• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial location

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The Remained Basis and the Locational Characteristics of Manufacturing in Chonnam Region (전남지역 제조업의 존립기반과 입지특성)

  • Kim, Jae-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.19-36
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    • 1996
  • This study is to examine the remained basis and the locational characteristics of manufacturing in Chonnam region. First, the locational characteristics of manufacturing in the peripheral region examined through theoretical discussions about manufacturing location. And the locational characteristics of the small and medium firms and large firms be studied as to understand the precedent characteristics of Chonnam region. Chonnam region have the precedent characteristics that the regional capital is not accumulated as Japen exploit agricultural products at a colonial period. And SOC, industry and technology are not developed as geographically Chonnam lesion turn aside the economics axis of Korea-Japen-America within a period of industrialization. Manufacturing firms have beer make up the traditional indigenous firms which base on local market, agriculture and marine products in Chonnam lesion. The characteristics of these firms mainly are food & drink, nonmetal industry that is composed of the small and medium sized firms. The industrial structure is changing to machinery, chemistry, electronics industry from food & drink, nonmetal industry. But these industry is making the simple products. In Chonnam region, these change of industrial structure was expanding to the inland or coast region from the neighhoring region of Kwangju metropolitan. The blanch factories of large enterprises that located in Chonnam region are not connected with small and medium sized firms. The small and medium sized firms are not developed. Because these large enterprises are the iron and steel industry or chemistry industry. So the large-manufacturing firms have characteristics of the capital intensive industry, and make up the monopolistic industrial space of fordist blanch factories.

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Seasonal variations in species composition by the stow nets and the stow net on boat fisheries in the Han River Estuary, Korea (한강 하구 해역에서 개량안강망 및 해선망으로 어획된 수산생물의 계절별 종 조성)

  • Oh, Taeg Yun;Lee, Jae Bong;Seo, Young Il;Lee, Jong Hee;Choi, Jung Hwa;Kim, Jung Yun;Lee, Dong Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.452-468
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    • 2012
  • Marine organisms were collected by the stow nets and the stow net on boat fisheries from April 2010 to November 2011 in the Han River Estuary and categorized as 126 species, 61 families, and 5 taxa. The species were consisted with 34 in Crustacea, 5 in Cephalopoda, 79 in Pisces, unidentified jellyfishes in Cnidaria, and Finless porpoise in Mammals. The major species were composed of fish and crustaceans in the Han River Estuary. The dominant species in Crustacea were Chinese ditch prawn (Palaemon gravieri), blue crab (Portunus trituberculatus), Ridgetail prawn (Exopalaemon carinicauda), and mantis crab (Oratosquilla oratoria), and those in Pisces were Korean anchovy (Coilia nasus), and Japanese grenadier anchovy (Coilia mystus). The length structures of the six dominant species have more than one mode in the Han River Estuary. It reflects that the species inhibit during a part of and/or whole lifetime in the Han River Estuary where they utilize as spawning and/or nursery grounds. Freshwater fishes were collected from station D where is the closest location to the Han River stream, and their appearances were well matched with the large amount of freshwater discharge due to flood periods. Principal components analysis (PCA) was carried out with species compositions and showed temporal and spatial differences by the variations of species.

Positioning Accuracy Analysis According to the Change of Blockage Location and GNSS Signal Combination (GNSS 위성신호조합과 장애물 근접에 따른 위치정확도 분석)

  • Lee, Jae One;Yun, Bu Yeol;Park, Chi Young;Choi, Hye Won
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2014
  • Network RTK positioning, one of GNSS positioning systems, is currently very popular due to its easy operation and low cost. However, the network RTK positioning unquestioningly accepts observation result acquired with an ambiguity fixed-solution regardless of different field conditions and situations, and then it is applied to the practice. This paper, therefore, has investigated the effects of field conditions obtained network RTK survey data for the area with obstacles on the variation of positioning accuracy. Being explained in detail, after conducting survey by GPS-only positioning and combined GPS/GLONASS observations giving changes to the distance from obstacles and elevation angles, and then accuracy results of each positioning method were compared each other. As a result, while GPS-only point positioning method showed more stable results than combined GPS/GLONASS method in the areas with no obstacles, combined method gave better result than GPS-only for the areas with presence of obstacles. Based on the results of this experiment, when the further study is conducted with a variety of different field conditions affecting the survey accuracy, it can be expected that the accuracy of network RTK survey method would become to more popular.

