• Title/Summary/Keyword: Spatial Information Control System

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Development of System for Real-Time Object Recognition and Matching using Deep Learning at Simulated Lunar Surface Environment (딥러닝 기반 달 표면 모사 환경 실시간 객체 인식 및 매칭 시스템 개발)

  • Jong-Ho Na;Jun-Ho Gong;Su-Deuk Lee;Hyu-Soung Shin
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.281-298
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    • 2023
  • Continuous research efforts are being devoted to unmanned mobile platforms for lunar exploration. There is an ongoing demand for real-time information processing to accurately determine the positioning and mapping of areas of interest on the lunar surface. To apply deep learning processing and analysis techniques to practical rovers, research on software integration and optimization is imperative. In this study, a foundational investigation has been conducted on real-time analysis of virtual lunar base construction site images, aimed at automatically quantifying spatial information of key objects. This study involved transitioning from an existing region-based object recognition algorithm to a boundary box-based algorithm, thus enhancing object recognition accuracy and inference speed. To facilitate extensive data-based object matching training, the Batch Hard Triplet Mining technique was introduced, and research was conducted to optimize both training and inference processes. Furthermore, an improved software system for object recognition and identical object matching was integrated, accompanied by the development of visualization software for the automatic matching of identical objects within input images. Leveraging satellite simulative captured video data for training objects and moving object-captured video data for inference, training and inference for identical object matching were successfully executed. The outcomes of this research suggest the feasibility of implementing 3D spatial information based on continuous-capture video data of mobile platforms and utilizing it for positioning objects within regions of interest. As a result, these findings are expected to contribute to the integration of an automated on-site system for video-based construction monitoring and control of significant target objects within future lunar base construction sites.

Analysis of Georeferencing Accuracy in 3D Building Modeling Using CAD Plans (CAD 도면을 활용한 3차원 건축물 모델링의 Georeferencing 정확도 분석)

  • Kim, Ji-Seon;Yom, Jae-Hong;Lee, Dong-Cheon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.117-131
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    • 2007
  • Representation of building internal space is an active research area as the need for more geometrically accurate and visually realistic increases. 3 dimensional representation is common ground of research for disciplines such as computer graphics, architectural design and engineering and Geographic Information System (GIS). In many cases CAD plans are the starting point of reconstruction of 3D building models. The main objectives of building reconstruction in GIS applications are visualization and spatial analysis. Hence, CAD plans need to be preprocessed and edited to adapt to the data models of GIS SW and then georeferenced to enable spatial analysis. This study automated the preprocessing of CAD data using AutoCAD VBA (Visual Basic Application), and the processed data was topologically restructured for further analysis in GIS environment. Accuracy of georeferencing CAD data was also examined by comparing the results of coordinate transformation by using digital maps and GPS measurements as the sources of ground control points. The reconstructed buildings were then applied to visualization and network modeling.

A Space-Time Cluster of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Outbreaks in South Korea, 2010~2011 (구제역의 시.공간 군집 분석 - 2010~2011 한국에서 발생한 구제역을 사례로 -)

  • Pak, Son Il;Bae, Sun Hak
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.464-472
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    • 2012
  • To assess the space-time clustering of FMD(Foot-and-Mouth Disease) epidemic occurred in Korea between November 2010 to April 2011, geographical information system (GIS)-based spatial analysis technique was used. Farm address and geographic data obtained from a commercial portal site were integrated into GIS software, which we used to map out the color-shading geographic features of the outbreaks through a process called thematic mapping, and to produce a visual representation of the relationship between epidemic course and time throughout the country. FMD cases reported in northern area of Gyounggi province were clustered in space and time within small geographic areas due to the environmental characteristics which livestock population density is high enough to ease transmit FMD virus to the neighboring farm, whereas FMD cases were clustered in space but not in time for southern and eastern area of Gyounggi province. When analyzing the data for 7-day interval, the mean radius of the spatial-time clustering was 25km with minimum 5.4km and maximum 74km. In addition, the radius of clustering was relatively small in the early stage of FMD epidemic, but the size was geographically expanded over the epidemic course. Prior to implementing control measures during the outbreak period, assessment of geographic units potentially affected and identification of risky areas which are subsequently be targeted for specific intervention measures is recommended.

