• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial boundary

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Automation of Aerial Triangulation by Auto Dectection of Pass Points (접합점 자동선정에 의한 항공삼각측량의 자동화)

  • Yeu, Bock-Mo;Kim, Won-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.7 no.2 s.14
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 1999
  • In this study, tie point observation in aerial triangulation was automated by the image processing methods. The technique includes boundary extraction and We matching processes. The procedures were applied to extract points of Interest and to find their conjugate points in the other images. The image coordinates of the identified points were then used to compute their absolute coordinates. An algorithm was developed in this study for the automation of observation in aerial triangulation, which is a manual process of selecting a tie point and recording the image coordinate of the selected point. The developed algorithm automates this process through the application of a mathematical operator to extract points of interest from an arbitrary image. The root m square error of image coordinates of the developed algorithm is $6.8{\mu}m$, which is close to that of the present analytical method. In a manual environment, the accuracy of the result of a photogrammetric process is heavily dependant on the level of skill and experience of the human operator. No such problem exists in an automated system. Also, as a result of the automated system, the time spent in the observation process could be reduced by a factor of 61.2%, thereby reducing the overall cost.

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Study on the Single Bubble Growth During Nucleate Boiling at Saturated Pool (포화상태 풀비등시 단일기포의 성장에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Jeongbae;Lee Han Choon;Oh Byung Do;Kim Moo Hwan
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.29 no.2 s.233
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 2005
  • Nucleate boiling experiments on heating surface of constant wall temperature were performed using R113 for almost saturated pool boiling conditions. A microscale heater array and Wheatstone bridge circuits were used to maintain a constant wall temperature condition of heating surface and to measure the heat flow rate with high temporal and spatial resolutions. Bubble images during the bubble growth were taken as 5000 frames per second using a high-speed CCD camera synchronized with the heat flow rate measurements. The bubble growth behavior was analyzed using the new dimensionless parameters for each growth regions to permit comparisons with previous experimental results at the same scale. We found that the new dimensionless parameters can describe the whole growth region as initial and later (thermal) respectively. The comparisons showed good agreement in the initial and thermal growth regions. In the initial growth region including surface tension controlled, transition and inertia controlled regions as divided by Robinson and Judd, the bubble growth rate showed that the bubble radius was proportional to $t^{2/3}$ regardless of working fluids and heating conditions. And in the thermal growth region as also called asymptotic region, the bubble showed a growth rate that was proportional to $t^{1/5}$, also. Those growth rates were slower than the growth rates proposed in previous analytical analyses. The required heat flow rate for the volume change of the observed bubble was estimated to be larger than the heat flow rate measured at the wall. Heat, which is different from the instantaneous heat supplied through the heating wall, can be estimated as being transferred through the interface between bubble and liquid even with saturated pool condition. This phenomenon under a saturated pool condition needs to be analyzed and the data from this study can supply the good experimental data with the precise boundary condition (constant wall temperature).

Influence of Progressive Consolidation on Consolidation Behavior of Normally Consolidated Clayey Soil with Vertical Drains (연직배수재가 설치된 정규압밀 점성토 지반의 점진적 압밀이 차후 압밀거동에 미치는 영향)

  • Yune Chan-Young;Chung Choong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.5-18
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    • 2005
  • In this study, the influence of progressive consolidation from the drainage boundary on the subsequent process of consolidation was investigated. Analytical theory and numerical program f3r consolidation of clayey soil were developed based on finite difference method, in which spatial variation of permeability and volume compressibility were implemented. And model ground with normally consolidated clayey soils and a vertical drain at its center were simulated. Various types of soils with different relations between coefficient of volume compressibility and permeability and void ratio were applied. Also numerical simulations based on the properties of the normally consolidated clay at Nakdong River basin and reconstituted kaolinite soil were performed to recognize its practical impact. Consequently, it is found out that retardation of consolidation induced by progressive consolidation is very important to understand consolidation behavior on field conditions and its effect is remarkable at the initial state of consolidation, and increases with plasticity index and applied load.

