• Title/Summary/Keyword: Soil Extracts

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Formation of Glucose Isomerase from Alkalophilic Streptomyces sp. B-2 (호알칼리성 Streptomyces sp. B-2의 Glucose Isomerase 생성조건)

  • 이은숙
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.35-39
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    • 1997
  • Studies on the glucose isomerase produced by alkalophilic Streptomyces sp. B-2. Glucose Isomerase (E. C. which reversibly catalyzes reaction between D-glucose and D-fructose was demonstrated in cell free extracts of alkalophilic Streptomyces sp. B-2 isolated form soil. The maximum enzyme activity was found at glucose concentration 4(g/$\ell$) , xylose concentration 6(g/$\ell$), magnesium ion 1.0(g/$\ell$), yeast extract concentration 2.0(g/$\ell$), peptone concentration 3(g/$\ell$).

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Screening of Cyanobacteria (Blue-Green algae) from Rice Paddy Soil for Anti-fungal Activity against Plant Pathogenic Fungi

  • Kim, Jeong-Dong
    • Mycobiology
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.138-142
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    • 2006
  • Soil cyanobacteria isolated from the rice paddy fields of 10 different locations across Korea were evaluated by agar plate diffusion test for antifungal activity. Aqueous, petroleum ether, and methanol extracts from one hundred and forty two cyanobacterial strains belonging to the 14 genera were examined for antifungal properties against seven phytopathogenic fungi causing diseases in hot pepper (Capsicum annuum L). Of total cyanobacteria, nine cyanobacteria (6.34%) exhibited antifungal effects. The nine cyanobacteria selected with positive antifungal activities were two species of Oscillatoria, two of Anabaena, three of Nostoc, one of Nodularia, and one of Calothrix. Alternaria alternata and Botrytis cinerea were inhibited by nine and eight species of cyanobacteria, respectively. Rhizopus stolonifer was suppressed by only methanol extract of Nostoc commune FK-103. In particular, Nostoc commune FK-103 and Oscillatoria tenuis FK-109 showed strong antifungal activities against Phytophthora capsici. Their antifungal activity at the late exponential growth phase is related to the growth temperature and not associated with the growth parameters such as cell biomass and $chlorophyll-{\alpha}$ concentration. The high inhibition levels of antibiotics were 22.5 and 31.8 mm for N. commune FK-103 and O. tenuis FK-109, respectively. The optimal temperature for antibiotic productivity was $35^{\circ}C$.

The Effect of Crude Extracts of Allium fistuiosum on the Seed Germination and Seedling Growth in Compositae (파의 조추출물질(組抽出物質)이 국화과(菊花科) 식물(植物)의 종자발아(種子發芽) 및 유묘생육(幼苗生育)에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Choi, Sang Tai;Shin, Hak Ki;Jung, Woo Yoon
    • Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences
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    • v.9
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    • pp.135-146
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    • 1991
  • This study was attempted to know the effect of crude extracts of Allium fistulosum on the seed germination and seedling growth in compositae. The result is as follows; The seed germination and seedling growth in the tested compositae were inhibited by the crude extracts from leaf blade, leaf sheath and root of Allium fistulosum. Generally the crude extracts from leaf blade part showed the highest inhibitory effect in the tested parts. The seed germination was inhibited by the crude extracts of Allium fistulosum extracted with 80% methyl alcohol and distilled water. But the crude extracts which had extracted with distilled water indicated more inhibitory effect than that of 80% methyl alcohol. The seedling growth was depressed by the root residues of Allium fistulosum in the soil after harvesting. The crude extracts had the character of stability in light and heat. Some out of the inhibitors contained the volatile substances.