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Initial Preliminary Studies in National Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) Stations of Daechung Reservoir

  • Lee, Sang-Jae;Lee, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Jong-Im;La, Geung-Hwan;Yoem, Min-Ae;Shin, Woong-Ghi;Kim, Hyun-Woo;Jang, Min-Ho;An, Kwang-Guk
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.42 no.4
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    • pp.476-486
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    • 2009
  • Major objective of our study was to introduce initial researches of national long-term ecological monitoring studies on Daechung Reservoir, as one of the representative lentic reservoir ecosystems in Korea. For the long-term ecological research (LTER), we conducted preliminary field monitoring during 2008~2009 and analyzed biological parameters such as phytoplankton, zooplankton, and freshwater fish along with chemical water quality and empirical model analysis. According to phytoplankton surveys, major taxa have varied largely depending on seasons and sites sampled. Overall phytoplankton data showed that cyanophyta dominated in the summer period and diatoms dominated in the winter. In zooplankton analysis, 25 species including 20 rotifers, 3 cladocerans and 2 copepods were collected during the survey. The relative abundance of rotifers (86.5%) was always greater than that of cladocerans (6.3%) or copepods (5.1%). There were distinct spatial and inter-annual changes in the abundance of zooplankton in the reservoir, displaying similar patterns in three sites with the exception of S3 during the study. According to fish surveys, 8 families and 39 species were observed during 2008~2009. The most dominant fish was an exotic species of Lepomis macrochirus (23%), indicating an severe influence of exotic species to the ecosystem. TP averaged $17.9\;{\mu}g\;L^{-1}$ ($6{\sim}80\;{\mu}g\;L^{-1}$), which was judged as a mesotrophy, and showed a distinct longitudinal gradients. TN averaged $1.585\;{\mu}g\;L^{-1}$ during the study and judged as hypereutrophic condition. Unlike TP, TN didn't show any large seasonal and spatial variations. Under the circumstances, nitrogen limitation may not happen in this system, indicating that nitrogen control is not effective in the watershed managements. These data generated in the LTER station will provide key information on long-term biological and water quality changes in relation to global warming and some clues for efficient reservoir ecosystem managements.

Index-based Searching on Timestamped Event Sequences (타임스탬프를 갖는 이벤트 시퀀스의 인덱스 기반 검색)

  • 박상현;원정임;윤지희;김상욱
    • Journal of KIISE:Databases
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.468-478
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    • 2004
  • It is essential in various application areas of data mining and bioinformatics to effectively retrieve the occurrences of interesting patterns from sequence databases. For example, let's consider a network event management system that records the types and timestamp values of events occurred in a specific network component(ex. router). The typical query to find out the temporal casual relationships among the network events is as fellows: 'Find all occurrences of CiscoDCDLinkUp that are fellowed by MLMStatusUP that are subsequently followed by TCPConnectionClose, under the constraint that the interval between the first two events is not larger than 20 seconds, and the interval between the first and third events is not larger than 40 secondsTCPConnectionClose. This paper proposes an indexing method that enables to efficiently answer such a query. Unlike the previous methods that rely on inefficient sequential scan methods or data structures not easily supported by DBMSs, the proposed method uses a multi-dimensional spatial index, which is proven to be efficient both in storage and search, to find the answers quickly without false dismissals. Given a sliding window W, the input to a multi-dimensional spatial index is a n-dimensional vector whose i-th element is the interval between the first event of W and the first occurrence of the event type Ei in W. Here, n is the number of event types that can be occurred in the system of interest. The problem of‘dimensionality curse’may happen when n is large. Therefore, we use the dimension selection or event type grouping to avoid this problem. The experimental results reveal that our proposed technique can be a few orders of magnitude faster than the sequential scan and ISO-Depth index methods.hods.

