• Title/Summary/Keyword: Soil Extracts

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Neutralization of Rice Hull Charcoal with Nitric Acid Solution and its Neutritional Effect on Tobacco Seedling (연초용(煙草用) 상토재료(床土材料)로서의 왕겨숯(燻炭)의 질산중화효과(窒酸中和效果))

  • Lee, Y.H.;Hong, S.D.;Kim, Y.Y.;Jeong, H.C.;Kang, S.K.
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.130-136
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    • 1981
  • Rice hull was reduced to ash by carbonization grades to illcuidate alkalinity increase and extract of inorganic nutrients in the rice hull charcoal. Alkaline reaction of water extraction was neutral at less carbonized charcoal, but much carbonized ash from 65% weight loss reached over 10 of pH value, also origin shape of rice hull was maintained until near 65% carbonized grade. Therefore, physical properties sustained good condition for seedling bed. The more charcoal carbonized to ash, the pH value and concentration of inorganic nutrient in their extracts were increased gradually. Nitric acid concentrations for neutralizing extract from charcoal were stronger in proportion to the carbonized grade but 0.1 N nitric acid solution was very reasonable to neutralize the 65% carbonized charcoal for mixing with heavy texture acidy soil(pH 5.3) of uncultivated deep horizon to transplant the tobacco seedlings. Volume ratio mixing for seedling bed is adequate at five of ash to one of acid solution. Neutralization with nitric acid solution also accelerated extraction of the inorganic nutrient in rice hull ash. Tobacco seedlings grown on bed mixed with neutralized rice hull charcoal and soil had shown better results on the agronomic measurement than alkaline ash bed, and phosphorus and cations were uptaken more amounts.

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Development of SWAT SD-HRU Pre-processor Module for Accurate Estimation of Slope and Slope Length of Each HRU Considering Spatial Topographic Characteristics in SWAT (SWAT HRU 단위의 경사도/경사장 산정을 위한 SWAT SD-HRU 전처리 프로세서 모듈 개발)

  • Jang, Wonseok;Yoo, Dongsun;Chung, Il-moon;Kim, Namwon;Jun, Mansig;Park, Younshik;Kim, Jonggun;Lim, Kyoung-Jae
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.351-362
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    • 2009
  • The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, semi-distributed model, first divides the watershed into multiple subwatersheds, and then extracts the basic computation element, called the Hydrologic Response Unit (HRU). In the process of HRU generation, the spatial information of land use and soil maps within each subwatershed is lost. The SWAT model estimates the HRU topographic data based on the average slope of each subwatershed, and then use this topographic datum for all HRUs within the subwatershed. To improve the SWAT capabilities for various watershed scenarios, the Spatially Distributed-HRU (SD-HRU) pre-processor module was developed in this study to simulate site-specific topographic data. The SD-HRU was applied to the Hae-an watershed, where field slope lengths and slopes are measured for all agricultural fields. The analysis revealed that the SD-HRU pre-processor module needs to be applied in SWAT sediment simulation for accurate analysis of soil erosion and sediment behaviors. If the SD-HRU pre-processor module is not applied in SWAT runs, the other SWAT factors may be over or under estimated, resulting in errors in physical and empirical computation modules although the SWAT estimated flow and sediment values match the measured data reasonably well.

Ecological Characteristics of Introduced Species, Rumex acetosella (도입종 애기수영의 생태 특성)

  • 길봉섭;유현경;신성은;김영식;백순옥
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.413-421
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    • 1997
  • Ecological characteristics of Rumex acetosella have been studied both in the laboratory and in the field. R. acetosella grows well straight up after germination, elongating and thickening their rhizomes with sprouts erupting along their bodies of the rhizome. The number and development of leaves and ramets reach their peak by April. The size of leaves and the cover degree of the plant increase from April to May. R. acetosella is an ephemeral, a short life mode plant, finishing its life cycle in July or August. The germination and seedling growth of selected species exposed to aqueous extracts of R. acetosella were in inverse proportion to concentration. The growth of Rumex japonicus and Digitaria sanguinalis cultivated in soil with R. acetosella was more inhibited than that of the control. Twelve chemical compounds were identified from R. acetosella by GC and HPLC and verified by bioassay with the same chemical reagents. It would be assdumed that these chemical substances are responsible for the allelopathic effect of R. acetosella. In short, R. acetosella plants grow vigorously from April and maintain their superior competitive ability to other plants in forming their communities by emitting chemical substances into their environment.

