• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial error model

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Numerical Study on the Impact of Meteorological Input Data on Air Quality Modeling on High Ozone Episode at Coastal Region (기상 입력 자료가 연안지역 고농도 오존 수치 모의에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeon, Won-Bae;Lee, Hwa-Woon;Lee, Soon-Hwan;Choi, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Dong-Hyuk;Park, Soon-Young
    • Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.30-40
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    • 2011
  • Numerical simulations were carried out to investigate the impact of SST spatial distribution on the result of air quality modeling. Eulerian photochemical dispersion model CAMx (Comprehensive Air quality Model with eXtensions, version 4.50) was applied in this study and meteorological fields were prepared by RAMS (Regional Atmospheric Modeling System). Three different meteorological fields, due to different SST spatial distributions were used for air quality modeling to assess the sensitivity of CAMx modeling to the different meteorological input data. The horizontal distributions of surface ozone concentrations were analyzed and compared. In each case, the simulated ozone concentrations were different due to the discrepancies of horizontal SST distributions. The discrepancies of land-sea breeze velocity caused the difference of daytime and nighttime ozone concentrations. The result of statistic analysis also showed differences for each case. Case NG, which used meteorological fields with high resolution SST data was most successfully estimated correlation coefficient, root mean squared error and index of agreement value for ground level ozone concentration. The prediction accuracy was also improved clearly for case NG. In conclusion, the results suggest that SST spatial distribution plays an important role in the results of air quality modeling on high ozone episode at coastal region.

A Comparative Study on the Effects of Location Factors on Sales by Restaurant Type (입지요인이 음식업 업종별 매출액에 미치는 영향 비교연구)

  • Noh, Eun Bin;Lee, Sang Kyeong
    • Korea Real Estate Review
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of location factors on sales by restaurant type in the six districts of Seoul (Jongno-gu, Jung-gu, Yeongdeungpo-gu, Gangnam-gu, Seocho-gu, and Songpa-gu). Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression model is selected for four restaurant types whose spatial autocorrelation is not identified, spatial lag model (SLM) is only selected for seafood restaurant, and spatial error model (SEM) is selected for nine other restaurant types. The floating population and the workers of surrounding businesses have generally positive effects on the sales of restaurants. The floating population elasticity of the sales of restaurants are found to be in the descending order of Oriental food, pub, Western food, and traditional food restaurant, and the elasticity of the workers of surrounding businesses are in the descending order of bakery, Oriental food, and Western food restaurant. The spatial multiplier effects are in the descending order of Oriental food, pub, and Western food restaurant. There is a statistically significant sales gap between roast meat, pub, and bakery in Gangnam-gu and those in five other districts. The results of this research can help in starting a restaurant in that they can provide information on the suitability of location by restaurant type.

Data issue and Improvement Direction for Marine Spatial Planning (해양공간계획 지원을 위한 정보 현안 및 개선 방향 연구)

  • CHANG, Min-Chol;PARK, Byung-Moon;CHOI, Yun-Soo;CHOI, Hee-Jung;KIM, Tae-Hoon;LEE, Bang-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.175-190
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    • 2018
  • Recently, policy of the marine advanced countries were switched from the preemption using ocean to post-project development. In this study, we suggest improvement and the pending issues when are deducted to the database of the marine spatial information is constructed over the GIS system for the Korean Marine Spatial Planning (KMSP). More than 250 spatial information in the seas of Korea were processed in order of data collection, GIS transformation, data analysis and processing, data grouping, and space mapping. It's process had some problem occurred to error of coordinate system, digitizing process for lack of the spatial information, performed by overlapping for the original marine spatial information, and so on. Moreover, solution is needed to data processing methods excluding personal information which is necessary when produce the spatial data for analysis of the used marine status and minimized method for different between the spatial information based GIS system and the based real information. Therefore, collection and securing system of lacking marine spatial information is enhanced for marine spatial planning. it is necessary to link and expand marine fisheries survey system. It is needed to the marine spatial planning. The marine spatial planning is required to the evaluation index of marine spatial and detailed marine spatial map. In addition, Marine spatial planning is needed to standard guideline and system of quality management. This standard guideline generate to phase for production, processing, analysis, and utilization. Also, the quality management system improve for the information quality of marine spatial information. Finally, we suggest necessity need for the depths study which is considered as opening extension of the marine spatial information and deduction on application model.