Analysis of Quantitative Topographical Change in Eulsuk-Island Using Aerial Images (항공영상을 이용한 을숙도 지형의 정량적 변화 분석)

  • Lee, Jae-One;Song, Yu-Jin;Kim, Yong-Suk;Park, Hong-Joo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.527-534
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    • 2011
  • This paper describes an analysis of topographical changes to the Eulsuk-Island at the Nakdong River Estuary using a long-term dataset of high resolution aerial images from 1983 to 2007. Ground control surveying was performed at some feature points using GPS(Global Positioning System) to accomplish AT(Aerial Triangulation) for past aerial images. Even if some still existing feature points appeared on old aerial images were used as GCPs(Ground Control Points) for past aerial images in AT, its accuracy reached at 1m level. Since then, a quantitative analysis of topographical changes was conducted on digital orthophotos produced by a series of aerial images taken by different years. The change volume of total area, construction, vegetation, buildings and roads could be extracted per each period in study area. The total area decreased from 1983 to 1992, but it has not almost changed since 1992. According to the continuous development, the area of vegetation has steadily decreased, while that of buildings and roads has generally increased. The result of this study can provide us with invaluable base data for further topographical change monitoring in Eulsuk-Island and Nakdong River estuary caused by continuous development in this area.

CAS 500-1/2 Image Utilization Technology and System Development: Achievement and Contribution (국토위성정보 활용기술 및 운영시스템 개발: 성과 및 의의)

  • Yoon, Sung-Joo;Son, Jonghwan;Park, Hyeongjun;Seo, Junghoon;Lee, Yoojin;Ban, Seunghwan;Choi, Jae-Seung;Kim, Byung-Guk;Lee, Hyun jik;Lee, Kyu-sung;Kweon, Ki-Eok;Lee, Kye-Dong;Jung, Hyung-sup;Choung, Yun-Jae;Choi, Hyun;Koo, Daesung;Choi, Myungjin;Shin, Yunsoo;Choi, Jaewan;Eo, Yang-Dam;Jeong, Jong-chul;Han, Youkyung;Oh, Jaehong;Rhee, Sooahm;Chang, Eunmi;Kim, Taejung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_2
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    • pp.867-879
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    • 2020
  • As the era of space technology utilization is approaching, the launch of CAS (Compact Advanced Satellite) 500-1/2 satellites is scheduled during 2021 for acquisition of high-resolution images. Accordingly, the increase of image usability and processing efficiency has been emphasized as key design concepts of the CAS 500-1/2 ground station. In this regard, "CAS 500-1/2 Image Acquisition and Utilization Technology Development" project has been carried out to develop core technologies and processing systems for CAS 500-1/2 data collecting, processing, managing and distributing. In this paper, we introduce the results of the above project. We developed an operation system to generate precision images automatically with GCP (Ground Control Point) chip DB (Database) and DEM (Digital Elevation Model) DB over the entire Korean peninsula. We also developed the system to produce ortho-rectified images indexed to 1:5,000 map grids, and hence set a foundation for ARD (Analysis Ready Data)system. In addition, we linked various application software to the operation system and systematically produce mosaic images, DSM (Digital Surface Model)/DTM (Digital Terrain Model), spatial feature thematic map, and change detection thematic map. The major contribution of the developed system and technologies includes that precision images are to be automatically generated using GCP chip DB for the first time in Korea and the various utilization product technologies incorporated into the operation system of a satellite ground station. The developed operation system has been installed on Korea Land Observation Satellite Information Center of the NGII (National Geographic Information Institute). We expect the system to contribute greatly to the center's work and provide a standard for future ground station systems of earth observation satellites.

