• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial multiple

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Facial Expression Animation which Applies a Motion Data in the Vector based Caricature (벡터 기반 캐리커처에 모션 데이터를 적용한 얼굴 표정 애니메이션)

  • Kim, Sung-Ho
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.90-98
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    • 2010
  • This paper describes methodology which enables user in order to generate facial expression animation of caricature which applies a facial motion data in the vector based caricature. This method which sees was embodied with the plug-in of illustrator. And It is equipping the user interface of separate way. The data which is used in experiment attaches 28 small-sized markers in important muscular part of the actor face and captured the multiple many expression which is various with Facial Tracker. The caricature was produced in the bezier curve form which has a respectively control point from location of the important marker which attaches in the face of the actor when motion capturing to connection with motion data and the region which is identical. The facial motion data compares in the caricature and the spatial scale went through a motion calibration process too because of size. And with the user letting the control did possibly at any time. In order connecting the caricature and the markers also, we did possibly with the click the corresponding region of the caricature, after the user selects each name of the face region from the menu. Finally, this paper used a user interface of illustrator and in order for the caricature facial expression animation generation which applies a facial motion data in the vector based caricature to be possible.

Development of Enlightenment Activity Composition Program Based-on Web (웹을 기반으로 한 계발 활동 편성 프로그램 개발 -제7차 교육과정에서 ICT 활용에 관한 연구 : 특별활동을 중심으로-)

  • Lim, Kyoung-Hee;Yang, Kwon-Woo;Goh, Byung-Oh
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.279-287
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    • 2002
  • These days, school education is making every possible effort to bring up a human able to opposed creatively to 21 century social, because of society is global and informational step by step. For this, the special activity in the seventh curriculum is expended and reorganized from three areas to five areas. On the other hand, the special activity is pushed ahead with the developmental activity in consideration of student's ability and aptitude. However, the teachers are difficult to organize of the developmental activity in based on student's ability and aptitude. Because of developmental activity is organized in the beginning of a term, not only the teachers are fallen to realize student's ability and aptitude but also students ignore ability and aptitude themselves. Therefore this paper designs a program based on MI(Multiple Intelligence) theory to compose developmental activity effectively. Up to now, MI is introduced nine kinds of intelligence, Linguistic Intelligence, Logical-Mathematical Intelligence, Musical Intelligence, Spatial Intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence, Intrapersonal Intelligence, Naturalist Intelligence, and Existentialist intelligence. this paper designs the K-MIDAS test[1] based on seven kinds of intelligence areas and implements developmental activity program suit to student's ability and aptitude based on the MI test result.

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Vision and Aging

  • Kim, In Suk;Hilz, Rudolf
    • Journal of Korean Ophthalmic Optics Society
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.9-13
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    • 2002
  • It is well known that the maximum amplitude of accommodation decreases with increasing age.(Presbyopia). With single vision lenses presbyopia can be corrected only for one viewing distance. With progressive power lenses presbyopia can be corrected for all viewing distances. But there are some other changes in the visual system with age which can not be corrected by spectacle lenses. Pupillary diameter decreases and the light transmission of the ocular media decreases. Therefore old people need more light, they need better illumination. Cone density in the retina decreases, this is only one example for changes in the sensory system. These changes in the visual system cause changes in visual functions. At the age of 80 visual acuity has decreased to half. Contrast sensitivity for gratings decreases mainly for high spatial frequencies very important is the increase of stray light in the ocular media and therefore the increase of glare. Veiling luminance increases by a multiple of approximately 4, Dark adaptation gets slower and light sensitivity is approximately 2 log units (factor 100) less when the eye is completely dark adapted. Also colour vision gets worse, especially at low luminances. Elderly people have problems with visual tasks which require divided attention between foveal and peripheral vision. An example is the measurement of the useful field of view. This useful field of view be expanded (improved) by visual training.

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The Aesthetic Transformation of Shadow Images and the Extended Imagination (그림자 이미지의 미학적 변용과 확장된 상상력 :디지털 실루엣 애니메이션과 최근 미디어 아트의 흐름을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Young-Ok
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.49
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    • pp.651-676
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    • 2017
  • Shadow images are a representative medium and means of expression for the imagination that exists between consciousness and unconsciousness for thousands of years. Wherever light exists, people create play with their own shadows without special skills, and have made a fantasy at once. Shadow images have long been used as subjects and materials of literacy, art, philosophy, and popular culture. Especially in the field of art, people have been experimenting with visual stimulation through the uniqueness of simple silhouettes images. In the field of animation, it became to be recognized as a form of non - mainstream areas that are difficult to make. However, shadow images have been used more actively in the field of digital arts and media art. In this Environment with technologies, Various formative imaginations are being expressed more with shadow images in a new dimension. This study is to introduce and analyze these trends, the aesthetic transformations and extended methods focusing on digital silhouette animation and recent media art works using shadow images. Screen-based silhouette animation combines digital technology and new approaches that have escaped conventional methods have removed most of the elements that have been considered limitations, and these factors have become a matter of choice for the directors. Especially, in the display environment using various light sources, projection, and camera technology, shadow images were expressed with multiple-layered virtual spaces, and it becomes possible to imagine a new extended imagination. Through the computer vision, it became possible to find new gaze and spatial images and use it more flexibly. These changes have given new possibility to the use shadow images in a different way.

