• Title/Summary/Keyword: Strong connection

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A Study on the Construction of 3D Database and Application for Realization of "The Cyber City" ("사이버" 도시 실현을 위한 3차원 공간 데이터베이스 구축과 활용)

  • 김재윤
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.325-340
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    • 2001
  • This research is to construct more useful Geo-spatial data by building spatial data to three dimensional and utilize the database effectively for development of application, maintenance and management program, and application technology, which is on going based on “Haeundae three dimensional database construction project”. Furthermore, the acquisition of geographic information data and the technological improvement of effective construction would be the important factors to judge the qualitative reputation of GIS. Above all, studies to create accurate data and overcome the error limitation are much more important than any other thing. Final form of Spatial Data to materialize efficient GIS(Geographic Information System) must be three dimensional spatial data which has attribute data, actual concept and numerical value of real world. In connection to that, development is on the move to improve building technique of useful spatial data and digitalize the entire country in cryberspace. $\ulcorner the cyber country lrcorner$is designed to mange the entire country systematically. This simulation would be able to cover administration of government institution, public service, corporate business and even the public life in the cyeberspace though the computer. Materialization of efficient GIS and establishment of condition as technically strong nation through the early realization of $\ulcorner the cyber country lrcorner$will provide a great opportunity to open up the global market with exportation of advanced technology.

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Development and Application of an Education Program for Healthy Dietary Life for Elementary School Aftercare Class Children (초등학생 저학년 돌봄교실의 건강식생활 교육프로그램 개발 및 적용)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Kyung, Min Sook;Park, In-Young;Park, Young Sim
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.497-511
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: This study aimed to develop a school-centered healthy eating environment for children in elementary care classrooms and prevent incorrect eating habits and obesity through the development and application of standardized healthy eating habit-forming educational materials. Methods: Ten schools in eight districts of Gyeonggi-do and 400 students from 19 care classes were selected. Based on the developed educational materials, the program was applied to students once in two weeks. 'Notices for Parents' forms were also sent to the students' home to educate their parents. Pre and post-surveys were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the education. The pre-education, education, and aftercare were conducted from September 28 to September 31, 2016, from October 3 to November 30, 2016, and from December 5 to December 9, 2016, respectively. Results: The healthy eating program for elementary care classes was designed to develop a school-centered healthy eating environment and provide standardized educational material for healthy eating habits. Twelve educational topics were developed: , , , , , , , , , , , and . Moreover, the materials were produced in four forms: for students, for after school caring teachers, for external specialists, and for parents. The effectiveness evaluation was conducted to confirm the application of the program. The average eating habits score was 3.3 ± 0.6, with no significant difference between before and after application. The score of overall satisfaction of the education was 3.9 ± 0.9. The most satisfying content was 'Did you get to know how to eat evenly?'. Significant increases were observed in two contents for parents regarding their children's knowledge changes after the education: 'Five nutrients needed for growing children' and 'Knowing sugar foods and sugar-containing foods'. On the other hand, their educational satisfaction was 3.6 ± 0.6, which was lower than the children's satisfaction. This might be because their education was conducted only through the 'Notices for Parents' form. Conclusions: In the long term, the healthy eating habit-formation education for lower elementary school children is expected to be beneficial. To prevent obesity and establish healthy eating habits of children, it is important to develop healthy eating education programs centered on elementary school aftercare classes, including the development of educational materials and an application system through connection with the home and community.

Body-Images and Visualization Technologies in the Field of Plastic Surgery: Making Scientific Objects, Making Scientific Disciplines (성형외과의 몸-이미지와 시각화 기술: 과학적 대상 만들기, 과학적 분과 만들기)

  • Leem, So-Yeon
    • Journal of Science and Technology Studies
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.89-121
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    • 2011
  • The majority of previous researchers on body management practices including plastic surgery has agreed that there is a strong connection between social demands of plastic surgery and public exposures of beautiful body-images, which this research intends to analyze further. This study, on the one hand, discovers how body-images are produced and consumed through clinical practices of plastic surgery, particularly, surgeon-patient consultation processes based on the researcher's participant observation on a plastic surgery clinic in Korea, and shows how visualization technologies are mobilized to reconstruct not only boundaries of patients' bodies but also those of medical disciplines by viewing plastic surgery practices as knowledge production activities, on the other hand. While revealing that surgeon-patient consultation is the process to transform patient's bodies to "scientific" objects and visualization technologies have been made to help plastic surgeons to make their disciplines "scientific" ones, this article also pays attention to complicated effects of new imaging technology beyond a mere means of "scientification" of plastic surgery.