Machine learning-based evaluation technology of 3D spatial distribution of residual radioactivity in large-scale radioactive structures

  • UkJae Lee;Phillip Chang;Nam-Suk Jung;Jonghun Jang;Jimin Lee;Hee-Seock Lee
    • Nuclear Engineering and Technology
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    • v.56 no.8
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    • pp.3199-3209
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    • 2024
  • During the decommissioning of nuclear and particle accelerator facilities, a considerable amount of large-scale radioactive waste may be generated. Accurately defining the activation level of the waste is crucial for proper disposal. However, directly measuring the internal radioactivity distribution poses challenges. This study introduced a novel technology employing machine learning to assess the internal radioactivity distribution based on external measurements. Random radioactivity distribution within a structure were established, and the photon spectrum measured by detectors from outside the structure was simulated using the FLUKA Monte-Carlo code. Through training with spectrum data corresponding to various radioactivity distributions, an evaluation model for radioactivity using simulated data was developed by above Monte-Carlo simulation. Convolutional Neural Network and Transformer methods were utilized to establish the evaluation model. The machine learning construction involves 5425 simulation datasets, and 603 datasets, which were used to obtain the evaluated results. Preprocessing was applied to the datasets, but the evaluation model using raw spectrum data showed the best evaluation results. The estimation of the intensity and shape of the radioactivity distribution inside the structure was achieved with a relative error of 10%. Additionally, the evaluation based on the constructed model takes only a few seconds to complete the process.

An Implementation of Integrated System for Topographic and Cadastral Data (지형 및 지적자료의 통합체계 구축)

  • 유복모;김갑진
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.143-155
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    • 2000
  • With the increasing needs for the integrated use of topographic and cadastral data in order to build an efficient geo-spatial information system. it is urgently necessary to research into its solution. The intention of this study is to detect error types of data and to propose adjustment methods for solving the problems caused by integrating topographic and cadastral data. For this purpose a primary integrated data model is created to link attribute data(land management system) and graphic data within cadastral information in the first step. In next, a secondary integrated data model based on the improved method is formed to coincide the graphic data of cadastral map with that of topographic map. At the first, because a numerous error types md sources caused by separate management of graphic and attribute data are easily checked, it is possible to suggest an improved method to correct these errors using the primary integrated data model. In addition, the accuracy in position and area with coordinate transformation method based on multi-block adjustment is more efficient than rubber-sheeting method. As a result, the secondary integrated data model could be built by harmonizing cadastral map with topographic map using the improved solution.

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A Study on the Development of Model for Estimating the Thickness of Clay Layer of Soft Ground in the Nakdong River Estuary (낙동강 조간대 연약지반의 지역별 점성토층 두께 추정 모델 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Seongin, Ahn;Dong-Woo, Ryu
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.586-597
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    • 2022
  • In this study, a model was developed for the estimating the locational thickness information of the upper clay layer to be used for the consolidation vulnerability evaluation in the Nakdong river estuary. To estimate ground layer thickness information, we developed four spatial estimation models using machine learning algorithms, which are RF (Random Forest), SVR (Support Vector Regression) and GPR (Gaussian Process Regression), and geostatistical technique such as Ordinary Kriging. Among the 4,712 borehole data in the study area collected for model development, 2,948 borehole data with an upper clay layer were used, and Pearson correlation coefficient and mean squared error were used to quantitatively evaluate the performance of the developed models. In addition, for qualitative evaluation, each model was used throughout the study area to estimate the information of the upper clay layer, and the thickness distribution characteristics of it were compared with each other.

Effect of a Hydrologic Similarity Unit and Storm Sewer Resolution on the SWMM Model Performance (수문학적 유사단위와 우수관망의 공간정밀도가 SWMM모형 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Ha, Sung-Ryong;Lee, Kang-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.79-90
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    • 2006
  • The partitioning level of a catchment becomes an issue if the calculated results from different levels show the same performance regardless of the levels. This study aims to identify the proper processing level of spatial resolution for the SWMM model application in an urban area. Using GIS overlaying technique, the division of subcatchments as a hydrologic similarity unit (HSU) is achieved with a comprehensive consideration of surface slope conditions, flow directions of storm sewers, and current land cover situation. Three surface-sewer alternatives are made on the basis of three different levels of surface divisions as well as the number of sewer connections and used as runoff simulation fields for the application of SWMM. As the result, it is found that the effect of a spatial resolution on the surface runoff results is not significant. On the other hand, the accumulated pollution load from an unit subcatchment, which is built by aggregation of several unit subcatchments consisting of various land cover conditions is reduced through the deterioration of surface spatial resolution. Although overall runoff pattern and accumulated runoff are little affected by spatial resolution, the simulated runoff from sewer outlet shows slight difference at the peak appearance time. The gap between surface pollution load accumulated and it discharged from the sewer outlet in a surface-sewer alternative during runoff period is monitored but the level of error is less than 5-10% except the lowest spatial resolution case.