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The controversial points and a remedy on evaluation of heavy metal contamination in standard method for examination of soil in Korea. (국내 토양오염 공정시험방법중 중금속 관련 오염평가의 문제점과 개선책)

  • 오창환;유연희;이평구;박성원;이영엽
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.63-83
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    • 2001
  • Heavy metals are extracted from stream sediments, roadside soils and sediments and soils and tailings from mining area using partial extraction, acid digestion and HF-digestion. Compared to amounts of heavy metals extracted using partial extraction, those extracted using acid digestion are higher by 2.0∼221 times in Cu, 2.4∼2806 times in Pb, 1.3∼121 times in Cd, 14. 1∼1300885 times in Fe, 1.2∼272 times in Mn, 1.3∼373 times in Zn, 2.2∼1735 times in Cr. There is no special relationship between the extracted amounts of heavy metals using partial extraction and those using acid digestion. However, it is possible that there is a certain relationship between those using acid digestion and those using HF-digestion. Although partial extraction, which extracts less amounts of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb) from soil compared to acid digestion, is used in domestic standard method for examination of soil, domestic soil standard for heavy metals in non-agricultural and industrial areas is higher than soil standard in foreign countries which use acid digestion. For improvement of the domestic standard method for assessment of soil, it is suggested to lower the domestic soil standard for heavy metals or to change pretreatment method for extracting heavy metals from partial extraction to acid digestion with modifying the soil standard.

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Antimicrobial Activities of Extracts from Several Native and Exotic Plants in Korea (수 종의 한국자생식물과 귀화식물 추출액이 토양미생물에 미치는 항균활성)

  • Kim, Yong-Ok;Lee, Eun-Ju;Lee, Ho-Joon
    • The Korean Journal of Ecology
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.353-357
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    • 2000
  • The soil pH favored by several native plants in Korea ranges 5.33∼7.20, while a more acidic range of pH 3.95∼6.10 is acceptable to exotic plants. Ethanol extracts of native and exotic plants in Korea were investigated for antimicrobial activity against Bacillus sphiaericus 2362, Bacillus thuringiensis var. subtilis and Bacillus thuringiensis var. cereus and Actinomycetes. Higher antimicrobial activity was observed from the extract of exotic plants than those of native plants. The ethanol extract of Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior was observed to have the highest antimicrobial activity against 4 species of soil microbes. Especially, antimicrobial activity of Ambrosia artemisiifolia var. elatior showed the largest clear zone of 48mm in Actinomycetes. Larger clear zone was formed in the order of caffeic acid, benzoic acid and ρ -coumaric acid among the nine chemical compounds. Accordingly, the antimicrobial activity of Ambrosia artemisiifolia var elatior against Actinomycetes was found to be due to the synergetic effect of chemical compounds.

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Available Phosphours Phosphorus and Electrical Conductivity of the Saturated Extracts of Soils from the Plastic Film Houses (포화침출액법에 의한 시설하우스 토양의 유효인산과 전기전도도)

  • Jung, Yeong-Sang;Cho, Su-Hyun;Yang, Jae E.;Kim, Jeong-Je;Um, Hyung-Sik
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2000
  • Management of phosphorus availability in the plastic film house soils in Korea merits attention because salts have been accumulated for last decades due to the heavy application of fertilizers and intensive cropping practices. In an attempt to characterize the P availability, available phosphorus contents and electrical conductivity of the saturated extracts ($EC_e$) were measured for soils collected from the 169 plastic film houses in Kangwon-do. Soil phosphorus contents were analyzed by methods of Lancaster, Bray No. 1, Olsen, Truog, water extractable and saturation extracts. Phosphorus concentrations in the saturated extracts of the plastic film house soils ranged from 0.02 to $34mg\;L^{-1}$, with the average of $8mg\;L^{-1}$. The available $P_2O_5$ of the soils ranged from 136 to $3,689mg\;Kg^{-1}$, with the average of $1,261mg\;Kg^{-1}$. The water soluble $P_2O_5$ ranged from 2 to $118mg\;L^{-1}$, with the average of $39mg\;L^{-1}$. A significant correlation existed between saturation extract P (Y) and available $P_2O_5$ (X) [Y = -5.075 + 0.018X, $r=0.662^{***}$] indicating $1.0mg\;P\;L^{-1}$ of in the saturated extract was equivalent to $337mg\;Kg^{-1}$ of the available $P_2O_5$ by Lancaster method. Electrical conductivity of the saturated pastes ($EC_e$) was highly significantly correlated with EC (1:5), yielding the slope of 12.2 for the coarse textured plastic film house soils. Results of higher concentrations of available P in soil solution and dilution factor of 12.2 for $EC_e$ demonstrate that a special care must be taken in terms of fertilizer management and data interpretation for soils under this specific condition.

