• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Information Control System

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Current Status and Future Prospect of Plant Disease Forecasting System in Korea (우리 나라 식물병 발생예찰의 현황과 전망)

  • Kim, Choong-Hoe
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.84-91
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    • 2002
  • Disease forecasting in Korea was first studied in the Department of Fundamental Research, in the Central Agricultural Technology Institute in Suwon in 1947, where the dispersal of air-borne conidia of blast and brown spot pathogens in rice was examined. Disease forecasting system in Korea is operated based on information obtained from 200 main forecasting plots scattered around country (rice 150, economic crops 50) and 1,403 supplementary observational plots (rice 1,050, others 353) maintained by Korean government. Total number of target crops and diseases in both forecasting plots amount to 30 crops and 104 diseases. Disease development in the forecasting plots is examined by two extension agents specialized in disease forecasting, working in the national Agricul-tural Technology Service Center(ATSC) founded in each city and prefecture. The data obtained by the extension agents are transferred to a central organization, Rural Development Administration (RDA) through an internet-web system for analysis in a nation-wide forecasting program, and forwarded far the Central Forecasting Council consisted of 12 members from administration, university, research institution, meteorology station, and mass media to discuss present situation of disease development and subsequent progress. The council issues a forecasting information message, as a result of analysis, that is announced in public via mass media to 245 agencies including ATSC, who informs to local administration, the related agencies and farmers for implementation of disease control activity. However, in future successful performance of plant disease forecasting system is thought to be securing of excellent extension agents specialized in disease forecasting, elevation of their forecasting ability through continuous trainings, and furnishing of prominent forecasting equipments. Researches in plant disease forecasting in Korea have been concentrated on rice blast, where much information is available, but are substan-tially limited in other diseases. Most of the forecasting researches failed to achieve the continuity of researches on specialized topic, ignoring steady improvement towards practical use. Since disease forecasting loses its value without practicality, more efforts are needed to improve the practicality of the forecasting method in both spatial and temporal aspects. Since significance of disease forecasting is directly related to economic profit, further fore-casting researches should be planned and propelled in relation to fungicide spray scheduling or decision-making of control activities.

A Study on a Basic Model for GIS Audit, Based on Various Types of GIS Projects (GIS 사업유형을 고려한 GIS 감리의 기반 모델 연구)

  • Koh, Kwang-Chul;Kim, Eun-Hyung
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.2 no.2 s.4
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    • pp.5-23
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    • 2000
  • Since 1995, national and local governments have competitively initiated many and large GIS projects and audit for the projects becomes an important issue. So far, the audit in the Information Technology(IT) area has tried to deal with the issue but ineffectiveness has been found for the successful GIS project management. Effective auditing is a critical element for the project management. In order to establish a proper audit model for the GIS projects and to promote auditing activities in the projects, this study constructs two hypotheses and tries to prove them. The hypotheses are as follows : 1) For a good audits model for GIS, unique characteristics of a GIS project audit items and the scope of the audit need to be identified. 2) The scope of audit needs to be classified according to the requests from tasks in the projects. To prove the hypotheses, this study analyzes positive aspects of audit in IT and construction projects, clarifies the audit items in GIS projects by comparing with them, and classifies the scope of the GIS audit based on various types of GIS projects. As a results, 5 types of the GIS audit are identified : (1) audit for project management, (2) audit focused on IT, (3) audit characterized by GIS technologies, (4) GIS database audit and (5) consulting services for critical problems in the projects. In addition, 4 criteria in classifying the GIS projects are suggested for the GIS audit. The 4 criteria are domain, scope, duration, and GIS applications technologies. Especially, GIS technology considered in this study includes GIS software, methodologies for GIS development, GIS database and quality control of GIS data, which are not usually reflected in the existing studies about in GIS audit. Because the GIS audit depends on a type of GIS projects, scopes of the audit can be flexibly reconstructed in accordance with the types of GIS projects. This is a key to effective and realistic audit for the future GIS projects. Strategies for effective GIS audit are also proposed in terms of the following: GIS project management, goal establishment in each audit stage, documentation from GIS audit, timing strategies for intensive GIS audit, and designing team structure.