Treatise on the Continuum of Spaces, Society of Interiors - Focused on The Continuous Rapport of Space between Architecture and The City, and Architecture and The Countryside ('연속된 공간, 내부 사회'에 관한 논고 - 건축과 도시 그리고 건축과 전원/시골의 연속적인 공간 관계를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Myungshig
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.100-107
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    • 2015
  • The paper begins with the idea of the society of the continued rooms that building connects architectural space (building interior) and urban open space (urban interior) or countryside/rural open space (territorial interior). It gives an account of, through literature review, a theoretical possibility of integrating not only architecture and urbanism but also architecture and countryside/rural planning. The first site explores the continuously articulated and connected spaces between building interior, urban interior, and territorial interior, in understanding Alberti's analogy, "A house is a little city." (1452) The second site illustrates architecture as an open boundary and a spatial medium which makes building, urban, and territorial interiors connect and makes them continuous. There is an opportunity of reading the continued relations and the continua of spaces. The third site deals with the form of building that architecture creates for building interior (society of rooms) and urban interior (society of urban rooms), and moderates the interiors. The last site clarifies the territorial interior (society of countryside/rural rooms) that constitutes homogeneous spatiality moderated by architecture between building interior and urban interior. The paper discusses the society of the continued interiors(building/urban/territorial interiors) that ought to be a fundamental truth in the field of every project which deals with a unit of space. It logically clarifies the society of the interiors, not isolated and blocked off but multilayered and continued. It comes to the conclusion that the territorial interior should be subsumed under the design field and the society of the continued rooms ought to be considered as a united object of space in the fields of interior architecture/design, architecture, landscape, urbanism and countryside/rural planning. Ultimately, it aims at offering a departing point of discourse and a theoretical foundation for the future studies on urban interior and territorial interior.

Influence of Tectonic Uplift on Longitudinal Profiles of Bedrock Rivers: Numerical Simulations (융기가 기반암 하상하천의 종단곡선에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 -수리 모형을 통한 연구-)

  • Kim Jong Yeon
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.39 no.5 s.104
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    • pp.722-734
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    • 2004
  • Longitudinal profiles of bedrock rivers play a fundamental role in landscape history by setting the boundary conditions for landform evolution. Longitudinal profiles are changed with climatic conditions, lithology and tectonic movements. Tectonic movement is an important factor controlling longitudinal profiles, especially in tectonically active area where uplift rates are regarded as a major factor controlling channel gradient. However study on bedrock channel has made little progress, because controls over bedrock river incision are yet to be clarified. Previous numerical simulations have used a simple diffusion model, which links together the overall processes of bedrock channel erosion as in other landform evolution models. In this study, previous bedrock incision models based on physical processes (especially abrasion) are reviewed and new modifications are introduced. Using newly formulated numerical model, the role of spatial pattern and intensity of tectonic uplift on changes in river longitudinal profile was simulated and discussed.

An experimental study on swirling spray flame structure by air-blast nozzle (기류분사 노즐에 의한 선회 분무 화염의 구조에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • O, Sang-Heon;Baek, Min-Su;Kim, Dong-Il
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.473-485
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    • 1997
  • Detailed experimental study has been made of air blast kerosene spray flames with and without swirl in combustion air flow. Phase-Doppler detect technique is used to measure Sauter mean diameter, axial component mean and rms velocity, size-velocity correlation, and number density. These measurements are obtained for both nonreacting and reacting cases under several stable flame conditions. The results show that the introduction of swirl to the combustion air modifies the spatial distribution of droplet size, velocity, and number density, and thus alters the flame structure. However, due to the weak swirl intensity, the overall structure of swirling flames are essentially same as that of nonswirling flames. Physical model of structure of air blast atomized spray flames is projected to show that spray flames are composed of three distinct regions: the two-phase mixture region, the main reaction and the intermittent combustion region. Near the atomizer, two phase mixture of droplet and air is formed in the core region. This dense spray region is characterized by high droplet number density and the strong convective effect. There follows the main combustion region where the main flame penetrates within the spray boundary. Main reaction region of these flames are governed by internal group combustion mode. Finally there exists the intermittent combustion region where local group burning or isolated droplet burning occurs.

