• Title/Summary/Keyword: Streets

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Influence of roadside buildings on the noise in the backside blocks in city area (도시내 가로변 빌딩이 도로 이면지역의 소음에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yong-Seong;Haan, Chan-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.352-362
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    • 2019
  • The old residences and shops in the backside blocks are affected by the traffic noises from the main road. The noise of the backside roads is affected by the following factors such as the height of the roadside buildings, the distance between the road and the backside streets, distance among adjacent roadside buildings, and the difference of the adjacent building heights. The both noise levels on the road and the backside street were measured simultaneously in 15 urban blocks of a city which can be categorized into two types of roadside building plans ; 1) one single building along the street, 2) buildings arranged on one axis beside the road. As the results, there is no significant noise reduction due to the width of the buildings in general. However, in the cases of buildings arranged on one axis beside the road, it was found that the average noise reduction was 12 dB(A) on the basis of the building height of 4 m. Also, it was analysed that for each 4 m increase in the building height, noise reduction occurred by 2 dB(A) beyond building height of 4 m. In general, it was proved that the noise of the back streets is mainly affected by the lowest height of the roadside buildings. It was found that noise is increased by 1 dB(A) for each 4 m increase of the height difference between adjacent buildings. Also, It was revealed that for each 0.5 m increase in the distance between roadside building, noise reduction decreased by 1 dB(A).

Evaluation Research on the Protection and Regeneration of the Urban Historical and Cultural District of Pingjiang Road, Suzhou, China (중국 쑤저우 평강로 도시역사문화거리 보존 및 재생사업 평가연구)

  • Geng, Li;Yoon, Ji-Young
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.561-580
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    • 2021
  • This study analyses the historical and cultural streets at Pinggang Road in the city of Suzhou, by understanding the development and conservation of the area, and uses the following ways to investigate its development, re-organization, and current state. This paper comprehensively compares, collates and investigates 4 different historical and cultural areas in Insadong and Samcheong-dong in South Korea, and South Luogu Lane in China. From initial research and analysis, this paper gathers the cultural, economic, and societal perspectives as non-physical measures, and spatial structure, road structure, and building maintenance as physical factor framework. It is significant in that it can provide an evaluation model for the preservation and regeneration of historical and cultural streets by presenting the viewpoint of complex development of non-physical and physical elements in Pyeonggang-ro. In addition, it is necessary to conduct optimization and specific research on insufficient areas, such as maintenance and development of programs and signature systems for visitors, and continuous development of historical and cultural network platforms by combining on-site surveys. Basic data should be provided for reference on the street.

The Effect of Car-Free Pedestrian Street Policy on Urban Vibrancy Using Synthetic Control Method (통제집단합성법을 활용한 차 없는 거리 정책의 도시 활력 증진 효과 분석)

  • Ha, Jungwon;Ha, Jaehyun;Lee, Sugie
    • Journal of the Korean Regional Science Association
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.59-72
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    • 2022
  • In line with increasing interest of climate change and pedestrian rights, the city of Seoul has been implementing car-free pedestrian street policies. The government and the private sector agreed to introduce carfree streets, expecting to increase the urban vibrancy and attract customers in the streets. However, studies that empirically analyze the effects of the policy are insufficient, and there are no studies that reevaluate the car-free pedestrian street policy after the COVID-19 outbreak. Therefore, this study evaluates the car-free pedestrian street policy at the commercial street, the Jongno 52-gil, using the synthetic control method. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the car-free pedestrian street policy was valid for enhancing urban vibrancy. Also, it was found that proper time interval is required to assess the policy since the peak increase of policy was observed in 3 months after the policy implementation. However, less than a year, the increase of the de facto population density on the Jongno 52-gil was revealed to be insignificant. In addition, the Jongno 52-gil was more vulnerable in the decrease of the de facto population density in the COVID-19 period than the synthetic control region. The results of this study suggest that long-term population inflow measures and flexible counterplan to contagious diseases are necessary in the car-free pedestrian street policy.