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Frequency Runoff Analysis by Storm Type using GIS and NRCS Method (GIS와 NRCS방법을 이용한 호우형태에 따른 빈도별 유출 분석)

  • Yeon, Gyu-Bang;Jung, Seung-Kwon;Kim, Joo-Hun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.119-131
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    • 2003
  • Rainfall-runoff process is under the control of hydrologic parameters having temporal and spatial variety. Accordingly, it is difficult to efficiently deal them since many parameters and various information are required to perform hydrologic simulation. So the purposes of this study is to estimate the runoff volume by frequency using GIS techniques and NRCS method. The analysis of frequency rainfall is analyzed using FARD 2002 program and the result of goodness of fit test show that Log-pearson type III is suitable distribute type for the applied area. TOPAZ program used for the analysis of DEM data examining into geological characteristic. NRCS curve numbers estimated using landuse map and soil map for the estimation of effective rain fall in the basin. The storm Type II and Type III were used as the type for the application of NRCS. The result of application show that the runoff volumes above 80 years frequency in return period have similar patterns regardless of Type II and Type III. In addition, the results of comparison with runoff volumes by frequency in the report of river improvement master plan show that it have similar volumes as the relative errors for them of 80, 100 years frequency are each 7.65%, 5.33%.

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Analysis of Groundwater Use in Kap-cheon Basin (갑천 유역의 지하수 이용 특성 분석)

  • Hong, Sung-Hun;Kim, Jeong-Kon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.463-471
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the features of groundwater use to utilize as basic information for water-cycle analysis system development and effective groundwater management in the Kap-cheon basin. The cumulative relationship between groundwater use and the number of wells was analyzed to estimate the representative total groundwater use and the number of wells for the Kap-cheon basin. Then, the spatial distribution of groundwater use in the basin were figured out using the detailed information on groundwater use in each well. Finally, the reasonability of groundwater resources management in Kap-cheon basin was evaluated by comparing groundwater recharge and groundwater use in sub-basins and major stream basins. The results of the analysis showed about 25% of the total wells could represent 90% of groundwater use ($37,923,516\;m^3$/year) in the Kap-cheon basin. A detailed analysis on the groundwater uses in the vicinity of down-town areas of Daejeon metropolitan city showed high groundwater uses ($1.4{\sim}11.1$ times) compared to the groundwater recharge previously estimated using the rainfall-runoff model. The ratio of groundwater use and groundwater recharge for the major river basins in Kap-cheon basin ranged from 1.9 to 2.3 indicating that more sustainable groundwater management should be exercised. The results of this study can be used as basic information in evaluating the change of groundwater flow, stream flow and water-cycle for various groundwater uses in the Kap-cheon basin.

Vegetation Monitoring using Unmanned Aerial System based Visible, Near Infrared and Thermal Images (UAS 기반, 가시, 근적외 및 열적외 영상을 활용한 식생조사)

  • Lee, Yong-Chang
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.48 no.1
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    • pp.71-91
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    • 2018
  • In recent years, application of UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) to seed sowing and pest control has been actively carried out in the field of agriculture. In this study, UAS(Unmanned Aerial System) is constructed by combining image sensor of various wavelength band and SfM((Structure from Motion) based image analysis technique in UAV. Utilization of UAS based vegetation survey was investigated and the applicability of precision farming was examined. For this purposes, a UAS consisting of a combination of a VIS_RGB(Visible Red, Green, and Blue) image sensor, a modified BG_NIR(Blue Green_Near Infrared Red) image sensor, and a TIR(Thermal Infrared Red) sensor with a wide bandwidth of $7.5{\mu}m$ to $13.5{\mu}m$ was constructed for a low cost UAV. In addition, a total of ten vegetation indices were selected to investigate the chlorophyll, nitrogen and water contents of plants with visible, near infrared, and infrared wavelength's image sensors. The images of each wavelength band for the test area were analyzed and the correlation between the distribution of vegetation index and the vegetation index were compared with status of the previously surveyed vegetation and ground cover. The ability to perform vegetation state detection using images obtained by mounting multiple image sensors on low cost UAV was investigated. As the utility of UAS equipped with VIS_RGB, BG_NIR and TIR image sensors on the low cost UAV has proven to be more economical and efficient than previous vegetation survey methods that depend on satellites and aerial images, is expected to be used in areas such as precision agriculture, water and forest research.