Review and Comparative Analysis of Forest Biomass Estimation Using Remotely Sensed Data: from Five Different Perspectives (원격탐사자료를 이용한 국외 산림 바이오매스 추정 현황 및 비교분석: 다섯 가지 관점에서의 고찰)

  • Cho, Kyung-Hun;Heo, Joon;Jung, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Chang-Jae;Kim, Kyung-Min
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2011
  • Carbon emissions and storages that are strongly related to global warming has have emerged as one of the important issues while many governments and researchers have been interested in climate change and pollution. In this regards, forest biomass estimation is quite importance since forest biomass works as an important medium of the global carbon cycle between the atmosphere and soil. Forest biomass estimation through field survey needs lots of time and labors, and has accessibility issues. Hence, many researchers have focused on the forest biomass approaches based on remotely sensed data. This research comprehensively reviewed forty one international studies using remote sensing data according to five different categories (i.e., location of study area, size of study area, biome, used remote sensing data, and estimation technology). It would be expected that the results of this study can be used for suggesting domestic research directions; domestic research in this field is at the beginning stage in terms of level of technologies and useful materials. As results, 39% out of the reviewed studies used the areas located in North America. 59% out of the researches dealt with small size of the study areas (less than 3,600km2). In case of biome, around 30% of the studies focused on the boreal/taiga areas. Moreover, 35% and 16% of the studies were carried out using Landsat series and Lidar data, respectively. Finally, regression analysis method was most frequently used for forest biomass estimation by 71% out of 41 studies.

Geostatistical Integration Analysis of Geophysical Survey and Borehole Data Applying Digital Map (수치지도를 활용한 탄성파탐사 자료와 시추조사 자료의 지구통계학적 통합 분석)

  • Kim, Hansaem;Kim, Jeongjun;Chung, Choongki
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.65-74
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    • 2014
  • Borehole investigation which is mainly used to figure out geotechnical characterizations at construction work has the benefit that it provides a clear and convincing geotechnical information. But it has limitations to get the overall information of the construction site because it is performed at point location. In contrast, geophysical measurements like seismic survey has the advantage that the geological stratum information of a large area can be characterized in a continuous cross-section but the result from geophysics survey has wide range of values and is not suitable to determine the geotechnical design values directly. Therefore it is essential to combine borehole data and geophysics data complementally. Accordingly, in this study, a three-dimensional spatial interpolation of the cross-sectional distribution of seismic refraction was performed using digitizing and geostatistical method (krigring). In the process, digital map were used to increase the trustworthiness of method. Using this map, errors of ground height which are broken out in measurement from boring investigation and geophysical measurements can be revised. After that, average seismic velocity are derived by comparing borehole data with geophysical speed distribution data of each soil layer. During this process, outlier analysis is adapted. On the basis of the average seismic velocity, integrated analysis techniques to determine the three-dimensional geological stratum information is established. Finally, this analysis system is applied to dam construction field.

An Analysis of Drought Using the Palmer's Method (Plamer의 방법을 이용한 가뭄의 분석)

  • Yun, Yong-Nam;An, Jae-Hyeon;Lee, Dong-Ryul
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.317-326
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    • 1997
  • The Palmer Drought Severity Index has been ectensively used to quantitatively evaluate the drought severity at a location for both agricultural and water resources management purposes. In the present study the Palmer-type formula for drought index is drived for the whole country by analyzing the monthly rainfall and meteorological data at nine stations with a long period of records. The formula is then used to compute the monthly drought severity index at sixty-eight rainfall stations located throughout the country. For the past five significant drought periods the spatial variation of each drought is shown as a nationwide drought index map of a specified duration from which the relative severity of drought throughout the country is identifiable for a specific drought period. A comparative study is made to evaluate the relative severity of the significant droughts occurred in Korea since 1960's. It turned out that '94-'95 drought was one of the worst both in the areal extent and drought severity. It is found that the Palmer-type formula is a very useful tool in quantitatively evaluating the severity of drought over an area as well as at a point. When rainfall and meteorological forecast become feasible on a long-term basis the method could also be utilized as a tool for drought forecasting.

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Characteristics of Water Quality In the Shihwa Lake and Outer Sea (시화호 및 주변해역의 수질 특성)

