• 제목/요약/키워드: Springback Simulation

검색결과 67건 처리시간 0.023초

프론트 사이드 멤버의 비틀림 저감을 위한 성형공정 설계 (Forming process design for the twist reduction of an automotive front side member)

  • 인정제
    • 한국기계기술학회지
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    • 제13권1호
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2011
  • Increasing needs for light weight and high safety in modern automobiles induced the wide application of high strength steels in automotive body structures- The main difficulty in the forming of sheet metal parts with high strength steel is the large amount of springback including sidewall curl and twist in channel shaped member parts- Among these shape defects, twist occurs frequently and requires numerous reworks on the dies to compensate the shape deviation- But until now, it seems to be no effective method to reduce the twist in the forming processes- In this study, a new forming process to reduce the twist deformation during the forming of automotive structural member was suggested- This method consists of forming and restriking of embosses on the sidewall around the stretch flanging area of the part- and was applied in the forming process design of an automotive front side inner member with high strength steel- To evaluate the effectiveness of the method, springback analysis using $Pamstampa^{tm}$ was done- Through the analysis results, the suggested method was proven to be effective in twist reduction of channel shaped parts with stretch flanging area.

KFP 엔진 박팍 부품 드로잉 성형해석 (Numerical Analysis of Forming for KEP engine Sheet matal part)

  • 오성국;정완진;안홍;이영호
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 1994년도 박판성형기술의 진보
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 1994
  • The Aerospace and automobile industries have need to avoid sheet-metal forming problem such as incorrect springback after forming and trimming process, excessive thinning/tearing, wrinking/perkering. It is common practice to use costly trial-and-error experimental methods to develop tooling and manufacturing process parameters. Experimentation should be complemented with computer simulation to reduce cost and leadtime in manufacturing and to influence the design of components. In this study, firstly we solved the springback problem after drawing and trimming process of KFP(F100-229) engine airsealing bearing support part(53H00) forming and studied on the effect of several process parameters on the gap between the formed blank and punch shape using the implicit F.E.M code(ABAQUS). Secondly by the three dimensional dynamic analysis using the explicit. F. E. M code (LS-DYNA3D), we studied on the effect of several process parameters which can be used for avoid tearing and wrinking during the drawing process.

박판금속 성형고정 해석시스템 개발 (Development of Analysis System for Sheet Metal Forming)

  • 정완진;조진우
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 1998년도 제2회 박판성형심포지엄 논문집 박판성형기술의 현재와 미래
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    • pp.83-94
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    • 1998
  • An analysis system for sheet metal forming has been developed to improve the design and tryout process by predicting the deformation behaviour more precisely. This analysis system consists of forming analysis, springback analysis and post processor modules. The more accurate prediction of stress history can be achived due to the improved contact algorithm. Successive simulation of several processes can be carried out conveniently without interrupt by the improved data management of the developed system. The error of data transfer between forming analysis and springback analysis is minimized using the proper shell element. Several benchmark test results and practical results are presented to show the effectiveness and reliability of this program.

자동차 패널 전 스탬핑 공정의 시뮬레이션과 현장 트라이 아웃 (Simulation and Field Try-out of Auto Panel Stamping Processes)

  • 정기욱;이종문;금영탁;이승열;안인혁;황의정;박진수
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 2004년도 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.164-167
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    • 2004
  • The draw, trim, flange, and cam forming processes of automotive fender panel are simulated, focused on the springbacks. Simulation results are compared with field try-out. In order to compensate the differences between simulation and try-out, the draw bead shapes in the simulation are modified and the accuracy of the simulation is improved by comparing blank draw-in amounts. The spring-backs after formings are also found in the simulation. Finally, the simulation procedures for analyzing the springbacks in all stamping processes are established.