Reasonable Adjustment plan of Administrative boundary for Cadastral Re-examination district - Based on the result of Cadastral resurvey in Songgi-ri - (지적재조사사업지구 내 행정구역경계 합리적 조정방안 - 지적재조사사업 송기지구 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Honng-Ryeol;Heo, Tae-Heon;Lee, Keon-soo
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.31-49
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    • 2018
  • The boundaries of administrative districts are the basic system for the whole country and are closely related to the daily life of the residents. The administrative boundary of Korea is registered and managed in the cadastral study based on the intellectual study of cadastral system. There is a non-conforming land where the registration details of some cadastral studies do not match the actual situation of the land, and the cadastral rehabilitation project is implemented as a national project to create a new digital cadastral study. However, due to the cadastral rehabilitation project, there is an unreasonable parcel that the past administrative boundaries and newly registered boundaries are different from each other due to the registration of the past administrative boundaries for the newly registered cadastral studies. The purpose of this study is to identify the unreasonable administrative boundaries arising from the cadastral rehabilitation project and to identify problems in order to effectively manage the number of branches in terms of administrative and administrative efficiency in terms of registration and inhabitants management. It is expected that the legal system will be improved to legitimately control the boundary of the administrative district and to manage the boundaries of the administrative district accordingly and to provide the service and to solve the inconvenience of the nation.

Georeferencing of Indoor Omni-Directional Images Acquired by a Rotating Line Camera (회전식 라인 카메라로 획득한 실내 전방위 영상의 지오레퍼런싱)

  • Oh, So-Jung;Lee, Im-Pyeong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.211-221
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    • 2012
  • To utilize omni-directional images acquired by a rotating line camera for indoor spatial information services, we should register precisely the images with respect to an indoor coordinate system. In this study, we thus develop a georeferencing method to estimate the exterior orientation parameters of an omni-directional image - the position and attitude of the camera at the acquisition time. First, we derive the collinearity equations for the omni-directional image by geometrically modeling the rotating line camera. We then estimate the exterior orientation parameters using the collinearity equations with indoor control points. The experimental results from the application to real data indicate that the exterior orientation parameters is estimated with the precision of 1.4 mm and $0.05^{\circ}$ for the position and attitude, respectively. The residuals are within 3 and 10 pixels in horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. Particularly, the residuals in the vertical direction retain systematic errors mainly due to the lens distortion, which should be eliminated through a camera calibration process. Using omni-directional images georeferenced precisely with the proposed method, we can generate high resolution indoor 3D models and sophisticated augmented reality services based on the models.

The Effects of Instruction Using Mind Map in Middle School Science Class (중학교 과학수업에서 학생들의 뇌기능 분화에 따른 마인드 맵을 활용한 수업의 효과)

