• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stiffness Improvement

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A Practical Research of Engine Mount Optimization in a Construction Equipment (건설기계 엔진마운트 최적설계에 관한 실용적 연구)

  • Shin, Myung-Ho;Joo, Kyung-Hoon;Kim, Woo-Hyung;Kim, In-Dong;Kang, Yeon-June
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2013.10a
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    • pp.792-796
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    • 2013
  • A practical process to optimize engine mounts on construction equipment is presented in this research. Transmitted force from the engine is estimated by using stiffness of the mount rubber which varies with frequency, amplitude and pre-load, and by the engine excitation force that comes from piston mass and gas pressure and so on. The transmitted force is measured through TPA(Transfer Path Analysis) and is then compared with the estimated force. The optimum mount position and stiffness are solved using MATLAB. The result shows the improvement on engine mount vibration.

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Finite Element Analysis of the Reinforced Concrete Circular (탄성적으로 지지된 철근콘크리트 선형판의 유한요소 해석)

  • 조진구
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 1993
  • Ring Sector Plate Supported by Elastic Beam Although all the reinforced concrete circular ring sector plates are elastically supported, it is conventional to simplify their supporting conditions as fixed or simply-supported ones assuming that their supporting beam has infinite stiffness. However, in order to obtain a precise solution, it should be required to consider the stiffness of their supporting beam. As a methodological improvement to the precise analysis, "Reinforced Concrete Model" previously developed by the author was applied to the structural analysis of the reinforced concrete circular ring sector plates with elastically supported beam. The results of analysis in the cases under various conditions of open angle, steel ratio, relative stiffness(EI/DL) between plate and supporting beam were summarized as follows ; 1.Although the effect of relative stiffness between plate and supporting beam varies depending on the magnitude of open angle, in general, it shows the largest when not more than 5.0 and negligible when not less than 10.0. Therefore, it would be considered as fixed supporting condition :in the case of its open angle of 0$^{\circ}$rectangular plates), its stiffness ratio being not less than 10.0 and in the other case of its open angle of 30$^{\circ}$, its stiffness ratio being not less than 5.0. 2.In the rectangular plates, the effect of steel ratio is considerable in no supporting condition, but neglible in the supporting condition. So, the effect of steel ratio should be negligible in the case of the elastically supported circular ring sector plates. 3.However, the effect of steel ratio is much more considerable in the case of the fixed supported circular plates, especially, when steel ratio being not more than 1.0% and stiffness ratio being smaller. So, the effect of steel ratio should be considered in the analysis of reinforced concreate circular ring sector plates with fixed conditions. 4.The effect of open angle is greater in the case of without-supporting beam conditions. However, in the other case of with-supporting beam conditions, the effect is a little bit when open angle of not more than 300 and negligible when open angle of not more than 30$^{\circ}$.

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A Experimental Study on the Stiffness Characteristics of Elastomeric Bearings (탄성받침의 강성특성에 대한 실험연구)

  • Yoon, Hyejin;Cho, Changbeck;Kim, Youngjin;Kwahk, Imjong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.4A
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    • pp.475-485
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    • 2008
  • This paper intends to enhance the reliability and performance of domestic elastomeric bearings through the proposal of directions for the improvement of their stiffness regard to the Korean industrial standard KS F 4420 relative to the evaluation of design/fabrication/quality. Therefore, comparative analysis of the compressive elastic modulus, stiffness measurement method and performance evaluation method of KS F 4420 with those of Eurocode, Japanese bearing manual, and ISO code was performed, and measurement tests on the compressive stiffness and shear stiffness of common elastomeric bearings produced in Korea were conducted. The experimental results reveal that differences of about 20% and 13% occurred respectively for the compressive stiffness and shear stiffness according to the definition adopted for the stiffness. The measured values for the stiffness of the domestic elastomeric bearings were also verified to exhibit large deviation from the formula proposed by KS F 4420. Elastomeric bearings that does not have appropriate compressive stiffness required at the design can result in uneven deflection at supports of bridges and excessive stress in girders. Accordingly, the establishment of compressive elastic modulus formula and performance evaluation criteria fitted to the domestic circumstances through the execution of performance evaluation of bearings presenting diversified shapes and shape factors appears to be necessary for the domestic bearings to meet the performance required in design.