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Efficacy of Different Seed Kernels against Root Knot Nematode Meloidogyne incognita in Mulberry

  • Chowdary, N.B.;Mukherjee, Sanchayita
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.133-138
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    • 2003
  • Five seed kernel namely, Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.), Pongamia (Pongamia glabra L. Pierre), Tamarind (Tamarindus indica L.), Mahua (Madhuca indica Gmel.) and Shikakai (Acacia cancinna De.) were tested against hatching of eggs and larval mortality of Meloidogyne incognita causing root knot disease in mulberry along with Furadan (Carbofuran) and Bionema (a bioformulation developed from Verticillium chlamydosporium) for comparison. Results revealed that highest hush-up of hatching was observed in Neem (77.40%) and Pongamia (75.99%) seed kernel extracts at 100% concentration over the check. Similarly, highest larval mortality was observed in Neem and Pongamia by 76.00% and 74.50%, respectively at 100% concentration after 72 hrs of exposure period. Pot culture studies revealed that pre-application of seed kernel powders (20 days before inoculation of nematode) found to be more effective in controlling the root knot disease than post application. In pre application of seed kernel powders, maximum reduction of root knots was observed in case of Neem seed kernel powder (54.85%) followed by Pongamia (51.9%). Similar trend was also observed in reduction of egg masses/plant and nematode population /250 cc soil. Rest of the seed kernel extracts was found to be less effective in suppression of hatching, enhancing the larval mortality and controlling the root knot disease. However, application of Furadan and Bionema tested for the comparison were found to be more effective than seed kernel powders. The generated information seems to be useful in developing an ecofriendly integrated approach for the control of root knot nematode disease in mulberry.

Antithrombotic Activity of Extracts from the Aromatic Herb Elsholtzia splendens

  • Kim, Won Shik;Lim, Yong
    • Biomedical Science Letters
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.277-280
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    • 2017
  • Elsholtzia splendens, which grows on moist soil of mountainous regions, is widely distributed at all regions of Korea, especially at Mountain Ji ri. It is categorized as a Labiatae plant which is dried aerial part. It has the following medicinal properties; removal of fever, alleviation of pain, a good antiphlogistic agent as well as antibacterial effects. However, the effects of E. splendens on thrombosis and platelet activation are not precisely understood. We performed this study to develop antithrombotic agents from oriental medicine herb extracts. E. splendens inhibited platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid and U46619 in a concentration dependent manner. E. splendens did not show an effect on anticoagulation as determined by prothrombin time (PT) or activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT). We also tested the effects of E. splendens using a carotid artery thrombosis rat model induced by 35% $FeCl_3$ treatment. E. splendens significantly inhibited thrombus weight compared with the control group. These results show that E. splendens may be developed as a potential antiplatelet activity agent for treatment of cardiocerebrovascular disease and atherosclerosis.

Assessment for the Comparability between Korean Ministry of Environment Standard and ISO Standard for the Determination of Heavy Metals in Soil (토양 중금속 함량 측정에 대한 토양오염공정시험기준과 국제표준간의 적합성 평가)

  • Shin, Gun-Hwan;Lee, Goon-Teak;Lee, Won-Seok;Kim, Ji-In;Kim, Bo-Kyong;Park, Hyun-Jeong
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2012
  • According to the agreement on WTO/TBT, we are under the situation to adopt international standard (ISO standard) as a national standard if it exists. However, in case of environmental area, it is a domestic legal obligation to use Korean environmental standard method(KESM) for analyzing various contaminants. Therefore it is necessary to assess the comparability between KEM and ISO standard prior to apply ISO standard to soil conservation law in Korea. The main purpose of this study is to assess the comparability of both methods for analyzing heavy metals in soil. We looked over various aspects like pre-treatment, calibration curve range, detection wavelength, soil organic matter content and so on. Apparently, the procedure of both methods is almost same. However in details, both methods are different in stationary time before aqua-regia extraction using reflux system, calibration curve range for Cu, Pb, Ni and measuring wavelength for Pb. According to the results of comparison test, the results were significantly different when the different calibration range was used. In case that all the extracts independent of methods were reanalyzed with the same calibration range of each method, both methods showed statistically same results. Other conditions like different stationary time, measuring wavelength of AAS and soil organic matter content did not have any influence on the analytical result. Therefore, we suggest to extend the calibration curve range to 0~8 mg/L which is used in KS I ISO standard(Korean standard related with environment which is translation version of ISO standard without any technical change). In case of $Cr^{6+}$, the results showed no significant differences between two methods even though the pretreatment, instrumentation and other analysis conditions were different. In addition to UV/Visble spectrometry of KESM for soil contamination, we suggest to adopt ion chromatography of ISO 15192(US EPA method 7199) for analyzing $Cr^{6+}$ with the consideration of laboratory work efficiency.

Immobilization of As and Pb in Contaminated Soil Using Bead Type Amendment Prepared by Iron NanoparticlesImpregnated Biochar (철 나노 입자가 담지된 바이오차 기반 비드 형태 안정화제를 이용한 비소 및 납 오염토양의 안정화)