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유한요소해석에 의한 자동차 도어패널의 헤밍 결함 평가 (Numerical Evaluation of Hemming Defects Found on Automotive Door Panels)

  • 서오석;전강윤;이철홍;김헌영
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제24권4호
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    • pp.280-286
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    • 2015
  • Hemming is used to connect two sheet metal components by folding the edge of an outer panel around an inner panel to create a smooth edge. The minimization of hemming defects is critical to the final quality of automobile products because hemming is one of the last operations during fabrication. Designing the hemmed part is not easy and is influenced by the geometry of the bent part. Therefore, the main problem for automotive parts is dimensional accuracy since formed products often deviate geometrically due to large springback. Few numerical approaches using 3-dimensional finite element model have been applied to hemming due to the small element size which is needed to properly capture the bending behavior of the sheet around small die corner and the comparatively big size of automotive opening parts, such as doors, hoods and deck lids. The current study concentrates on the 3-dimensional numerical simulation of hemming for an automotive door. The relationship between the design parameters of the hemming operation and the height difference defect is shown. Quality improvement of the automotive door can be increased through the study of model parameters.

해석적인 방법을 이용한 복잡한 형상의 자동차 부재 스탬핑 공정에서의 주요 설계인자 연구 (Study on Design Parameters in a Stamping Process of an Automotive Member with the Simulation-based Approach)

  • 송정한;김세호;김승호;허훈
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제14권1호
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2005
  • This paper is concerned with the quantitative effect of design parameters on a stamped part of the auto-body. The considered parameters in this paper are the blank holding force, the draw-bead force, the blank size which greatly affect the metal flow during stamping. The indicators of formability selected in this paper are failures such as tearing, wrinkling and the amount of springback. The stamping process of the front side inner member is simulated using the finite element analysis changing the design parameters. The numerical results demonstrate that the blank holding force cannot control the local metal flow during forming although it controls the overall metal flow. The modification of the initial blank size considering the punch opening line ensures the local wrinkling and reduces the amount of springback after forming. The restraining force of draw-bead controls the metal flow in the local area and reduces the amount of excess metal. It is noted that the parametric study of design parameters such as blank holding force, the blank size and the draw-bead are very important in the process design of the complicated member.

연성파괴조건을 사용한 용융탄산염 연료전지용 쉴디드 슬롯 플레이트의 성형 공정 유한요소 해석 (Simulation of the Forming Process of the Shielded Slot Plate for the Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell Using a Ductile Fracture Criterion)

  • 이창환;양동열;이승륜;강동우;장인갑;이태원
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.298-304
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    • 2012
  • The shielded slot plates for a molten carbonate fuel cell(MCFC) have a sheared corrugated trapezoidal pattern. In the FEM simulations for the production of the shielded slot plate, the user material subroutine VUMAT in the commercial FEM software ABAQUS was used to implement a ductile fracture criterion. The critical damage value for the ductile fracture criterion was determined by comparing the experimental results of the shearing process with the simulation results. Using the ductile fracture criterion, the FEM simulation of the three-dimensional forming process of the shielded slot plate was conducted. The effects of the shearing process on the forming process were examined through FEM simulation and experiments. The forming simulation of nine unit cells was conducted. Using the simulation results of the forming process, the deformed shape after springback was calculated. The experimental result shows good agreement with the simulation.

레이저 용접 차체의 유한 요소 모델링과 성형해석 (A Finite Element Modeling and Analyses of Laser Tailor-Welded Automotive Body)

  • 김헌영;최광용;김관회;조원석
    • 한국소성가공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소성가공학회 1997년도 춘계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.31-36
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    • 1997
  • Various methods of finite element modeling for welded part are examined and the stamping simulation of automotive body is presented by using the explicit finite element code PAM-STAMPTM. The process of stamping simulation is suggested step by step, and then the gravity, binder wrap, forming, trimming and springback of front door inner are analyzed. It shows good agreements with real product in the aspects of deformed shape and failure area. The door inner with laser-tailor welded blank is simulated, in which deformed shape, movement of welde line and formability are predicted.

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