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Relation between the Personal and Social Factors and the Interacting Role of Science Gifted Students in Social Co-construction of Scientific Model Class (과학적 모형의 사회적 공동구성 수업에서 나타나는 과학 영재 학생들의 상호작용 역할과 개인의 내적, 관계적 요인 사이의 관련성)

  • Yu, Hee-Won;Cha, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Min-Suk;Ham, Dong-Cheol;Kim, Heui-Baik;Yoo, June-Hee;Park, Hyun-Joo;Kim, Chan-Jong;Choe, Seung-Urn
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.265-290
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    • 2012
  • This study try to analyze the effect that personal and social factors affects the interactions among science gifted students. For this, I analyze the interacting role of science gifted students in social co-construction and scientific model constructing class for phase change and rising-sinking time of moon and categorize according to type. I analyze aspects of interaction and association of each elements in the students after I understand character type self conception friendship a parents-children relationship relation with teachers derived from advanced research through questionnaire and depth interview. After analyzing, I find the following-close friendship form or not and usual school class participation appear important factors that have strong connection with the aspect of the interactions. Also, character type, self conception and relation of parents affect the interactions relatively lower. Through this study, We identify two things. Firstly, We must consider individual's inside factors for making animatedly the interaction among the students. Secondly, We get considering factors that devise the strategies for making the interaction animatedly.

Research on the Development of Ocean Resort Complex in all Seasons at the East Coast of GyeongBuk Province (경북 동해안지역 전천후 해양리조트단지 조성방안 연구)

  • Lee, Joong-Woo;Lee, Myoung-Kwon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2009.06a
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    • pp.205-209
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    • 2009
  • Recently, the increase of the size of GNP and the expansion of the foreign tour opportunities by the common 5 days work system in a week, reaction of the burden for visiting foreign countries, and expansion of airlines caused the rapid increase of overseas tour but slow increase in the number of foreign tourists, due to the price rise which might impact on the competitive power, and lack of tour infrastructure and attractiveness. As the wide area along the east coast of GyeongBuk Province has great amount of cultural, ocean and natural resources, it helps to get focused the tour industries and maximize the synergy effect through the mutual development coupling the resources and regions. On the basis of the potentials for the growth of east coast area to the international level and the development of local resources, a ocean tour and resort complex for four seasons, which has s strong connection to the local areas resulting the wide tour bond, could help to improve the local economy and balance the development of local province, and furthermore, jump to the level of the center in the East Coast area in the international society. Through the investigation and analysis of the ocean space development status and usage at the advanced foreign countries, the new meaning of the ocean space at the tour and resort complex would be proposed to the relevant local government in fit.

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Quality Improvement in Patient Care Services : Obstacles and Approaches (진료의 질관리에 대한 시론 -장애와 접근-)

  • 한달선
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.112-130
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    • 1992
  • Patient care services are provided to individual patients in response to their health needs produced by illnesses or injuries. The services are often addressed to very serious conditions, and also they constitute the most expensive component of health care services. Therefore, the importance of quality is emphasized, but there are many indications that patient care quality is far from a satisfactory state in most of the countries. Based upon this observation, it is attempted to examine obstacles and approaches to quality improvement in patient care services. In doing so, following Taguchi's(1986) definition of product quality, quality of patient care services is conceived of as better when the less is the sociental loss attributalbe to variability of intended function and harmful side effects they emhibit after being delivered. Some distinguishing features of medical care sector pose difficulties in implementing effective quality improvement programs in patient care services. Nevertheless, newly proposed method of quality management, based on industrial quality management approach, seems to have a great deal of potential to effectively cope with such difficulties. This method, unlike the traditional approach to quality assurance, focuses on total organisational processes, not individuals, as the obproach to quality assurance, focuses on total organizational processes, not individuals, as the objects of quality improvement; variation, not comparison with standards, in quality measurement; and continuous improvement, not removing only bad quality care, as an ideal. Prerequisite to a successful use of any quality mangement method is motivating providers to improve quality. Conceivable approaches for such motivation are self-regulation, external controls and promotion of competition. Since these approaches are not mutually exclusive, they may be employed in an appropriate combination. In Korea, medical care providers are now functioning under the circumstances where they have little reason for making efforts to improve quality of their services. Once these circumstantial conditions are changed to exert pressures on providers to improve quality, the use of adequate quality management method becomes an issue. In this connection, much attention shoould be directed to the newly proposed method described above. In all these efforts for improving quality of patient care services, health insurance would be able to play a pivotal role. Poviders of medical care, buth indiciduals and organizations, are usually very responsive to the measures that affect their financing, and thus health insurance can be a strong instrument for motivationg providers to improve quality. Also, the insurance continuously acquires data on patient care, which could be processed to produce information required to effective quality control.