A Study on Analysis and Test for Improvement Factors of Brake Stiffness Feeling (제동 강성감 향상 인자에 대한 해석 및 검증에 관한 연구)

  • Shim, Jae Hun;Shin, Ung Hee;Lee, Joung Hee;Jeon, Gae Bae;Kim, Byong Cheol;Kim, Bong Su;Lee, Kang Kuk
    • Journal of Auto-vehicle Safety Association
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.38-44
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    • 2018
  • Conventional brake system was used for passenger cars and SUV for a long time. However, the high performance brake system has strongly required because of increase of engine power and customer's favorites etc. In this paper, a new high performance brake system for Europe was proposed. For this system, the high performance caliper and disc were newly developed. The superiorities of the developed high performance brake system were verified via heat capacity, hydraulic stiffness, corrosion and harsh braking mode test. Also, the high performance caliper and disc for the light-weight were applied to AL-Alloy and can obtain the weight reduction effect of 2.9 kg per vehicle. Finally, a developed high performance brake system is expected to be used for realization of the high performance at the same platforms.

A Study on the Optimization of the Torsional Vibration Using DFFSS Method for DI Diesel Engine (직접분사방식 디젤엔진의 6시그마 기법을 적용한 비틀림 최적화에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Jang-Su;Koh, Jang-Joo;Lee, Chi-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Industry Convergence
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.13-19
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    • 2012
  • Due to a low stiffness of cranktrain and a failure experience from a history within short development time, a viscous torsional vibration damper was applied in order to reduce the torsional vibration and keep the high reliability for the durability of cranktrain system in the direct injection diesel engine. As an improvement of the crankshaft stiffness by increasing the diameter of main and pin journal, a rubber type damper could be considered. In this study, the control factors of rubber damper, the moment of inertia ring, stiffness of damper and damping coefficient of ring, were investigated by DFSS method through the analysis work and the measurement in the real engine condition.

Improvement of Bending Stiffness in White Duplex Board by Utilization of Wood Fibers from Medium Density Fiberboard (2) Ozone treatment (백판지의 휨강성 증대를 위한 목질섬유의 이용 (2) 오존처리)

  • Seo, Yung Bum;Kim, Hyun Jun
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2015
  • Wood fibers for medium density fiberboard (MDF) was used in the filler layer of the white duplex board for increasing thickness and bulk of the board. The MDF fibers were treated with ozone (3% based on dry weight of the fibers), and mixed together with OCC (old corrugated container) to form paper. Ozone-treated MDF fibers gave high bulk, high tensile strength, high internal bond and fast drainage to the furnish mixed with OCC. It was shown that there were possibilities to reduced basis weight of the filler layer without loss of thickness, stiffness, and tensile strength. Furthermore, it showed the possibility to develop a new kind of board product that has high stiffness as well as high strength properties with light basis weight by application of the ozone-treated MDF fibers.

A Combined Bearing Arrangement for High Damping Spindle Systems (고감쇠 주축 시스템을 위한 베어링의 복합배열에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, C.H.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 1996
  • The machining accuracy and performance is largely influenced by the static, dynamic and thermal characteristics of spindle systems in machine tools, because the spindle system is a intermedium for cutting force from tool and machine powef from motor. Large cutting force and power are transmitted by bearing with a point or line contact. So, the spindle system is the static and dynamic weakest point in machine structure. For improvement of static stiffness of spindle system can be changed design parameters, such as diameter of spindle, stiffness of bearing and bearing span. But for dynamic stiffness, the change of the design parameters are not useful. In this paper, the combined bearing arrangement is suggested for high damping spindle system. The combined bearing arrangement is composed of tandem double back to back arrangement type ball bearins and a high damping hydrostatic bearing. The variation of static deflection and amplitude in first natural frequency is evaluated with the location of hydrostatic bearing between front and rear ball bearing. The optimized location of hydrostatic bearing for high static and dynamic stiffness is determined rapidly and exactly using the mode shape and transfer function of spindle. The calculation of damping effect on vibration by unbalance of grinding wheel and pulley in optimized spindle system is carried out to verify the validity of the combined bearing arrangement. Finally, the simulation of grinding process show that the surface roughness of workpiece with high damping spindle system is 60% better than with ball bearing spindle system.