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Characterization of microbial communities and soil organic carbon degradation associated with the depth and thawing effects on tundra soil in Alaska (Alaska 툰드라 토양의 깊이 및 해동 영향에 따른 미생물 군집과 토양 유기 탄소 분해 특성)

  • Park, Ha Ju;Kim, Dockyu;Park, Hyun;Lee, Bang Yong;Lee, Yoo Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.365-374
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    • 2016
  • In high-latitude regions, temperature has risen ($0.6^{\circ}C$ per decade) and this leads to the increase in microbial degradability against soil organic carbon (SOC). Furthermore, the decomposed SOC is converted into green-house gases ($CO_2$ and $CH_4$) and their release could further increase the rate of climate change. Thus, understanding the microbial diversity and their functions linked with SOC degradation in soil-thawing model is necessary. In this study, we divided tundra soil from Council, Alaska into two depth regions (30-40 cm and 50-60 cm of depth, designated as SPF and PF, respectively) and incubated that for 108 days at $0^{\circ}C$. A total of 111,804 reads were obtained through a pyrosequencing-based metagenomic study during the microcosm experiments, and 574-1,128 of bacterial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and 30-57 of archaeal OTUs were observed. Taxonomic analysis showed that the distribution of bacterial taxa was significantly different between two samples. In detail, the relative abundance of phyla Actinobacteria and Firmicutes largely increased in SPF and PF soil, respectively, while phyla Crenarchaeota was increased in both soil samples. Weight measurement and gel permeation chromatography of the SOC extracts demonstrated that polymerization of humic acids, main component of SOC, occurred during the microcosm experiments. Taken together our results indicate that these bacterial and archaeal phyla could play a key function in SOC degradation and utilization in cold tundra soil.

Herbicidal Activity of Aqueous Extracts from Solanum viarum (Dunal) (왕도깨비가지 수용성 추출물의 제초 활성)

  • Kim, Tae-Keun;Kim, Hyoun-Chol;Song, Jin-Young;Ha, Young-Sam;Kang, Jeong-Hwan;Woo, Seong-Bae;Song, Chang-Khil;Son, ,Chang-Khi
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.65-82
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    • 2011
  • In order to evaluate the weed suppressing effect of Solanum viarum Dunal. In this study species diversity in patch of S. viarum and allelopathic effects of the aqueous extracts on S. viarum were investigated. Number of species and species diversity in site close to patch of S. viarum were decreased gradually 1site ($7.7{\pm}2.0,\;1.5{\pm}0.2$), 2site ($5.3{\pm}1.2,\;1.2{\pm}0.2$) and 3site ($4.0{\pm}1.7,\;0.9{\pm}0.1$). And total phenolic compounds of soil in survey area were increased gradually site1 ($0.16{\pm}0.01mg\;g^{-1}$), site2 ($0.17{\pm}0.01mg\;g^{-1}$) and site3 ($0.22{\pm}0.02mg\;g^{-1}$). So the number of species and species diversity (r=-0.692, P<0.05) were negatively correlated with increased total phenolic compounds of soil in the survey area. The relative germination ratio, the mean germination time, the relative elongation ratio, the fresh weight and the dry weight of receptor plants are generally getting decreased while the concentration of the aqueous extracts from S. viarum escalate. But every ratio was various depending on the growing regions, the kind of receptor plants and the treatment of the aqueous extracts. Especially, the radicle by injection of the aqueous extracts concentration of S. viarum was influenced more than the shoot on the same condition. The total phenolic compounds on region of S. viarum was gradually increased in stems (fresh $0.56{\pm}0.02mg\;g^{-1}$, dry $1.58{\pm}0.08mg\;g^{-1}$), roots (fresh $1.77{\pm}0.07mg\;g^{-1}$, dry $2.64{\pm}0.06mg\;g^{-1}$), leaves (fresh $6.01{\pm}0.14mg\;g^{-1}$, dry $7.04{\pm}0.29mg\;g^{-1}$), seeds (fresh $6.21{\pm}0.17mg\;g^{-1}$, dry $9.08{\pm}0.73mg\;g^{-1}$) in order. On the contrary, the negative correlation on germination and growth of receptor plants was shown by total phenolic compounds on the each parts of S. viarum. We think that the aqueous extracts of S. viarum showed allelopathic effects on other plants. Therefore, S. viarum holds the higher competitiveness in plant community in Jeju Island and makes possibility of application as natural herbicide.