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Biennale is a Preacher for the Globalization of Art? (과연 비엔날레는 세계화의 전도사인가?)

  • Choi, Tae-Man
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.3
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    • pp.85-106
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    • 2005
  • As biennale exhibitions has been expanded into all of the world since 1990s, these trends of blockbuster exhibitions have caused several problems. For instance, some major curators monopolized most global size exhibitions despite of a variety of cultural and historical backgrounds. Besides, due to a strong connection between these curators and their own artists, the young emerging artists' opportunities tend to be reduced as a result of the power game. In addition, major curators' power have influence on the exhibition style as well as on the theme itself. Some artists who did not involved that kind of huge scale exhibitions dispute that the direction of the exhibition is concentrating on the curator's interest instead of artists or viewers. Although these dissatisfactions could not portray correctly the process of organizing and managing system of a biennale exhibition, those biennale exhibitions held in recent have shown tautologic discourses without any passion and positive attitude direct to the exploitation of our society as a vanguard. In the process of comparing several kinds of biennale exhibitions, I could find that some artists who participated several biennale exhibitions at the same time did not present their creative vision, although the triumph of an exhibition was typically measured by the amount of visitors. Thus, the aim of this article is to prove that the biennale can show us new cultural discourse as well as progressive method of understanding our times. Is biennale producing the real 'global standard'? If biennale has done it, could this global standard present upto-date paradigm for the unique exhibition system? Is biennale providing an useful opportunity for the understanding and communicating of contemporary art through the recontextualization which is pronounced by the publicity of curator and organizing committee? How can we find the distinctive strategy from each biennale exhibition including Venice Biennale? Biennale, as a blockbuster exhibition, always requires a degree of hype, otherwise it would not be a special event and would not attract a big enough audience. It is the actual reason why major biennale exhibitions seem to be similar artistic events. Unfortunately, it seems that the excess of biennale exhibitions might bring about the lack of contents. In this case, the biennale syndrome would being a kind of the center of poverty, in spite of the visual splendor. After all, following the global standard may not be a matter of great importance now. What really matters is how each biennale exhibition which started under the different conditions can search their own identity.

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A Recurring Eddy off the Korean Northest Coast Captured on Satellite Ocean Color and Sea Surface Temperature Imagery (위성의 해색 영상과 해수면온도 영상을 활용한 재발생 와동류에 관한 연구)

  • ;B.G.Mitchell
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.175-181
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    • 1999
  • A recurring eddy which located at the terminal end of the Korean East Warm Current was captured on ocean color and sea surface temperature imagery from satellite in spring and autumn. During late April, 1997 thermal infrared imagery from the NOAA AVHRR sensor and ocean color data from the Japanese ADEOS-I OCTS sensor, revealed this feature. The cold core had elevated chlorophyll concentrations, based on OCTS estimates, of greater than 3 mg/m$^3$ while the warmer surrounding waters had chlorophyll concentrations of 1 mg/m$^3$ or less. The elevated cholophyll accociated with this eddy has not been previously described. The eddy is also evident in SST images from autumn, but the SST in the core is warmer than in spring, and the warm jet flowing to the west of the eddy is also warmer is autumn compared to spring. A reccurring eddy and the high chlorophyll_a concentration area which surround around the eddy show on NOAA and SeaWiFS images in March 2, 1998. The eddy forms at the northern extent of the Korean East Warm Current as those waters collide with the cold, south-flowing Liman Current over a topographic shelf about 1500 m deep. This region of the eddy formation appears to have a strong connection with the dynamics of the western part of the polar front eddy field that dominates surface mesoscale structure in the central East (Japan) Sea. Interaction of the eddy with ARGOW tracked drifters, and evidence for its persistence are discussed.

