정방법에 관한 연구 -특히 선지원 . 후시험 배정제도를 중심으로-)

  • 이철식;홍순태
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.22-42
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    • 1990
  • This paper deals with enhancement of the high school equalization assignment system to be executed by the allied entrance examination after the applicants graduated from their middle schools. In prevailing opinion, because educational demander's will has not been considered under the current system, it whose merits have been covered is required to be improved. If the application system of the entrance examination for the high schools will be returned, a situation that it will result in irregularity of the middle school education and in overheating entrance examination seems to appear explicitly. Since the averages of the allied entrance examination score of all the high schools, achieved by the equalization-application nearest assignment system which is named by writers of this paper, are equal, our system is good for maintaining the merits of the current system. More than 50% educational demander's will has been reflected by our system, so that we come to the conclusion that our system is excellent in all the systems verified up to now. Assigning students to the high school to make an average difference between three and five score, we expect that relection rate of the educational demander's will be increased more than 60%.

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A Review of Cross-Cultural Design to Improve User Engagement for Learning Management System

  • Farhan Hanis Muhmad Asri;Dalbir Singh;Zulkefli Mansor;Helmi Norman
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.397-419
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    • 2024
  • Online learning has become a widespread practice for students and teachers in acquiring and delivering knowledge. Education platforms have become prominent in the 21st century with the evolution of technology and the accessibility to online learning. As a result, various learning management systems (LMSs) have been introduced to facilitate online interaction between users. For instance, communication between students and teachers at school. However, there is a need to emphasise user engagement in LMS to enhance the online learning experience amongst students since the design of LMS affects user engagement. This study utilised a systematic literature review (SLR) that examined 74 articles published between 2014 and 2023, focusing on cross-cultural design (CCD), user-centred design (UCD), and usability in LMS design. This study aimed to review CCD and its association with UCD, user interfaces (UI), and user experience (UX) in the context of LMS. CCD has been introduced as an approach to design that embraces different cultures, languages, and social contexts, while UCD plays a significant role in defining user engagement for LMS. All elements in CCD and UCD help create a better user experience for LMS. Besides, this study reviewed the usability of selected LMS to give insights to developers in creating a positive user engagement. An insight into cultural factors that influence the usability of LMS has revealed their value for LMS design, such as the UI/UX elements. Initially, this study may guide future researchers in improving education quality by emphasising CCD and LMS usability, which can enhance user engagement.

A study on Attitude and Knowledge to Blood Donation in College and University Students (대학생들의 헌혈에 관련된 태도 및 헌혈에 대한 지식 -부산.울산지역 대학을 중심으로-)

  • Hwang, Byung-Deog;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Cho, Kyoung-Won
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.66-77
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to find out the of attitude and knowledge to blood donors in college and University students to provide basic data necessary for managing current blood donation system. The data were collected from 844 students from september 8 to 21, 2008 by using a self-administered questionnaire. The results were as follows: The major demographic characteristics were female 55.8% and the age group of 20-24s 60.5%, no religion 43.5%, blood type A 34.8% and so on. The major motivation for blood donation were to obtain a blood donation certificate to knowing necessary to blood donation 27.1%, take a voluntary service scored and souvenir 18.7%, and worthwhile and pride 9.9%. The experience the blood donation was 53.8%(male 69.2%, female 41.6%) of participants. Students who had more knowledge and desirable attitude about blood donation experienced more blood donations. It is important to clarify factors affecting blood donation practice and to encourage the public education and campaign which enable public has accurate knowledge and positive attitude about blood donation.

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Group Management System for Virtual Class of Distance Education on the Information Superhighway (초고속망의 원격교육 서비스를 위한 가상클래스의 그룹 관리 시스템)

  • Park, Phan-Woo
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.226-238
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    • 1998
  • I studied a group management model of virtual class for distance education system on the information superhighway. There are many objects and actions that need to be managed and controlled in virtual classes of a distance education model. Educators should be able to manage students' learning group and immediately be aware of who is attending and who is quitting the learning group in a virtual class. Also, students and educators in virtual classes can communicate and discuss various topics. I proposed a group management model for distance education on a network, and studied management algorithm and MIB (Management Information Base), which are required to manage virtual classes in distance education systems.