Determination of Allelopathic Activity in Dominant Upland Weeds (밭 주요(主要) 우점잡초의(優占雜草) ALLELOPATHY 작용성(作用性) 검색(檢索))

  • Chun, J.C.;Han, K.W.;Jang, B.C.;Shin, H.S.
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.156-164
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    • 1987
  • Allelopathic activity of dominant upland weed species was determined using aqueous and methanol extracts and dried residues of the weeds. Germination and seedling growth of radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) were greatly inhibited by 2% (w/v) aqueous extracts of Artemisia asiatica Nakai and Portulaca oleracea L., respectively. Great phytotoxicity on both indicator plants occurred by 2% (w/v) aqueous extracts of Capsel/a bursa-pastoris (L.) Medik. A complete inhibition in germination and seedling growth of radish was caused by 2% (w/v) methanol extract of A. asiatica. There was about 90% inhibition in germination and seedling growth of sesame due to 2% (w/v) methanol extracts of A. asiatica, P. oleracea and Trifolium repens L. Phytotoxic effects varied with extract solution, weed species and indicator plants employed, indicating that the weed species contained different contents and kinds of allelopathic chemicals. Water potential and pH adjusted to those of the extracts did not affect germination and seedling growth of the indicator plants. Phytotoxicity increased with increasing concentration of the extracts obtained from four suspected alleopathic weeds. Soil-incorporated plant residues of A. asiatica and P. oleracea caused greater phytotoxicity on radish than those of C. bursa-pastoris and T. repens.

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Spore Germination of Some Plant Pathogenic Fungi under Different Soil Conditions in Relation to Soil Fungistasis (토양조건에 따른 몇가지 식물병원균의 포자발아와 토양정균 현상)

  • Lee Min Woong;Choi Hae Jung;Shim Jae Ouk
    • Korean Journal Plant Pathology
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.157-164
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    • 1985
  • Some interactions in various soil conditions, numbers of microbial populations, root rot disease development and rates of spore germiation in three different location of soils were investigated. The calcium and magnesium contents were higher in replanted fields of ginseng (Panax ginseng) at Goesan. Potassium contents were high in replanted field at Poonggi and textural class of the soils was silt loam except for silt clay loam in first cultured field of ginseng at Goesan. For the germination process of Fusarium solani, F. moniliforme, F. oxysporum, and Alternaria panax, the percentage germination of fungal spores was high in double distilled water and Pfeffer's solution as media, whereas the lower rate of germination of spores was observed in soil extracts. Numbers of bacteria were high in replanted field soil at Gumsan, and propagules of fungi in replanted fields at Gumsan and Poonggi were higher than other soils, but higher numbers of actinomycetes were found in the first cultured field of ginseng at Goesan and Poonggi. Fungistasis was induced by higher microbial populations present in soil that was initiated when amended with garlic stalk, crushed bean and ginseng leaves. On the other hand, there was no fungistasis in soil amended with wheat and barley straw, and this tendency was a little difference on the soil sample.

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