• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Planning System

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Proposal and Design Application of High-Rise Structural System for Combining Autonomous Vehicles and Architecture (자율주행차량과 건축의 결합을 위한 고층 구조 시스템 제안 및 설계 적용)

  • Park, Sang-Woo;Yoon, Sung-Won
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to propose future-oriented high-rise buildings where the vehicle is parked at the top of the building. At the same time, the vehicle is used as a part of the building along with the advent of the era of autonomous driving. The suspended structure is proposed as a suitable structural system for architectural planning. This system is free to design because there are no limitations on column planning compared to conventional designs. In particular, the low-floor plan can be used as an open space because colums are not arranged in the lower-floors. Thereby opened low-floor plan has advantages that visual perception of the space is improved, noise problems along the side of the street is solved and planning underground parking spaces are easier. These advantages can solve the problem of overlapping columns with vehicle traffic in the building. However, there are some problems that the suspension structure is mainly a formal form and the usable area is small compared to the core area because it is a core-oriented structural system. In this regard, a new structural system was proposed by combining the concept of suspended structure and cable stayed column. Therefore, this paper analyzes the existing style of high-rise housing suspended Structure and proposes a new structural system and the concept of design for autonomous vehicles.

Resources Evaluation System for Rural Planning Purposes( I ) - Formulation of Goal System for Resource Evaluation - (농촌계획지원용 지역자원평가시스템 구축(I) - 자원평가 구성요소의 목표체계 구축 -)

  • 최수명;황한철
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.54-67
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    • 1997
  • Korean societies have been experiencing the wholesale structural changes in the rapid currents of recent openness, globalization and democratization, which effect much more heavily in rural areas than in urban areas, so rural recomposition works being an important national concern. In order to systematically reconstruct the rural structure, the decision makers, with a four step hierarchy of rural resident-residents group-community-region, should be endowed with the objective judgement on basic elements of resource potentialities under their control. In this process. rational resource evaluation works would be firstly necessiated from expert groups. Based on the view mentioned above, this study principally aimed at developing a rational evaluation framework for rural resources. For that objective, the first step of the study pigeonholed the total resources items identifiable in rural areas from the existing study results, spatial planning and field surveying data. After then, using the formalized classification criteria of resources items, a tentative goal system for rural resources evaluation was proposed and the final one determined through expert-group checking. The results obtained during the study are summarized as follows ; 1. Using the existing examples of resources identification/classification and the basic data list for county-level development planning as the principal reference ones, total rural resources elements were classified into 3 constituent units : land, natural environment and human resources, which correspond to places to work, to play and to live, respectively, as 3 constituent ones of life-supporting space. 2. Three characteristic areal types were adopted to represent the total rural areas : lowland, upland and seashore areas, and also 3 practical use types to represent the objectives of resources evaluation systems : for land use planning, natural conservation policy and village improvement planning. Thus 9 different types of goal system for resources evaluation were developed(each system by 3 areal typesX3 practical use types) 3. Each goal system has 3-tier classification steps from the higher, middle and lower one. The higher and middle steps should contain equally applicable components to all the rural areas, of which allowable number being around 3 and 4 respectively. However the lower step would contain detailed sub-components changeable to areal characteristics of which allowable number being around 7.

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Defining boundaries of urban centers and measuring the impact for diagnosing urban spatial structure (도시 공간구조 진단을 위한 도시 중심지의 경계 설정 및 영향력 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Ho-Yong Kim;Jisook Kim
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.52-66
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of this study is to identify the spatial system and characteristics of the urban center by deriving the boundaries of the urban center set in the urban basic plan for Busan Metropolitan City and diagnosing the role and status of the center. To this end, four indicators representing the characteristics of the center were selected through a review of previous studies, and the boundaries of the center were derived using spatial statistical techniques with strengths in geographical boundary analysis. Then, using the indicators of center characteristics and population potential functions, we diagnosed the influence and potential of each center in the spatial structure of Busan Metropolitan City. The analysis showed that the scale of the centers varies greatly, and the unutilized areas where commercial areas are not activated and the expansion areas that spread beyond commercial areas to residential and industrial areas are different for each urban center. The results of the potential measurement, which indicates the attractiveness of the center, also showed areas with strong and weak population potential. Therefore, systematic management and strategies based on the hierarchical characteristics and influence measurement results are needed to strengthen the function of urban centers. The results analyzed in this study can be used as a resource for responding to various urban planning needs and policy changes in the future, along with station area development plans and spatial innovation zones for building a sustainable urban growth system, balanced development, and strengthening the function of centers.