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The comparison on the learning effect of low-achievers in mathematics using Blended e-learning and Personalized system of instruction (수학 성취도가 낮은 학생의 보충 지도 과정에서 블렌디드 e-러닝과 개별화 교수체제의 효과 비교 분석)

  • Song, Dagyeom;Lee, Bongju
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.161-175
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the impact on low-achievers in mathematics who studied mathematics using Blended e-learning and Personalized system of instruction after school. Blended e-learning is defined as the management of e-learning using the e-study run by the education office in local. Personalized system of instruction was proceeded as follows; (1) all students are given a syllabicated learning task and a study guide, (2) students study the material autonomously according to their own pace for a certain period of time, (3) the teacher strengthens the students' motivation through grading and feedback after students study a subject and solve the evaluation problem. The learning materials for Personalized system of instruction are re-edited the offline education contents provided by the blended e-learning to the level of students. The 118 $7^{th}$ grade students from the D middle school participated in this study. The results were verified by achievement tests before and after the study, as well as survey regarding their attitude toward mathematics. The results are as follows. First, Blended e-learning has more positive impacts than Personalized system of instruction in mathematics achievement. Second, there was no difference in mathematics achievement according to their self-directed learning between Blended e-learning and Personalized system of instruction. Third, both types utilizing Blended e-learning and Personalized system of instruction have positive effect on attitude toward mathematics, and there is not their difference between two methods of teaching and learning mathematics.

An Investigation of Factors Which Influence Physical Therapy Students' Satisfaction with Their Clinical Practice (물리치료학 전공 학생들의 임상실습 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인 조사)

  • Kim, Suhn-Yeop;Kim, Chi-Hyok;Song, Ju-Young;Ahn, Duck-Hyun;Chae, Jung-Byung
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2004
  • This study analyzes the factors involving clinical practice which have an influence on the satisfaction of students majoring in physical therapy at colleges or universities located in the Pusan and Kyungnam area. We investigated using a self-reporting method 305 students receiving a grade point average between 2.0 and 4.0 and who had finished their clinical practice. We also investigated the characteristics of clinical settings which make up the clinical practice, the general characteristics of the students involved and the characteristics of a clinical teaching method performed by physical therapists versus a teaching method by a professor of a university. The number of students divided according to educational background are as follows: 149 people (48.9% of the total group) were 4 year students, 156 people were 3 year students (51.1% of the total group). Sixty-nine students' or 22.6% of the group were men while women consisted of 236 persons or 77.4% of the group. Four year students had a longer clinical practice period than that of the 3 year students (p<.05). An average satisfaction score of students with their clinical practice was 3.84. The satisfaction scores showed no significant difference between genders, educational backgrounds, and grades. (p>.05). There were no significant differences in the satisfaction score of students with their clinical practice was 3.84. The satisfaction scores showed no significant difference between genders, educational backgrounds, and grades. (p>.05). There were no significant differences in the satisfaction scores regarding the student management system among varying gender or educational backgrounds between the 3 year and 4 year programs. The average satisfaction score with the environment of the physical therapy room was 3.35. And there were no significant differences in the physical therapy room satisfaction score based on sex or educational system (p>.05). The most influential factor of determining clinical practice satisfaction was a student management system of the clinical practice (p<.01). The next most influential factors were the clinical practice period (p<.05), size of facilities (p<.01) and relationship with physical therapists (p<.01) ($R^2$=.554).

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A study on the efficiency of remote subject classroom system in the secondary education - subject to high school consumers on the actual conditions and their cognition - (중등학교 이동식 교과교실제 운영 효율화에 관한 연구 - 고등학교 실태 및 사용자 인식을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jae-Rim
    • The Journal of Sustainable Design and Educational Environment Research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.61-72
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to carry out the research of the satisfaction level of consumers (students and teachers) and managerial characteristics for model classes of the subject classroom system and to draw the effective plan of the system. The conclusions are as follows First, the biggest advantage of the system is to fulfill the educational goal according to an individual level and ability of each student while the biggest disadvantage is the inconvenience of students to change their classrooms for each specific class. Second, it is necessary to rearrange the classrooms according to the applied subjects from the aspect of curriculum management since the time frame is not convenient for recess. English and mathematics are required preferentially as applied subjects, however Korean (as a national language) and science are needed to be taught with level-differentiated classes, too. The ideal size of classes is most likely 20-25 students according to the result of research. Lastly, the space of environment is another requirement to secure smooth flow of students' movements and extra space for technical devices used for information research. The above analysis indicates the necessity of supplementation in space planning for further implementation of subject classroom system in secondary school.