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Selection of Bearing Position for Improving Static and Dynamic Stiffness of 40,000rpm High-speed Spindle (40,000rpm 고속 주축의 정·동특성 향상을 위한 베어링 위치 선정)

  • Lim, Jeong Suk;Chung, Won Jee;Lee, Choon Man
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.10-17
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    • 2009
  • Spindle design is very important for the improvement of the competitive power in production cost of high quality machine tools. The important factor in spindle design is not only to improve the natural frequency of spindle but also to reduce displacement of spindle end. In this paper, parameters those influence on static and dynamic stiffness of high-speed spindle have selected form preceding studies. And those selected parameters are applied to Taguchi Method. To perform FEM analysis, bearing conditions are selected with optimized condition. To know how to improve static and dynamic stiffness of machine tool spindle, natural frequency and displacement of spindle end are obtained by FEM analysis. The Taguchi Method was used to draw optimized condition of bearing position and it's stiffness. From these results, amplitude of vibration is enough good less than $3{\mu}m$ pk-pk of the spindle of 40,000rpm manufactured in this work by the optimal design.

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Use of Cationic PAM as a Surface Sizing Additive to Improve Paper Properties

  • Seo, Man-Seok;Lee, Hak-Lae;Youn, Hye-Jung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry Conference
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    • 2006.06b
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    • pp.245-250
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    • 2006
  • This study was focused on the use of cationic PAM (Polyacrylamide) as a surface sizing additive to improve the surface sizing properties of paper. Effects of the ionic property, viscosity and charge density of PAM on bending stiffness of surface sized papers were investigated. Use of cationic PAM as a surface sizing additive improved bending stiffness while addition of anionic PAM did not show any effect. Increase of starch holdout with the addition of cationic PAM was attributed as a prime reason of stiffness increase. Viscosity of PAM was one of the most important factors affecting surface sizing due to its influence on the interaction between cationic PAM and oxidized starch solution. Greater improvement of bending stiffness of paper was obtained when high charged PAM was used as an additive. The order of addition was found to have significant influence on the effect of additives since it influences the formation of network structure among starch, cationic PAM, and SA (styrene acrylic acid copolymer). Investigation on the penetration of starch solution was carried out with CLSM (Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy), and it was shown that the addition of cationic PAM to oxidized starch solution made starch molecules stay on the paper surface rather than penetrating into the paper structure because of the electrostatic interaction between negatively charged fibers and positively charged cationic PAM.

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The Study on the improvement of dynamic characteristics with multi-orifice in airspring (멀티 오리피스를 이용한 에어스프링 동특성 개선에 관한 연구)

  • 김인수;황성호;한문성;고철수
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.97-103
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    • 2002
  • Vibration isolation technology using an air spring and laminated rubber bearing is widely used because it has excellent vibration isolation characteristics. In the part of that, we usually make use of the self-damped air suing. It is occupied two chambers, restrictor, diaphragm and load plate. Two chambers contain compressed air and the volume of chambers and the area of load plate give a definition of stiffness and load. The restrictor and the volume ratio of two chambers give a definition of damping ratio. The conventional model of restrictor is made of one orifice and it causes turbulent flow in the orifice at the region of large deflection. The stillness of air suing is larger and the damping is lower in the region of large deflection. In the multi-orifice case, the stiffness is similar to air spring with one orifice but damping ratio is larger than conventional air spring. And damping ratio is smaller than conventional air suing in small deflection region. Deflection is small in the region of high frequency so small damping is better than large damping. As a result, we can reduce the storage stiffness of air suing in the wide region of deflection and increase the damping ratio in the region of large deflection. After this, we will try to and the relation of Reynolds Number and Flow Resistance then we are going to make another restrictor for air spring to improve damping ratio and stiffness.

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