Design and Implementation of HPC Job Management Framework for Computational Scientific Simulation (계산과학 시뮬레이션을 위한 HPC 작업 관리 프레임워크의 설계 및 구현)

  • Yu, Jung-Lok;Kim, Han-Gi;Byun, Hee-Jung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.554-557
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    • 2016
  • Recently, supercomputer has been increasingly adopted as a computing environment for scientific simulation as well as education, healthcare and national defence. Especially, supercomputing system with heterogeneous computing resources is gaining resurgence of interest as a next-generation problem solving environment, allowing theoretical and/or experimental research in various fields to be free of time and spatial limits. However, traditional supercomputing services have only been handled through a simple form of command-line based console, which leads to the critical limit of accessibility and usability of heterogeneous computing resources. To address this problem, in this paper, we provide the design and implementation of web-based HPC (High Performance Computing) job management framework for computational scientific simulation. The proposed framework has highly extensible design principles, providing the abstraction interfaces of job scheduler (as well as bundle scheduler plug-ins for LoadLeveler, Sun Grid Engine, OpenPBS scheduler) in order to easily incorporate the broad spectrum of heterogeneous computing resources such as cluster, computing cloud and grid. We also present the detailed specification of HTTP standard based RESTful endpoints, which manage simulation job's life-cycles such as job creation, submission, control and status monitoring, etc., enabling various 3rd-party applications to be newly created on top of the proposed framework.

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A study on the Derivation of Improvement Method for the Problems of the Current Land Category System - Focused on Land Category Classification and Conversion Cases - (현행 지목제도의 문제점에 대한 개선방안 도출에 관한 연구 - 지목의 설정과 변경 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Dae-Jiup;Shin, Man-Joong
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.67-80
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    • 2022
  • This study proposes a legal limit from the administrative and management standpoint of the city hall/county office/gu office, which is the cadastral authority, in relation to the discrepancy between the actual land use status and the cadastral study that has been continuously raised. And also, from the point of view of civil complaints such as landowners, this study tried to evaluate the practical problems of the current land category system from the point of view of civil complaints such as landowners and to derive a solution to these problems. Therefore, this study indicates how the category of land use is classified, and how land use is restricted by the laws of Registration & Management of public cadastre. Also, it shows the reasons why discrepancy between the land use fixed by the law and the current state of actual use of land occurs. Addtionally, This study suggests a plan to reorganize the Land Category system and it includes consolidation and subdivision of land. The study also describes a way to minimize the targets for conversion of land under control of Land Category System as well as to improve the law that protects the people's property rights.

FPGA-based One-Chip Architecture and Design of Real-time Video CODEC with Embedded Blind Watermarking (블라인드 워터마킹을 내장한 실시간 비디오 코덱의 FPGA기반 단일 칩 구조 및 설계)

  • 서영호;김대경;유지상;김동욱
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.8C
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    • pp.1113-1124
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we proposed a hardware(H/W) structure which can compress and recontruct the input image in real time operation and implemented it into a FPGA platform using VHDL(VHSIC Hardware Description Language). All the image processing element to process both compression and reconstruction in a FPGA were considered each of them was mapped into H/W with the efficient structure for FPGA. We used the DWT(discrete wavelet transform) which transforms the data from spatial domain to the frequency domain, because use considered the motion JPEG2000 as the application. The implemented H/W is separated to both the data path part and the control part. The data path part consisted of the image processing blocks and the data processing blocks. The image processing blocks consisted of the DWT Kernel fur the filtering by DWT, Quantizer/Huffman Encoder, Inverse Adder/Buffer for adding the low frequency coefficient to the high frequency one in the inverse DWT operation, and Huffman Decoder. Also there existed the interface blocks for communicating with the external application environments and the timing blocks for buffering between the internal blocks The global operations of the designed H/W are the image compression and the reconstruction, and it is operated by the unit of a field synchronized with the A/D converter. The implemented H/W used the 69%(16980) LAB(Logic Array Block) and 9%(28352) ESB(Embedded System Block) in the APEX20KC EP20K600CB652-7 FPGA chip of ALTERA, and stably operated in the 70MHz clock frequency. So we verified the real time operation of 60 fields/sec(30 frames/sec).