Development and Effects of Smart Personalized Assessment(SPA) System for Using of Diagnostic and Formative Assessment in Earth Science Classes (지구과학 수업에서 진단 및 형성평가 활용을 위한 스마트 맞춤 평가(SPA) 시스템의 개발 및 효과)

  • Son, Jun Ho;Kim, Jonghee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to develop SPA system using diagnostic and formative assessment in earth science classes in order to discuss its effect on learning achievement and self-directed learning attitude. For this purpose, we developed total management system, app for teachers, and app for students. This research was practiced to 76 students in 5th grade. The results are as follows. Firstly, the group taking a class used by app for diagnostic and formative assessment had an effect of improving learning achievement. However, as for learning achievement long term endurance test, the group taking a class using app for diagnostic and formative assessment had no effect. Secondly, the group taking a class using apps for diagnostic and formative assessment had an effect of improving learners' self-directed learning attitude. As for self-directed long-term endurance test, the group taking a class using app for diagnostic and formative assessment had an effect. In conclusion, I hope that this SPA system might apply to the science classes as it is a system that will satisfy the needs of both teachers and students, giving much needed feedback to students.

KnowLearn: Evaluating cross-subjects interactive learning by deploying knowledge graph

  • Haolei LIN;Junyu CHEN;Hung-Lin CHI
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1256-1263
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    • 2024
  • In the realm of Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) education, various factors play a crucial role in shaping students' acceptance of the learning environments facilitated by visualization technologies, such as virtual reality (VR). Works on leveraging the heterogeneous educational information (i.e., pedagogical data, student performance data, and student survey data) to identify essential factors influencing students' learning experience and performance in virtual environments are still insufficient. This research proposed KnowLearn, an interactive learning assistant system, to integrate an educational knowledge graph (KG) and a locally deployed large language model (LLM) to generate real-time personalized learning recommendations. As the knowledge base of KnowLearn, the educational KG accommodated multi-faceted educational information from twelve perspectives, such as the teaching content, students' academic performance, and their perceived confidence in a specific course from the AEC discipline. A heterogeneous graph attention network (HAN) was utilized to infer the latent information in the KG and, thus, identified the perceived confidence, intention to use, and performance in a relevant quiz as the top three indicators that significantly influenced students' learning outcomes. Based on the information preserved in the KG and learned from the HAN model, the LLM enhanced the personalization of recommendations concerning adopting virtual learning environments while protecting students' privacy. The proposed KnowLearn system is expected to feasibly provide enhanced recommendations on the teaching module design for educators from the AEC domain.

Design and Implementation of Constructing and Utilizing an Attendance Book based on SmartPhone Apps (스마트폰 앱을 활용한 출석부 구성 및 활용 시스템의 설계와 구현)

  • Pyun, Kihyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.14-23
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    • 2014
  • Existing attending management systems require a high cost and are lack of convenience. In this paper, we propose a convenient and practical attending management system as follows: First, our system allows us to construct an attendance book in an easy and simple way. A professor does not have to provide the information of students using the small screen of his smartphone. Instead, each student manages his own information via the app designed for a student in our system. Then the professor can construct the attendance book using another app designed for the professor by confirming the requests from the app designed for a student. Second, our system enables a professor to utilize the pictures of students as well as other information of students to have a good relationship with students. Third, our system provides a functionality of checking attendance automatically by calling the names of students via the app designed for the professor. Then the professor has only to match the name with the face of each student. Fourth, our system provides a functionality of checking attendance in a very fast manner. Our system can complete this behavior within a short time since all students can join the attendance simultaneously by using the app designed for the student. Fifth, our system can prevent an illegal attendance easily by utilizing the distance information.