• Title/Summary/Keyword: Software Quality-in-use

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An Effective Data Analysis System for Improving Throughput of Shotgun Proteomic Data based on Machine Learning (대량의 프로테옴 데이타를 효과적으로 해석하기 위한 기계학습 기반 시스템)

  • Na, Seung-Jin;Paek, Eun-Ok
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.889-899
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    • 2007
  • In proteomics, recent advancements In mass spectrometry technology and in protein extraction and separation technology made high-throughput analysis possible. This leads to thousands to hundreds of thousands of MS/MS spectra per single LC-MS/MS experiment. Such a large amount of data creates significant computational challenges and therefore effective data analysis methods that make efficient use of computational resources and, at the same time, provide more peptide identifications are in great need. Here, SIFTER system is designed to avoid inefficient processing of shotgun proteomic data. SIFTER provides software tools that can improve throughput of mass spectrometry-based peptide identification by filtering out poor-quality tandem mass spectra and estimating a Peptide charge state prior to applying analysis algorithms. SIFTER tools characterize and assess spectral features and thus significantly reduce the computation time and false positive rates by localizing spectra that lead to wrong identification prior to full-blown analysis. SIFTER enables fast and in-depth interpretation of tandem mass spectra.

Evaluation of Virtual Grid Software (VGS) Image Quality for Variation of kVp and mAs (관전압과 관전류량 변화에 대한 가상 그리드 소프트웨어(VGS) 화질평가)

  • Chang-gi Kong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.725-733
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of virtual grid software (VGS). The purpose of this study is to evaluate the changes in energy and object thickness by dividing the use of VGS into two cases (Without-VGS) without using a movable grid. We attempted to determine the effectiveness of VGS by acquiring images using a chest phantom and a thigh phantom and analyzing SNR and CNR. In the chest phantom and femoral phantom, the tube flow was fixed at 2.5 mAs, and the tube voltage was changed by 10 kVp from 60 to 100 kVp to measure SNR and CNR, and SNR was about 1.09 to 8.86% higher in the chest phantom than in Without-VGS, and CNR was 4.18 to 14.56% higher in the VGS than in Without-VGS. And in the femoral phantom, SNR was about 9.78 to 18.05% higher in VGS than in Without-VGS, and CNR was 21.07 to 44.44% higher in VGS than in Without-VGS. The tube voltage was fixed at 70 kVp in the chest phantom and the femoral phantom, and the amount of tube current was changed at 2.5 to 16 mAs, respectively, and after X-ray irradiation, SNR and CNR were measured in the chest phantom, which was about 1.49 to 11.11% higher in VGS than in Without-VGS, and CNR was 4.76 to 13.40% higher in VGS than in Without-VGS. And in the femoral phantom, SNR was about 2.22 to 17.38% higher in VGS than in Without-VGS, and CNR was 13.85 to 40.46% higher in VGS than in Without-VGS. Therefore, if an inspection is required with a mobile X-ray imaging device, it is believed that good image quality can be obtained by using VGS in an environment where it is difficult to use a mobile grid, and it is believed that the use of mobile X-ray devices can be increased.

Component-Z: A Formal Specification Language Extended Object-Z for Designing Components (Component-Z: Object-Z를 확장한 컴포넌트 정형 명세 언어)

  • 이종국;신숙경;김수동
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.677-696
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    • 2004
  • Component-based software engineering (CBSE) composes reusable components and develops applications with the components. CBSE is admitted to be a new paradigm that reduces the costs and times to develop software systems. The high quality of component designs can be assured if the consistency and correctness among the elements of a component are verified with formal specifications. Current formal languages for components include only some parts of contracts between interfaces, structural aspects and behavioral aspects of component, component-based system, component composition and variability. Therefore, it is not adequate to use current formal languages in all steps of a component design process. In this paper, we suggest a formal language to specify component designs Component-Z. Component-Z extends Object-Z, adds new notations to specify components. It can be possible to specify interfaces, the inner structure of a component, inner workflows, and workflows among interfaces with Component-Z. In addition, Component-Z provides the notations and semantics to specify variability with variation points, variants and required interfaces. The relation between interfaces and components is defined with mapping schemas. Parallel operator is used to specify component composition. It can be possible to describe deployed components with the specifications of component-based systems. Therefore, the formal specification language proposed in this paper can represent all elements to design components. In the case study, we specify an account management system in a bank so that we show that Component-Z can be used in all steps of component design.

