• Title/Summary/Keyword: Store Data

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The Influence of Store VM and Shopping Values on Male University Students' Clothing Purchase Behavior (매장의 VM과 쇼핑가치가 의복구매행동에 미치는 영향 - 남자대학생을 중심으로 -)

  • Oh, Hee-Sun
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.316-321
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to find what male consumers value in their clothing behaviors, as well as to investigate how the consumers' shopping values and store VM impact on their clothing purchase behaviors. For data collection, research questionnaires were responded by 202 male students living in Busan. The collected data were analyzed according to the frequency-factor analysis using SPSS for win 10.1 Package, the factor analysis using Varimax, reliability analysis, and multi-regression analysis. The results of this study are as follows; First, the shopping values were composed of hedonic, utilitarian, and economic value, and VM was divided into store facility, store image, layout, and fashion information. Second, multi-regression analysis was conducted to find the impact of consumers' shopping values on their clothing purchase behaviors. The result showed that the hedonic shopping value and utilitarian shopping value significantly affected the consumers' clothing purchase behaviors, while economics shopping value did not show any statistical significance. Third, multi-regression analysis was conducted to find the impact of store VM on consumers' clothing purchase behaviors. The result showed that store image, layout, and fashion information had a significant impact on consumers' clothing purchase behaviors.

Analysis of Value Pursuit Discount Store Customers Using Means-End Chain Theory

  • Yang, Hoe-Chang;Han, Sang-Ho;Eom, Keun
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2013
  • Purpose - This study attempted to identify the value promotion clues that may operate as a consumer's motive, by shedding new light on consumer value and by reconstructing each variable analyzed through the means-end chain (MEC) theory. Research design, data, and methodology - In this study, 202 copies of effective questionnaires using the data of Yang and Ju (2012) were subjected to correlation, regression, and SEM. Results - All store selection attributes were verified as having a positive influence on the relationship quality. Although the store selection attributes were verified as exerting a positive influence on the relationship quality, according to the verification result of the mediating effect, consumer value was verified to be influenced only by the relationship quality instead of by the store selection attributes. Conclusion - As a result of path analysis on the proposed model after modification, it was verified that only product factor had a statistically significant positive influence and that social value was completely mediating between relationship quality and emotional value. It may be highlighted that the MEC theory concept would be applicable to the cause-and-effect relationship model.

The Impact of Perceived Restaurant Crowding on Satisfaction, Dine-Out Intention, and Dine-In Intention (레스토랑의 지각된 혼잡성이 소비자의 만족 및 행동의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Moo Sung HA;Ji Ah LEE;Jae Yeon PARK
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: In the post-COVID-19, many consumers still feel uncomfortable with crowding in closed spaces. This study investigates how non-crowding affects consumer satisfaction and restaurant visit intention. Research design, data, and methodology: The data were collected from 350 people aged 20 and above. A total of 347 respondents, excluding 3 unfaithful respondents, were analyzed using Smart PLS 4.0 program. Result: Both spatial and human crowding have significant effects on satisfaction. On the other hand, neither spatial nor human crowding directly affected dine-out intention significantly. In addition, spatial crowding was found to have a direct and significant effect on in-store dining intention, but human crowding did not have a direct and significant effect on in-store dining intention. It was found that satisfaction had a significant effect on both dine-out intention and in-store dining intension. Conclusions: This study has expanded the range of consumer behavioral intentions by applying a non-crowded environment (S) to the SOR theory. Also, Consumer behavioral intention was expanded by dividing visit intention into a dine-out and in-store dining intention. Therefore, we propose measures to minimize human crowding by introducing a system such as adjustment of store operating hours, reservation system, store opening time alarm system, and reduction of cooking time.

Reactions to Store Environment and Interpersonal Service Quality in Supermarkets vs Hypermarkets

  • MZOUGHI, Mohamed Nabil;GARROUCH, Karim Fraj
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The purpose is to verify the impact of the store environment on interpersonal service quality (ISQ), shopping value and patronage intention, as well as the moderating role of the store format: supermarkets vs hypermarkets. This is significant as previous studies on retailing neglected the effect of interpersonal service quality on the experiential shopping value. The comparison of the model between two retailing formats (hypermarkets and supermarkets) provides a significant contribution and responds to a need to provide insights regarding the moderation of the store types on the contribution of interpersonal service quality and experiential value to customer's retention. Research design, data, and methodology: The hypotheses have been tested after analyzing the data of a survey among 405 consumers exiting stores representing various retailing stores in Tunisia. A Structural model have been finally verified by a path analysis after applying a confirmatory factorial analysis. Multigroup analyses on AMOS allowed to verify the moderation of store types. Results: Results mainly show that patronage intention is affected by the experiential perceived value dimensions. The latter is a direct consequence of ISQ and an indirect outcome of perceived shopping environment. The impact of value, environment and ISQ is moderated by the store type.