A Study on the Spatial Structure Analysis of history museum using the Complex System (Complex system 이론에 따른 역사기념관 공간구성체계에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Seung Yong;Park, Ji Hun
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.85-93
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    • 2022
  • Currently, Korea is achieving cultural, economic, and social growth as a member of the international community along with its social growth. In the 2000s, local communities and local governments made multidimensional efforts with historical and cultural interests. And as part of that, historical museums were built or expanded to increase the quantity in anticipation of citizens' satisfaction and attracting visitors. However, the qualitative effect of the exhibition space is not achieved. Therefore, in this study, the analysis according to the complex system theory on the interrelationship between exhibition planning, space, and spectators was carried out based on the case of domestic historical museums, and future exhibition space planning or movement lines according to the mutual relationship between the exhibition space and the spectators were conducted. The purpose of this study is to conduct research on specific visualization and data derivation regarding spatial density and spatial perception information.


  • Shim Soon-Do;Shim Kyu-Cheoul
    • Water Engineering Research
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.157-176
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    • 2004
  • This research presents a prototype development and implementation of Decision Support System (DSS) for integrated river basin water management for the flood control. The DSS consists of Relational Database Management System, Hydrologic Data Monitoring System, Spatial Analysis Module, Spatial and Temporal Analysis for Rainfall Event Tool, Flood Forecasting Module, Real-Time Operation of Multi Reservoir System, and Dialog Module with Graphical User Interface and Graphic Display Systems. The developed DSS provides an automated process of alternative evaluation and selection within a flexible, fully integrated, interactive, centered relational database management system in a user-friendly computer environment. The river basin decision-maker for the flood control should expect that she or he could manage the flood events more effectively by fully grasping the hydrologic situation throughout the basin.

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Regional Planning and Area Studies in Korea (한국의 공간계획과 지역연구)

  • Hong, Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.587-591
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    • 1997
  • Spatial plans, widely encompassing national or regional plans, are designed for an appropriate management of 'region',which is a complex of social, cultural and economic functions. Designing a spatial plan, therefore, is based on the understanding of the structure, function, and some other characteristics of the region concemed. Area stidies which have been conducted in the fields of geography, regional science and anthropology, have contributed a lot to establishing the whole range of the regional planning system. This is identified in three spheres: setting up planning units based on concrete area studies and appropriate regional divisions, dividing planning areas by the studies on goods and service purchase behavior, endowing specific functions to each planning area. Some suggestions have been made to intensify the connections between area studies and regional planning, which include consensus buiding, planning-oriented area studies by the standardized formatting and sharing of research products by commercialization.

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High Utilization of Photovoltaic Power System in Rural Green Village Location Analysis and Evaluation using GIS - With Chubumyeon, Keumsan, Chungnam province - (GIS를 이용한 태양광 발전시스템의 활용도 높은 농촌 그린빌리지 적정입지 평가 - 충청남도 금산군 추부면을 중심으로 -)