Interaction Between Seasons and Auditory Elements, Features and Impressions of Soundscape in Influencing Auditory Preferences (청각선호도에 미치는 청각적 경관의 요소, 특징, 인상 요인과 계절의 상호작용 효과)

  • Han, Myung-Ho;Oh, Yang-Ki
    • The Journal of the Acoustical Society of Korea
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    • v.26 no.7
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    • pp.306-316
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    • 2007
  • Based on a concept of soundscape, this study aims to investigate Koreans' preference for auditory elements, features, and impressions depending upon the season, and examine how these auditory factors of soundstape and seasons interact with each other and attempt to discover their influence on people's auditory preferences. According to an environmental psychological approach called the caption evaluation method, 45 college students examined the soundscape of Namwon City while racing the streets in four seasons. In order to analyze the interactions between seasons and such auditory factors as elements, features, and impressions, it was conducted the GLM univariate analysis and the NPAR tests for independent samples. The results of the analyses show that there are interactive effects between seasons and auditory factors like elements, features, and impressions and that the auditory factors have an effect on auditory preference. Moreover, as for seasonal preference for auditory elements, it was found that people prefer natural sound in spring, summer, and fall while they prefer social sound in winter. Concerning seasonal preference for auditory features, people place a focus on the behaviors in spring, summer, and winter while they stress the surroundings in autumn, as for seasonal preference for auditory impressions, they make much of sound characteristics in spring and winter but they value the atmosphere of streets in summer and fall. The results of this study can he utilized as useful data in determining which auditory factors among elements, features, and impressions to take into consideration in a soundscape design.

Drag Reduction by Fence of a Square Prism near Plane Wall (벽면근처에 놓인 정방형주의 펜스에 의한 항력저감)

  • Ro, Ki-Deok;Kim, Kwang-Seok
    • Proceedings of the KSME Conference
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    • 2007.05b
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    • pp.2567-2572
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    • 2007
  • The suppression of fluid force acting on a square prism near plane wall was studied by attaching fences on the corners of the prism. The height of the fence was 10% of the square width and the range of Reynolds number considered was Re=$2.0{\times}10^4$. The experimental parameters were the attaching position and numbers of fences, the space ratios G/B(G/B=0.1${\sim}$1.2) between prism and plane wall. The average drag coefficients were increased and the average lift coefficients were decreased and increased with the space ratios toward plane wall. The drag of the prism was reduced average 7.6% with the space ratios by attaching the normal fence at the rear and upper corner and the horizontal normal fence at the rear and lower corner on the prism. In this case, the separated flow at the front and upper corner was reattached on the upper side of the prism and the vortex streets between the prism and plane wall were appeared more slowly than that of prism without fences.

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Making Better Use of Historical Maps in GIS

  • Shimizu, Eihan
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry, and Cartography Conference
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    • 2002.04a
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2002
  • Historical maps are precious materials, which show spatial distribution of land use, streets and so on at the time when the maps were produced. In analysis of historical maps, the most practical method is to compare them with the present ones, for instance by overlaying them. However, the low precision, in the geometrical sense, of the historical maps makes the task of comparison very difficult. This drawback brings us the idea to incorporate the historical maps into GIS after rubber-sheet transformation, i.e. geometric correction, of them. It makes comparing and overlaying multiple maps from different time periods. Furthermore, it gives map-scales to the historical maps, which are not in general represented on the old maps, and if we allow ourselves to ignore the changes in terrain from past to present, it will make overlaying of present contour lines on the historical maps. As a result, we can bring the points of view of quantitative consideration and three-dimensional visualization into analyses of historical map. We have addressed incorporating historical maps produced in Edo period (1603-1867) in Japan into our GIS for Tokyo. This article shows the outline of our procedures and some applications, e.g., overlaying different maps from Edo period to present, quantitative analyses of land use in Edo, and visualization of landscape of Edo.