A Study on the Effect among the Service Quality of Coffee Shop, Store Attitude and Store Loyalty: Focusing on the Construal Level (커피전문점 서비스품질, 점포태도, 점포충성도의 영향관계 연구 : 개인 해석수준의 영향을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Hwa-Seok
    • The Korean Journal of Franchise Management
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 2018
  • Purpose - This study investigates the effect of service quality of coffee shop on store attitude and store loyalty. It demonstrates that the individual's behavior identification level plays a moderating role when the service quality of coffee shop affects store attitude. Conceptually drawing on Brady & Cronin's three-dimensional model of service quality, this study examines the effect of service quality of coffee specialty store on customer's attitudes and loyalty. Also, according to construal level theory, it examines the individual's propensity difference whether the individual's behavior identification level on service quality and store attitude has a moderating effect Research design, data, and methodology - This study used Brady & Cronin's three-dimensional service quality model, and 183 valid cases collected through the questionnaire survey were used for data analyses. For hypothesis testing, regression analysis, multiple regression analysis, and covariance analysis were conducted. Result- As a result of this study, first, it is confirmed that service quality has a positive effect on store attitude toward coffee shop. Second, the difference of an individual's construal level did not have a moderating effect on the influential relationship of service quality on the store attitude of coffee shop. This is because the influence of the service quality is greater than the difference between groups at the construal level. Therefore, there was no moderating influence according to construal level. Third, the store attitude of coffee specialty store has a positive effect on store loyalty. Conclusions - It is confirmed that there is a difference in the effect of service quality and store attitude on general and college students. This suggests that it can be used to establish marketing strategies by segment. And, the college students were found to be more influenced by physical environment quality factor among three dimensions of service quality. Therefore, it is necessary to further improve efforts to raise the level of service quality perception through physical environmental factors such as clean and pleasant environment including the interior of a coffee shop, and internal table arrangement. The empirical study on the moderating effects of customer's tendency of difference is meaningful in the absence of empirical studies.

Characteristics of Private Label Users of Low Involvement Products: Scanner Data Analysis (저관여 생필품 소매업체상표 구매자의 특성: 스캐너 데이터 분석)

  • CHO, Jae-Wun
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - The purpose of the research is to identify the demographic characteristics of the customers with high private label purchase intention. According to the previous research demographics such as gender, age, income, and residence type affect private label purchase intention indirectly through psychographics rather than directly. For instance, higher income group is time pressured, price-insensitive, quality-sensitive, less likely to enjoy shopping utilitarian products, and less likely to be variety-seeking. The main contribution of this research is to verify the results found in the previous empirical foreign research using scanner data and to investigate the differences of the characteristics of private label users between Korea and the foreign countries. Research design, data, and methodology - In order to empirically test the proposed hypotheses, scanner data of a Korean major super center was analyzed. Results - Empirical results show that private labels are more favored by old people over 50s, dwellers in individual house, lower income group, and frequent store visitors. Age of 30s, dwellers in the apartment of 30 pyung, higher income group, and consumers who purchased a large amount are less likely to purchase private labels. Gender turned out not to affect private label purchase. It should be noted that there is a significant multicollinearity among independent variables. Conclusions - The research findings provide managerial implication for retailers' private label strategy. In general, retailers heavily send private label coupons to the customers with high purchase volume. According to the research, however, store visit frequency is much more positively associated with private label purchase than purchase amount. The study has some limitations. The samples are only consumers with private label purchase experience. The data were drawn from one store and only 8 commodity products were used for the analysis. Also, if more demographics were available, a more complete description on the private brand users' profile could have been derived. We propose the following future research. Research using the data including consumers without private label experience, research investigating direction of causality between private label loyalty and store loyalty, and research using hedonic private label products such as TV and PC could be promising.

A study on the User Experience at Unmanned Checkout Counter Using Big Data Analysis (빅데이터를 활용한 편의점 간편식에 대한 의미 분석)

  • Kim, Ae-sook;Ryu, Gi-hwan;Jung, Ju-hee;Kim, Hee-young
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.375-380
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study is to find out consumers' perception and meaning of convenience store convenience food by using big data. For this study, NNAVER and Daum analyzed news, intellectuals, blogs, cafes, intellectuals(tips), and web documents, and used 'convenience store convenience food' as keywords for data search. The data analysis period was selected as 3 years from January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2021. For data collection and analysis, frequency and matrix data were extracted using TEXTOM, and network analysis and visualization analysis were conducted using the NetDraw function of the UCINET 6 program. As a result, convenience store convenience foods were clustered into health, diversity, convenience, and economy according to consumers' selection attributes. It is expected to be the basis for the development of a new convenience menu that pursues convenience and convenience based on consumers' meaning of convenience store convenience foods such as appropriate prices, discount coupons, and events.

