• Title/Summary/Keyword: Stationary Phase

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The Dependency of the Expression Level of Recombinant Protein by the Drop of Alkali Consumption Rate after Induction (발현유도에 의한 알칼리 소비속도의 감소가 재조합 단백질 생산에 미치는 영향)

  • Hur, Won
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.236-240
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    • 2006
  • IPTG induction caused a sudden drop of alkali consumption rate during cultivation of a recombinant E. coli with ${\beta}$-galactosidase structural gene under T7 promoter on a plasmid. A series of batch cultivations showed the positive correlation of the decrease of alkali consumption and the level of expression. However, repeated IPTG induction did not cause any variation of alkali consumption rate. Supplementation of medium even at stationary phase enhanced the level of ${\beta}$-galactosidase expression. These results suggests that the drop of alkali consumption rate by IPTG induction represents the rate of expression.

Study on the magnetic flux distribution of transformer by the use of finite element method (유한요소법에 의한 변압기의 자속분포 해석에 관한 연구)

  • 임달호;현동석;이철직
    • 전기의세계
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.247-255
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    • 1980
  • In this study, an application of Finite Element Method which, in principle, based on variational calculus has been presented for the two-dimensional analysis of magnetic flux distribution in the shell type core of single phase transformer. The necessary stationarity condition of energy functional and boundary conditions were determined under the assumptions that the electromagnetic field considered is stationary and that the effect of eddy current is negligible. In the process of application the domain of magnetic field was divided into triangle subsectional elements and then the matrix equations were constructed for the respective triangular element and for those of all after the manipulation of minimization process to the vector potential of magnetic field at the each vertex of the element. Furthermore the numerical computation for the equations was guided by the Gaussian Elimination Methods. As the results obtained, it is found that the aspect of magnetic flux distribution inside the core as well as the leakage flux profile at the vicinity of the inner leg of the core is not much different from the well-known distribution profile of magnetic flux, however, the procedure shows to possess the merit of the uniquely deterministic nature for the flux distribution at the desired points.

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Characterization of the BolA Homolog IbaG: A New Gene Involved in Acid Resistance

  • Guinote, Ines Batista;Moreira, Ricardo Neves;Freire, Patrick;Arraiano, Cecilia Maria
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.484-493
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    • 2012
  • BolA protein homologs are widely distributed in nature. In this report, we have studied for the first time YrbA, the only BolA homolog present in Escherichia coli, which we have renamed ibaG. We have constructed single and multiple ibaG mutants, and overexpressed ibaG in wild-type strains, in order to characterize this gene. The ibaG phenotypes are different from the bolA-associated round morphologies or growth profiles. Interestingly, ibaG and bolA single-and double-deletion mutants grow faster and have higher viabilities in rich media, whereas the overexpressed strains are significantly growth impaired. However, the mutant strains have lower viabilities than the wild type in the late stationary phase, indicating that both bolA and ibaG are important for survival in difficult growth conditions. bolA, as a transcription factor, binds to some promoters, but ibaG does not interact with the same DNA regions. We have determined that ibaG is transcribed in an operon with the murA gene, involved in the synthesis of peptidoglycan precursors. ibaG was also seen to change its mRNA expression pattern in response to acidic stress. ibaG may thus represent a new gene involved in cell resistance against acid stress.

C-Ring Cleavage of Isoflavones Daidzein and Genistein by a Newly-Isolated Human Intestinal Bacterium Eubacterium ramulus Julong 601

  • Wang, Xiu-Ling;Kim, Ki-Tae;Lee, Je-Hyeon;Hur, Hor-Gil;Kim, Su-Il
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.766-771
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    • 2004
  • Julong 601, a Gram-positive anaerobic bacterium strain capable of cleaving the C-ring of isoflavones daidzein and genistein, was isolated from human feces. BLAST search revealed that its complete 16S rDNA gene sequence has 99% similarity to Eubacterium ramulus. Metabolites of daidzein and genistein were determined as O-desmethylangolensin (O-Dma) and 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl) propionic acid (2-HPPA), respectively, based on UV, EI-MS, and $^1H$ and ^{13}C$ NMR spectral analyses. Enantiomers of O-Dma and 2-HPPA were isolated by chiral stationary-phase HPLC (CSP HPLC). Cleavage of the C-ring of daidzein and genistein by strain Julong 601 was highly enantioselective. Specific rotation ([$\alpha]_D$) and circular dichroism (CD) spectra of the enantiomers are reported here for the first time. Biotransformation kinetics of daidzein and genistein indicated that the C-ring of genistein has a higher susceptibility to bacterial degradation than that of daidzein.

Cultural Conditions of Lactococcus sp. 1112-1 for Production of Bacteriocin-like Substance (Bacteriocin을 생산하는 Lactococcus sp. 1112-1의 배양조건)

  • 유진영;이인선;최신양;권동진;정건섭
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.183-189
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    • 1992
  • Cultural conditions of Lactococcus sp. 1112-1, a bacteriocin producing strain, were studied for enhancing its production with regard to environmental and nutritional factors. Optimal compositions of culture medium for bacteriocin production were glucose 20 g/l as carbon source, casein acid hydrolyzate 15 g/l as nitrogen source, and sodium acetate 3 g/l, ammonium citrate 2 g/l as morganic salt with other basal components. The optimal pH of medium and fermentation temperature were 6.2 and $35^{\circ}C$, respectively. This strain required exclusively riboflavin and pantothenic acid for growth and bacteriocin production. In a 1l batch culture, stationary phase emerged after 8.5 hours of fermentation when 1.81 g/l of biomass was accumulated. The maximum antimicrobial activity was 3,894 IU/ml after 12 hours.