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A Study on Elevation Map Application for Offering Quantitative Analytic Frame of Streetscape - Focused on use GIS - (가로경관의 정량적 분석틀 제공을 위한 입면지도 적용에 관한 연구 - GIS 활용을 중심으로 -)

  • Jeong, Choon-kuk;Kim, Ki-hwan
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.43-48
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    • 2008
  • This study is about offering quantitatively analytic frame of streetscape, and also about making a way to be standardized and adapt changing landscape. This allows us to manage a form of elevation map after the application to GIS. The form of elevation map is a visible and vertical arrangement method of data recognizable while walking or driving. Applying measurable traits enables us to make a quantitative control over each element of which streetscape consists. After all, it would play a great roll in organizing and maintaining fine streetscape of each city. As the basic ways to make the elevation map, this study proposes the methods of providing quantitative analytic frame of streetscape after applying elevation data, Raster Data and Vector Data, which were investigated on the basis of GIS. In addition, as a simulation for increasing reality, certain streets, where the streetscape is very important, were chosen so that they enable us to utilize quantitatively analytic data of streetscape with analyzing the +degree of opening ratio in the boundary of D/H=2, comparing between wall area and windowpane area, comparing between facade area and sign board area, and calculating both area and ratio which are applied to ecospace.

Management System for Parking Free Space based on Open CV (Open CV를 기반으로 한 주차 여유 공간 관리 시스템)

  • Nam, Eun-Joo;An, Deouk-Kyi;Seo, You-Jin
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2020
  • This paper introduces the parking guide service developed to address the inconvenience of parking in areas where demand for parking spaces is high, such as busy streets and tourist attractions. Due to difficulties in measuring and developing the actual parking lot while driving the car, we created a temporary parking lot and created Arduino RC Car to replace the actual car. Video processing based on Open CV allows users to identify the entire parking lot, parking space, and completed parking space, and track moving cars, and this information has been developed to enable users to see through the application. The application allows the user to book the desired parking space and introduce a way-finding algorithm to guide them through the optimal path to the selected parking compartment.

The Analysis of a Neighborhood Center in the Urban Low-rise Residential Areas (도시 저층주거지의 생활권 중심 분석)

  • Ku, Mee-Kyung;Yang, Woo-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2016
  • As a lifeway and social change, the neighborhood build up around elementary school based on Perry's Neighbourhood Unit becomes change. Elementary School does not function as a center of residents' activity or community any longer. Activities occurred near the school move to the community streets that many facilities are distributed to, while utilization of facilities near schools becomes lower. On the bases of the current states, this study aims to draw a practical neighborhood center of residential areas by case study. The research is being mainly about low-rise residential areas in Seoul which includes one elementary school at least. In order to deduct the center of neighborhood, the survey takes two steps. At the preliminary survey, conduct the observation and do an interview to investigate awareness and actual status. Also to analyze practical center, do a main survey about land value, pedestrian volume, distribution of public transit and facility density. The research result shows that there is another activated center street not nearby elementary school in every case. This study assumes that the neighborhood center is not limited around elementary school and could variously build up by circumstances. It has significance that we present a question about the traditional theory and also could be references of the future city maintenance in the long term.

Characteristics of the Uses and Exterior Design of Balconies in Urban Housing - Focusing on the Balconies from the Ancient Times to the 19th Century with a Culture-historical Perspective - (도시주거의 발코니에서 나타나는 내부이용 및 외부표현 특성 - 고대부터 19세기 말까지의 동.서양 주거문화사적(文化史的) 고찰을 중심으로 -)

  • Jee, Soo-In
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the uses and exterior design of the balconies in urban housing from the ancient times to the 19th century. In doing so, the paper seeks to investigate the cultural identity of the balcony in urban housing. The results are as follow. First, in the urban housing the balcony space were made for protection from the heat, light and ventilation; gardening; views toward the streets, city, waterside, inner court, domain for men; breathing french air; watching ceremony, festivals and events; simple houseworks like drying, carpet cleaning and hair coloring; lever installation and fire escape. Second, as part of exterior design the typical projecting characteristic of the balconies was emphasized and they became an impotent decorative element. The monotonous facade changed to a lively design with a rhythmical sense. On the facade the effects of horizontal movement, symmetry or asymmetry from the main entrance, and the center-projection (rialto) were created. In the urban housing the balconies were used for cultural activities which supplement and enlarge the function of the interior space, and moreover the rich effects of the facade contributed to the creation of attractive urban landscape.