Numerical Investigation of Mixing Characteristics in a Cavity Flow by Using Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann Method (혼성 격자볼츠만 방법을 이용한 공동 형상 내부에서의 혼합 특성에 관한 수치적 연구)

  • Shin, Myung Seob;Jeon, Seok Yun;Yoon, Joon Yong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers B
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.683-693
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    • 2013
  • In this study, the mixing characteristics in lid-driven cavity flows were studied numerically by using a hybrid lattice Boltzmann method (HLBM). First, we compared the numerical results from single-relaxation-time (LB-SRT) and multi-relaxation-time (LB-MRT) models to examine their reliability. In most of the cavity flow, the results from both the LB-SRT and the LB-MRT models were in good agreement with those using a Navier-Stokes solver for Re=100-5000. However, the LB-MRT model was superior to the LB-SRT model for the simulation of higher Reynolds number flows having a geometrical singularity with much lesser spatial oscillations. For this reason, the LB-MRT model was selected to study the mass transport in lid-driven cavity flows, and it was demonstrated that mass transport in the fluid was activated by a recirculation zone in the cavity, which is connected from the top to the bottom surfaces through two boundary layers. Various mixing characteristics such as the concentration profiles, mean Sherwood (Sh) numbers, and velocity were computed. Finally, the detailed transport mechanism and solutions for the concentration profile in the cavity were presented.

Accuracy Evaluation of Cadastral Surveying using Data of Parcel Based Land Information System (필지중심토지정보시스템 자료를 이용한 지적측량 정확도 평가)

  • Ju, Jeong-Jun;Kim, Seong-Sam;Yoo, Hwan-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.12 no.3 s.30
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2004
  • Cadastral surveying is related to demarcating legal boundaries and areas for the sake of registering a properly on cadastral records or restoring registered boundaries on the ground. It is composed of control surveying (cadastral triangulation and supplementary control surveying) and detail surveying. Detail surveying is classified into plane table surveying by graphical cadastral map and numerical surveying by boundary point coordinates. In this study we compared the accuracy of plane table surveying with numerical surveying using Parcel Based Land Information System(PBLIS) data constructed by the cadastral map digitalization business. In conclusion the result by numerical surveying was analyzed as more accurate than the result of plane table surveying, as Root Mean Square Errors(RMSE) of graphical cadastral surveying is 0.766m and that of numerical cadastral surveying using Total Station(T/S) is 0.683m. Therefore, PBLIS data is expected to be used for surveying legal boundaries and areas in the near future.

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The Effective Means to Promote GPS-Based Survey for Cadastral Surveying of GPS Performance Standards and Measures (GPS기반의 효율적인 지적측량성과를 위한 측량기준 및 방안에 대한 연구)

  • Ahn, Jong Soon;Kang, Joon Mook;Yun, Hee Cheon
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2013
  • In this study, one of the main aims is to build up a technical foundation for promoting the cadastral resurvey effectively and to improve the accuracy of cadastral surveying is to make use of precise surveying techniques in allowance of position errors as reference accuracy in cadastral resurvey, which is proper to obtain the sufficient accuracy of the cadastral control points, and parcel boundary points by introducing the GNSS-based surveying techniques on cadastral survey. In detail, the existing procedures and outcomes of cadastral survey were compared and analyzed for suggesting a better survey technique than that of the other techniques in a variety of aspects of capability of cadastral survey. The new skills and supports could be upmost importance when doing cadastral survey. What's more, essentially, 'The Measurement Department' makes all the efforts to establish 'The Surveying Regulations'. This could possibly apply GNSS-based surveying technique to the cadastral resurvey for the foreseeable future and this research paper suggested that how to improve absolute accuracy of cadastral reference points by means of putting to use the appropriate models of measurement further.

The Value of Performing Arts Content and Convergence Structure -Focused on Performing Arts Live Video- (공연예술콘텐츠의 가치와 융합적 구조 -공연예술실황영상을 중심으로-)

  • Young, Hur-Lan
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.241-255
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    • 2016
  • This study aims at examining the making and distribution course of performing arts and its converged form with technology and industry in terms of the Contents Promotion Act. Since the 2000s, the inter-area contents making and sharing methods have been changing the making and distribution structure of performing arts. The recent production of performing arts contents live videos extends the areas of arts creation and communication beyond the time and spatial boundaries of performing arts and changes the existing systems. The performing arts which started with nowness and spatio-temporal restriction on the premise is now creating a new platform over the spatio-temporal boundary through the live video. Performing arts, in convergence with the areas of technology and industries, expands universal approaches and shows the public value of cultural fairness at public performing arts centers. In this context, this study aims at seeking the possible extension of performing arts contents by examining how the so-called high-class performing arts such as opera, theatre and classical music combines with the visual industry.