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A Study on the Identification of Aeroacoustic Noise and Noise Reduction for a Vacuum Cleaner (청소기의 공력소음 특성 파악 및 저소음화에 관한 연구)

  • 전완호;백승조;김창준;허남건
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.05a
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    • pp.633-638
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    • 2002
  • The vacuum cleaner that has no dust bag generates very high level annoying noise. The dominant noise source is the 2$\^$nd/ BPF tone of the rotating impeller. In order to reduce the noise, we identify the acoustic characteristics and reduce the noise of the vacuum cleaner and centrifugal fan. The resonance phenomenon is observed in blade passages and we found out that the resonance frequency is very close to the 2$\^$nd/ BPF. In order to reduce this high-level peak noise, new impeller is designed in this paper. The trailing edge of new impeller is inclined and this makes the flow interactions between the rotating impeller and the stationary diffuser vane occurs with some phase shift. The performance of new impeller is similar to the old one but the overall SPL is reduced about 3.6dBA. The SPL of BPF is reduced about 6dBA and 2$\^$nd/ BPF is reduced about 20dBA. The vacuum cleaner, which uses newly developed centrifugal fan, generate more comfortable noise than the old model and the strong tonal sound was dramatically reduced.

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Influence of Growth Conditions for the Production of Bacteriocin, Glycinecin, Produced by Xanthmonas campestris pv. glycines 8ra (콩 불마름병균의 생장 조건이 박테리오신인 glycinecin의 생성에 미치는 영향)

  • Woo Jung;Sunggi Heu;Cho, Yong-Sup
    • Korean Journal Plant Pathology
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.376-381
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    • 1998
  • Xanthomonas campestris pv. glycines 8ra causes bacterial pustule disease on susceptible soybean leaves and produces a bacteriocin, named glycinecin, against related bacteria such as Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria. The antimicrobial activity of the glycinecin was effective to most tested Xanthomonas species. X. c. pv. glycines 8ra was able to produce the glycinecin in liquid media as well as solid media. Maximal productivity of glycinecin was obtained at 3$0^{\circ}C$ in the early stationary phase of growth of the X. c. pv. glycines 8ra. The production of glycinecin was not dependent on the initial inoculum level but on cell density. Glycinecin was very sensitive to proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin and proteinase K but resistant to DNase and RNase. The culture supernatant of X. c. pv. glycines 8ra retained some of its antimicrobial activity after 15 min at 6$0^{\circ}C$. It is stable at wide range of pH. The glycinecin showed the bactericidal activity after the adsorption of the glycinecin to the sensitive bacterial cell.

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The RpoS Sigma Factor Negatively Regulates Production of IAA and Siderophore in a Biocontrol Rhizobacterium, Pseudomonas chlororaphis O6

  • Oh, Sang A;Kim, Ji Soo;Park, Ju Yeon;Han, Song Hee;Dimkpa, Christian;Anderson, Anne J.;Kim, Young Cheol
    • The Plant Pathology Journal
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.323-329
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    • 2013
  • The stationary-phase sigma factor, RpoS, influences the expression of factors important in survival of Pseudomonas chlororaphis O6 in the rhizosphere. A partial proteomic profile of a rpoS mutant in P. chlororaphis O6 was conducted to identify proteins under RpoS regulation. Five of 14 differentially regulated proteins had unknown roles. Changes in levels of proteins in P. chlororaphis O6 rpoS mutant were associated with iron metabolism, and protection against oxidative stress. The P. chlororaphis O6 rpoS mutant showed increased production of a pyoverdine-like siderophore, indole acetic acid, and altered isozyme patterns for peroxidase, catalase and superoxide dismutase. Consequently, sensitivity to hydrogen peroxide exposure increased in the P. chlororaphis O6 rpoS mutant, compared with the wild type. Taken together, RpoS exerted regulatory control over factors important for the habitat of P. chlororaphis O6 in soil and on root surfaces. The properties of several of the proteins in the RpoS regulon are currently unknown.

Biochemical Characteristics of Lrp (Leucine-responsive Regulatory Protein) as a Global Regulator in Escherichia coli (대장균의 Global 조절 단백질인 Lrp (Leucine-responsive Regulatory Protein)의 생화학적 특성)

  • Lee, Chan-Yong;Kim, So-Young;Kim, Ryu-Ryun
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.239-245
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    • 2006
  • Leucine-responsive Regulatory Protein (Lrp) is a global regulator involved in modulating a variety of metabolic functions, including the catabolism and anabolism of amino acids as well as pili synthesis. In addition, there is growing evidences that Lrp may play an important role when cells make transition between rich and lean nutritional conditions. In this review, the biochemical characteristics of Lrp are described to provide a good example that shows how bacteria adapt to nutrient limitation and environmental stress.

Isolation and Characterization of Denitrification Bacteria (탈질 세균의 분리 및 특성)

  • 차월석;최형일;이동병;차진명
    • KSBB Journal
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.461-465
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    • 2003
  • Five denitrifying bacteria, which were identified as Pseudomonas sp., were isolated by the enrichment culture technique. The most effective denitrifying bacterium was named as Pseudomonas DWS, which was cultivated at anoxic condition. The optimal growth temperature and pH were 30$^{\circ}C$ and 7-8, respectively. Cell growth almost revealed a stationary phase at 18 hours after cultivation and nitrate was degrade 99.9% during this period. Therefore, it is suggested that Pseudomonas DWS could be effectively used for the biological treatment of wastewater containing nitrogen compounds.