  • Jang, Jeong-Ik;Han, Ihn-Sub;Kim, Kyung-Tae;Ra, Kong-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.105-121
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    • 2011
  • The operation of tidal power facility may induce severe changes of water quality in Shihwa Lake. Current water quality data are quite important to water quality management policy of Shihwa Lake. Thus, the water quality data of Shihwa Lake and its adjacent sea in 2010 were presented to characterize the temporal and spatial changes of water parameters such as pH, SS, DO, COD, dissolved nutrients, chlorophyll-a, TN and TP. Highest levels of water quality parameters were observed near the Shihwa and Banweol industrial complexes and the levels of water quality parameters were on a decreasing trend to those near the water gate. It suggests that the horizontal distributions of water quality levels are mainly controlled by the supply of fresh water from streams and the inflow of outer seawater by operation of water gate. Although the higher concentrations of TN and TP were observed in the location being affected by Sorae port, the levels of water quality parameters in outer sea of Shihwa Lake were lower than those in Lake. In summer season, hypoxic condition was well developed in bottom water by strong stratification and active decomposition of organic matter. Thus, the vertical distributions of dissolved nutrient, TN and TP concentrations showed the concentrations to be higher in bottom seawater than those in surface seawater whereas the vertical distributions of chlorophyll-a, COD and POC concentrations showed the concentrations to be higher in surface seawater than those in bottom water. Results of Pearson's correlation matrix for surface seawater demonstrated that salinity showed negatively good correlation with not only dissolved nutrients except for ammonium but chlorophyll-a, COD and POC This result indicates that the supply of dissolved nutrients through several streams might significantly affect phytoplankton bloom and increase of COD concentration in surface seawater.

Spatio-temporal Characteristics of the Daily Activities of economic-active married women (취업주부의 일상생활활동의 시 ${\cdot}$ 공간적 특성)

  • Park, Soon-Ho;Kim, Enn-Sook
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.113-143
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    • 1998
  • Married women who follow occupations have remarkably increased. Economic-activies married women[EAMW] have experienced a great degree of role confilcts as the results of that they should play the role of wage workers and do duty as household affairs as well as raise children. To understand problems of EAMW and to make alterniative plans for EAMW, the daily life actives of EAMW should be examined. This study attempts to understand the daily life activites of EAMW. To obtain the goal this research generalizes the daily life actives of EAMW. classifies the patterns the activites, and analyzes the activites in the micro-level. The acivites of EAMW mainly consist of formal business and household affairs. The spatial bounds of activities are influenced by weekdays and holidays. During the weekday their activities are mainly found around residences and/or work places; while, during the weekend, they are discovered around residences and/or around residences or relatives who take care of their children. EAMW move longer distance rather than a full-time housewife; however, the activites of EAMW are residential orientation like those of full-time housewives. The role conflicts of EAMW are mainly from social cultural structure, the distance between workplace and residence, and the location of public service institutes.

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A Study on the Local Identity and life Change of Female Marriage Migrants by Transnational Migration (초국가적 이주에 따른 결혼이주여성의 지역정체성과 생활 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Yu-Ri
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.180-194
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    • 2016
  • The local identity of a female marriage migrant is not fixed to certain boundary or location, but rather comprised flexibly according to geographical movement or new settlement to different place. This research focuses on the local identity and life change of female marriage migrants that are constituted/reconstituted according to spatial transition, or migration. The analysis was conducted to find out traits of changes in the periods of migration and settlement based on the following categorization: multiculturalism and bicultural identity, assimilation and host country identity, exclusion and origin country identity, marginalization and marginal identity. The results are as follows; while having identical experience in terms of a migration, the local identities of marriage migrant women differed according to individual/regional characteristics as well as their respective roles within those traits. In addition, most of females showed passivity in maintaining and exposing their cultural identities of original states. Moreover the life satisfaction change of female marriage migrant that is type of assililation and host country identity is appeared more than others. through this assimilation and accommodation mean adaptation to female marriage migrant lived in Korea. However the intercultural competences of both marriage migrant woman and children in multicultural families facilitate the connection among different cultures. Based on these outcomes, with the transition to multicultural society and space, this research proposes the necessity of fostering global citizenship for mutual recognition of each culture, thus enabling coexistence.

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Review and Prospects on International Physical Distribution Studies of Geography in the Globtlization Era (세계화 시대의 국제물류 연구동향과 과제)

  • 한주성
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.57-74
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    • 1998
  • Recently. the interest in Physical distribution has increased in economic geography This paper aims to review and prospect the internatonal physical distribution studies of international trade and international freight flows. And it has examined the changes in methodology of international physical distribution. Author has defined international physical distribution as the physical distribution of international trade and international freight flow The results are as follows : (1) As the methodology of international physical distribution studies developes, the physical distribution should be recognized not only as transportation phenomenon but also as total logistics which is understood as the combination of production and consumption including information flow. (2) The studies about model of international physical distribution flow ill need to study regional relations including urban, in the future. And economic geography and location theory adding culture and behaviour elements will be restructured, because not only state but also multinational corporation appear as trade subject in global economy. (3) The studies for the relation of habor and its hinterland in Physical distribution need to analyze the factors causing habor use with decision-making behaviour of corporation. (4) After oil crisis. as air freight is important, the studies for hinterland and foreland of freight centering international airport are needed because of necessity of light and small freight. flexible Production system, free trade, and high speed freight transportation of freshing food and flowers and so forth.

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