Color Analysis of Disney Animation Villain Characters (디즈니 애니메이션 악당 캐릭터의 색채분석)

  • Sung, Rea;Kim, Hyesung
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.69-85
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    • 2021
  • In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, not only artificial intelligence, big data, robots, and biotechnology, but also cultural industries that require human creativity will lead. Among the cultural industries, the animation industry has high industrial utilization value due to its high connection with other industries. Among them, animation characters play the most important role as the subject leading the story of animation. In particular, the villain character not only serves as a medium for the main character to lead the story, but also captivates the audience with a different presence from the main character, adding to the fun and completeness of the animation. These characters consist of visual elements such as form and color, of which color is a tool that effectively conveys the character's personality and role to the audience, and is the first visual element to be considered in delicately describing the character's emotions and the relationship between characters. Therefore, this study attempts to analyze the color of the villain character. To this end, we will select eight Disney animations to derive the characteristics of the villain character's color by analyzing the color, value, chroma, and color association of the colors used in the Disney villain character. As a result of the analysis, the colors mainly used by Disney to convey the villain's image were red (R) and Orange (YR), and there was no difference depending on the times or animation production methods. Second, the brightness of Disney villain characters appeared to be the same medium/famous regardless of the times and production methods, and the frequency of use of high brightness was very low. In terms of saturation, the frequency of use of high and low saturation was high. Third, blackish (Bk), Strong (S), dull (Dl), and deep (Dp) tones were mainly used for tones. In particular, in recent 3D animations than previously produced 2D animations, the use of low chroma and the high black mixing rate increased. Fourth, it can be seen that Disney uses color as a visual method to more clearly express the psychology of the villain character using color association. In conclusion, the color selection of animation characters should be carefully considered as a tool to convey the character's personality, role, and emotion beyond simply using color, and the color selection of characters using color associations and symbols strengthens the narrative structure. It is hoped that this study will help analyze and select the character color of animation.

The Living Theatre: A History Study of Its Birth and Death (리빙 씨어터: 탄생과 소멸에 관한 사적(史的) 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-hyo
    • Journal of Korean Theatre Studies Association
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    • no.40
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    • pp.207-237
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    • 2010
  • Concentrating on the birth, life, and death of the Living Theatre, almost half a century avant-garde group, the primary purpose of this study at large is to explore its counter-cultural philosophy. While taking a chronological form adapting the biological order, the paper focuses on the troupe's productions: , , , , and . Through out these productions the philosophy of the Living Theatre seemed to included communal, anti-intellectual, politically radical, generally Utopian, and proselytizers for sexual freedom. The history of the Living Theatre interestingly parallels the history of the Beck's theatre in occupation and shut down. The first New York theatre was closed by fire inspectors for instance. The second theatre was declared unsafe, and locked up by the Building Department. The third theatre was seized by the IRS, consequently shut down. In 1984, after more than 25years from the third building, the Living Theatre settled once again on East Third Street in Manhattan. The theatre was however evacuated by the New York City Fire Department in 1993 and once more took to the road. With these struggles, the Becks' profound aspiration of the counter-cultural insurgency came to harden as strong as 'iron' in some ways. With the outstanding components of counter-cultural philosophy and style, the Living Theatre, in the course of the transformation, absorbed and then reflected virtually every phase for the Living Theatre were vehicles for more than just aesthetics. The group seemed to propagandize its beliefs rather performing productions. Accordingly, both on and off-stage action of the Living Theatre caused great controversy either through political activism of individual members or through the unconventional collective life style. No avant-garde theatre company was more emblematic of the rebellious spirit of the sixties than the Living Theatre. Like the first great transformation, the Becks' encounter, their personal values and the form of theatre they created had blended 'so inextricably that the vitality of each was dependent on the other.' The Becks always urged unity and harmony at all levels of human life, but not at any price. The anticapitalist ideal inspired the Becks to promote a politically motivated campaign throughout their productions. They believed the revolution is desirable but in the state of non-violence and the expansion of human consciousness. Julian Beck's gravestone identifies his as pet, painter, actor, and anarchist. The Living Theatre was a 'small umbrella' under which the Becks and its members could breath and unfold their dream on stage or in the street.