Geometric Accuracy of KOMPSAT-2 PAN Data According to Sensor Modeling (센서모델링 특성에 따른 KOMPSAT-2 PAN 영상의 정확도)

  • Seo, Doo-Chun;Yang, Ji-Yeon
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.75-82
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    • 2009
  • In order to help general users to analyze the KOMPSAT-2 data, an application of sensor modeling to commercial software was explained in this document. The sensor modeling is a basic step to extract the quantity and quality information from KOMPSAT-2 data. First, we introduced the contents and type of ancillary data offered with KOMPSAT-2 PAN image data, and explained how to use it with commercial software. And then, we applied the polynomial-base and refine RFM sensor modeling with ground control points. In the polynomial-base sensor modeling, the accuracy which is average RMSE of check points is highest when the satellite position was calculated by type of 1st order function and the satellite attitude was calculated by type of 1st order function for (Y axis), (Z axis) or constant for (X axis), (Y axis), (Z axis) in perspective center position and satellite attitude parameters. As a result of refine RFM sensor modeling, the accuracy is less than 1 pixel when we applied affine model..

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A Study on the Values and Practices of the Extreme Programming for Its Adoption (극한프로그래밍 방법론 도입을 위한 가치와 실천에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Hyun;Lee, Sang-Joon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.269-280
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    • 2008
  • The choice of appropriate methodologies has always been a challenge. It is time to find obstacles when Extreme programming(XP) is adopted. In this paper, we invest status of adoption of XP methodology which is more popularized. We survey how the Values and the Practices of XP can be adopted to developer in terms of the usefulness and the easy of use of XP. As a result, it is regarded as a successful one in improving quality and timeliness through software development process. The Values and Practices, a basis of XP philosophy and its adoption, could be easily accomplished, but other elements - communication, feedback. collective ownership, pair programming, simple design and customer participation - which do not depend on technology could not be accomplished easily. To introduce XP easily in the creative and labor intensive software development fields, the managers and the educators have to make efforts to apply these Values and Practices based on humane characteristics as well as technical elements.

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Case study of extended reality education and field application of pre-service elementary teachers (예비 초등교사의 확장현실 교육 및 현장 적용 사례 연구)

  • Junghee Jo;Gapju Hong
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.307-315
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to design a training program for pre-service elementary teachers, incorporating the concepts of extended reality technologies. This program contained the basic skills necessary for them to utilize in their future classrooms. To accomplish this, 12 undergraduate students of various majors enrolled in one of Korea's national universities of education were selected as research subjects. For a total of 6 times over 6 weeks, they participated in a training program learning the basic concepts of virtual, augmented, and mixed reality, as well as creating their own education software to use in simulated classes. To improve the quality of future research efforts, this study found it would be beneficial to: 1) expand the relevant support equipment, 2) provide students with preliminary, background knowledge of text-based programming, 3) introduce short-term, more intensive training, and 4) improve the survey methods for this research.

Factors Affecting the Implementation Success of Data Warehousing Systems (데이터 웨어하우징의 구현성공과 시스템성공 결정요인)

  • Kim, Byeong-Gon;Park, Sun-Chang;Kim, Jong-Ok
    • Proceedings of the Korea Society of Information Technology Applications Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.234-245
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    • 2007
  • The empirical studies on the implementation of data warehousing systems (DWS) are lacking while there exist a number of studies on the implementation of IS. This study intends to examine the factors affecting the implementation success of DWS. The study adopts the empirical analysis of the sample of 112 responses from DWS practitioners. The study results suggest several implications for researchers and practitioners. First, when the support from top management becomes great, the implementation success of DWS in organizational aspects is more likely. When the support from top management exists, users are more likely to be encouraged to use DWS, and organizational resistance to use DWS is well coped with increasing the possibility of implementation success of DWS. The support of resource increases the implementation success of DWS in project aspects while it is not significantly related to the implementation success of DWS in organizational aspects. The support of funds, human resources, and other efforts enhances the possibility of successful implementation of project; the project does not exceed the time and resource budgets and meet the functional requirements. The effect of resource support, however, is not significantly related to the organizational success. The user involvement in systems implementation affects the implementation success of DWS in organizational and project aspects. The success of DWS implementation is significantly related to the users' commitment to the project and the proactive involvement in the implementation tasks. users' task. The observation of the behaviors of competitors which possibly increases data quality does not affect the implementation success of DWS. This indicates that the quality of data such as data consistency and accuracy is not ensured through the understanding of the behaviors of competitors, and this does not affect the data integration and the successful implementation of DWS projects. The prototyping for the DWS implementation positively affects the implementation success of DWS. This indicates that the extent of understanding requirements and the communication among project members increases the implementation success of DWS. Developing the prototypes for DWS ensures the acquirement of accurate or integrated data, the flexible processing of data, and the adaptation into new organizational conditions. The extent of consulting activities in DWS projects increases the implementation success of DWS in project aspects. The continuous support for consulting activities and technology transfer enhances the adherence to the project schedule preventing the exceeding use of project budget and ensuring the implementation of intended system functions; this ultimately leads to the successful implementation of DWS projects. The research hypothesis that the capability of project teams affects the implementation success of DWS is rejected. The technical ability of team members and human relationship skills themselves do not affect the successful implementation of DWS projects. The quality of the system which provided data to DWS affects the implementation success of DWS in technical aspects. The standardization of data definition and the commitment to the technical standard increase the possibility of overcoming the technical problems of DWS. Further, the development technology of DWS affects the implementation success of DWS. The hardware, software, implementation methodology, and implementation tools contribute to effective integration and classification of data in various forms. In addition, the implementation success of DWS in organizational and project aspects increases the data quality and system quality of DWS while the implementation success of DWS in technical aspects does not affect the data quality and system quality of DWS. The data and systems quality increases the effective processing of individual tasks, and reduces the decision making times and efforts enhancing the perceived benefits of DWS.