  • Choi, Yu-Lim;Kim, Dong-Su;Kang, Tae-Jun;Yang, Jae-Kyu;Chang, Yoon-Young
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.247-257
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    • 2021
  • In this work, Iron Nano-Particles Impregnated BioChar/bead (INPBC/bead) soil amendment was developed to increase biochar's reactivity to As in soil and preventing possible wind loss. Prior to preparation of INPBC/bead, INPBC was produced utilizing lignocellulosic biomass and Fe(III) solution in a hydrothermal method, followed by a calcination process. Then, the bead type amendment, INPBC/bead was produced by cross-linking reaction of alginate with INPBC. FT-IR, XRD, BET, and SEM-EDS analyses were utilized to characterize the as-synthesised materials. The particle size range of INPBC/bead was 1-4 mm, and different oxygen-containing functional groups and Fe3O4 crystalline phase were produced on the surface of INPBC/bead, according to the characterization results. The soil cultivation test was carried out in order to assess the stabilization performance of INPBC/bead utilizing As and Pb-contaminated soil obtained from an abandoned mining location in South Korea. After 4 weeks of culture, TCLP and SPLP extraction tests were performed to assess the stabilization efficacy of the amendment. The TCLP and SPLP findings revealed that raising the application ratio improved stabilizing efficiency. The As stabilization efficiency was determined to be 81.56 % based on SPLP test findings for a 5% in (w/w) INPBC/bead treatment, and the content of Pb in extracts was reduced to the limit of detection. According to the findings of this study, INPBC/bead that can maintain pH of origin soil and minimize wind loss might be a potential amendment for soil polluted with As and heavy metals.

Allelopathic Effect of Sorghum Extract and Residues on Selected Crops and Weeds (수수의 타감작용(他感作用)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Kim, S.Y.;De Datta, S.K.;Robles, R.P.;Kim, K.U.;Lee, S.C.;Shin, D.H.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.34-41
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    • 1994
  • To better understand the allelopathic effect of sorghum(Sorghum vulgare L.), the inhibitory activities of water extracts of the stem, leaf and root, and of residues of the stem to major crops and weeds associated with them were evaluated. The allelopathic activity of sorghum plants was species specific, and depended on source and concentration. Germination, and shoot and root length of all test species were inhibited by the different concentrations of the stem extract. Among the crop species, radish showed the most inhibition, followed by wheat and rice. Maize was the least sensitive species. Of the weed species, Ipomoea triloba was most inhibited, followed by Echinochloa colona and Rottboellia cochinchinensis. The water extracts of leaves, stems, and roots significantly inhibited germination and seedling growth in E. colona and radish. The stem extract gave the greatest inhibitory effect on E. colona while all three extracts produced similar response in radish. In the greenhouse trial, sorghum stem residue placed on the soil surface as mulch significantly inhibited seedling growth in E. colona and radish, but not that in rice.

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Effect of Crude Extracts and Chopped Shoot Application of Allium spp. on Rice Growth (파속 식물의 조추출물과 경엽 처리가 벼의 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • 최상태;안형근;장영득
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    • v.41 no.6
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    • pp.625-633
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    • 1996
  • Crude extracts of 4 Allium SPP. such as welsh onion, onion, chinese chives and garlic were purified by paper chromatography and these activities were bio-assayed with rice seedlings. The stem and leaf slices of Allium spp. were treated and rice seedlings were planted in the soil to know the effect of its application on rice growth. The weak acidic fraction of Allium SPP. enhanced the growth and rooting of rice seedlings and had greater activity in promoting than in inhibiting the growth on rice seedling. Elongation of the second leaf sheath of the rice seedlings were not influenced by the extracts of Allium SPP. The stem and leaf application 10 days before transplanting, increased the number of effective tiller remarkably. Especially, the application of 50~400g welsh onion and 50~200g onions increased the number of spikelets per panicle compared to standard fertilization. But, in application of larger amounts, the-death rate of the rice seedlings after transplanting was higher in the stem and leaf application 10 days before transplanting than the one applied on the transplanting day. In particular, treatments of chinese chives and garlic showed higher death rate than those of welsh onion or onion. The stem and leaf application of Allium SPP. resulted in high yield than standard fertilization.

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Effects of Aqueous Extracts from Naturalized and Korean Wild Plants on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth of Zoysiagrass (자생식물과 귀화식물의 수용 추출액이 Zoysiagrass의 발아와 유근생장에 미치는 영향)

  • 김용옥;장남기
    • Asian Journal of Turfgrass Science
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.237-248
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    • 1998
  • The soil pH favored by Korean wild plants is 5.33~7.20, while naturalized invader species prefer soils of pH 3.95~6.48. The germination rate of Zoysia japonica was inhibited sharply, up to 60%, in extracts of naturalized plants of concentrations over 50%. Erigeron canadensis extract most strongly inhibited germination, while the Korean wild species, Cassia mimosoides var. nomame increased germination rates in concentrations of 30% and 50%. The seedling growth of Zoysia japonica in extracts of Korean wild species and naturalized species did not show differences, but was inhibited strongly, up to 60%, in the extract of Cassia mimosoides var. nomame concentration of over 15%. Analysis of the extract from Cassia mimosoides var. nomame identified procatechuic acid, $\rho$-hydroquinone, $\rho$-coumaric acid and ferulic acid at 254nm; and vanillic acid, hydroquinone, benzoic acid and cinnamic acid were discovered at 284nm. The seed germination and seedling growth of Zoysia japonica were investigated under different concentrations of phenolic compounds. Ferulic acid and vanillic acid were associated with an increased germination rate, while $\rho$-coumaric acid appeared to inhibit seedling growth.

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