Evaluation of Road Safety Audit on Existing Freeway by Empirical Bayes Method (경험적 베이즈 방법에 의한 공용중인 고속도로 교통안전진단사업의 효과평가)

  • Mun, Sung-Ra
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.117-129
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    • 2012
  • Road safety audit is the preventive enhancement strategy for safety. : it gets rid of beforehand the potential factor of a traffic accident in the stage of road planning and design and it evaluates the appropriation for road geometric structure or safety facility to prevent traffic accident in the stage of operation after the construction. Since this strategy is introduced to our country in the early 2000s, various projects have been processed and it was legislated recently. And now, the evaluation of past project for its continuation is needed. Therefore, in this study the evaluation of road safety audit on existing freeway is performed. The spatial extent of this study is Yong-dong line on which the safety treatment was executed in 2005 and 2006. And, the temporal range of this study is each 2-year of before and after from 2005 and 2006. The empirical bayes method of observational evaluation studies is applied to analyze. As a result, there is an effect of improvement on most of treated sections. But there is ineffective or negligible on some sections. Compared with the detail of treatment on each section, the effect of multiple or various treatments is good for that section. On the other hand, the section on which effect doesn't appear is the result of single or unimportant treatments. Throughout these results, the concrete analysis can be performed and the countermeasures designed for the section on which effect doesn't appear. Also it is used as reference to the future plan and direction of road safety audit on existing freeway.

Performance Testing of Satellite Image Processing based on OGC WPS 2.0 in the OpenStack Cloud Environment (오픈스택 클라우드 환경 OGC WPS 2.0 기반 위성영상처리 성능측정 시험)

  • Yoon, Gooseon;Kim, Kwangseob;Lee, Kiwon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.617-627
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    • 2016
  • Many kinds of OGC-based web standards have been utilized in the lots of geo-spatial application fields for sharing and interoperable processing of large volume of data sets containing satellite images. As well, the number of cloud-based application services by on-demand processing of virtual machines is increasing. However, remote sensing applications using these two huge trends are globally on the initial stage. This study presents a practical linkage case with both aspects of OGC-based standard and cloud computing. Performance test is performed with the implementation result for cloud detection processing. Test objects are WPS 2.0 and two types of geo-based service environment such as web server in a single core and multiple virtual servers implemented on OpenStack cloud computing environment. Performance test unit by JMeter is five requests of GetCapabilities, DescribeProcess, Execute, GetStatus, GetResult in WPS 2.0. As the results, the performance measurement time in a cloud-based environment is faster than that of single server. It is expected that expansion of processing algorithms by WPS 2.0 and virtual processing is possible to target-oriented applications in the practical level.

The Development and Application of Office Price Index for Benchmark in Seoul using Repeat Sales Model (반복매매모형을 활용한 서울시 오피스 벤치마크 가격지수 개발 및 시험적 적용 연구)

  • Ryu, Kang Min;Song, Ki Wook
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.33-46
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    • 2020
  • As the fastest growing office transaction volume in Korea, there's been a need for development of indicators to accurately diagnose the office capital market. The purpose of this paper is experimentally calculate to the office price index for effective benchmark indices in Seoul. The quantitative methodology used a Case-Shiller Repeat Sales Model (1991), based on actual multiple office transaction dataset with over minimum 1,653 ㎡ from Q3 1999 to 4Q 2019 in the case of 1,536 buildings within Seoul Metropolitan. In addition, the collected historical data and spatial statistical analysis tools were treated with the SAS 9.4 and ArcGIS 10.7 programs. The main empirical results of research are briefly summarized as follows; First, Seoul office price index was estimated to be 344.3 point (2001.1Q=100.0P) at the end of 2019, and has more than tripled over the past two decades. it means that the sales price of office per 3.3 ㎡ has consistently risen more than 12% every year since 2000, which is far above the indices for apartment housing index, announced by the MOLIT (2009). Second, between quarterly and annual office price index for the two-step estimation of the MIT Real Estate Research Center (MIT/CRE), T, L, AL variables have statistically significant coefficient (Beta) all of the mode l (p<0.01). Third, it was possible to produce a more stable office price index against the basic index by using the Moore-Penrose's pseoudo inverse technique at low transaction frequency. Fourth, as an lagging indicators, the office price index is closely related to key macroeconomic indicators, such as GDP(+), KOSPI(+), interest rates (5-year KTB, -). This facts indicate that long-term office investment tends to outperform other financial assets owing to high return and low risk pattern. In conclusion, these findings are practically meaningful to presenting an new office price index that increases accuracy and then attempting to preliminary applications for the case of Seoul. Moreover, it can provide sincerely useful benchmark about investing an office and predicting changes of the sales price among market participants (e.g. policy maker, investor, landlord, tenant, user) in the future.