  • Chung, Young-Lan;Lee, Joo-Youn
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.805-813
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    • 2004
  • Our educational system clearly places much greater value on left hemisphere learning. Students who process information in other ways are at a serious disadvantage and may not be learning efficiently. Since mind mapping emphasizing visual and spatial language, it helps students to use the whole brain and promotes more effective comprehension. The purpose of this research was to determine the effects of the instruction using mind map on the science achievement of students. A pretest-posttest control group design was employed. Subjects were 153 male and female, first grade students in a middle school. A control group of 83 was instructed with a traditional teaching method, and an experimental group of 70 was instructed by using a mind mapping strategy. Two groups were treated for 50 hours during 17 weeks. Tolerance's 'Style Of Learning And Thinking(SOLAT)' was used to assess students' lateralization preferences. A 30-item multiple choice posttest was used to assess students' achievement. To analyze the data, we used an analysis of covariance(ANCOVA) and i-tests. It was found that 21.6% of students was left brain dominant, 31.4%, right brain dominant and 47.1 % was integrated style. There was no gender difference in hemispheric dominance. Significant differences existed between the test scores when they were taught by using a mind map. Mind mapping turned out to be a valuable learning technique for the right brain students, helping them to achieve the same level of subject mastery as left brain students. There was a significant difference between males and females in relation to mind map application. Female scored significantly higher than males.

Measuring the Quantities of Aquaculture Farming Facilities for Seaweed, Ear Shell and Fish Using High Resolution Aerial Images - A Case of the Wando Region, Jeollanamdo - (고해상 항공영상을 활용한 김, 전복, 어류 양식장 시설량의 산출 - 전라남도 완도지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Jo, Myung-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.147-161
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    • 2011
  • Korea is surrounded by sea on three sides. This country has been supplied with a variety of aquaculture products cultivated on shores. There have recently been a lot of studies to have better understanding of the correct location and quantity of aquaculture farms for seaweed, ear shells and fish that cover a wide area of sea. And it is necessary to use the geographic information system and remote sensing to detect the aquaculture farms in order to effectively manage them. This study uses higher resolution aerial images(25 centimeters) than satellite images of 2~2.5-meter resolution that have been ever used, to conduct an accuracy detection of aquaculture farming facilities. It chooses as the case study area the Wando region that has aquaculture farms for seaweed, ear shells and fish. Aerial photos of the island were obtained in this study and an image correction of them was conducted. A spatial database was then constructed in this study and the detection of aquaculture farming facilities was performed. An analysis of facilities inside and outside the permitted areas reveals that there has been an increase in the facilities of seaweed and ear shell aquaculture farms outside the permitted areas. And also it tells that because the facilities of fish aquaculture farms have turned into those of ear shell aquaculture farms, there has been a decrease in permitted facilities, facilities detected on the basis of aerial images, and facilities outside the permitted area. It will be necessary to continuously control and manage the unpermitted facilities, regarding the increase in the facilities inside and outside the permitted area for seaweed and ear shell aquaculture farms. Because the facilities of aquaculture farms cover a wide range of areas(sea) in this manner, it is more effective to depend on high resolution aerial images than a field survey to detect and calculate the facilities. This study comes up with a plan for using aerial images to detect the location and the quantity of the fish aquaculture facilities and then effectively manage them.

Availability Evaluation of Quasi Static RTK Positioning for Construction of High Rise Buildings and Civil Structures (고가(高架)구조물의 정위치 시공을 위한 준스태틱RTK 측위의 적용성 실험)

  • Kim, In-Seop
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2011
  • During precise survey on the top of High rise buildings and civil structures, optical surveying equipments like a Total Station are not recommended to use because of some reasons that uneasier alignment with reflectors located at the top of building, increasing error depends on increasement of observation distance and unavailable dynamic positioning etc. Recently various GPS positioning methods have been applied to this job however almost of them are post-processing method which is required much longer time during for whole process includes stake-out, cross checking, fixing positions and final inspections. Therefore, in this study, we applied with RTK surveying system which allows stake-out and inspection in realtime to avoid delaying of construction schedule and also applied with Quasi Static RTK measurement and network adjustment to get a high accuracy within a few millimeters in structure positioning to achieve a successful management for process and quality control of the project. As a result, very high accurate surveying for structures within approx. 2mm in realtime has been achieved when surveyor conduct a network adjustment using least square method for 4 base lines created by Quasi Static RTK data and we expect this method will be applied to construction survey for high rise buildings and civil structures in the future.