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Automatic Source Code Generating Technique from Design Patterns (디자인 패턴에 대한 소스코드 자동 생성 기법)

  • Kim, Woon-Yong;Choi, Young-Keun
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.9D no.5
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    • pp.847-858
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    • 2002
  • A purpose of the object-oriented programming is to promote reuse and development time, and to improve software quality. A way for this purpose is using a design information well-defined and tested in previous time when developing software. Such design information is called design patterns. The design patterns are descriptions of abstract solution to recurse software design problems In a systematic and general way. But because the design patterns are descriptions of abstract solution, the specification and application of patterns generally rely on manual implementation and is applied to various forms. As a result, we need to spend a lot of time to develop software program not only because of difficulty in analyzing and applying to patterns consistently, but also because of the frequent programing faults. And because the applied design patterns don't express inside application visually, it is difficult to analyze and test for this design patterns. In this paper, we propose automatic source code generating technique to be able to efficiently apply the element of design patterns when developing application. And we show a way to analyze and use the applied design patterns in application. As a result, the design patterns in application provide the consistent structure and efficiency, and make analysis and using effect increased.

Implementation of Panoramic Realistic Images with the Use of Ultra High Definition(UHD) TV (초고선명(UHD)TV를 이용한 파노라마 실감영상구현)

  • Moon, Dae-Hyuk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.7
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    • pp.411-418
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    • 2016
  • Digital broadcast environment led to the emergence of UHDTV following HDTV. The demands for realistic images which are created with the use of UHDTV have been applied to various fields. Of various application methods, multiplanar imaging, which is used to display high definition image contents after multiple HD or UHD displays are connected with each other up and down, and left and right, is often applied to display images and the advertising market. Today, the firms that make high-definition multiplanar images mostly use their independently developed program. Therefore, it costs higher than other general works. For the reason, multiplanar image contents are mostly made in the way of enlarging HD images over 2 to 5 times. In this experiment, the software application widely known for UHDTV based multiplanar images is applied to test a method of implementing UHD panoramic realistic images without quality degradation.

Development Process of Systems Engineering Management Plan(SEMP) for Large-Scale Complex System Programs (대형 복합 시스템 개발을 위한 효과적인 시스템공학 관리계획 개발 프로세스)

  • 유일상;박영원
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.82-90
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    • 2003
  • The Systems Engineering, as a methodology for engineering and management of today's ever-growing complex system, is a comprehensive and iterative problem-solving process. The process centers on the analysis and management of the stakeholders' needs throughout the entire life-cycle of a system and searches for an optimized system architecture. There are many essential needs and requirements to be met when a system development task is carried out. Systems Engineering Management Plan(SEMP), as a specification for system development process, must be established to satisfy constraints and requirements of stakeholders successfully and to prevent cost overrun and schedule delay. SEMP defines technical management functions and comprehensive plans for managing and controlling the entire system development process, specialty engineering processes, etc. Especially. in the case of a large-scale complex system development program where various disciplinary engineering such as mechanical; electrical; electronics; control; telecommunication; material; civil engineering etc. must be synthesized, it Is essential to develop SEMP to ensure systematic and continuous process improvements for quality and to prevent cost/schedule overruns. This study will enable the process knowledge management on the subject of SEMP as a core systems engineering management effort, that is, definitely defining and continuously managing specification of development process about requirements, functions, and process realization of it using a computer-aided systems engineering software. The paper suggests a systematic SEMP development process and demonstrates a data model and schema for computer-aided systems engineering software, RDD-100, for use in the development and management of SEMP. These are being applied to the systems engineering technology development task for the next-generation high-speed railway systems in progress.