• Title/Summary/Keyword: Standard Module

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Design and Implementation of TOE Module Supporting Binary Compatibility for Standard Socket Interfaces (표준 소켓 인터페이스에 대한 바이너리 호환성을 제공하는 TOE 지원 모듈의 설계 및 구현)

  • Kang Dong-Jae;Kim Chei-Yeol;Kim Kang-Ho;Jung Sung-In
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.1483-1495
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    • 2005
  • TCP/IP is the most commonly used protocol to communicate among servers, and is used in a wide range of applications. Unfortunately, Data transmission through TCP/IP places a very heavy burden on host CPUs. And it hardly makes another job to be processed. So, TOE(TCP/IP Offload Engine) is considered in many servers. But, most of TOE modules tends to not support binary compatibility for standard socket interfaces. So, it has problems that existing applications should be modified and recompiled to get advantage of TOE device. In this paper, to resolve upper problems, we suppose design and implementation of TOE module supporting binary compatibility for standard socket interfaces. Also, it can make a usage of multiple TOEs and NICs simultaneously.

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Design and Application of Power Line Communication Module for V2G Conforming with International Standard for Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure (EV 충전인프라를 위한 국제표준에 부합하는 V2G용 전력선통신모듈 설계 및 응용)

  • Kim, Chul-Soo;Baek, Soo-Whang
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.1183-1190
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    • 2018
  • The environmental regulations are being strengthened all over the world, and the introduction of electric vehicles are actively being considered to cope with them effectively. It is essential to establish a charging infrastructure, which is an essential element of electric vehicle distribution. In this paper, power line communication technology essential for smart charging infrastructure is studied. A control board capable of achieving a physical layer speed of 10Mbps and a TCP/IP layer of 4.5Mbps, which conforms to the ISO/IEC 15118 international standard, and a control board mounted on the board and compliant with international standards. We have developed a software solution to perform functions for linking. In addition, in order to be applied to the combo-type DC fast charger, the hardware was designed to meet the industrial environment standard and the V2G communication module was developed by integrating it with the software solution.

Design and Implementation of Web-Based MINI-PACS using the DICOM (DICOM을 이용한 웹 기반 MINI-PACS 설계 및 구현)

  • 지연상;이성주
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.4 no.5
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    • pp.1095-1104
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    • 2000
  • In recent years, medical procedures have become more complex, while financial pressures for shortened hospital stays and increased efficiency in patient care have increased. As a result, several shortcomings of present film-based systems for managing medical images have become apparent. Maintaining film space is labor intensive and consumes valuable space. Because only single copies of radiological examinations exist, they are prone to being lost or misplaced, thereby consuming additional valuable time and expense. In this paper, mini-PACS for image archiving, transmission, and viewing offers a solution to these problems. Proposed mini-PACS consists of mainly four parts such as web module, client-server module, internal module, acquisition module. In addition, mini-PACS system includes DICOM converter that non-DICOM file format converts standard file format. In client-server module case, proposed system is combined both SCU (service class user: client) part and SCP(service class provider: sewer)part therefore this system provides the high resolution image processing techniques based on windows platform. Because general PACS system is too expensive for medium and small hospitals to install and operate the full-PACS. Also, we constructed web module for database connection through the WWW.

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A Design of Real-Time QRS Detection in Physio-Module for Echocardiography (심초음파용 실시간 심전도 QRS 검출 모듈에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Won-Seuk;Kim, Nam-Hyun;Kim, Eong-Sok;Jeon, Dae-Keun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.40-47
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    • 2010
  • In this study, we investigated the performance of real-time QRS complex detection algorithm in physio-module for echocardiography. The performance of QRS detection module in echocardiography was evaluated according to international standard, EC-13 and we compared with commercialized physio-module with QRS complex detection. In this study, we can get performance of QRS complex detection, pacer pulse detection, Tall t-wave rejection and arrhythmia detection within EC-13's criteria and we can get improved QRS trigger delay time and baseline wondering rejection times in compared with commercialized physio-module.

Structural Performance of Beam-Middle Column Connection of 12m × 3m Steel Modular System (12m × 3m 스틸 모듈러 시스템의 보-중간기둥 접합부 구조성능)

  • Shim, Sung Chul;Lee, Sang Hyun;Jo, Bong Ho;Woo, Sung Sik;Choi, Mun Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Steel Construction
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.793-805
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    • 2008
  • Recently, steel modular systems are developed and have been applied to the projects requiring fast construction such as military barracks and vertical expansion of school buildings. The existing modular system with standard module of ${6m\times3m}$ has a problem that many columns are duplicated in the module connection and the wall thickness increases. In this study, $12m{\times}3m$ module is proposed to solve this problem. Various types of beam-middle column connection which are essential for realizing the $12m{\times}3m$ module are proposed and their maximum load capacity and failure mode are analytically and experimentally evaluated. The comparison between analytical and experimental results shows that the maximum axial load and failure mode can be accurately estimated by finite element analysis. Some connection types which have higher failure load than the design load of the column, can be used as the beam-middle column connection detail of the $12m{\times}3m$ module.