  • Doh, Jae-Heung;Kim, Dae-Sik;Koo, Hee-Dong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.51-62
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    • 2014
  • The composition of rural Green Village requires higher utilization of renewable energy in those selected rural villages. The purpose of this study is to select the best results of rural green villages when using photovoltaic power system(PV system). 10 different rural villages in Chubumyeon, Keumsan, Chungnam province, were selected as study villages. This study shows measured solar radiation data, a 20-year time series data, and GIS spatial analysis; and whose were used to predict the photovoltaic power generation. PV system is used as a form with capacity of 3kWp to use for personal and public houses. Generation data was calculated by the town, where the economics of the Green Village location analysis was performed; and the solar radiation's correction factor was calculated by the 20-year time series data and measured data by study villages. By applying to the data of DEM, slope and aspect of the study villages were found, therefore performed. Spatial analysis tools were performed by using solar radiation map's tools. Those data found were used to calculate the average needed energy every months. When used the properly calculated data, towns performed economical energy consumption in rural Green Village. Every study villages have showed very high potential for PV system. Sungdangri ranked at the first (7,401kWp/year), Jangdaeri follows behind to the second (7,203kWp/year) and Yogwangri at third (7,89kWp/year) which shows higher developed energy than other study villages. The areas covered of these three towns are as follows: Sungdangri at $33,300m^2$, Jangdaeri covers $18,000m^2$ and Yogwangri shows $46,800m^2$. With these results, analyzing the potentials using GIS spatial analysis before installation of PV system was possible. Also different villages and topography in study villages have showed various results by the area. For convenience and to shorten research time, it is possible and enough to use solar radiation tools when studying spatial analysis of solar radiation.

A Study of the Construction and Application of Point of Interest Data for Search and Guide (생활지리정보 검색 및 안내를 위한 POI의 구축 및 활용)

  • Kim, Dae-Sik;Kim, Hyung-Jin;Son, Bong-Soo;Yu, Wann
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.423-430
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    • 2003
  • Generally, elements of DRM(Digital Road Map) consist of road, background and landmark data. The landmark, expressed as text and symbol, on map and additional search data are processed by GISSD(Geo-spatial Information System Service Data). This paper aims to develop the DBMS(Database Management System) for operating landmark and search data, and to discuss the characteristics and application of the DBMS. To accomplish the two objectives, the following four tasks were performed in this study. First, the working scopes of field survey and specification to construct the GISSD were defined. Second, the suggested process of manufacture and design of database were described. Third, the software for required construction and management of the system were developed. Lastly, the properties of developed system and data were analyzed. Especially, the efforts for the GISSD in this study are expected to provide a direct use and practical application to the creation of landmark in DRM and search data.

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A Study on the Spatial Configuration and Area Composition in Severe Trauma Center - Focused on Regional Emergency Medical Center (중증외상특성화센터의 공간구성 및 면적구성에 관한 연구 - 권역응급의료센터를 중심으로)

  • Park, Soroh;Park, Jaeseung
    • Journal of The Korea Institute of Healthcare Architecture
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 2013
  • Purpose: As emergency medical service fund is further expanded due to amendment of the law on emergency medical services in 2008, Korean government has prepared to intervene in a comprehensive manner to strengthen a trauma treatment system. As a result, it announced a master plan to establish a serious trauma treatment center in 16 areas across the nation. Therefore, this study has attempted to investigate the current status of the serious trauma treatment centers and suggest the goal and improvement plan of future serious trauma treatment centers. Methods: As of 2011, Korea operates 23 emergency cerebrovascular service centers, 23 emergency heart disease centers and 35 severe trauma treatment centers across the country. 12 emergency medical service centers have been chosen among the serious trauma treatment centers. Then, top six (6) centers chosen at Emergency Medical Institute Assessment 2011 by Ministry of Health and Welfare have been selected, and floor layout and spatial allocation by usage have been reviewed and analyzed. Results: Consequently, this study has investigated the spatial components, circulation layout and spatial allocation of a serious trauma treatment. For construction planning in consideration of the fundamental objectives and goal of emergency medical services, it is essential to allot spaces and select exact spatial components. It appears that it is necessary to design spaces for emergency medical services and come up with construction planning through appropriate spatial allocation.

The Study on the National and Urban planning by using Spatial Data Information Infrastructure. (국토공간정보를 이용한 국토공간계획수립방안)

  • Choi, Bong-moon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.152-156
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    • 2004
  • Since 1995 the Korean Government has implemented the Master Plan for the National Geographic Information System(NGIS) to build up the National Spatial Data Infrastructure. This paper aims to evaluate the NGIS on the scope of National Land Use Policy and Urban Planning and to suggest the way to solve the current problems of National Land Use.

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