Geospatial Data Modeling for 3D Digital Mapping (3차원 수치지도 생성을 위한 지형공간 데이터 모델링)

  • Lee, Dong-Cheon;Bae, Kyoung-Ho;Ryu, Keun-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.393-400
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    • 2009
  • Recently demand for the 3D modeling technology to reconstruct real world is getting increasing. However, existing geospatial data are mainly based on the 2D space. In addition, most of the geospatial data provide geometric information only. In consequence, there are limits in various applications to utilize information from those data and to reconstruct the real world in 3D space. Therefore, it is required to develop efficient 3D mapping methodology and data for- mat to establish geospatial database. Especially digital elevation model(DEM) is one of the essential geospatial data, however, DEM provides only spatially distributed 3D coordinates of the natural and artificial surfaces. Moreover, most of DEMs are generated without considering terrain properties such as surface roughness, terrain type, spatial resolution, feature and so on. This paper suggests adaptive and flexible geospatial data format that has possibility to include various information such as terrain characteristics, multiple resolutions, interpolation methods, break line information, model keypoints, and other physical property. The study area was categorized into mountainous area, gently rolling area, and flat area by taking the terrain characteristics into account with respect to terrain roughness. Different resolutions and interpolation methods were applied to each area. Finally, a 3D digital map derived from aerial photographs was integrated with the geospatial data and visualized.

Development of a GPS/GIS based Real-time Congestion Index for Traffic Information (교통정보제공을 위한 GPS/GIS기반의 실시간 혼잡지표개발)

  • Choi, Kee-Choo;Jang, Jeong-Ah;Jeong, Jae-Young;Shim, Sang-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.12 no.4 s.31
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 2004
  • Congestion index is needed for quantifying congestion level for various areas. So far, the index has been calculated based on multiple vehicle data for specified time interval. Such being the case, it was costly to build it and the usage of it was focused on policy development and evaluation rather than on traffic information provision. This study focuses on a development on a single vehicle based congestion index which can be a representative value for link congestion level and link speed information at the same time for dual purposes of traditional usages and information provision. A new term has been added for representing real time based arterial congestion level and it has been verified on a real time basis. The index was based on single vehicle GPS data and seemed to be cost effective in deriving the index. With the help of the index, the traffic information contents can be diversified in a constructive way in providing real time traffic information for ITS area and in using congestion level determination for traditional transportation areas.

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The Effects of Instruction Using Mind Map in Middle School Science Class (중학교 과학수업에서 학생들의 뇌기능 분화에 따른 마인드 맵을 활용한 수업의 효과)

  • Chung, Young-Lan;Lee, Joo-Youn
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.805-813
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    • 2004
  • Our educational system clearly places much greater value on left hemisphere learning. Students who process information in other ways are at a serious disadvantage and may not be learning efficiently. Since mind mapping emphasizing visual and spatial language, it helps students to use the whole brain and promotes more effective comprehension. The purpose of this research was to determine the effects of the instruction using mind map on the science achievement of students. A pretest-posttest control group design was employed. Subjects were 153 male and female, first grade students in a middle school. A control group of 83 was instructed with a traditional teaching method, and an experimental group of 70 was instructed by using a mind mapping strategy. Two groups were treated for 50 hours during 17 weeks. Tolerance's 'Style Of Learning And Thinking(SOLAT)' was used to assess students' lateralization preferences. A 30-item multiple choice posttest was used to assess students' achievement. To analyze the data, we used an analysis of covariance(ANCOVA) and i-tests. It was found that 21.6% of students was left brain dominant, 31.4%, right brain dominant and 47.1 % was integrated style. There was no gender difference in hemispheric dominance. Significant differences existed between the test scores when they were taught by using a mind map. Mind mapping turned out to be a valuable learning technique for the right brain students, helping them to achieve the same level of subject mastery as left brain students. There was a significant difference between males and females in relation to mind map application. Female scored significantly higher than males.