A Study on Application Structure for IT Operational Risk in Financial Institute (금융기관의 IT운영리스크 관점에서의 응용프로그램 구조에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Seong-Cheol;Nam, Cho-Yee;Lee, Kyung-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.705-719
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    • 2014
  • Recently the importance of operational risk is gradually increasing in risk management of financial institute. Especially the service interruption caused by system failure can lead to customer complaints, decrease of profit and customer secession. Thus, financial industry makes diverse effort to minimize the impact caused by the system failure of IT application. Common modules are used in IT system in financial industry to exclude redundant development and to use the system efficiently. However, when a failure in common module is occurred, the risk that affects all the tasks using the common module exists. In this study, the damage affected by a failure in application program is prevented separating common module which has a large risk by task in the perspective of IT operational risk. In order to cope with damage, the research on the factors related to common module is conducted and proposes the separating common module standard for decrease of operational risk of the financial IT.

Implementation Of Wireless Telephony Application Server (무선 텔레포니 에플리케이션 서버의 구현)

  • Choi, Chul-Oong;Jang, Ji-San;Lee, Jung-Eun;Kim, Min-Soo;Shin, Dong-Kyoo;Shin, Dong-Il
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2001.04a
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    • pp.561-564
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    • 2001
  • 본 논문은 무선 에플리케이션 프로토콜 Specification에서 제시하고 있는 WTA(Wireless Telephony Application) 를 기초로 네트워크에서 발생한 실시간 Event를 처리할 수 있는 모바일 클라이언트 및 WTA서버에 대한 설계와 구현에 대해서 기술한다. 또한 네트워크 이벤트 및 사용자가 발생시킨 이벤트를 디바이스에 독립적으로 처리할 수 있는 WTA 라이브러리와 필요한 컨텐츠를 실시간으로 브라우징하기 위한 Repository 에 대해 기술한다. 전체적인 WTA 환경 구조는 크게 2개의 물리적 구조인 Mobile Client와 WTA Server로 구현되어있다. Mobile Client의 내부 모듈은 표준 WAE 사용자 에이전트(Standard WAE User Agent)의 확장인 WTA 사용자 에이전트 모듈(WTA User-Agent Module), 필요한 resource를 서버로 요청하고 저장하는 채널 인스톨 모듈(Channel Install Module), network로부터 발생한 Event를 처리하는 이벤트 핸들러 모듈(Event Handler Module), mobile network 기능들(e.g. setting up calls)과 device specific feature(e.g. manipulating the phonebook)를 다루는 WTA 스크립트 라이브러리(WTA Script Library), Phonebook 엑세스 모듈(Phonebook Access Module), 실시간으로 즉각 이벤트에 반응하기 위한 Repository로 구성되어있고, WTA Server는 Client가 요청한 Content(services)를 전달 해 주는 컨텐트 전달 모듈(Content Deliver Module)과 서버 Phonebook 엑세스 모들(Server Phonebook Access Module)로 구성되어 있다.

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Analysis of Impact on ERP Customization Module Using CSR Data

  • Yoo, Byung-Keun;Kim, Seung-Hee
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.473-488
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    • 2021
  • The enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is a standardized and advanced business process that many companies are implementing now-a-days through customization. However, it affects the efficiency of operations as these customizations are based on uniqueness. In this study, we analyzed the impact of customized modules and processing time on customer service request (CSR), by utilizing the stacked CSR data during the construction and operation of ERP, focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). As a result, a positive correlation was found between unit companies and the length of ERP implementation; ERP modules and the length of ERP implementation; ERP modules and unit companies; and the type of ERP implementation and ERP module. In terms of CSR, a comparison of CSR processing time of CBO (customized business object) module and STD (standard) module revealed that while the five modules did not display statistically significant differences, one module demonstrated a statistically very significant difference. In sum, the analysis indicates that the CBO-type CSR and its processing cost are higher than those of STD-type CSR. These results indicate that companies planning to implement an ERP system should consider the ERP module and their customization ratio and level. It not only gives the theoretical validity that should be considered as an indicator for decision making when ERP is constructed, but also its implications on the impact of processing time suggesting that the maintenance costs and project scheduling of ERP software must also be considered. This study is the first to present the degree of impact on the operation and maintenance of customized modules based on actual data and can provide a theoretical basis for applying SW change ratio in the cost estimation of ERP system maintenance.