Competitve Structure Analysis among Fashion Stores by Consumers` Patronage Mix Behavior (의류제품별 점포호나합애고 행동에 근거한 패션점포유형간 경쟁구조분석)

  • 정현숙;이은영
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.26 no.9
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    • pp.1354-1365
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    • 2002
  • With the appearance of many new types of fashion stores in Korea, competitions among fashion store types art fiercer than ever before. As consumers alternatives in fashion store selection increase, they select different store types to purchase different product types. Therefore, the probability of patronage mix behavior according to product type increases. Understanding consumers patronage mix behavior, finding out the determinant attributes of fashion stores for each product type, and analyzing competitive structures among fashion stores are important to retailers and marketers for building a successful merchandising and marketing strategies. An empirical study was conducted to analyze the competitive structure among the store types by consumers' patronage mix behavior. A questionnaire was developed and data were collected from 464 adult women living in Seoul area in Korea. Factor analysis, paired t-test, ANOVL Duncan test, and discriminant analysis were employed to analyze the data. Data regarding patronage mix behavior by product type proved that certain store types had ‘natural dominance’ in a particular product type as Hirschman(l978) pointed out. Also, a new analytic method of the competitive structures among fashion store types was suggested in the study, by which a specific store type retailer can analyze his/her own customers' patronage mix behavior by product type. The analysis will enable retailers to distinguish which of their competitors are substitutive, selling same product types, and which are complementary, selling different product types. Retailers have to concentrate on the strategies for the substitutive competitors rather than complementary competitors because their marketing abilities and resources are limited.

The Effects of Experience Factors have on Store Satisfaction and Store Loyalty for Experimental Fashion Stores - Focusing on Virtual Experience by Visual Stimuli - (체험적 패션 매장에서 체험 요인이 점포만족도와 점포충성도에 미치는 영향 연구 - 시각적 자극물을 통한 가상 체험을 중심으로 -)

  • Chae, Heeju;Kim, Minyoung;Ko, Eunju
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.66 no.4
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2016
  • Fashion stores have to change to fit such the taste of individual customers taste and try to give unique experiences to the customers. They need to develop a special space that entertains customers, and entices them to visit and revitalize the off-line stores. This paper aims to analyze the experimental factors of stores, and how each of the factors impact customer experience in order to find out its effect on store satisfaction and store loyalty. Data was analyzed by using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0. Results of this study are as follows. First, Visual, Tactile, and Gustatory are the main senses that influence the emotional experience of the customers on a store visit. Second, three factors that influenced customer experience in experimental fashion stores are 'Causing Interest', 'Causing Concern', and 'Causing Relationship.' Third, the 'Causing Interest' factor and the 'Causing Concern' factor showed positive correlation with store satisfaction, while the 'Causing Relationship' factor did not impact store satisfaction, which affected store loyalty. Fourth, each experimental fashion stores can have different effect to consumer satisfaction and loyalty. Also, fashion store brands without an experimental store can cause various effects to consumers when a flagship store with an array of product information is formed. The conclusion drawn from this study will provide a guideline for fashion stores attract faithful customers by improving their store environment.

The Influence of Shopping Orientation and Store Attribute on Store Patronage Intentions (소비자의 쇼핑성향과 소매점속성이 소매점 애고의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Nam Miwoo;Kim Kwangkyung
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.42 no.12 s.202
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    • pp.161-174
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    • 2004
  • The primary objective of this study was to employ Darden's store patronage model in order to investigate the role that shopping orientation and store attributes play in store patronage. The study sample consisted of 340 female university students residing in Seoul. The data was analyzed by using path analysis and factor analysis. The recreational shopping orientation played a greater role in influencing the importance of store attributes than did the convenience shopping orientation. Recreational shoppers want a variety of brands and convenience shoppers can be attracted by a convenient location and availability of parking. Six important store attributes(variety of products and price level, proximity, variety of trendy brands, store decor, sales promotion, sales personnel) have a differential influence on store patronage. Shopping orientation was a direct predictor of patronage behavior and mediated the relationship between shopping orientation and store attribute importance. The finding indicated that both the recreational shopping orientation and convenience shopping orientation can be used effectively to position store patronage in such a way as to provide a strong means for shoppers to satisfy their needs. The findings of this study demonstrated that South Korean female shoppers with different shopping orientation have different store attribute preference and store patronage. The results provide a basis for building a successful strategy to attract shoppers and generate sales. The study focused on a specific product category, i.e., women's apparel. To meet the needs of female apparel shoppers, further research is needed to learn more about the distinctive characteristics of Korean consumers that could be applied to a variety of jobs, ages and living areas.