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2D Spatial-Map Construction for Workers Identification and Avoidance of AGV (AGV의 작업자 식별 및 회피를 위한 2D 공간 지도 구성)

  • Ko, Jung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.49 no.9
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    • pp.347-352
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, an 2D spatial-map construction for workers identification and avoidance of AGV using the detection scheme of the spatial coordinates based on stereo camera is proposed. In the proposed system, face area of a moving person is detected from a left image among the stereo image pairs by using the YCbCr color model and its center coordinates are computed by using the centroid method and then using these data, the stereo camera embedded on the mobile robot can be controlled for tracking the moving target in real-time. Moreover, using the disparity map obtained from the left and right images captured by the tracking-controlled stereo camera system and the perspective transformation between a 3-D scene and an image plane, depth map can be detected. From some experiments on AGV driving with 240 frames of the stereo images, it is analyzed that error ratio between the calculated and measured values of the worker's width is found to be very low value of 2.19% and 1.52% on average.

Minimum Temperature Mapping in Complex Terrain Considering Cold Air Drainage (냉기침강효과를 고려한 복잡지형의 최저기온 분포 추정)

  • 정유란;서형호;황규홍;황범석;윤진일
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.133-140
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    • 2002
  • Site-specific minimum temperature forecasts are critical in a short-term decision making procedure for preventive measures as well as a long-term strategy such as site selection in fruits industry. Nocturnal cold air pools frequently termed in mountainous areas under anticyclonic systems are very dangerous to the flowering buds in spring over Korea, but the spatial resolution to detect them exceeds the current weather forecast scale. To supplement the insufficient spatial resolution of official forecasts, we developed a GIS - assisted frost risk assesment scheme for using in mountainous areas. Daily minimum temperature data were obtained from 6 sites located in a 2.1 by 2.1 km area with complex topography near the southern edge of Sobaek mountains during radiative cooling nights in spring 2001. A digital elevation model with a 10 m spatial resolution was prepared for the entire study area and the cold air inflow was simulated for each grid cell by counting the number of surrounding cells coming into the processing cell. Primitive temperature surfaces were prepared for the corresponding dates by interpolating the Korea Meteorological Administration's automated observational data with the lapse rate correction. The cell temperature values corresponding to the 6 observation sites were extracted from the primitive temperature surface, and subtracted from the observed values to obtain the estimation error. The errors were regressed to the flow accumulation at the corresponding cells, delineating a statistically significant relationship. When we applied this relationship to the primitive temperature surfaces of frost nights during April 2002, there was a good agreement with the observations, showing a feasibility of site-specific frost warning system development in mountainous areas.

Analysis of the Relationship between Three-Dimensional Built Environment and Urban Surface Temperature (도시의 3차원 물리적 환경변수와 지표온도의 관계 분석)

  • Li, Yige;Lee, Sugie;Han, Jaewon
    • Journal of Korea Planning Association
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    • v.54 no.2
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    • pp.93-108
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    • 2019
  • This study examines the relationship between three-dimensional urban built environment and urban surface temperature using LANDSAT 8 satellite image data in Seoul city. The image was divided into 600m×600m grid units as an unit of analysis. Due to the high level of spatial dependency in surface temperature, this study uses spatial statistics to take into account spatial auto-correlation. The spatial error model shows the best goodness of fit. The analysis results show that the three-dimensional built environment and transport environment as well as natural environment have statistically significant associations with surface temperature. First, natural environment variables such as green space, streams and river, and average elevation show statistically significant negative association with surface temperature. Second, the building area shows a positive association with surface temperature. In addition, while sky view factor (SVF) has a positive association with surface temperature, surface roughness (SR) shows a negative association with it. Third, transportation related variables such as road density, railway density, and traffic volume show positive associations with surface temperature. Moreover, this study finds that SVF and SR have different effects on surface temperature in regard to the levels of total floor areas in built environment. The results indicate that interactions between floor area ratio (FAR) and three-dimensional built environmental variables such as SVF and SR should be considered to reduce urban surface temperature.